

单词 裁并

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正如许多代表在 2006 年辩论会(第 5474 次会议)
[...] 上正确指出的那样,依照《宪章》的条款实行 裁并 且使 其具有高度合法性,是极为重要的。
As many rightly pointed out during the debate in
2006 (5474th meeting), it is of the utmost
[...] importance that sanctions are adopted in [...]
accordance with the provisions of the Charter
and that they have a high degree of legitimacy.
秘鲁代表表示,秘鲁代表团认为申诉 中有重要的内容值得对该组织进行 裁 , 并 强 调 达成共识决定的重要性。
The representative of Peru said that his delegation found
important elements in the complaint
[...] that deserved a sanction against the organization [...]
and underlined the importance of reaching a consensus decision.
代表团审查了拘留 条件,包括纪律裁,并注意 到由于对监狱中关押的军事犯人对内部规则有一定 [...]
The delegation examined the conditions of detention,
[...] including disciplinary sanctions, and noted no irregularities, [...]
owing to some extent to the
knowledge of and respect for internal rules on the part of the military prisoners held in the facility.
定的人群,例如妇女、流离失所者、土著人和非洲裔哥伦比亚人;解决积压的案 例,并从速处理当前的司法程序,确保在全国各地都安置训练有素的法官和检察
[...] 官并确保他们的安全;对循私舞弊的律师和法官实行适当的 裁 ; 并 且 在 检察官 办公室内制订策略并提供充分的资源,以便有系统地调查侵犯人权的事件。
These issues include the needs: to improve access to justice, especially in rural areas and for specific groups, such as women, displaced persons, indigenous and Afro-Colombians; to resolve the backlog and expedite existing processes; to ensure the presence, and security, of well-trained judges and
prosecutors throughout the country; to
[...] adopt appropriate sanctions for corrupt lawyers [...]
and judges; and to design strategies
and provide sufficient resources in the Attorney General’s Office to systematically investigate human rights violations.
(d) 审查要求生活贫困的人支付过高罚金的制裁程序,特别是与乞讨、使 用公共空间和福利诈骗有关的裁, 并 考 虑 废除对无能力支付的人不付罚金的监 禁判决。
(d) Review sanctions procedures that require the payment of disproportionate fines by persons living in poverty, especially those related to begging, use of public space and welfare fraud, and consider abolishing prison sentences for non-payment of fines for those unable to pay.
大韩民国政府还通知我国工业的相关部门,使其了解联合国安全理事会对利 比亚的裁,并敦促 它们在与利比亚做生意时保持警惕。
The Government of the Republic of Korea has also notified relevant sectors of
our industry about the United Nations
[...] Security Council sanctions against Libya [...]
and urged them to exercise vigilance when doing business with Libya.
中国强调说,裁并 不能 从根本上解决伊朗核问题,也不是解决问题 的最佳或者唯一办法,国际社会应采取措施,说 [...]
China emphasises that sanctions will not fundamentally [...]
resolve the nuclear issue and are not an end in themselves, but rather
a means to persuade Iran to resume negotiations under the conditions set by the Council.
为了应对在最近期间发生的某些违法情况,安全 理事会已采取保护平民的具体步骤,首先是通过第
[...] 1973(2011)号决议,授权采取保护利比亚平民的一切 必要措施;其次是通过第 1975(2011)号决议,对科特 迪瓦前总统洛朗·巴博及其亲信实行 裁 , 并 授 权 联 合国科特迪瓦行动防止对平民动用重型武器。
In response to some of the violations that occurred in the most recent period, the Security Council took concrete steps relating to the protection of civilians, the first one being the adoption of resolution 1973 (2011), which authorized all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya, and the second being the adoption of
resolution 1975 (2011),
[...] which imposed sanctions on former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo and his circle and authorized [...]
the United Nations Operation
in Côte d’Ivoire to prevent the use of heavy weapons against the civilian population.
MDC-T 辩称,它对裁并无控制权,如果停 止违背 GPA 的行为并且 [...]
ZANU-PF 不再阻碍改革, 将为撤销制裁提供一个更坚实的基础。
MDC-T argues it has no
[...] control over sanctions, and there would [...]
be a stronger basis for their removal if GPA violations ended,
and ZANU-PF did not block reforms.
虽然 他知道这一信息不正确,但为防止恶意中伤,他请工发组织作为执行机构向第六十九次会 议确认四氯化碳最终淘汰计划遵守了联合国的 裁 , 并 且 为 项目供应的设备没有用于任何 其他目的。
Although 34 he knew that the information was not correct, in order to prevent any malicious rumours, he requested UNIDO, as implementing agency, to confirm to the 69th meeting that United Nations sanctions had been observed in the case of the CTC terminal phase-out plan and that the equipment supplied for the project had not been used for any other purpose.
在萨达 姆于 1990 年入侵科威特之后,联合国对伊拉克实施 了裁,并迫使 萨达姆政权取消这些武器计划。
After Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait, in 1990, the United
[...] Nations imposed sanctions on Iraq and forced the regime to dismantle [...]
those weapons programmes.
[...] 女、包括家庭暴力案件,起诉肇事者,如果罪名成立,处以适当 裁 , 并 向 受害 者提供充分赔偿而采取的措施。
In this regard, the State party should report on the measures taken to ensure that cases of violence against women, including domestic violence, are thoroughly investigated, that the
perpetrators are prosecuted, and if convicted, punished
[...] with appropriate sanctions, and that victims [...]
are adequately compensated.
2011年2月,安理会对利比亚实行裁 , 并 组 建 了一个特派团(联利支助团),其任务授权是保护平民,帮助利比亚人民创建一个和平与民主的未来。
The Council imposed sanctions on Libya in February [...]
2011 and established a mission (UNSMIL) with a mandate to protect civilians
and help the people of Libya construct a peaceful and democratic future.
我们强调,为了努力维护国际和平与安全,在不诉诸武力的情况下,制裁 仍然是《宪章》规定的一种重要手段。我们决心确保谨慎确定制裁对象,以实现 明确的目标,遵守安全理事会实施的 裁 , 并 确 保 制裁的实施方式,在实现预期 结果的效力与可能对人民和第三国造成的不利后果,包括社会、经济和人道主义 后果之间取得平衡。
We underscore that sanctions remain an important tool under the Charter in our efforts to maintain international peace and security without recourse to the use of force, and resolve to ensure that sanctions are carefully targeted in support of clear objectives, to comply with sanctions established by the Security Council and to ensure that sanctions are implemented in ways that balance effectiveness to achieve the desired results against the possible adverse consequences, including socioeconomic and humanitarian consequences, for populations and third States.
西非经共体还告知军政府,如果它未在 72 小时内满足西非经共体提出
[...] 的所有要求,该组织将立即对军政府成员及其同伙实施 裁 , 并 对 几内亚比绍实 施外交、经济和财政制裁,而且国际刑事法院可能予以起诉。
It also put the military junta on notice that, if it failed to meet all the demands put forward by ECOWAS within 72 hours, the
organization would impose, with immediate
[...] effect, targeted sanctions on members of [...]
the military junta and their associates,
as well as diplomatic, economic and financial sanctions on Guinea-Bissau, with the possibility of prosecution by the International Criminal Court.
应根据明确的基准有效地实施和监测 裁 , 并 应 酌情定期对制裁进行审查。 制裁时间不应多于实现制裁目标所必需的时间,这些目标一旦实现,制裁应立即 [...]
Sanctions should be implemented and monitored [...]
effectively with clear benchmarks and should be periodically reviewed, as
appropriate, and remain for as limited a period as necessary to achieve their objectives and should be terminated once the objectives have been achieved.
有些制度规定对国家机关违反采购法进行行政 裁并 可 向 行政法庭提起 诉讼,另一些制度则采取行政复议和(或)普通法院对采购决定进行司法复议 [...]
In some systems there are
[...] administrative sanctions for breaches [...]
of procurement law by organs of the State, and proceedings
are brought before an administrative tribunal, while in others there is a combination of administrative review, or independent review, and/or judicial review of procurement decisions through the ordinary courts (accompanied by special criminal proceedings for violations of procurement laws by procuring entities).
Steckler先生还担任了两年多的Symantec 公司在亚/太地区和日本的副裁,并 负 责该地区的所有企业和消费者业务。
Mr. Steckler also served over two years as Symantec's Vice President for Asia/Pacific and Japan and was responsible for all enterprise and consumer business in that region.
作为该国计算机工程领域杰出的女专家,谢哈·鲁卜娜·卡西米还在企业界展示出了非凡的管理技能,她曾担任Tejari的 裁并 领 导 该公司成为新兴市场中一流的“商家到商家”电子商务市场。
As one of the country's pioneering women professionals in the field of computer engineering, Sheikha Lubna has also showcased her exceptional management skills in the corporate world when she was named CEO of Tejari, which she guided to become the premier electronic business-to-business marketplace for emerging markets.
施帕克于 1993 年成为里奇工具总裁,1998 年担任 Emerson 副裁,并于 1999 年提升为高级副总裁。
He became president of Ridge Tool in 1993 and assumed additional duties as Emerson group vice president in 1998 and was promoted to senior vice president in 1999.
在此之前,政府间发展管理局于 2011 年 6 月 28 日和 7 月 4
[...] 日发表了两份公报,呼吁非洲联盟和安全理事会充分落实对厄立特里 亚的现有裁,并实施 针对侨民税和采矿部门的补充措施。
In the lead up to those events, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development issued two communiqués, on 28 June and 4 July 2011, calling on the African
Union and the Security Council to fully
[...] implement existing sanctions on Eritrea and [...]
to impose additional measures targeting
the diaspora tax and the mining sector.
他还担任过 Baxter 心血管集团的集团总监,并担任过 Baxter 与 Nestle 在瑞士洛桑市的合资公司 Clintec International 的财 务副裁并负责全球业务。
He also operated as group controller for Baxter's cardiovascular group and worked in a global capacity as vice president of finance for Clintec International, a joint venture with Baxter and Nestle based in Lausanne, Switzerland.
在加入我们之前,Steckler先生在Symantec 公司是全球消费者销售的高级副总裁Steckler先生于2000年加盟Symantec 成为公共部门业务的副裁,并启动 Symantec的业务服务美国地方,州政府和联邦政府。
Mr. Steckler joined Symantec in 2000 as Vice President of Public Sector Business and started Symantec's business of serving U.S. local, state, and federal governments.
南存辉,男,汉族,1963年生,硕士研究生,高级经济师,现任正泰集团股份有限公司董事长兼 裁 , 并 被 推选为十一届全国人大代表,中华全国工商业联合会常委,同时担任中国工业经济联合会主席团主席、中国机械工业联合会副会长、外交学院董事。
As Chairman & President of CHINT Group, Mr. Nan Cunhui is also member of 11th National People’s Congress (NPC), member of the Standing Committee of All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), Presidium of CFIE, Vice-Chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF), and board member of China Foreign Affairs University.
Hartung博士自2009年起担任电动工具业务部 裁 , 并 将 于 2013年1月1日起作为董事会成员,负责能源与建筑技术业务部。
Hartung, who has been president of the Power Tools division since 2009, will in the future be the board of management member responsible for the Energy and Building Technology business sector, which will be created effective January 1, 2013.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款裁判予以更新并邀请 各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).




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