

单词 被许可人

See also:

被许 n

licensor n

许可 n

licensor n
licenceBE n
licenseAE n
permits pl
consent n
empowerment n
leave n
clearance n

可人 n

licensor n

External sources (not reviewed)

这项专利还必须存在被许可人所在的 B 国,被许可人将在该国使用专利发明。
A patent also had to exist in country B, where the licensee was located and where it would be using the invention described in the patent.
在下述情形下可能出现同样 的情况:(a)设保人寻求取得排他性许可,这种情况将作为知识产权本身的转让 处理;(b)许可人如被 提供额外保护,这种额外保护超出其简单终止许可协议所 得,将愿意发放非排他性许可;(c) 被许可人 作 为 次级许可人仅在能够取得次被许可人权利和任何对次级次 被许可人 应 付次 级 被许可人 的 次级许可使用费 受付权上的担保权的情况下,愿意发放非排他性次级许可;(d)购置款融资非由 所有权人作为转让人或作为许可人提供,也非 被许可人 作 为 次级许可人提 供,而是由第三方出贷人提供。
The same situation could occur where: (a) the grantor seeks to acquire an exclusive licence, which is treated as a transfer of the intellectual property itself; (b) a licensor would be willing to
grant a non-exclusive
[...] licence on credit if it is granted additional protection beyond that which it would get by simply terminating the licence agreement; (c) a licensee, as a sub-licensor, is willing to grant a non-exclusive sublicence only if it can acquire a security right in the rights of a sub-licensee and any rights to payment of sub-royalties payable to the sub-licensee by a sub-sub-licensee; and (d) the acquisition financing is provided not by the owner as transferor or as licensor, nor by the licensee as sub-licensor, but by a third-party lender.
相反,还有人可能会争辩说,知 识产权所有人和许可人可实现同等结果,具体方法是确保所有权人和许可人或 其有担保债权人:(a)取被许可人作 为 次级 可人 从 次 级 被许可人 处 收 取的一 定比例次级许可使用费的受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并且也是被许可人的有 担保债权人在相关知识产权登记处进行登记之前在该登记处登 记有关通知;(b)取被许可人作为 次级 可人 从 次 级 被许可人 处 收取的一定比 例次级许可使用费受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并首先在普通知 识产权登记处登记有关通知;或(c)取 被许可人 的 有 担保债权人的排序居次协 议。
By contrast, it might also be argued that intellectual property owners and licensors could achieve an equivalent result by ensuring that they or their secured creditors: (a) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a
right to payment of a percentage of the
[...] sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered a notice thereof in the relevant intellectual property registry before any registration in that registry by a secured creditor of the licensee; (b) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered first a notice thereof in the general security rights registry; or (c) obtained a subordination agreement from the secured creditor of the licensee.
这些其他合同权利可以包括:(a)许 可人 要 求 被许可人 必 须 为 被许 可 使用的知识 产权或使用知识产权的产品做广告的权利;( b) 许 可人 要 求 被许可人 只 能以某种 特定方式推销被许可使用的知识产权的权利;( c) 许 可人 在 被许可人 违 约 时终止 许可协议的权利。
These other contractual rights might include, for example: (a) the licensor’s right to compel the licensee to advertise the licensed intellectual property or product with respect to which the intellectual property is used; (b) the licensor’s right to compel the licensee to market the licensed intellectual property only in a particular manner; and (c) the licensor’s right to terminate the licence agreement on account of the licensee’s breach.
(f) 还应当在该段中澄清被许可人违反 上述任何协议的,可造 被许可 人负有损害赔偿责任,但并不造 被许可人 违 反 与许可人的协议而设定的任何 担保权因此失效。
(f) In the same paragraph, it should be clarified that breach of any of the above-mentioned agreements by the licensee could make the licensee liable to damages but not invalidate any security right created by the licensee in breach of an agreement with the licensor.
关于论及知识产权担保权的强制执行的第八章,会议商定,第 30 段最后一 句应当澄清,在发生违反许可协议情况下:(a)许可人保留其所有合同权利,包 括终结许可协议的权利;以及(b) 被许可人 的 有担保债权人享有 被许可人 的次级使用费受付权作保的担保权的,保留其收取次级使用费的权利。
With respect to chapter VIII on the enforcement of a security right in intellectual property, it was agreed that the last sentence of paragraph 30 should clarify that in case of a breach of a licence agreement: (a) the licensor retained all its contractual rights, including the right to terminate the licence agreement; and (b) the secured creditor of the licensee with a security right in the licensee’s right to payment of sub-royalties retained its right to collect the sub-royalties.
In the case of infringement, the
[...] proprietor or licensee can take legal steps.
被许可人/次级许可人对其次级 被许可人 应 付使用费的受付权上的担 保权的设定违反了最初或中间许可协议,则许可人将保留其根据许可协议享有 的所有合同权利,包括终止协议的权利,且只要许可人没有终止许可协议被 许可人/次级 许可人也将至少保留收取次级许可使用费的权利。
In the case where creation by the licensee/sub-licensor of a security right in its right to payment of royalties owed by its sub-licensee constitutes a breach of an initial or intervening licence agreement, the licensor would retain all its contractual rights under the licence agreement, including the right to terminate that agreement, and the secured creditor of the licensee/sub-licensor would also retain its right to collect sub-royalties, at least, as long as the licensor did not terminate [...]
the licence agreement.
在这种许可人破产情况下,如被许可人对其 在许可协议下享有的权利设定了担保权,许 人 将 继 续允被 许可人按照 许可协议不受阻碍地使用被许可使用的知识产权 被许可人 的 有担 保债权人也继续享有被许可人在该协议下享有的权利作保的担保权。
In this case of the licensor’s insolvency, if the licensee has granted a security right in its rights under the licence agreement, the licensor will continue to owe the licensee unimpeded use of the licensed intellectual property under the licence agreement and the licensee’s secured creditor will continue to have a security right in the licensee’s rights under that agreement.
(b) 在第三句末尾处应当澄清,“这几类相竞求偿人”的提法指的是有担 保债权人、买受人、承租人或担保资 被许可人。
(b) At the end of the third sentence, it should be clarified that reference
to “these classes of
[...] competing claimants” referred to a secured creditor, buyer, lessee or licensee of the encumbered asset.
[...] 22810的实施将要求制造商,以确保在保修期内出售的一块水密完整性,我们鼓励球迷急于测试他们使用真实情况作检查经 被许可人 的 手表在夏天的办法。
In this regard, before the implementation of the future ISO 22810 which will require the manufacturer to ensure the watertight integrity of the piece sold during the warranty period, we encourage fans
eager to test them in real conditions of use to have it checked
[...] routinely by a watch licensee, at the approach [...]
of summer.
工业品外观设计的许可使用, 是指外观设计的所有人(许人) 允许另人(被许可人)以任何双 方议定的目的使用其外观设计。
Industrial designs are licensed when the owner of the design (licensor) grants permission to another person (the licensee) to use the design for whatever mutually agreed purposes.
对商业 化的激励是基于把专用特许授予商业伙伴,其基础是:这种排他的专用特许能够 被许可 人提供 必要的激励,使其承担投资于开发和商业化的风险。
The incentive for commercialisation is
predicated on the conferring
[...] of an exclusive licence to a commercial partner, on the basis that the exclusion [...]
of others provides the necessary incentive to the licensee to bear the risk of investing
funds in development and commercialisation.
如果知识产权法是这样规定的,有担保债权人可以续展 登记或起诉侵权人,也可以通过与所有 人 、 许可人 或 被许可人 的 约 定成为所 有人、许可人或被许可人(见 A/CN.9/700/Add.5,第 2-5 段)。
Should intellectual property law so provide, the secured creditor could, for example, renew registrations or pursue infringers or agree with the owner, licensor or licensee that the secured creditor will become the owner, licensor or licensee (see A/CN.9/700/Add.5, paras. 2-5).
注意到必须兼顾设保人和有担保债权人等所有利益攸关方的利益,无论设保 人是知识产权所有人、许可人还是 被许可人
Noting the importance of balancing the interests of all stakeholders, including grantors, whether they are owners, licensors or licensees of intellectual property, and secured creditors
其次,从措词上看,建议 81(c)项仅适用 于存在着非排他性许可的情况,这种许可包括合法采购用于设备的主体受版权 保护的现售软件许可,以被许可人 不 知 悉许可违反了有担保债权人根据担保 协议享有的权利这一情况。
Secondly, by its wording, recommendation 81, subparagraph (c), applies only where there is a nonexclusive licence, one that includes a legitimate “off-the-shelf” purchase of licences of mainly copyrighted software used with respect to equipment and only where the licensee had no knowledge that the licence violated the rights of the secured creditor under the security agreement.
在两次地区性会议上,就社区广 被许可人 的 法律、透明许可和优惠费率问题提 供了政策咨询。
Policy-makers advised on
[...] legislation, transparent licensing and discounted [...]
tariffs for licensees for community radio at two regional meetings.
无论如何,知识产权许可协议中载有下述规定的条 款是不受影响的,例如,许可于 X 年后终止或在发生实际违约被许可人 没有 及时升级或销售特许产品时终止(即引发自动终止的事件并非破产) 的条款不受影响(见《破产法指南》建议 72 的脚注 39)。
In any case, clauses included in intellectual property licence agreements that provide, for example, that a licence terminates after X years or upon material breach such as failure of the licensee to upgrade or market the licensed products on time (that is, where the event that triggers the automatic termination is not insolvency) are not affected (see footnote 39, recommendation 72 of the Insolvency Guide).
谨慎的有担保债权人通常会力争取得这类知识产权的担保权,以便 能够强制执行其担保权,并出售知识产权或就此授予许可,从而确 被许可人 将能 够继续生产任何已部分完成的产品。
A prudent secured creditor will normally seek to take a security right in such intellectual property so as to be able to enforce its security right and sell or license the intellectual property to ensure that the licensee will be able to continue the production of any partially completed products.
在潜在被许可人和第 三方之间安排三方合作关系可能比较困难。
It may be difficult to arrange three-way partnerships
[...] between potential licensees and third parties.
最后,在交叉许可协议 (许可人授予一项许可,然 被许可人 进 一 步开发了该许可,并将经过进一步 开发的获许可产品回授给许可人)情况下,继续履行或取消许可协议都将会影 响到各自既是可人也是被许可人的 双 方当事人。
Finally, in the case of cross-licensing agreements (where a
licensor grants a licence, the
[...] licensee then further develops the licence and grants a licence in the further developed licensed product to the licensor), continuation or rejection of a licence agreement will affect each party both in its capacity as licensor and licensee.
连接服务和/或本网站的所有知识产权权利应属于Recruiterz或任何第三 被许可人 等 权 利。
All intellectual property rights connected with
the Services and/or the Website shall remain vested in Recruiterz or
[...] any third party from whom such rights are licensed.
B 银行随后要求 B 公司取得每被许可人的“ 不容否认证明书”,其中应证实许可的存在、无违约 行为和到期应付数额并确认同意向有关当事人(例如 B 公司、B 银行或托管账 户)支付今后的使用费,直至收到进一步通知为止。
Bank B then requires company
[...] B to obtain an “estoppel certificate” from each licensee verifying the existence of the licence, the absence [...]
of default and the amount
due, and confirming the licensee’s agreement to pay future royalties to the appropriate party (for example, company B, bank B or an escrow account) until further notice.
保证书中的弃权条款 除前一节(第10.1节)表达的内容以及法律允许的最大程度外,许 人 或 任 何第三 被许可人 不 对 该dexway产品、包含的软件或者按照该许可证提供的任何其他服务作出任何保证或承诺(明示或暗示,或由成文法、普通法、惯例、用途或任何其他方式);该dexway产品和技术援助服务也“按同样方式处理”,即使有可能存在错误或故障,一旦此许可证被签署,用户就必须接受而无权投诉和追索。
With the exception of those expressed in the previous section (section 10.1.) and by the maximum degree allowed by law, the licensor nor any third-party licensees offer any other guarantees or promises (expressed or implied, or by statute, common law, custom, use or any other manner) about the dexway product, the software incorporated or any service supplied under this license; the provision of the dexway product and technical assistance services are “as is”, even if there might be errors or failures, the user accepts them without recourse to complaints once this license is signed.
鉴于在甲方与乙方于____年____月____日签订的技术许可协议(“TLA”)涉及保密信息,该保密信息由作 为许人的甲方向作被许可人的乙方公开,甲方与乙方故此签订本保密协议(以下简称“协议”)。
Whereas A and B enter into this non-disclosure agreement (‘Agreement’) relating to the confidential information to be disclosed by A to B in connection with the Technology Licence Agreement entered into between A and B on _______ in which A is the licensor and B is the licensee (the ‘TLA’).
许可人保留在本许可下,dexway产品中未明确授 被许可人 的 所 有权 被许可人 理 解 并接受许 人 或 者 其第三 被许可人 拥 有下列项目的所有权利、所有权及利益:dexway产品(包括其中的软件、代码接口、文字、照片、图形、动画、“小程序”、音乐、视频和音频,以及任何用户指南和文档),dexway品牌,dexway.com网站,URL,包装或商业附件。
The licensee understands and accepts that the licensor or its third-party licensee’s possess all of the rights, titles and interests [...]
in and for the dexway product
(including all of the software, code interfaces, text, photos, graphics, animations, “applets”, music, video and audio thereby incorporated, as well as any guides and documentation for the user), the dexway brands; the dexway.com website; URLs; packaging or commercial accessorizing.
以获得 委员会的核准为前提,军事及安全机构也可依照其 被许可人 适 用的条件并在 不妨碍其他无线电频率用户的情况下使用其他经分配的频率,但是这些机构应 被免除许可证费用
Military and security agencies may also use
[...] other allocated frequencies, subject to the approval of the Council, in accordance with the same conditions applied to other licensees and without [...]
prejudice to other users
of radio frequencies, provided that they shall be exempted from licensing fees
最后,在允许平行进口(即未经权利持 有人被许可人的同 意,即将该产品进口到 某国)的时候,只要该产品已经被其权利持人、被许可人或其 他被授权人投入进市 场,就不需要强制许可来解决反竞争问题。
of the title holder of his/her licensees) provided that the product has been put on the market elsewhere by the right holder, his/her licensee or other authorised person.
他们对其政策的这一改变的设想是:为该机构产生的所有资产提供保护, 以便它们可被许可给别人使用 来获得收入,或者免费许可给参加政府项目的农民使用。
This change in policy envisages the protection of all assets produced by the Institute so that they can be licensed to earn revenue, or licensed free to small farmers participating in government programmes.
只有在若干先决条件符合后收养 被许可 , 如 待 被 收 养 人 是 否 可被收养、 拟作出收养人是否合资格以及在被收养人和拟作出收养者之间建立自然亲子关系 的条件。
Adoption may not be decreed unless several preconditions are fulfilled, such as those relative to the adoptability of the child, the eligibility of prospective parent(s), and those pertaining to the establishment of mutual bonds of affection between the child and the prospective parents.




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