单词 | 裘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裘noun—furn裘—fur coatsurname QiuExamples:集腋成裘—many hairs make a fur coat (idiom); many small contributions add up sth.big many a mickle makes a muckle 裘皮n—furn 肥马轻裘—lit. stout horses and light furs fig. live in luxury
花了大约508至公元彼得后书,2John,3John,裘德和启示是包括在叙利亚文圣经版本,增加了早22,然后到佳能同意以同样的27个图书新约在西方。 mb-soft.com | It took until around 508 AD that [...] 2Peter, 2John,3John, Judeand Revelation [...]were included in a version of the Syriac Bible, [...]adding to the earlier 22, to then agree with the same 27 Book New Testament Canon as in the West. mb-soft.com |
在此之前,他提出由他寡居的父亲,博物馆工作者(裘德洛)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Previously, he was raised by his widowed [...] father, a museum worker(Jude Law). seekcartoon.com |
事 实上, 香港有很 多 [...] 基 层 人士,所 谓 积少成 多 , 聚 沙 成 塔 , 集 腋成裘,所以我们绝 不 可 小看小额 存 户 对 银 行 的 影响力。 legco.gov.hk | We must not underestimate the influence of small depositors on banks. legco.gov.hk |
我的案头上也有很多深 浅程度不一、由民间所做的研究报告,我们会了解民间的意见,看看 怎样可以众志成城、集腋成裘,做好这方面的计划。 legco.gov.hk | On my desk, there are many study reports of varying degrees of complexity produced by various organizations in the community. legco.gov.hk |
华 宝 信 托 投 资 有 限 责 任 公 司 於2005年11月 将 其 持 有 的 本 公 司 所 有 股 份 全 部 转 让 给 玉 龙(毛里裘斯)有 限 公 司。 zte.com.cn | Fortune Trust & Investment Company Ltd. transferred its entire shares in the Company to Jade Dragon (Mauritius) Company Limited in November 2005. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
我在英国伦敦出生长大,曾在超过15个国家发行过畅销歌曲,CD销售超过50万张,并且曾与许多音乐人和音乐团体同台演出,其中包括:布莱恩‧亚当斯,乔治‧麦可,赛门与葛芬柯,MC哈默,瓦尼拉‧艾斯,超级男孩,杰斯,新好男孩,裘汀‧史芭克丝,在「舞林群星会」(Dancing with the Stars)中获得优胜的德瑞克‧霍夫,蜜西‧艾莉特,玛丽‧布莱姬,阳光大卫,非凡人物合唱团等等。 mormon.org | I was born and raised in London, England,and has had hits in over 15 countries, selling over half a million Cd's and have performed alongside such groups as Bryan Adams, George Michael, Simon Garfunkel,MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, N'SYNC, Jay-Z, The Backstreet Boys, Jordyn Sparks,Dancing with the stars winner Derek Huff Missy Elliott, Mary. mormon.org |
妃子答应了,条件是拿齐国那一件天下无双的狐白裘(用白色狐腋的皮毛做成的皮衣)做报酬。 chinesestoryonline.com | The consort promised to help but bargained that she must get a rare white fox fur coat the same as the one of Lord Meng Chang. chinesestoryonline.com |
实验室多位成员获得国家级和国际级殊荣:包括一位 中国工程院院士及国际欧亚科学院院士;一位山西省 「百人计划」的外地专家;两位裘槎基金会的优秀科 研者奖;一项被国际权威科学杂志《自然》列为「五 个可能改变世界的作物研究者之一」。 legco.gov.hk | Laboratory members have won important national and international recognitions, including one Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and International Eurasia Academy of Sciences, one foreign specialist, through the Provincial 100-Talent Program of Shanxi, two Croucher Foundation Senior Research Fellows, and one featured by Nature, a leading scientific journal, as one of “Five Crop Researchers Who Could Change the World”. legco.gov.hk |
在杰米里和裘德(Jude)访问期间,他给他们提供了很多重要的建议。 peaceoneday.org | He gave Jeremyand Jude important advice [...] during their visit. peaceoneday.org |
於本公布日期,先传媒董事会由执行董事刘竹坚先生及林美兰女士,非执行董事温兆裘先生、李澄明先生及Peter Stavros Patapios Christofis先生,以及独立非执行董事林李 静文女士、郑炳权先生及何大衞先生组成。 1010printing.com | As at the date of this announcement, the board of Cinderella comprises Mr. Lau Chuk Kin and Ms. Lam Mei Lan as executive directors, Mr. Wan Siu Kau, Mr. Lee Ching Ming, Adrian and Mr. Peter Stavros Patapios Christofis as non-executive directors and Mrs. Ling Lee Ching Man, Eleanor, Mr. Cheng Ping Kuen, Franco and Mr. Ho David as independent non-executive directors. 1010printing.com |
这可叫孟尝君作难了,因为刚到秦国,他便把这件狐白裘献给了秦昭王。 chinesestoryonline.com | This news made Lord Meng Chang even more desperate, [...] because hehad onlyone white fox [...]fur coat which he had already presented to the king as gift. chinesestoryonline.com |
我们希望在 香 港现有的 西 医 和中医基础 上 , 将 有关研究集腋成裘,令中 、西医 可以发扬光大。 legco.gov.hk | We hope that we can put together all the findings on the existing basis of Chinese and Western medical practice in Hong Kong, so that we can help the further development of Chinese and Western medicinal practice. legco.gov.hk |
圣裘德医院是世界上首屈一指的研究和治疗儿童灾难性疾病的中心,主要治疗小儿癌症。 light-sources.com | St.Jude Children'sResearch [...] Hospital is one of the world's premier centers for the research and treatment of pediatric [...]cancer and other catastrophic childhood diseases. light-sources.com |
我们的商界真厉害,可说是无远弗届,生意遍及洪都拉斯、毛里裘斯、海地等这些在地图上要很细心才可找到的地方。 legco.gov.hk | Our business sector is really remarkable, and they reach practically all corners of the world, even including places such as Honduras, Mauritius and Haiti, which canonly befound on the map with great care. legco.gov.hk |
据称邵裘德因拒绝贿赂当地税务审计官而被当局以逃税罪指控。 embassyusa.cn | Shao had been charged with tax evasion for allegedly refusing to pay bribes to local tax auditors. eng.embassyusa.cn |
财经事务及库务局局长:我们当然会考虑各位议员的建议,集思广益, 希望能够集腋成裘,提出一个妥善的方案。 legco.gov.hk | As "many drops of water will make an ocean", we hope to come up with a comprehensive proposal. legco.gov.hk |
Mango国际拓展部副总裁兼大中华区首席执行官David Sancho Grau先生,大中华区拓展总监刘素娟女士,集团拓展部高级总监刘禹彤女士,阳光新业集团副总裁吴尧先生,瑞景阳光商业管理公司总经理李睿先生、新业阳光商业管理公司总经理梁绍裘先生、瑞菱阳光商业管理公司总经理文斌先生,商业管理中心副总监华林女士,以及各商业公司和集团商业管理中心的专业团队出席了此次会议。 yangguangxinye.com | Those present in the exchange meeting include: Mr. David Sancho Grau, Vice-President and CEO (Greater China Region) of the International Development Department of Mango, Ms. Liu Sujuan, Chief Supervisor (Greater China Region) of the International Development Department, Ms. Liu Yutong, Senior Chief Supervisor of the Development Department of the Group, Mr. Wu Rao, Vice-President of YangGuang, Mr. Li Rui, General Manager of Ruijing YangGuang Retail Asset Management Company, Mr. Liang Shaoqiu, General Manager of Xinye YangGuang Retail Asset Management Company, Mr. Wen Bin, General Manager of Ruiling YangGuang Retail Asset Management Company, Ms. Hua Lin, Deputy Director of the Retail Asset Management Center, and professional Retail Asset management teams of YangGuang. yangguangxinye.com |
由NAFA推出的Northern Lights,采用先进的裘皮工艺和设计款式,为年轻的消费者提供了国际设计师系列的服装和配饰。 nafa.ca | Northern Lights by NAFA takes a cutting edge approach to fur techniques and shapes and gives the young consumer an exhilarating international designer collection of accessories and garments. nafa.ca |
奥利提到,一些书的人到有争议的一些:希伯来书,彼得后书,2John,3John,詹姆斯,裘德,巴拿巴的书信,牧羊人的hermas,didache和'福音根据希伯来人的。 mb-soft.com | Origen mentioned that a number of Books [...] were disputed by some: Hebrews, 2Peter, 2John, [...] 3John, James, Jude, the Epistle of [...]Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hermas, the Didache, [...]and the 'Gospel according to the Hebrews'. mb-soft.com |
2006年12月29日,玉 龙(毛里裘斯)有 限 公 司 的 股 份 解 锁。 zte.com.cn | On 29 December 2006, the shares of the Company owned by Jade Dragon (Mauritius) Company Limited were unlocked. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
本学系成员获得的外部奖项包括两次英国皇家统计学会授予的「银质盖伊奖项」,一次国际数学地质协会授予的「克伦宾奖项」,2000年度在「中国国家自然科学奖一等奖」悬空的情况下成为(数学二等奖)唯一得奖项目,两次「国家教育部自然科学奖(二等奖)」,两次香港「裘槎基金会资深研究员奖」。 daao.hku.hk | The research awards won by its members include two Silver Guy Medals of the Royal Statistical Society, one Krumbein Award from the International Association for Mathematical Geology, one Chinese National Natural Science Awards (sole winner of Class II Award in mathematics) in 2000 when no Class I Award was given, two Chinese Education Ministry Natural Science Awards (Class II), two Croucher Foundation senior Research Fellow awards in Hong Kong,and atleast one award in each of the five categories of HKU research awardincluding the Distinguished Research Achievement Award. daao.hku.hk |
云裘系列的背心夹克由四块形状规则的毛皮版拼接。 luxe-immo.com | The Yun Qiu collection of gilet jackets are formed from four symmetrical fur panels. luxe-immo.com |
在香港特别行政区创新科技委员会和裘槎基金会的资助下,香港大学和香港大学李嘉诚医学院干细胞及再生医学研究组聯同Days of Molecular Medicine Global Foundation、美国科学促进聯会、瑞典卡羅林斯卡学院和Fondation IPSEN 合办是次的「再生医学的重组工程」会议。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | The meeting, with sponsorships from the Innovative Technology Commission (ITC) of the HKSAR and the Croucher's Foundation, is hosted by SCRMC and the University of Hong Kong, jointly with Days of Molecular Medicine Global Foundation, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)/Science Translational Medicine, Karolinska Institutet and Fondation IPSEN. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
这个门客在夜里从狗洞钻进秦王的宫殿,轻易地钻进贮藏室把狐裘偷出来。 chinesestoryonline.com | At that night, the follower sneaked into the king's palace though a dog door, taking the coat back unnoticed. chinesestoryonline.com |
自二零零四╱零五年度开始,艺发局一直为裘槎香港慈善基金管理“ 艺 发局艺术奖学金” ,以及为裘槎香港慈善基金及英国列斯大学管理“ 艺发局 列斯大学奖学金” 。 legco.gov.hk | Since 2004-05, HKADC has been administering the “HKADC Arts Scholarships” for the Croucher Hong Kong Charitable Trust and the “HKADC – University of Leeds Scholarships” for the Croucher Hong Kong Charitable Trust and the University of Leeds. legco.gov.hk |
齐柏林飞船乐队 (Led Zeppelin) 曾在这里原班人马演出最後一场英国音乐会;皇后乐队 (Queen) 在此跟佛莱迪·墨裘瑞(Freddie Mercury) 演出最後一次;绿洲乐队 (Oasis) 在这里举行的音乐会,亦成为英国史上最快售罄门票的一个。 visitbritain.com | It’s here that Led Zeppelin played their last ever UK gig with the original line-up, Queen played their last gig with Freddie Mercury, and Oasis headlined the fastest-selling concert in British history. visitbritain.com |
伊:PGS 2009已於八月廿七、廿八日在秘鲁首都利马市裘奇购物广场会议中心举行,共有来自秘鲁、智利、阿根廷、美国、巴拿马、斯洛维尼亚、英国、奥地利、义大利、保加利亚、赛普勒斯、台湾、中国、澳洲等地近卅家厂商及媒体参加,展出大型台、拉霸机以及零配件等产品,同时吸引了秘鲁、阿根廷、智利、厄瓜多、委内瑞拉、巴拿马、美国、台湾、中国、澳洲及欧洲等地一千多名的专业人士到场参观,场面极为热闹。 taiwanslot.com.tw | There were gambling/ gaming machines, slot machines, parts and accessories, and many other products showcased at PGS, attracting more than 1,000 professional visitors from Peru, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, America, Taiwan, China, Australia and Europe. taiwanslot.com.tw |
Hermès店中分别布置了这三个地方的场景设定,并娓娓道来它们的品茗文化 — 淡淡的莲花茶是越南名产、味道刺激的羊奶茶代表乌鲁木齐的好客热情;而清甜的香草茶则是美丽的毛里裘斯小岛送给外宾最好的见面礼物。 think-silly.com | The subtly scented light lotus tea is a specialty from Vietnam, the robust tea with goat milk tea represents the passionate hospitality of the Urumqi people; the mint tea with distinct sweetness is the ideal present for guests visiting Mauritis islands. think-silly.com |