

单词 裁答

See also:

cut back (e.g. on staff)
cut out (as a dress)



reduce v

External sources (not reviewed)

因 應委員要求 , 署理金管局助理裁答 應向事務委 員會及消 委會提 供 該 份政策聲 明,以供 參 閱。
Upon members' request, ED/BP(Atg)(HKMA) undertook to provide the Panel and CC with a copy of the policy statement for their reference.
應涂謹申議員的要求,金管局裁答 應 提 供資料, 說明其他司法管轄區的多個公共基金於2008年首3 季的 投資回報。
At the request of Mr James TO, CE/HKMA undertook to provide information on the investment returns of a number of public funds in other jurisdictions in the first three quarters of 2008.
為回應劉慧卿 議員提出的關注,金管局裁答應向 事務委員會提供資 料,說明其他司法管轄區協助中小企業的措施。
To address Ms Emily LAU’s concern, CE/HKMA undertook to provide information to the Panel on measures taken by other jurisdictions to assist SMEs.
20.31 醫管局行政裁答稱, 九龍東聯網的精神科治療及康 復服務目前透過由九龍中聯網提供的服務應付。
20.31 CE, HA replied that demands for psychiatric [...]
treatment and rehabilitation services in KEC were currently met through
the services provided by the Kowloon Central Cluster.
20.19 醫管局行政裁答稱, 醫管局已在2011-2012年度推行 多項措施,以挽留護士,這些措施包括把護士晉升至資深護師 及護理顧問等高級職級。
20.19 CE, HA responded that HA had implemented various measures in 2011-2012 to retain nurses, these included promotion of nurses to senior ranks of Advanced Practice Nurses and Nurse Consultants.
12.31 醫管局行政裁答覆李 華明議員的提問時表示,醫管局 在 2008-2009年度增設的28個首長級職位中,25個屬前線顧問職 位。
12.31 In reply to Mr Fred LI, CE, [...]
HA advised that 25 out of the 28 new directorate posts in HA in 2008-2009 were frontline consultant posts.
西九管理局行政裁答稱該局 已清楚表明上述情況,並表示在建議發展圖則中展 示的設施僅作說明用途,個別設施的實際設計須待 有關設計比賽結束及法定規劃程序完成後才可落 實。
The actual design of individual facilities would not be available until completion of the design competitions and the statutory planning process.
應梁議員的要求,西九管理局行政裁 答允再向聯合小組委員會匯報此事。
At Mr LEONG's request, CEO/WKCDA undertook to look into the issue.
應委員的要求,金管局裁答應在會後提供資料, 說明自1998至 99財政年度起,存入外匯基金的財政儲備 的投資回報,供委員參考。
Upon members' request, CE/HKMA undertook to provide information on the investment returns of the fiscal reserves placed with EF since the financial year of 1998-99 for member's reference after the meeting.
應何秀蘭議員的要求,西九管理局行政裁 答允提 供資料,說明西九文化區計劃第一階段及第 二階段核心文化藝術設施動工和完工的時間表,以 及西九文化區軟件發展的時間表。
At Ms Cyd HO's request, CEO/WKCDA undertook to provide information on the timetable for commencement and completion of the core arts and cultural facilities in Phases I and II of the WKCD project and for the software development of WKCD.
金管局裁回答 時表示,港元目前的強勢有助保持香港寬鬆的貨幣環 境,對經濟有利。
In reply, CE/HKMA said that a strong [...]
Hong Kong dollar at present was beneficial to the economy as it would help maintain
an easy monetary environment in Hong Kong.
應 胡議員要求,金管局裁 答 應 提供資料, 說 明 自《 證券及期貨條 例 》在2003年 4月 開 始 實 施以來,該局曾就 認 可機構的證券業務進 行審查 的 次 數 及結果 。
At Mr Henry WU’s request, CE/HKMA undertook to provide information on the number and outcome of inspections on AIs’ securities business since the commencement of SFO in April 2003.
金管局副裁答覆時 表示,證監會發出的操守準則 規定,認可機構須指示其員工向有意購買結構性金融產 [...]
品的投資者清楚解釋他們所推銷的產品有何特點,特別 是所涉及的風險。
In reply, DCE/HKMA advised that to [...]
comply with the code of conduct issued by SFC, AIs had to instruct their staff to explain
clearly to the potential investors the features of the structured financial products being sold, in particular the risks involved.
財經事務局副局長及金管 局副裁答覆時解釋,香港認購的亞銀股份數目,佔亞 [...]
銀股份總數的0.56%,這是香港身為亞銀成員必須承擔的 財政義務,至於香港就亞洲開發基金所分擔的捐款額則 純屬自願捐款。
In reply, DS(FS) and DCE, HKMA explained [...]
that Hong Kong's subscribed shares at ADB, amounting to 0.56% of ADB's total shares,
were financial obligations incurred by Hong Kong by reason of its membership in the ADB, whereas Hong Kong's burden shares to ADF were purely voluntary contributions.
不应当如同第 4 条第(1)(a)款草案那样,要求被申请人在对 裁 通 知 的 答 复 中提 供每位被申请人的名称和联系方式。
The respondent should not be required, as indicated in draft article 4, paragraph (1) (a), to provide the name and contact details of each respondent in the response to the notice of arbitration.
如果保留备选案文 2,则 工作组似宜考虑是否应增加一段话,提及公布对 裁 通 知 的 答 复。
In case option 2 would be retained, the Working Group
may wish to consider whether a reference to the publication of the response to
[...] the notice of arbitration should be added.
鉴于这种作用对于所询问的实质问题具有核心 地位(如法院咨询意见第四 B
[...] 部分所示)和大会对该问题明显缺乏利益,我的结论 是,法院应行使其自裁量权,拒 答 复 大 会向它提出的这个问题。
Given the centrality of that role for the substantive question asked (as appears from Part IV B of the Court’s Opinion) and the apparent lack of an Assembly interest, I
conclude that the Court should exercise its
[...] discretion and refuse to answer the question put to it [...]
by the General Assembly.
为就仲裁员人数作出 决定,指定机构应掌握所有相关信息,或者根据第 6 条第 5
[...] 款要求提供信息。31 根据第 6 条第 6 款,此类信息将包括仲裁通知副本以及对 裁 通 知 的 答 复 的副 本。
The appointing authority should have all relevant information or require information under article 6, paragraph 5, to make its decision on the number of arbitrators.31 Such information
would include, in accordance with article 6, paragraph 6, copies
[...] of the notice of arbitration and any response [...]
副主席先生,我想在開始答覆問題之前,先㆒般㆞談論法律案件㆗訟費 裁 決 , 然後 才答具體的監管問題。
FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Mr Deputy President, I should like to begin my answer with some general remarks on the award of costs in legal cases, before turning to the specific issue of monitoring.
(b) 被申请人未递交对裁通知的答复或 答 辩 书而不表明充分理由 的,仲裁庭应下令继续进行裁程序 ,不递 答 复 或 答 辩 书之事本身不作 为承认申请人的主张处理;本项规定也适用于申请人未就反请求或为抵消 目的的请求提交答辩书的情形。
(b) The respondent has failed to communicate its response to the notice of arbitration or its statement of defence, the arbitral tribunal shall order that the proceedings continue, without treating such failure in itself as an admission of the claimant’s allegations; the provisions of this subparagraph also apply to a claimant’s failure to submit a defence to a counterclaim or to a claim for the purpose of a set-off.
4.26 P-5 员额的职能还包括根据需要为举办裁军、军备控制和不扩散领域的各种会议提供支持,并答有关裁军事 务厅及其活动的公共信息查询。
4.26 The functions of the P-5 post would also entail providing support for the organization of meetings and conferences in the field of disarmament, arms control and
non-proliferation, as required and
[...] responding to public information queries relating to the Office for Disarmament Affairs and [...]
its activities.
在“( 一 ) ” 之 後 刪 除“檢 討 委派政 策 局局長出 任該等機構董 事局成 員 以進行監 察 的成效”,並以“確 保 獲委派出任該等機構董 事局成員 的政策 局局長有效地 履 行 監 察 職 能 , 並向立法會交代 ” 代 替 ;在 “ (二 )” 之 後 刪 除“參 考 公務員薪酬調 整機制,”;在“具透明 度並 為 公 眾 接受的 薪酬” 之 後 加 上“及附
帶 福利”;及在“(四 ) 規定” 之 後 刪 除“該 等機構的 管 理 階 層 須 定 期向立法會匯 報”,並以“立法 會 轄
[...] 下的委 員會及 小組委 員會均可要 求 該 等機構的主席及行政裁 出 席會議,答議員的問題”代 替 。
To delete "review the effectiveness of appointing Policy Secretaries to the managing boards of these bodies to play a monitoring role" after "(a) to" and substitute with "ensure that the Policy Secretaries appointed to the boards of management of these bodies discharge their monitoring duties effectively and are accountable to the Legislative Council"; to delete "draw reference from the pay adjustment mechanism of the Civil Service and" after "(b) to"; to add "and fringe benefits" after "devise for these bodies a pay"; and to delete "require the senior management of these bodies to regularly report to the Legislative Council" after "(d) to" and substitute with "provide that the committees and subcommittees of the Legislative Council may require
the chairpersons and chief executive officers of these bodies to
[...] attend their meetings and answer questions from Members".
被申请人可选择将其对第 4 条规定的裁通知的答 复当作答辩书对待,条件是对该裁 通 知 的 答 复 也 符合本条第 2 款的 要求。
The respondent may elect to treat its response to
[...] the notice of arbitration in article 4 as a statement of defence, provided that the response to the notice of arbitration also complies [...]
with the requirements
of paragraph 2 of this article.
法院本应行使其自裁量权并拒答 复 大 会的请求——安全理事会的沉默 不应被解释为意味着对该宣言的任何默许——大会对请求提供这一咨询意见没 有“足够的利益”——咨询意见妨害安全理事会行使其权力——法院的结论没有 以通过该宣言的相关事实为基础——科索沃重要的行为者和联合国官员都认为 起草独立宣言的是科索沃议会——在科索沃适用的法律框架——最终的解决办 法应由当事各方之间的协议或安全理事会来决定,而不是仅仅由一方来决定。
The Court should have exercised its discretion and declined to respond to the General Assembly’s request ⎯ The Security Council’s silence cannot be interpreted as implying any tacit approval of the declaration ⎯ The General Assembly does not have “sufficient interest” in requesting this opinion ⎯ The Advisory Opinion is prejudicial to the exercise of the Security Council’s powers ⎯ The conclusion of the Court has no basis in the facts relating to the adoption of the declaration of independence ⎯ Important Kosovo actors and United Nations officials equally considered that the Assembly of Kosovo authored the declaration of independence ⎯ The legal framework applicable in Kosovo ⎯ Final settlement to be determined by the agreement between the parties or by the Security Council, but not merely by one party.
被申请人如果提出对管辖权的抗辩,则 应在对裁请求的答复中 载明其希望 为支持该抗辩而陈述的全部事实和辩论,并 [...]
尽可能在答复中附带作为依据的全部 文件或注明这些文件的出处。
If the respondent raises a plea as to
jurisdiction, it shall include in its response to
[...] the request for arbitration all facts and arguments [...]
that it wishes to present in support
of the plea and, as far as possible, attach to its response all documents relied upon or provide references to them.
主席说,他从当前的讨论中推断出,被申请人 未对案件所涉申请的相关裁通知做 出 答 复 并 非如 单独初看第 4 条草案第 1 款(b)项一样严重,因为 [...]
这条规定应该和第 30 条草案第 1 款(b)项连起来 读,其中提出被申请人可以有相当多的时间。
said that he inferred from the current discussion that a
respondent’s failure to provide a response
[...] to the notice of arbitration in connection with [...]
the claims involved in the case was
not considered as serious as appeared at first sight from reading draft article 4, paragraph 1 (b), alone, as that provision should be read in conjunction with draft article 30, paragraph 1 (b), which suggested that some considerable time was available to the respondent.
金管局助理裁(貨幣管理)回答時表 示, 除金管局因發售債券而須向金融機構或其他第三者 採購服務所引致的開支外,該局不會向債券基金收取 [...]
因實施政府債券計劃和投資該計劃籌得的款項而招 致的行政或職員成本。
In reply, ED(MM)/HKMA advised that HKMA would not charge [...]
to the Bond Fund administrative or staff costs incurred for implementation
of GBP and investment of the sums raised under GBP, except for expenses arising from the necessary procurement of services from financial institutions or other third party by HKMA for the offering of bonds.
该股需要在这些严格和短暂的时限内审查管理评价 请求的可接受性,并在裁定请求不能接受的情况下编写对工作人员的说明答 复,指出这裁定的法律依据,这项工作常常需要广泛的法律研究。
Within these strict and narrow time frames, the Unit is required to review the receivability of requests for management evaluation and, where requests are determined to be not receivable, to draft a reasoned response to staff members setting out the legal grounds for such determination, a task often requiring extensive legal research.
(c) 如果被申请人没有提出对管辖权的抗辩,也没有以仲裁申请明显缺乏法 律依据为由提出提前驳回该申请答 辩 ,裁员应设定被申请人提交答辩书的 时限。
(c) If the respondent has not raised a plea as to jurisdiction or for early dismissal of the claim
because the claim is manifestly
[...] without legal merit, the arbitrator establishes the time [...]
limit within which the respondent
must issue a statement of defence.
虽然本 案中没有产生拒绝发表意见的具体原因,但重要的是除了法院确认它拥有拒绝作答复的自由裁量权 之外,法院还有更广义的原则声明:“本法院,作为法院, 即使在发表咨询意见时,也不能偏离指导法院活动的基本规则。
While that particular reason for refusing to give an opinion does not arise in this case, what is significant, in addition to the Court’s recognition that it had a discretion to refuse a request, is its broader statement of principle: “The Court, being a Court of Justice, cannot, even in giving advisory opinions, depart from the essential rules guiding [its] activity as a Court.




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