

单词 裂开

裂开 ()

split open

开裂 verb ()

crack v

开裂 noun ()

craze n
dehiscence n

开裂 adjective ()

dehiscent adj

开裂 ()

split open
dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)

See also:

break open

External sources (not reviewed)

土著文化不能从土著人民的历史中 裂开 来 , 而土著人民往往 有被殖民化和剥夺财产的历史,这对他们的语言和文化有着非常大的影响。
Indigenous cultures cannot be divorced from indigenous peoples’ histories, often including colonization and dispossession, which have had a powerful impact on their languages and cultures.
事实上,本专 题被人为地同更广泛的普遍管辖权问题 裂开 来 , 而离开管辖就谈不上引渡或起 诉的义务。
Indeed, the current topic was artificially separated from the broader subject of universal jurisdiction, and the obligation to extradite or prosecute would not be implicated without jurisdiction.
它 们希望对重大计划 II 和 III 的审查不仅把这两个计划结合起来,而且也能摒弃目前将两个部 门裂开来的做法。
They expressed their expectation that the review of MP II and III would not only lead to a combination of both programmes but would also do away with the current sectoral partition.
包容性增长与可 持续增长彼此相互关联、相互交织,因此不应将它们 裂开 来 加 以处理。
Inclusive growth and sustainable growth were interlinked and interwoven and therefore
[...] should not be addressed separately.
成立该小组肯定不是为了把保护平 民问题同预防冲突和建设和平这一更大范围的问题裂开来。
Its creation is certainly not an attempt to isolate protection of civilians issues from their wider context of conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
干燥的地方潮湿地方,阴面岩石使 裂开 的 洞 ,阴面的接近口部; 1900-2000米重庆: [...]
Nanchuan: Jinfo Shan,Gufodang。
Dry places near mouth of cave, shaded moist
[...] places, shaded rock fissures; 1900-2000 m. [...]
Chongqing: Nanchuan: Jinfo Shan, Gufodang.
安理会工作方法的问题不能也不应与 总体改革的讨论裂开来,因为改进工作方法本身无 法带来全体会员国渴望的变革。
The question of its working methods cannot and must not be de-linked from the overall reform debate, as improving working methods alone will not bring about the change desired by the general membership.
其树皮会随着植株的生长而逐裂开 , 并 变为红色,非常易于辨认。
It can be recognized by its bark which splits and turns red as the tree grows.
(f) 努力实施“一个计划/方案”以及一个(或几个)机构的优先领域中没有纳入 “一个计划/方案”的单独活动,如果这些单独活动是有利于该国优先事项的, 而且不会导致不必要的分散;然而要避免在国家层面形成双轨现象,也就是说, 不同联合国组织的活动被裂开来, 归类为不同的独立文件(如:“一个计划” 和“一个附加计划
(f) Pursuit of One Plan/Programme and stand-alone activities in single (or several) agency priority areas not retained or chosen for the One Programme, if such standalone activities are justified by national priorities and do not lead to unnecessary fragmentation; however any kind of two-track process at the country level should be avoided, whereby the contributions of different United Nations organizations would be divided and categorized into distinctly separate documents (e.g. into a “One Plan” and a “One Plan-plus”)
2009 年开始的房地产市场分裂问题仍在继续,将中国、印度和巴西等高增长 市场同日本、美国和欧洲等低增长市场 裂开 来。
Real estate markets continued a schism that began in 2009, separating high-growth markets such as China, India and Brazil from low-growth markets such as Japan, the United States and Europe.
叶柄非常短,1.5-3毫米,无毛; 叶片长圆形,椭圆形,在当年小枝上的或披针形, 1.5-3.5 * 0.8-2
[...] 厘米,革质,两面无毛,基部圆形或宽楔形,边缘稍的波状,先端钝的,具一个短尖;圆筒状的托叶鞘,6-8毫米,膜,在上半部分斜的 裂开 成 2锋 利的牙齿。
Petiole very short, 1.5-3 mm, glabrous; leaf blade oblong, elliptic, or lanceolate on branchlets of current year, 1.5-3.5 × 0.8-2 cm, leathery, both surfaces glabrous, base rounded or broadly wedge-form, margin slightly undulate,
apex obtuse, with a short point; ocrea cylindric, 6-8 mm, membranous, oblique
[...] in upper part and cleft into 2 sharp teeth.
目 前 已 经 清楚地 显示,计划的“Givat Hamatos”非法定居点将至少包括 4 000 个定居单元。它 将完全包围被占领的东耶路撒冷,并将该城,特别是位于伯利恒的南部城区,与 巴勒斯坦被占领土的其余部分实际 裂开 来。
It has become clear that the plans for the illegal settlement of “Givat Hamatos” will contain at least 4,000 settlement units and will complete the encirclement of Occupied East Jerusalem and effectively sever that city from the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the city’s southern environs in the Bethlehem area.
只有大胆行动才有机会打破僵局,但问题的解决既 不应该与改革议程裂开来— —特别是在这个问题 与迅速迫近、具有潜在灾难性的选举季相关的情况 [...]
Only bold action offers a chance to break the impasse, but the issue should not be
[...] addressed either separately from the reform [...]
agenda, particularly
as it relates to the fastapproaching, potentially disastrous election season, or as an all-or-nothing matter.
格雷戈里的果树(约331-396),谁不承认是一个犹太习俗在奥勒尔,“明镜Kirchenväter藏书”(περὶτοῦβίουτῆςΜακαρίαςΜακαρίνης,关于死亡的场合,衣 裂开 岛 188),似乎并不知道犹太教多。
Gregory of Nyssa (c. 331-396), who did not recognize the rending of the garments on the occasion of a death as being a Jewish custom (περὶ τοῦ βίου τῆς Μακαρίας Μακαρίνης, in Oehler, "Bibliothek der Kirchenväter," i. 188), does not seem to have known much about Judaism.
她反复指出她希望 始作俑者负起其应负的责任并且支持调查团提出的
[...] 建议,她重申问责制不应该以和平程序的名义被搁 置一边,而且不应将二者裂开。
On many occasions she had said that she hoped that the perpetrators would be held responsible for their actions and that she supported the recommendations of the fact-finding mission, while stating
that accountability must not be overshadowed in the name
[...] of the peace process and that the [...]
two could not be disassociated.
与会者强调,鉴于妇女的参与是妇女、和平与安全议程的核心,仅让妇女象 征性地参与解决冲突和建设和平工作只会使妇女边缘化,而且会将“妇女问题” 与其他工作裂开来。
Given the centrality to the women, peace and security agenda of women’s participation, it was emphasized that token representation of women in conflict resolution and peacebuilding only served to marginalize women and to compartmentalize “women’s issues”.
虽然在处理制裁时不能把制裁与更广泛的挑战裂 开来, 但是坚持把全面执行改革作为解除制裁的条 [...]
件已经阻碍了对创新性道路的探索——这种坚持反 而掩盖了欧盟和美国对津巴布韦给予的重要支持。
Sanctions cannot be dealt with in isolation from broader
[...] challenges, but insistence that their removal [...]
requires virtually full implementation
of reform has stymied exploration of innovative approaches, while masking important support provided to Zimbabwe by the EU and U.S. An option built around distinguishing types of measures that have been lumped together under the sanctions rubric and seeking an agreed formula with SADC on when and how to suspend one set of them would not guarantee progress on reform.
检验成型前是否出现裂纹;若出现可能是因为应 开裂 , 印 后 尽快隧道干燥,而不要 晾架干燥可以避免此问题。
Verify if cracking occurs prior to forming process. If not, it can be stress cracking which can [...]
be avoided by a quicker
transfer into the drying section.
防止果开裂的最好 方法是稳定土壤水供给。
The best way
[...] to prevent fruit cracking is a steady moisture supply.
本品可强化天然木纹,并防止木 开裂 , 适 用于大多数木料,例如硬木和外来硬木。
It enhances the natural wood grain while
[...] protecting against cracking and can be used [...]
on most types of wood, e g hardwood and exotic hardwood.
特殊的化学成分设计及最新的生产技术使之性能特别显 著;DI EVA R兼有非常优异的韧性和很好的热强度;这使
[...] 得采用DIEVAR的高级热作模具钢有优异的抗热裂纹及抗 整开裂 能力
Dievar possesses a combination of excellent toughness and very good hot
strength, resulting in a superior hot work die steel that have excellent resistance to
[...] heat checking and gross cracking.
ASTM G186-05,
[...] 标准测试方法用 于检测是否气体密封检漏流体解决 方案会引起黄铜合金的应力腐开 裂。
ASTM G186-05, Standard Test Method for Determining Whether Gas-Leak-Detector Fluid Solutions Can Cause
[...] Stress Corrosion Cracking of Brass Alloys.
这种情况下,陶瓷基电流检测片式电阻器会出现裂纹或焊 开裂。 此外,该 CSS / CSSH 系列能够满功率工作(温度高达 [...]
100°C),并能在高达 225°C 下工作。
In addition, the CSS / CSSH series [...]
is capable of full power operation in temperatures up to 100°C and can operate in temperatures up to 225°C.
当表带失去弹性开裂了, 请更换新的表带。
Replace with a new one when it has
[...] lost elasticity or become cracked.
香水,衣服,服装,服饰,高级女装行列,男朋友隶 开裂 , 自 定义,时尚,人物,幌子,制造,躁狂症,方式,方法,模式,模具,模式,愤怒,排序,风格,潮流,类型,时尚,方式, 开花,花,切花,开花,蓬勃发展,小花,冲水,, 山,海,徒步旅行,树,植物,生物,生态,田野,森林,国, 博客,网站,业余, 旅游,酒店,短途旅行,走动,peregrinate继续进行,絮絮叨叨,漫游,旅游,移动,旅行,漂移,旅程
Keywords : nature, zen, rest, sleep, nap, garden, blog, perfume, clothes, clothing, clothes, haute couture, bandwagon, beau monde, craze, custom, fad, figure, guise, make, mania, manner, method, mode, mould, pattern, rage, sort, style, trend, type, vogue, way, bloom, blossom, cut flower, efflorescence, flourish, floweret, flush,, mountain, sea, hiking, tree, plant, biology, ecology, fields, forest, country, blog, web site, amateur, tourism, hotel, jaunt, locomote, peregrinate, proceed, ramble, roam, tour, traverse, trip, wander, journey
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸 裂 实 体 ;奇怪的是,亚美尼亚的宣传 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq
Garabagh (Nagorno
[...] Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured [...]
Azerbaijani territory,
it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
[...] 了更多要求,例如,现在高强度钢板用于汽车零部件在抗崩 角开裂、压缩强度和耐磨损方面提出了额外的要求。
For example, advanced high strength steel sheet materials now being used
for automotive parts place extra demands on
[...] resistance to chipping and cracking, compressive strength [...]
and wear resistance.
卤化丁基橡胶(Exxon™溴化丁基橡胶 和 Exxon™氯化丁基橡胶)
[...] 与其它橡胶一起被硫化后,由于其低渗透性,高耐热性,出色的抗挠 开裂 性 和 加工性能,使其在气密层和轮胎其它应用中发挥作用。
The ability of our halobutyl rubbers (Exxon™ bromobutyl and Exxon™ chlorobutyl ) to be vulcanized with other rubbers, along with their
low permeability, high heat resistance,
[...] excellent flex cracking resistance and [...]
processability, make them valuable in innerliners and other tire applications.




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