单词 | 裂痕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 裂痕 noun, plural —cracks pl裂痕 noun —crack n • rift n 裂痕 —gap裂痕 verb —split vSee also:裂—break open • rend 痕—scar • traces
到这些指标引起重视的时候,可能 [...] 已经积怨数十载,也许经过了若干代人——若干代人失去了弥 合 裂痕 、 避 免冲突 和建设具有凝聚力的社会的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | By the time those indicators trigger attention, grievances may have festered for [...] decades, perhaps generations — generations of lost [...] opportunities to heal rifts, avert conflict [...]and build a cohesive society. daccess-ods.un.org |
路政署署長及港鐵公司的 紀彥琛先生確認,港鐵公司聘請的承建商會修補西港島線工程對 建築物造成的任何裂痕。 legco.gov.hk | DHy and Mr Malcolm GIBSON of MTRCL confirmed [...] that the contractors engaged by MTRCL would undertake [...] repair works for any cracks of buildings caused [...]by the WIL works. legco.gov.hk |
在本赛季结束时,手中紧握一个或者两个奖杯是再好不过的了,这比他们因 为 裂痕 而 导致球队倒台没能获得奖杯好多了。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Clutching a trophy or two at the end of the season is by far [...] better than none if a rift between them could [...]only cause their downfall. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
視網膜內的細小孔洞和裂痕可以 用激光手術治療,或一種稱為冷凝治療的方法治理,冷凝治療使用低溫「焊接」視網膜,令其歸於原位。 hsbc.com.hk | Small holes and tears in the retina can be treated with laser surgery or a treatment called cryopexy, which uses cold temperature to "weld" the retina back into place. hsbc.com.hk |
医生证实我的颈后的其中一节骨头有少 许 裂痕。 4tern.com | Doctors said one of [...] my bone neck was cracked. 4tern.com |
在故障分析上可藉由层次去除,确认在制程中所发生的缺陷,例如蚀刻残留,金属 层 裂痕 断 线,氧化层缺陷,金属接孔不良等。 ma-tek.com | In failure analysis, layer by layer checking/inspection, it can be identified if the [...] defect is caused by process issue such as [...] etching residue, metal crack or broken, oxide defect [...]and poor via connection. ma-tek.com |
修 訂 麥 加 利地質 烈 度表上第 VII 級( 感 應效果:懸掛物 件 抖 動、人 們 站 立 困 難 、 鬆 脫 [...] 瓦片下 墮 )地震的重 現 期 估 計 為 350 年 至 400 年,而 烈 度表上第 VIII 級 ( 感 應效果: 若 干砌石 [...] 牆塌下 、 濕 地 及 陡 坡 出 現 裂 痕 ) 的地震,則估 計 每 2 500 年發生 [...]1 次 。 legco.gov.hk | The return period for a major earthquake of Intensity VII on the Modified Mercalli Scale (MMS) (effect: hanging objects quiver, difficult to stand, fall of loose tiles) is estimated to be 350 - 400 years, and [...] Intensity VIII on the MMS (effect: fall of [...] some masonry walls, cracks in wet ground and on [...]steep slopes) could be once in 2 500 years. legco.gov.hk |
它沿着传统意义上贫富分化的裂 痕,凭着意识形态在很大程度上两极分化了我们的社 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | That greatly polarized our society [...] along divisive ideological lines that were superimposed over [...] the traditional cleavage that separated [...]the rich from the poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
该产品具有耐高温老化的特点,与标准 PA 6.6 [...] 以及目前市场上能买到的高性能 PA 6.6 相比,长期使用不会产生任何裂痕。 rhodia.com.cn | It resists high temperature ageing, showing no sign of cracking over [...] longer periods than the standard [...]PA 6.6 and high performance PA 6.6 currently available on the market. rhodia.com |
我们无权使这些希望破灭,那将使南 北 裂痕扩 大,并进一步加深我们各自社会内部的分裂,给各国 [...] 的治理和稳定带来无法估算的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | We do not have the right to dash those hopes, which would worsen the [...] North-South fracture and further [...]deepen the divisions within our own societies, [...]with incalculable risks for the governance and stability of States. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们认为,如果不迅速地解决各项悬而未决的 问题和加快建立治理和经济发展机构的进程,同这些 “裂痕”相 关的冲突就继续是实实在在的危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore believe that unless the pending issues are resolved expeditiously and the process of building governance and economic development institutions is accelerated, conflicts along those fault lines remain a real danger. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,它还可以被用作检测组织裂痕 缺 陷 的工具。 12manage.com | Furthermore, it can be seen as a tool to examine organizational gaps. 12manage.com |
过去 15 [...] 年,世界各地举行了数百次这些仪式, 用以培养宽恕,谅解和跨越国家、文化或宗教 的 裂痕 , 弥 合分歧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hundreds of these ceremonies have been held throughout the world over the last decade [...] and a half to foster forgiveness and understanding and bridge differences across [...] national, cultural or religious chasms. daccess-ods.un.org |
這種想法或許很快就將實現,美國伊利諾大學建築系榮譽教授Carolyn Dry投入結構混凝土創新研究,她表示,「混凝土相當易碎,故一般修復也撐不住」,她研發一種具黏性的修復材質,能夠塞入混凝土脆弱的縫隙中,只要遇上壓力,這種材質就會釋出黏性滲 入 裂痕 , 形成新的連結點,這種方式可自動維持結構完整、壓低修理成本、提高建築安全性。 thisbigcity.net | It’s a vision which might soon materialise, thanks to research into innovations in structural concrete led by Carolyn Dry, Emeritus Professor of Architecture at the University of Illinois. thisbigcity.net |
薄膜的设计还有助于防止针孔和裂痕 的 形 成。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | The film’s design also helps to prevent the [...] formation of pinholes and crazing. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
然而,政治裂痕、获 得土地和发展不平衡仍是引人关切的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, political cleavages, access to land [...] and unbalanced development remained issues of extreme concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
拉克曼曾一度加 入唯一真主游击队,但于2009年初与阿布·巴卡 尔·巴希尔家族产生裂痕,原 因是他被视作过于“塔 克菲”(即因某穆斯林未能维护伊斯兰法而迅速称其 为异教徒)。 crisisgroup.org | He briefly joined JAT but fell out with the family of Abu Bakar Ba’asyir in early 2009, apparently because they considered him too takfiri (too quick to brand a Muslim an infidel for failing to uphold Islamic law). crisisgroup.org |
独特的BI- Tron的轮胎安全解决方案是在任何条件下都能保证在轮胎表面上密封直径高达0.25英 尺 裂痕。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | The unique Bi-Tron Tire Safety Solution is unconditionally guaranteed to seal punctures of up to .25" diameter in the tread area of a tire - instantly and permanently - while driving. aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
但是,易碎照片或者具有裂痕或深 折痕的照片最好是使用柯达A3或A4平板附件扫描,该附件允许在采集影像时将照片平放在玻璃上。 graphics.kodak.com | However, fragile photos or photos [...] that already have tears or deep folds [...]are best scanned using the KODAK A3 or A4 Flatbed [...]Accessory, which will allow a photo to be laid flat on the glass as the image is captured. graphics.kodak.com |
使用山都平热塑性硫化弹性体生产出的零件提供了从-60 ° [...] C到135 ° C(-81 ° F到275 ° F)的稳定操作,无裂痕或粘着。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Parts made from Santoprene TPVs offer a constant service temperature range from -60°C to 135°C (-81°F [...] to 275°F) with no cracking or tackiness. exxonmobilchemical.com |
孔洞和裂痕讓液 體滲入,減弱相連的狀況,令視網膜容易脫離。 hsbc.com.hk | The hole or tear allows fluid [...] to seep underneath, weakening the attachment so that the retina becomes separated from other layers. hsbc.com.hk |
用于放置食品的托盘必须保持在良好的适用状态, 毫无裂痕,凸显的钉子以 及出现木刺之类损坏的情况。 ava.gov.sg | Pallets used for the storage of [...] food products are in good usable condition and free [...] from damages such as cracks, protrusion of nails and [...]wooden splinters. ava.gov.sg |
混凝土雖然堅硬又可塑型,但一旦凝固便缺乏彈性,且需耗費大量能源,但隨著奈米科技進步,如今已可製造更強韌、更輕、還可自行修復的混凝土,「奈米管」為中空材質,比人髮纖細萬倍,只要將奈米管拌入混凝土中,功效即可大大改善;再加上自行修復晶體,只要 有 裂痕 產 生就會自動膨脹,即可製成超級混凝土,普遍廣泛應用於今日城市。 thisbigcity.net | When combined with self-healing crystals that expand to fill any cracks that appear, you end up with a super-concrete that will be just as prevalent in the city of the future as regular concrete is in today’s cities. thisbigcity.net |
這一點在加上塗層時尤其重 [...] 要,因為設計師不希望在他們開發的包裝上看到白 色 裂痕 , 而 消費者也不希望在他們購 買的包裝上看到這些瑕疵。 mypages.iggesund.com | This is especially important when [...] coatings are added, because designers don’t [...] want to see white cracks in the packages they [...]develop, and consumers don’t want to [...]see them in the packages they buy. mypages.iggesund.com |
這 是 帝 國 的 第 一 度 裂 痕 , 而 造 成 這 裂 痕 的 其 中 一 個 原 因 卻 是 歐 洲 國 家 , 特 別 是 俄 國 的 援 助 。 hkahe.com | This was the first large breach in the Empire, a breach made largely with the aid of the European powers, Russia in particular. hkahe.com |
Robow 同 Aweys 和 Jim’ale [...] 进行了互动协作,以努力推进他们的共同目标并在青年党领导班子出 现裂痕的情况下巩固他们的总体地位。 un.org | Robow engaged Aweys and Jim’ale in an effort to [...] advance their shared objectives and consolidate their overall stance within the context [...] of the al-Shabaab leadership rift. un.org |
马来谚语有道:'Tak ada gading [...] yang tak retak' (照字译,‘没有象牙是没有裂痕的 ’ ,意思是‘没有东西是十全十美的’),所以马来语圣经修订本(TMV96)也和其他圣经一样-可以加以改进。 bible.org.my | In conclusion, as the Malay proverb goes: Tak ada [...] gading yang tak retak (literally [...] ‘There is no ivory without cracks’, meaning ‘Nothing [...]is perfect’), so this Revised Malay [...]Bible (TMV96) is like other translations – it can still be improved. bible.org.my |
过渡联邦议会的决定导致总统谢赫谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德与过渡联邦议会 议长谢里夫·哈桑·谢赫·阿丹之间的 裂痕。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decision by the Transitional Federal Parliament led to a rift between President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan. daccess-ods.un.org |
總結而言,整合射出成型特性的結構分析結果顯示(請見以下Case 2),澆口位置會影響縫合線和裂痕的 位 置,除此之外,更改澆口的數量和位置會改善產品強度且防 止 裂痕 發 生。 moldex3d.com | As a conclusion, the structural analysis with the integration of molding process (see Case 2 in chart below) properties shows that the gate location will have [...] impact on both the [...] locations of weld lines and cracks. Furthermore, it is found that changing the numbers and the locations of gates will improve the part stiffness and prevent cracks from happening. moldex3d.com |
该协会设在瑞士 Caux,提请联合国和有关机构、各国政府和民 间社会领导人关注其视角、知识和经验,推动交流合作和伙伴关系,关注正义、 弥合裂痕和人 类发展,目的是创造就业机会,扭转经济和环境失衡关系,解决腐 败、贫穷和社会排斥的根源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based in Caux, Switzerland, the Association brings its perspectives, knowledge and experience to the attention of United Nations and related institutions, Governments and leaders of civil society and facilitates interactions and partnerships, focusing on justice, healing and human development, for the purposes of creating jobs, correcting economic and environmental imbalances and tackling the root causes of corruption, poverty and social exclusion. daccess-ods.un.org |