

单词 装疯卖傻

See also:


pretend to be naive
act stupid

External sources (not reviewed)

如果是向你的远程客户发布你的PHP应用程序,Zend Server傻瓜式的安装可方便快捷并且无故障的进行部署。
If you ship your PHP application to a remote customers, Zend
[...] Server’s unattended installer facilitates fast and [...]
trouble-free deployments.
[...] 年期间,圭亚那出现了以前从未发生过的大规模暴力事件,由 数百名公民,包括儿童在内,被全副 装 的 犯 罪团 疯 狂 杀 害。
The years 2002-2007 saw an upsurge in violent crime never witnessed
before during which several hundred citizens, including children,
[...] were senselessly killed by heavily armed criminal gangs.
现在,谁疯狂的释放卖出) 选项,而潜在的滔天承担义务这样做呢?
Now, who would be crazy to release (sell) options, [...]
whereas potentially monstrous assumes obligations to do so?
卖方的水井装了相 关设备,必须计量,以交易全部未使用的许可水量。
If the sellers bore is equipped, it must be metered in order to trade whole or part of the unused licence volume.
颜色已被GIFTOUR集东西杯的经典产品在2008年,的小偷愤怒变色杯, 2 0 0 9 疯 狂 卖 我 爱 你改变变色杯,在全球集限制到1000套,只有“新年希望彩色玻璃集的限制,以适应”,在神奇的变化,我们可以体验到跨时刻感动,这是这杯特别的概念设计师,他希望使用这样的产品,以显示在过渡时间的变化,09至10不再是一个简单的数字改变,它会处理性能,过渡的回忆,展现了梦想,找到希望
Color has been GIFTOUR set things cup's classic product, in 2008
the thief rage
[...] discoloration cup, 2009 crazy sell I love you change color cup, to the global [...]
set limit to 1000 sets of
only "New Year wishes color glass set limit to suit", in the change of the magic we can experience the moved across time moment, this is this cup special concept designer, he hopes that the use of such products, to display the time changes in the transition, 09 to 10 is no longer a simple digital change, it will process performance, transition memories, show the dream, find hope!
[...] [...] 两个国际法庭;这两个法庭的规约、《国际刑事法院罗马规约》和《塞拉利昂问 题特别法庭规约》将基于性别的暴力(例如强奸、强 卖 淫 和在 武 装 冲 突 中从事卖)以 及酷刑或其他残忍、不人道和侮辱人格的待遇和奴役罪包括在战争罪和 [...]
The statutes of the two International Tribunals created by the Security Council to address crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone all include gender-based
violence, such as
[...] rape, enforced prostitution and trafficking during armed conflict, as well [...]
as torture or other cruel, inhuman
and degrading treatment, and enslavement, within the definition of war crimes, crimes against humanity and as components of the crime of genocide.
解释得妙极了”;“这简直是一份行政工 傻 瓜 指 南或工具,信息和知识十分完整,这 [...]
The explanations are fantastic”;
[...] “It’s like an IDIOT’S GUIDE or TOOL [...]
for AOs, with thorough information and knowledge that
AOs often want to ask but are sometimes afraid to ask”.
最 後 , 如 果 政 府 真 的 授 權 如此立法,我 希望各位議員即 使真的 不支持民 主 黨 , 也請大 家 在 下一階 段 , 不要贊 成政府在身 份 證卡面 列出或在晶片內 儲 存 “ 那傻 " 的 資料。
Lastly, if the Government really proceeds to enact laws in such a way, I hope Honourable colleagues, even if they really do not support the Democratic Party, will not agree to the Government including such "stupid" information on the face of the ID card or storing such information in the chip at the next stage.
燃料消耗降低以及渔获物增加 20%,成为鼓励渔民使用新的减少副渔获装置的经济卖点。
A reduction of fuel consumption and a 20
per cent increase in
[...] catch were economic selling points that encouraged fishermen to use the new by-catch reduction devices.
如 果 我們不 徹 查 買 車 事件,容許梁司長以“公
私 分得太 開"等極 為 牽 強的理由開脫 ,除 了 像 余若薇議員於上星 期
[...] 指 出 政 府當香港人 是傻 仔 " 外 , 亦 會 令 人 關 [...]
注 香港在回歸 後 , 內 地 貪污腐敗、以權 謀 私 的 官 場 文 化 是 否 也
會 融 入香港, 令香港過去二三十年 艱 苦 建 立的廉潔社 會 因而一 筆 勾 消。
If we do not investigate the incident thoroughly, allowing the Financial Secretary to put forward such feeble excuses as "separating private and official businesses too clearly", then apart from the fact
that the Government was treating the Hong
[...] Kong people as "idiots", as pointed [...]
out by Ms Audrey EU last week, this will also
cause the people to worry about whether the culture of the mainland officialdom such as corruption and abuse of power would be spread to Hong Kong after the reunification, thereby ruining overnight the clean society Hong Kong has built up during the past 20 to 30 years amidst great hardship.
Loango 是大西洋沿海的纪念胜地之一,曾 是从内地向大西洋运送黑奴的运输通道的终点站,黑奴在 装 船 被 贩 卖 至 新 大陆。
Loango is one of the main sites of memory along the Atlantic coast, situated at the end of the caravan routes used to transport slaves from the hinterland to the Ocean and from where they were shipped to the New World.
如果买方所提供的货物与其 他不属于买方物品一装配,卖方可 以要求按购买该新装配货 品的发票金额按比例的对物品享有所有权。
If the object supplied is processed together [...]
with other articles not belonging to us we shall acquire ownership of the new
object in proportion of the value of the amount invoiced to the purchase price of the other articles processed.
创业于1869年的SAYEGUSA是一家在银座已有140年以上历史、面向日本儿童传递西服魅力的 装 「 专 卖 店 」
Sayegusa, established in 1869 in Ginza, is a specialty store
of children’s clothing that has brought the charm of western-style clothing to
[...] Japanese children for more than 140 years.
买方应在发现声称错误或缺陷后,尽快将有关材料 和工艺缺陷呈交给卖方,且应向卖方提供机会,以调查和更正声称的错误或缺陷,在任何情况 下,买方均必须在交货后一(1)年内或 装 后 一(1)年内(如 卖 方 安 装 ) 将有关错误或缺陷通 知卖方。
Any such defect in material and workmanship shall be presented to seller as soon as such alleged errors or defects are discovered by purchaser and seller is given opportunity to investigate and correct alleged errors or defects and in all cases, buyer must have notified seller thereof within one (1) year after delivery, or one (1) year after installation if the installation was accomplished by the seller.
这是有趣的,当我们回忆起一个合适的刺激,十五岁之前,曾写信给奥古斯丁的杰罗姆(插曲cxlii)“不要对我兴奋的无知,谁崇敬作为主教 傻 的 人 群,并接受你与荣誉,由于一主教当你朗读在教会里,而他们认为我没有什么,一个老人,在近老朽我在该国的孤独寺院。
This is amusing, when we remember that Jerome in a fit of irritation, fifteen before, had
written to Augustine (Ep. cxlii) "Do not excite
[...] against me the silly crowd of the [...]
ignorant, who venerate you as a bishop, and
receive you with the honour due to a prelate when you declaim in the Church, whereas they think little of me, an old man, nearly decrepit, in my monastery in the solitude of the country.
任何屋主都不会允许盗贼疯狂掠夺,任何国家的任何军队都不会允许战争 贩子对其不可侵犯的领海发起先发制人的攻击。
There is no house owner who will allow a robber to go on a rampage and no army of any country who will allow warmongers to make a pre-emptive attack on its inviolable territorial waters.
的1980s现今设置在一疯狂的 最大启发的后世界末日的未来世界所取代原来的版本,革新的故事情节,主角郎,原本一个高学校学生Hara的早期故事,成为一个老年人更坚忍的英雄李小龙的启发。
The storyline was revamped, with the 1980s
present-day setting in the original
[...] version replaced by a Mad Max-inspired post [...]
apocalyptic future world, and the protagonist
Kenshiro, originally a high school student in Hara’s earlier story, became an older and more stoic hero inspired by Bruce Lee.
此次的独家合作,虚宝内容不仅只有SCAR-LIGHT突击步枪,还包括曜越纪念名片与纪念喷漆,一定可以让所有玩家及粉 疯 狂 享 受最刺激的战斗模式。
Tt eSPORTS and Cross Fire bring you more than this debut partnership and SCAR-LIGHT assault rifle; we are also
going to give you the Tt eSPORTS collector’s edition cards and paints, all can be found in
[...] Cross Fire (CF) shooting game.
夫人特威迪(米兰达·理查森表示)作为天才和虐待tempured的,而先生特威迪(讲由托尼·海加斯)是缓慢的 疯 狂 的 ,但他能处理好他的手动辛勤工作。
Mrs. Tweedy (voiced by Miranda Richardson) serves as the genius and ill-tempured, while Mr. Tweedy (voiced by Tony Haygarth) is slow and insane, but he can handle his manual work industriously.
你知道吗,由于2004 - 工党通过法律,医务委员会现在可以采用的小时医务人员来自欧洲(普通外科手术的人在这里付出了那么多,他们不想工作周的结束,或晚上,这样的GMC获得几千东部欧洲GP的(通过机构),但他们被禁止欧盟法律,以把他们通过的英语能力测试!(不用说法国人采取不通知的 疯 狂 的 一块立法和做试验他们)。
Did you know that since 2004 - when Labour passed the law, that the General Medical Council can now employ out-of-hours medics from Europe (as ordinary surgery ones here get paid so much they don't want to work week-ends or evenings, so the GMC gets several thousand Eastern European GP’s (through agencies), but they are prohibited by EU law to put them through an English competence test!
失去家庭环境,社会保护体系遭破坏,局势不稳加上有罪不罚,都使儿 童更容易遭受强迫劳动、卖、贩卖 、 招入 武 装 部 队 和团体、早婚和性剥削的伤 害。
The lack of a family environment, the destruction of social safety-nets, instability and a culture of impunity mean that children are more likely to be
subjected to forced
[...] labour, sale and trafficking, recruitment into armed forces and armed groups, early [...]
marriage or sexual exploitation.
《儿童权利公约》的条款提及利用儿童从事非法生产和贩运毒品(第33 条) 、性剥削(第34条) 、卖儿童(第35条) 、装冲突中的儿童(第38条) 。
Provisions in the Convention on the Rights of the Child refer to the use of children in illicit production and trafficking of
drugs (art. 33), sexual exploitation (art. 34),
[...] trafficking in children (art. 35) and children in armed conflicts (art. 38).
发言人强调,非法装团体通过卖 毒 品 获得 收入,制造恐怖和暴力,土著人民也深受其害。
Indigenous peoples had also been victims of terrorist attacks
[...] perpetrated by illicit armed groups financed by drug [...]
[...] 土而特别是在东耶路撒冷持续推动这种非法、不法和 受到谴责的作为以及以色疯狂地 试图将这些领土 犹太化的做法,都将使整个地区陷于它无法控制的局 [...]
面,对国际和平与安全造成重大威胁,而维护国际和 平与安全本是安理会的主要功能。
We warn again today that the continuation of such illegal, illegitimate and condemned procedures in the occupied Palestinian territories in
general, and in East Jerusalem in particular,
[...] and Israel’s feverish attempts to [...]
Judaize these territories will drag the entire
region into a situation it will be unable to control, posing a major threat to international peace and security, the maintenance of which is a principal function of this Council.
我们也在此 缅怀针对平民所犯战争罪行的受害者们,这些罪行发 生在克罗地亚,特别是发生在 Skabrnja、扎达尔、希 贝尼克、Kijevo、Vrlika、Sinj 和南斯拉夫人民军执 行拉特科·姆拉迪奇的命令攻击的其它城镇;他当时 是位于克罗地亚克宁的南斯拉夫人民军第九军团的 总指挥,他还下命令对平民目标实 疯 狂 攻击,明明 知道此种攻击会给平民造成过度生命伤亡;特别是, 他还企图通过摧毁佩鲁察水坝来淹没一大片人口居 住地区。
We also remember here the victims of the war crimes committed against the civilian population in Croatia, in particular in Škabrnja, Zadar, Šibenik, Kijevo, Vrlika, Sinj and other towns attacked by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) under orders of Ratko Mladić while he was commander of the Ninth Corps of the JNA based in Knin, Croatia; as well as his orders to launch indiscriminate attacks against civilian objects, knowing that such attacks would cause excessive loss of life or injury to civilians, in particular his attempt of flooding a large populated area by destroying the Peruča Dam.
由于许多引人注 目的事件——从对重组 DNA 发明的 Asilomar 辩论、切尔诺贝利核事故和印度博帕尔灾难疯牛病 危机、到对欧洲基因改良食品的公开辩 论,政府和民众已不敢随意相信科学家的声 明。
A number of high-profile events – from the Asilomar controversy over the invention of recombinant DNA, through the disasters at Chernobyl and Bhopal, and the crisis over BSE to the public controversy in Europe of GM foods have made both governments and publics wary of trusting the statements of scientists.
这种关切在上世纪九十年代期间因 疯 牛 病 ”和“二恶英危机”而恶化, 这些食品安全问题迫使规则制定者重新思考食品安全战略,整合价值链的不同部 [...]
This concern was exacerbated
[...] during the 1990s by “mad cow disease” and the [...]
“dioxin crisis”, and these food safety problems
forced regulators to rethink food safety strategies, integrating the various components of the value chain and introducing traceability requirements.
正如许多 国际机构和组织最近重申的那样,以色列的非法定居点活动,特别是强拆住宅的
[...] 行动继续、强化并超越了占领国在过去所有年中进行的这类非法行动,再次证明 了以色列疯狂地 企图在实地制造尽可能多的非法事实,以便用有利于以色列的 [...]
As was recently reaffirmed by various international bodies and organizations, Israel’s illegal settlement activities and home demolitions in particular have continued, intensified and surpassed such illegal actions of all past
years by the occupying Power, reconfirming
[...] that Israel is frantically attempting to [...]
impose as many illegal facts on the ground
as possible to alter in its favour the demographic composition, the character and the status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in and around East Jerusalem and throughout the Jordan Valley.
儿童权利公约》(1989 年)及其关于儿童卷入装冲突问题、 卖 儿 童 、儿卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书(2000 年)、1999 年《非洲儿童权利与 福利宪章》、《巴黎原则》(2007 [...]
年)和安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突问题的 7 项决议(包括第 1612(2005)号和第
1882(2009)号决议),反映了全球更加关注有意 侵害儿童的问题。
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and its Optional Protocols
(2000) on the involvement
[...] of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and [...]
child pornography, the African
Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1999), the Paris Principles (2007) and the seven Security Council resolutions on children and armed conflict, including resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), reflect increased global awareness about deliberate violations against children.
委 员会严重关切地 注意到,受贫穷影响和特别面临童工劳动 风险、 尤 其是最 恶劣形
[...] 式童工劳动 风险(例 如 奴役、 债役劳 动 、 贩卖儿童,包括用于家务 劳 动 的卖活 动、在装冲突中使用儿童卖淫和危险工作)的土著儿童人数过多。
The Committee notes with grave concern that indigenous children are disproportionately affected by poverty and at particular risk of being used in child labour, especially its worst forms, such as
slavery, bonded labour, child trafficking,
[...] including for domestic work, use in armed conflict, prostitution and hazardous work.




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