单词 | 裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症 —Duchenne muscular dystrophySee also:肌肉萎缩症—muscular dystrophy
收益基金将用于研究防治杜 氏肌肉萎缩症 , 这是一种在儿童时期肌肉萎缩,并在成年发病致命的遗传性疾病。 iontime.ch | The proceeds fund the research against Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a genetic illness which is weakening the muscles of children and becomes fatal with the onset of adulthood. iontime.ch |
鼓励成立各种协会,负责对居家的严重残疾人提供援助,因 为 肌肉萎 缩症患者 对获得此种援助的要求尚未得到满足。 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment of associations to assist severely disabled [...] persons in the home should be encouraged, given the unmet needs of [...] persons with muscular dystrophy for such assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,及早診斷和治療,配合職業治 療和復康用具等的使用,可幫助患者保持活動機能,減 慢 肌肉退 化和萎縮,亦減少併發症和有 助提高生活質素。 legco.gov.hk | However, early diagnosis and treatments, accompanied by occupational therapy and the use of [...] rehabilitation aids, could [...] help slow down the deterioration, lower the emergence of complications and improve patients' [...]quality of life. legco.gov.hk |
作出努力,将某些残疾视同 肌肉萎缩症 那 样 ,增列在可全额支付其治 疗费用的慢性疾病清单中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts should be made to add certain disabilities to the list of chronic illnesses that [...] are fully covered, as muscular dystrophy is. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近的研究证明,一组痴呆性疾病及一种叫 做 肌萎缩 性 脊 髓侧索硬 化 症 或 ALS 的 肌肉 疾 病 有着类似的遗传学特征,其中包括一个特定的蛋白质序列的重复和扩展。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Recent work has shown that a [...] group of dementia disorders and a muscle disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [...]or ALS share similar [...]genetic characteristics, including the repeat and expansion of a specific protein sequence. chinese.eurekalert.org |
我在英國倫敦出生長大,曾在超過15個國家發行過暢銷歌曲,CD銷售超過50萬張,並且曾與許多音樂人和音樂團體同台演出,其中包括:布萊恩‧亞當斯,喬治‧麥可,賽門與葛芬柯,MC哈默,瓦尼拉‧艾斯,超級男孩,傑斯,新好男孩 , 裘 汀 ‧ 史芭克絲,在「舞林群星會」(Dancing with the Stars)中獲得優勝的德瑞克‧霍夫,蜜西‧艾莉特,瑪麗‧布萊姬,陽光大衛,非凡人物合唱團等等。 mormon.org | I was born and raised in London, England,and has had hits in over 15 countries, selling over half a million Cd's and have performed alongside such groups as Bryan Adams, George Michael, Simon Garfunkel,MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, N'SYNC, Jay-Z, The Backstreet Boys, Jordyn Sparks,Dancing with the stars winner Derek Huff Missy Elliott, Mary. mormon.org |
区护士的职责是,为残疾儿童及其家庭提供协助和咨询(如有必要,与 [...] 家庭医生和其他主管专家合作),以在照管的家庭防止健康、心理和环境危害, 确认这种危害,为正确的生活方式和建立和谐 温 馨 家 庭环境提供帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is the duty of the district nurse to provide assistance and consultancy for the child with disability and his family (in cooperation with the family doctor and other competent specialists, if necessary) and to prevent health, mental and environmental endangering in the family cared for, to recognize such [...] endangering, to give help to the right life style and to the establishment of [...] a harmonic and tender family environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
花了大约508至公元彼得后书,2John,3Jo hn , 裘 德 和 启示是包括在叙利亚文圣经版本,增加了早22,然后到佳能同意以同样的27个图书新约在西方。 mb-soft.com | It took until around 508 AD that [...] 2Peter, 2John, 3John, Jude and Revelation [...]were included in a version of the Syriac Bible, [...]adding to the earlier 22, to then agree with the same 27 Book New Testament Canon as in the West. mb-soft.com |
稍 後 , 禁 毒 處更計劃 去 信 全港所 有 小學生 及 家長,並且透 過 互 動 遊 戲 的 方 法,鼓勵家長多 與 子 女 溝 通 , 建 立 親 子 關係, 以期用較 溫 馨 的 方 法宣揚 禁 毒 信 息 。 legco.gov.hk | The Division has even planned to write to all primary school students and their parents, and to make use of interactive games, to encourage parents to enhance communication with their children in order to build up a parent-children relationship, hoping that the anti-drug message can be disseminated through a warm approach. legco.gov.hk |
圣裘德医院是世界上首屈一指的研究和治疗儿童灾难性疾病的中心,主要治疗小儿 癌 症。 light-sources.com | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is one of the world's premier centers for the research and treatment of pediatric cancer and other catastrophic [...] childhood diseases. light-sources.com |
本联合会目标与主要活动:该组织的目的是在尊重多样性、具体的情况和期 望的情况下为病人及其家人提供帮助, 为 肌萎缩 侧 索硬 化 症 , 亦 称“萨尔 科 氏 病” 和其他运动神经元疾病研究提供支持,鼓励所有针对这些疾病及这些疾病导致的 残疾的创新措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | : The aims of the organization are to support patients and their families while showing respect for their diversity, circumstances and wishes, to support research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Charcot’s disease, and other motor neuron diseases and to encourage all initiatives to combat these diseases and address the disabilities they cause. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此之前,他提出由他寡居的父亲,博物馆工作者 ( 裘 德 洛 )。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Previously, he was raised by his widowed [...] father, a museum worker (Jude Law). seekcartoon.com |
霍金 先生雖然是一位肌肉萎縮症的病 患者,但他有機會接受高等教育,所以,他 的發展跟香港肌肉萎縮症的小 朋友不同。 legco.gov.hk | Although Prof HAWKING is [...] suffering from muscular dystrophy, he had the chance to receive higher education, so his development was different from kids who are suffering from muscular dystrophy in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
神经科主管头痛 [...] Clinic、癫痫治疗及咨询、脑中风诊疗及治疗、帕金 森 氏 病 、神 经 肌肉 疾 病(神经电图检查、肌电图检查), 并进行脑波检查。 chn.busanmc.or.kr | Neurology treats and counsels headache clinic, epilepsy, stroke and Parkinson's disease, [...] carries out nerve conduction [...] test and electromyogram(EMG) test of neuromuscular diseases [...]and electroencephalography(EEG) and treats them. eng.busanmc.or.kr |
正如其他先進國家般,我們為肌肉萎 縮 症 患 者 所提供的康復服務 和支援包括身體機能的保養、日常生活技能的訓練、住宿/家居 照顧、特殊教育、職業康復、輔助儀器的提供、優先房屋編配和 改裝,以及殘疾津貼等。 legco.gov.hk | As in the case of other advanced countries, we provide PMDs with rehabilitation and support services, including maintenance of functional capacity, training of daily living skills, residential/home care, special education, vocational rehabilitation, provision of assistive devices, priority for housing allocation and modification, and disability allowance, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
實驗室多位成員獲得國家級和國際級殊榮:包括一位 中國工程院院士及國際歐亞科學院院士;一位山西省 「百人計劃」的外地專家;兩位裘槎 基 金會的優秀科 研者獎;一項被國際權威科學雜誌《自然》列為「五 個可能改變世界的作物研究者之一」。 legco.gov.hk | Laboratory members have won important national and international recognitions, including one Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and International Eurasia Academy of Sciences, one foreign specialist, through the Provincial 100-Talent Program of Shanxi, two Croucher Foundation Senior Research Fellows, and one featured by Nature, a leading scientific journal, as one of “Five Crop Researchers Who Could Change the World”. legco.gov.hk |
这种遗传性疾病,只针对儿童,特点 为 萎缩 的 肌肉 引 起肺部和心脏的并 发 症 , 并在成年发病致命。 iontime.ch | This genetic illness, which affects only children, [...] is characterized by a [...] weakening of muscles and leads to lung and cardiac complications that become [...]fatal with the onset of adulthood. iontime.ch |
於本公佈日期,先傳媒董事會由執行董事劉竹堅先生及林美蘭女士,非執行董事溫兆 裘先生 、李澄明先生及Peter Stavros Patapios Christofis先生,以及獨立非執行董事林李 靜文女士、鄭炳權先生及何大衞先生組成。 1010printing.com | As at the date of this announcement, the board of Cinderella comprises Mr. Lau Chuk Kin and Ms. Lam Mei Lan as executive directors, Mr. Wan Siu Kau, Mr. Lee Ching Ming, Adrian and Mr. Peter Stavros Patapios Christofis as non-executive directors and Mrs. Ling Lee Ching Man, Eleanor, Mr. Cheng Ping Kuen, Franco and Mr. Ho David as independent non-executive directors. 1010printing.com |
BCAA补充剂可能会提高癌症患者 的食欲,并抑制 慢 肌萎缩 性 脊 髓侧索硬 化 症 ( AL S)的发展。 cn.iherb.com | BCAA supplements may improve appetite in cancer patients and slow the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). iherb.com |
AAD-2004的对症性和缓解疾病的潜力已经在早老性痴呆病 、 肌萎缩 性 侧 索硬 化 症 和 帕金森病动物模型中得到了验证。 tipschina.gov.cn | Anti-symptomatic and disease-modifying potential of AAD-2004 has been verified in animal models of AD, ALS, and PD. tipschina.gov.cn |
鋁會引起氧化損傷,這一直被認為會導致帕金 森 氏症 和 肌萎 縮 性 側索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS);而一般劑量的普通制酸劑,就含有多達400毫克的鋁。 myhealthyhome.com | Aluminum can induce oxidative damage, which has been linked to Parkinson's and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)—yet a typical dose of your regular antacids can contain as much as 400 mg of aluminum. myhealthyhome.com |
(d) 使用滑鼠有困難( 例如視障或患有肌肉萎縮症) 的人士,可能只會使用鍵盤瀏覽網頁。 legco.gov.hk | (d) users who may be less adept at using mouse, [...] such as persons with visual impairment [...] or those with neuromuscular impairments, may [...]need to use the keyboard without a mouse to browse a website. legco.gov.hk |
AAD-2004是一种具有清除自由基和PGE2的双重药效药品,后者是引发阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease)(AD)、帕金森氏症(Parkinson's disease)(PD)和肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral [...] sclerosis)(ALS)等疾病的神经损伤的关键介体。 tipschina.gov.cn | Ltdhas begun dosing in the Phase 1 clinical testing of AAD-2004AAD-2004 was developed as a dual function drug to remove free radicals and PGE2, the key mediators of nerve injury in [...] Alzheimer's disease (AD), [...] Parkinson's disease (PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)The Phase 1 clinical [...]trial was initiated [...]to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of AAD-2004 in healthy volunteers in April, 2010The first two cohorts of the clinical study have been successfully completed without serious adverse events. tipschina.gov.cn |
风湿病指关节、肌肉及韧 带等发生于肌-骨系统的各种疾病。不仅包括风湿性关节炎、狼疮(Lupus)、骨关节炎(退行性关节炎)、强直性脊椎炎、风症等典型的风湿性疾病,而且还包括系统性硬 化 症 ( S y st emic Sclerosis)、多发性肌炎、 斯蒂尔病、血管炎、白 塞 氏 病 、纤 维 肌 痛 综 合征等100多种疾病。 chn.busanmc.or.kr | Rheumatic diseases mean several ones that occur in [...] articulation, muscle and ligament and includes various diseases with more than 100 kinds including systemic sclerosis, polymyositis, still`s disease, vasculitis, Behcet's disease, fibromyalgia syndrome as well as rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, degenerative arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, etc. Division [...]of rheumatology [...]professionally treats these rheumatic diseases. eng.busanmc.or.kr |
为让幼儿行使自己的权利,必须满足他们的特殊需要,包括提供高 质量的保健和营养服务、安全和温馨 的 环 境,在这样的环境里,他们可以在父母 和其他主要照护人的细心指导下游戏、学习和探索。 daccess-ods.un.org | To exercise their rights, young children have particular requirements, including access to quality health and nutrition services and safe and emotionally fulfilling environments where they can play, learn and explore, under the responsive guidance of parents and other primary caregivers. daccess-ods.un.org |