

单词 裁断

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

二. 委员会根据本条第一款行使酌处权,并不意味对来文的可受理性或实质 问题作裁断。
Where the Committee exercises its discretion under paragraph 1 of the present article, this does not imply a determination on admissibility or on the merits of the communication.
裁断将 在正式程序框架内作出,以确定每个儿童的最佳利益。
Such a determination would be made within the framework of a formal procedure to determine the best interests of the individual child.
政府确认,在任何司法或行政诉讼程序,包 裁断 将 一 名孤身 儿童遣返其原籍国是否安全的诉讼程序中,儿童有发表意见的权利。
The Government recognized the right of children to be
heard in any judicial or administrative
[...] proceedings, including in relation to a determination [...]
as to whether it was safe to return
an unaccompanied child to his or her country of origin.
委员会收到来文后,在对案情作 裁断 前 , 可以随时向有关缔约国发出请 求,请该国从速考虑采取在特殊情况下可能需要采取的临时措施,以避免对声称 [...]
At any time after the receipt of
[...] a communication and before a determination [...]
on the merits has been reached, the Committee
may transmit to the State party concerned for its urgent consideration a request that the State party take such interim measures as may be necessary in exceptional circumstances to avoid possible irreparable damage to the victim or victims of the alleged violations.
为确保法院诉讼程序参与人及其近亲的安全,法官或主持官员可举行闭门会 议,或应证人或检方的请求或自己主动作出裁决 裁断 , 以 不公布证人身份资料 和使用化名的方式约见一名证人,约见方式须排除证人被认出的可能性,且在法 院审理过程中不得有他人观看。
To ensure the safety of participants in court proceedings and their close relatives, the judge or presiding officer may hold a closed session or may issue a ruling or determination to interview a witness in response to a motion by the witness or the prosecution or of their own initiative, without releasing information identifying the witness and through the use of a pseudonym; in a manner excluding the possibility of the witness being identified; and without visual observation by others during the court proceedings.
仲裁/法律选择:若无法律禁止,参赛者同意以下事项: [a ]任何由本促销及其奖金、获奖者评定引发或与之相关的争议、索赔与诉讼均应个别解决,参赛者保证不为此提出任何形式的集体诉讼;一切争议均按照美国仲裁委员会仲裁条款进行仲裁,结果在美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市(Minneapolis)生效; [b ]一切索赔 裁断 及 判 决均以已产生的实际费用为准,其中包括与参赛有关的费用,但决不包括律师费;以及 [c] 在任何情况下,参赛者不会就任何惩罚性、偶然性或间接损失以及其它进行索赔,且放弃索赔权利,有实际支出的情况除外,且参赛者放弃一切增加伤害赔偿的权利。
ARBITRATION/CHOICE OF LAW: Except where prohibited, Players agree that (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Promotion, or any prize awarded, or the determination of the winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by arbitration pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association, then effective, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Promotion but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (c) under no circumstances will Player will be permitted to obtain awards for and Player hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.
事实上,倘若秘书长要求监督厅启动或终止 调查,或指示道德操守办公室修改关于工作人员是否受到报复 裁断 , 这 种指示 会从根本上损害这些实体的独立地位。
Indeed, if the Secretary-General were to require OIOS to initiate or terminate an investigation or to instruct the Ethics Office to modify a determination as to whether a staff member had been subject to retaliation, such instructions would fundamentally undermine the independent status of these entities.
同样,关于道德操守办公室,报告说(见 A/66/275,第 273(b)段),争议法 庭“尚未发布一项处理道德操守办公室有关报复 裁断 是 否 构成行政决定的问题 的最后判决书”,这是不正确的。
Similarly, with respect to the Ethics Office, the statement (see A/66/275, para. 273 (b)) that the Dispute Tribunal “has not yet issued a final judgement addressing the issue of whether a determination made by the Ethics Office regarding retaliation constitutes an administrative decision” is incorrect.
代表团指出,这种做法在原则上旨 在成为最低限度的剥夺自由的形式,但在墨西哥成为惯例,造成诉讼程序陷入超 长时间的停滞不前,对辩护裁断审 前 被拘留者的法律地位造成阻碍(不论这个 术语是不是用来说明这种情况)。
The delegation observed that this practice, which in principle is intended to be the least restrictive form of deprivation of liberty, in Mexico has become a practice that keeps legal proceedings stalled in limbo for excessive periods of time and creates obstacles to defence and to the determination of the legal status of the person detained under arraigo (regardless of the term used to describe this situation).
由 于 道德操守办公室的独立地位不允 许秘书长指示该办公室如何作出报 裁断 , 不 能因该办公室作出 裁断 而 追 究秘 书长的责任,即使后来这裁断被证 明是错误的。
As the independent status of the Ethics Office prevents the Secretary-General from instructing the Office how to make its determination of retaliation, the Secretary-General cannot be held liable for determinations made by the Office, even if they subsequently prove to be flawed.
但在最近一个案件中,争议法庭申明其有权审查道德操守办公室关于一 名工作人员没有受到报复裁断,而 道德操守办公室也是一个独立实体。
However, in a recent case, the Dispute Tribunal affirmed its competence to review a determination made by the Ethics Office, also an independent entity, that a staff member was not subject to retaliation.
裁断孤身 儿童不是难民,持久解决 办法将考虑到他们的年龄、成熟程度以及他们融入瑞士社会的程度等因素。
Where unaccompanied children were determined not to be refugees, a durable solution would take into account such factors as their age, their maturity and the degree of their integration into Switzerland.
即使具有司法管辖权的法院因任何理由 裁断 本 条款的任何条文或任何部分不可强制执行,本条款内的其余条文将继续保留完全的效力、合法性或可强制执行性。
You irrevocably agree that the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim or dispute concerning or arising from these Terms of Use and the order terms.
[...] 意味着一个国家在自己的领土上可在排除其他国家的情况下行使规范和执法(或 规范/立法裁断/司法 、执法/行政)管辖。
In particular, the sovereignty of States implied that within its own territory, a State could exercise
prescriptive and enforcement (or
[...] prescriptive/legislative, adjudicative/judicial and [...]
enforcement/executive) jurisdiction to the exclusion of other States.
财 务披露报表将予保密,只有按秘书长的规定,在根据工作人员条例 1.2(m)作裁 断时方可使用。
The financial disclosure statements will remain confidential and will only be used, as prescribed by the Secretary-General, in making determinations pursuant to staff regulation 1.2 (m).
如果相关公共机构没有在时限内对申诉做出回复,联邦公共信息权研究所应该迅速 处理该项申诉(第 54 条)。在下列情况下,提起申诉可能会遭到拒绝:申请行为超过申诉时限; 联邦公共信息权研究所已经作出明 裁断 ; 申 诉内容与委员会决定无关;或法院正在受理该 申诉(第 57 条 )。
A complaint may be rejected where it has been lodged outside of the time limits, where IFAI has already definitively ruled on it, where it does not relate to a decision made by a committee, or where an appeal is being heard by the courts (Article 57).
但是,如果就是否满足条件发生了争议,则仲裁人将最 裁断 T r a ns pact.com暂扣的资金应该付给谁。
However, if there is a dispute over whether the
conditions have been met,
[...] then the arbitrator will have the final say to determine who the money Transpact.com [...]
holds should be paid to.
委员会建议对残余 风险作一个系统的评估,以更好地评估分配给监督厅的总体资源水平,并在现有 资源水平内加强对审计裁断。
It had recommended a systematic assessment of residual risk in order to better assess the overall level of resources allocated to OIOS and enhance the determination of audits, within the available level of resources.
另一方面,若要 求秘书长对监督厅不调查投诉的决定或道德操守办公室关于一名工作人员没有 受到报复裁断负责 ,则秘书长还需有权修改此种决定 裁断。
On the other hand, for the Secretary-General to be liable for a decision by OIOS not to investigate a complaint or a determination by the Ethics Office that a staff
member was not subject to retaliation,
[...] he would also need to have the authority to modify such a decision or determination.
尽管通常情况下诉讼程序是公开的,但在调查期间,可以应被告、助理或 受害者的要求,或者公诉裁断而享 受司法特权。
Although the proceedings are, as a rule, public, they can be subjected to judicial privilege, during inquiry, at the request of the defendant, the assistant or the victim, or by determination of Public Prosecution.
确保赋予国家重 大 信息事务专员获得信息的更大便利,从而他可通裁断此类信息是否 应 当 扣押,不对外公 布 (联合王国); 采取一 切 必 要 措 施 , 增 强 监察专员署 的作用(希 腊 、 罗 马 尼 亚 ), 扩 大 监察专 员署的监督权,监督政府和 公 共检察厅,以确保可 纠正 侵犯人权行 为(阿塞拜疆);和包括具体有效地监督和增进儿童权利(希腊)和属于 少数民族人员的权利(罗马尼亚)
To ensure that the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance be given greater access to information so that he may fully determine whether such information should be withheld from access to the public (United Kingdom); to take all necessary measures to enhance the effectiveness of the Office of the Ombudsman (Greece, Romania) and extend its monitoring authorities to Government and the Public Prosecutor’s Office to ensure the possibility of redressing human rights violations (Azerbaijan); and include, inter alia, effective monitoring and promotion of child rights (Greece) and the rights of persons belonging to national minorities (Romania)
例如,道德操守办公室断定,一名 工作人员实施了报复,秘 书 长 根据道德操守办公室这裁断决定 对该工作人员采 取纪律措施,该工作人员可以向争议法庭提出申诉,对秘书长采取的纪律措施以 及他对道德操守办公室据称错误 裁断 的 依 赖提出异议。
For example, if the Ethics Office determines that a staff member engaged in retaliation and the Secretary-General decides to impose a disciplinary measure against the staff member on the basis of the determination made by the Ethics Office, the staff member could then file an application with the Dispute Tribunal challenging the Secretary-General’s imposition of the disciplinary measure and his reliance on an allegedly faulty determination by the Ethics Office.
秘书长指出,对独立实体的行为或不行为,工作人员最终是有求助手段的 (办法是质疑依据此类实体裁断或建 议而做出的行政决定)。
Noting that staff members will ultimately have recourse for acts or omissions by independent entities (by challenging the administrative decisions taken on the basis of determinations or recommendations made by such entities), the SecretaryGeneral requests the General Assembly to confirm that he cannot be held liable for acts or omissions by independent entities in connection with the performance of their operational mandates, as such liability would be inconsistent with the independent status of these entities.
但法院在审查哥斯达黎加是否证实它提出的法 律利益因在主要诉讼中的法院裁决“可能受到影响”裁断,哥 斯达黎加并未成功证实这一点。
However, the Court, in examining whether Costa Rica had established that the interest of a legal nature that it had set out was one which “may be affected” by the decision of the Court in the main proceedings, concluded that Costa Rica had not succeeded in establishing that point.
[...] 所述“公务员或私人”——这些人均以个人身份被加以考虑,这对 裁断 刑 事 责 任而言是最妥当的;或者,此类资料可仅仅表述事实,将查明被控行为人的工作 [...]
Such information may, of course, include mention of the alleged perpetrators — private individuals or, as stated in the Genocide Convention, “public officials or private individuals” — all considered in their
individual capacity, as is most appropriate for
[...] the determination of criminal liability; [...]
or it may simply state the facts, leaving
it to the Prosecutor’s Office to identify the alleged perpetrators.
这两 个方案继续为法庭实施完成工作战略提供支持,尤其是面对人员 断裁 减 的情 况。
The two programmes continue to provide support to the Tribunal in implementing its completion strategy, especially in the face of the ongoing staff downsizing exercise.
现在更需要这样做,因为用于和平与安 全的资源在急剧增加,而用于发展支柱的资源 断裁 减。
That need was all the more pressing now, when the resources for
the peace and security pillar were growing exponentially while those for the
[...] development pillar were constantly being cut.
但在若干涉及质疑纪律程序过程或结果的案件中,争 议法庭似乎用自己的判断取代秘书长的 断 , 裁 定 秘 书长采取纪律措施或不进行 初步调查的决定是错误的,因为可以从证据中做出不同的推断。
In a number of cases involving challenges to the conduct or outcome of disciplinary proceedings, the Dispute Tribunal appeared to substitute its own judgement for that of the Secretary-General and determined that decisions to impose disciplinary measures or not to undertake a preliminary investigation were erroneous, since different inferences could be drawn from the evidence.




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