

单词 被自杀

See also:

被杀 v

slain v

weaken or reduce
(used after a verb) extremely
smart (dialect)

External sources (not reviewed)

仅在 2008 年,至少有
[...] 250 名平民 被处决,另有 725 人以被自杀式袭击或简易爆炸装 置杀死。
In 2008 alone, at least 250 civilians
were executed, and an additional 725, or
[...] more, were killed by suicide attacks or by [...]
improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
半 数以被自杀式袭 击和简易爆炸装置杀害。
More than half are killed by suicide attacks and improvised [...]
explosive devices.
/ 联阿援助团的记录,232 名平民被自杀式袭 击杀死的,另外442人是 被暗杀和处决的,分别占平民死亡总数的10%和17
OHCHR/UNAMA recorded 232
[...] civilians killed by suicide attacks and a further 442 killed by assassinations [...]
and executions, representing
10 per cent and 17 per cent of total civilian deaths, respectively.
在党女孩的公寓着火了,她的死被视为企 自杀 , 被 警 方
After the party the girl’s apartment catches fire and
[...] her death is deemed a suicide attempt by the police.
(d) 遭受性虐待和性剥削的女童有可能成为为维护名誉 杀 人 的 对象,被 当作血钱谢罪或被迫与她们的强奸犯结婚,以及 被自 己 的 家人接纳。
(d) Girl victims of sexual abuse and
[...] exploitation are at risk of honour killing, the practice of baad or forced marriage with their rapist, and rejected by their families.
[...] 要对话者,努力确保通过宣传和机构能力建设,为媒体从业人员创造更安全的条件,并对过 去两年里 100 多名自己的工作岗位被杀害的 记者致敬。
The Organization has become one of the main interlocutors of governments and journalist associations to ensure better safety for media professionals through advocacy and institutional
capacitybuilding, paying
[...] tribute to over 100 journalists killed while exercising their profession [...]
over the last two years.
实际上,2007 年,一名 20 岁的妇女――就 在其准备在一家以色列饭店中实 自杀 性 爆 炸前的 12 分被抓获 ――她的母亲是 一名来自 Kfar Qasem 的以色列阿拉伯人,父亲是一名巴勒斯坦人,该妇女使用 的炸弹是于前一晚在位于 Kfar Qasem 的亲戚家中准备好的。
In fact, in 2007, a 20-year-old woman, whose mother is an Israeli-Arab from Kfar Qasem and whose father is Palestinian, was caught — merely 12 minutes before exploding herself in a restaurant in Israel — using a bomb that was stored during the previous night, in the home of a relative in Kfar Qasem.
除了这一切之外,我们 还要说,1945 年在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔,一小时 内有 45 000 名阿尔及利亚被杀,因为这些人不幸 地认为第二次世界大战结束、纳粹主义和法西斯主义 被打败,以及自由有关的价值观获得胜利,会给阿 尔及利亚人带来独立。
To all of that we would add that
[...] 45,000 Algerians were killed in a single hour in the capital, Algiers, in 1945, because they unfortunately believed that the end of the Second World War, the defeat of Nazism and Fascism and the victory of the values associated with freedom could bring the [...]
Algerians independence.
虽然青年党 发言人 Ali Mohamud
[...] Raghe 公开否认对爆炸事件负责,但监察组听了在线论坛, 青年党领导人声称这一自杀攻击是一个胜利,并告知参加论坛者,炸弹手的妻子 也接受自杀行动 训练,只是在最后一刻因怀 被 叫 停 ,但会接受未来的机会。
Although the spokesman for Al-Shabaab, Ali Mohamud Raghe, publicly denied responsibility for the blast, the Monitoring Group has listened to online forums at which Shabaab leaders have claimed the suicide attack as a victory, and informed participants that the
bomber’s wife, who is
[...] also trained for suicide operations, was held back at the last moment due to pregnancy, but for a future [...]
报告巴勒斯坦方面死亡人数使用的措辞“丧生”和针对以色列方面 使用的措辞被杀”,可能向读者暗示 1 300 名巴勒斯坦人丧生仅仅是自身行 为造成的结果,而没有把这些人的死亡归咎于杀害或军事侵略或暴力等具体行 动,但是这句话却明确意味着以方人员是被巴勒斯坦方面故意杀害的。
The choice of terminology to report deaths on the Palestinian side as “lost their
lives” and for the
[...] Israeli side as “were killed” may imply to the reader that the loss of life of the 1,300 Palestinians was simply a result of their own doing without attributing [...]
these deaths to
a specific action such as killing or military aggression or violence, while it is clearly implied that those on the Israeli side were killed intentionally by the Palestinian side.
又吁请所有国家保护难民儿童、寻求庇护的儿童和境内流离失所儿童, 同时考虑到不同性别儿童的不同需要,特别注意保护孤身儿童,这些儿童尤其面 临着暴力和与武装冲突有关的危险,例如被招募入伍 被杀 害 、 被 残 害 、遭受性 暴力和性剥削及被贩运;强调各国和国际社会应继续更有系统地和深入地重视这 些儿童对援助和保护的特殊需要以及在成长方面的特殊需要,尤其是执行有关方 案,使这些儿童恢复正常生活和身心健康,并重 自 愿 遣 返以及在适当和可行情 况下就地安置和重新安置的方案;优先重视寻找家人和家庭团聚,并酌情与国际 人道主义组织和难民组织合作,包括为它们的工作提供便利
Also calls upon all States to protect refugee, asylum-seeking and internally displaced children, taking into account their gender-specific needs, in particular those who are unaccompanied, who are particularly exposed to violence and risks in connection
with armed conflict, such as
[...] recruitment, killing, maiming, sexual violence and exploitation, as well as trafficking, stressing the need for States as well as the international community to continue to pay more systematic and in-depth attention to the special assistance, protection and development needs of those children through, inter alia, programmes aimed at rehabilitation and ph ysical and psychological recovery, and to programmes for voluntary repatriation and, [...]
where appropriate and
feasible, local integration and resettlement, to give priority to family tracing and family reunification and, where appropriate, to cooperate with international humanitarian and refugee organizations, including by facilitating their work
论坛对持续不断的暴力侵害妇女行为表示关切,并鉴于情况的严重性,重申 其先前关于下列问题的建议:人口和色情贩卖;卖淫和跨边界问题;土著妇女失 踪被谋杀;身 份证和出生证问题;环境暴力;代代相传的创伤;青少 自杀; 和 平与安全;冲突的预防和解决;女性生殖器残割或切割、彩礼和童养媳等文化 习俗;种族主义和歧视;以及数据分类。
The Forum expresses its concerns regarding continued violence against women and, owing to the seriousness of these conditions, reiterates its previous recommendations regarding: human and sex trafficking; prostitution and
trans-border issues; the
[...] disappearance, or murder, of aboriginal women; issues related to identification and birth certificates; environmental violence; intergenerational trauma; youth suicide; peace and security; [...]
conflict prevention
and resolution; cultural practices such as female genital mutilation or cutting; bride price and promised brides; racism and discrimination; and data disaggregation.
名士被杀死。阿拉伯国家联盟在其报告中指出,在霍 姆斯和达拉省,武装团体对政府部队采取了暴力行动,造成人员伤亡。
In its report, the League of Arab States indicated that, in Homs and Dar‟a, armed groups committed acts of violence against Government forces, resulting in death and injury.
2002 年,掸邦妇 女行动网和掸邦人权基金会通报,塔桑大坝附近 地区大约有 300 名妇女遭到缅甸军人的强奸。7掸 邦人权基金会还报道自 1996 年以来,掸邦至少 有1,221 人被缅甸军队杀害;1997 年,昆恒 (Kun Hing) 镇有 319 人被杀害,该地区在塔桑大坝的淹 没范围内。
In 2002, the Shan Women’s Action Network and the Shan Human Rights Foundation reported that approximately 300 women were raped by Burmese military troops around the Tasang Dam site.7 The Shan Human Rights Foundation has
also reported that
[...] at least 1,221 people have been killed by Burma’s military troops in Shan State since 1996. 319 people were killed in Kun Hing township in 1997, which [...]
is in the flood zone of the Tasang Dam.
她曾间接听说民兵在搜寻她,但在 她哥被杀之后 她仍在布隆迪住了相当长一段时间,而没有受到威胁或其他骚 扰。
She had indirectly heard that she had been asked for by the militia but remained in the country for a relatively long time after her brother was killed without being subjected to threats or other harassments.
就不能被遣返阿富汗他们提出了与原 先截然不同的新根据:第一,他们曾在瑞典寻求庇护,这在阿富汗被视为严重罪
[...] 行;第二,第一申诉人曾为在瑞典的寻求庇护者担任过口译员因而被阿富汗秘密 警察记录在案;第三,他们父亲的一些宿敌是现政府官员,他们会因暴露姓名被杀。
They invoke entirely new grounds against their expulsion to Afghanistan: first, that they sought asylum in Sweden, which is considered to be a serious crime in Afghanistan; second, that the first complainant is registered with the Afghan secret police because of having worked as an interpreter for asylum-seekers in Sweden; third, that some of
their father’s old enemies are officials in the present
[...] Government and they will be killed because their name [...]
is known.
政府设立了两个办事处,因受侮 辱而具自杀倾向 的受害人以及家庭暴力的受害人都能得到社会心理救助,他们 [...]
There are two bureaus where victims of offences
[...] against morality suicidal tendencies and [...]
domestic violence get social and psychological
help, they also get police, juridical and medical help.
致各国政府的信函和国家特派团报告中常常提及发生在羁押中的死亡,其中 包括警卫杀害犯人、监狱间暴力 自杀 、 羁 押拷问致死、监狱条件致死(包括卫 生条件差、过度拥挤和食物不足)。
Communications to Governments and country mission reports often address deaths
in custody, which
[...] encompass guards killing prisoners, inter-prisoner violence, suicides, death resulting [...]
from torture in custody
and deaths resulting from prison conditions, including poor health care, overcrowding and inadequate food.
本组织与其它机构合作,向纳米尼亚的当地节目制作组 提供了援助,以制作一部突出纳米尼亚北方存在 自杀 社 会问题的记录片。
In collaboration with other agencies, the Organization provided assistance to a
local production group in Namibia to produce a documentary highlighting the
[...] social problem of suicide in Northern Namibia.
因此,这些缔约国必须做出具体努 力,确保所提供的每一内有被怀疑 内有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 所确定的每一雷区的名称、确切的地理位置、面积、该雷区布设 杀 伤 人 员地雷 数量估计、清除过的地带、使雷区不再构成危险而采取的措施、销毁 杀 伤 人 员 地雷数量、地带清除完毕的日期以及仍待清除的雷区面积。
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the information they provide on each area that contains mines or is suspected to contain mines is as comprehensive as possible, i.e. that it includes the name of each area identified, its precise geographical location, [...]
its size, the estimated quantity of anti-personnel
mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods used to make the area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
即使犯罪现场恰好在视频摄像 机监控之下并因此获得了攻击者的图像,也可能最终用处不大,因为这些攻击者 可能已在进行攻击之自杀。
Even when, by chance, the crime site has been under video surveillance, and therefore the images of the attackers can be
obtained, this may prove to be of little help, because the
[...] perpetrators may have killed themselves in carrying out the attack.
这份 早些时候的文件详细介绍了以下情况:哈马斯不断使用迫击炮和火箭攻击以色列 平民(加沙行动前的八年中有大约 12 000
[...] 次此类攻击)而且攻击范围不断扩大; 哈马斯自杀炸弹 攻击;哈马斯通过埃及-加沙边界的地道走私武器弹药,以及 [...]
The earlier paper included detailed accounts of Hamas’s incessant mortar and rocket attacks on Israel’s civilians (some 12,000 such attacks in the 8 years prior to the Operation)
and the steadily increasing range of such
[...] attacks; Hamas’s suicide bomb attacks; [...]
and Hamas’s smuggling of weaponry and ammunition
through tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border, as well as Israel’s attempts to address these threats through non-military means, including diplomatic overtures and urgent appeals to the United Nations.
男人的主要死因是 受伤自杀,女 性的主要死因是慢性病,特别是与吸烟有关的基本,例如肺癌或 [...]
For males, the major contributing
[...] factors are injury and suicide, while for females [...]
the major cause is chronic disease, particularly
smokingrelated disease, such as lung cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
[...] 性质;死亡以及在某些情况下致残的不可逆转性;发生事实和判断失误的可能性; 无辜旁观被杀或受 伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 [...]
These include the fundamental nature of the right to life; the irreversible nature of death, and in some cases, disability; the potential of errors of fact and
judgement; the possibility that
[...] innocent bystanders may be killed or wounded; the effect [...]
on the legitimacy of the police and
the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence.
这些报告内容涉及:2009 年 11 月和
2010 年 3 月在北
[...] 达尔富州尔与苏丹解放军的一个派别发生冲突,据称轰炸导致两名平民死亡,供 水点附近数十头牲被杀;2010 年 4 月在西达尔富尔州一次、2010 [...]
年 5 月在北 达尔富尔两次与正义运动发生冲突,据称轰炸造成附近村庄和供水点的
11 名平 民死亡、30 名平民受伤。
These reports relate to bombings in two clashes with an SLA faction in Northern Darfur in November 2009 and March
2010, allegedly resulting in two
[...] civilian deaths and the killing of dozens of livestock [...]
near water points, and with JEM in
Western Darfur in April 2010 and twice in Northern Darfur in May 2010, allegedly resulting in 11 civilian deaths and the injury of 30 civilians near villages and nearby water points.
伊拉克公民的人权方面取得了具体的进展,但我们仍 然关切 2008 年底一些政治候选人和选举工作人员遭 到杀害和将近 2 400 个家庭失去了在摩苏尔的家园的
[...] 报导,我们还关切新闻工作者、教师、议员、人道主 义工作者、法官和律师被杀和对他们的其他攻击。
There has been concrete progress towards ensuring the human rights of Iraqi citizens through the enactment of a law establishing an Independent High Commission for Human Rights, but we are still concerned by the killings of some political candidates and electoral workers and the displacement of nearly 2,400 families from
their homeland in Mosul at the end of
[...] 2008, as well as by killings of and other attacks [...]
on journalists, teachers, parliamentarians,
humanitarian workers, judges and lawyers.
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府谴责以色列常驻联合国代表在纽约散发 自被占 领 的叙利亚戈兰的产品,并强调这种行为公然违反了安全理事会第 [...]
497(1981)号 决议及大会题为“包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和 被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯居民对其自然资源的永久主权”的第 64/185 号决议。
The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic condemns the distribution by the Permanent Representative of Israel
to the United Nations in New York of
[...] products from the occupied Syrian Golan, [...]
and stresses that such behaviour constitutes
a flagrant violation of Security Council resolution 497 (1981) and General Assembly resolution 64/185, entitled “Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources”.
与心理健康和社会福利机构协商制定和实施相应策略,预防女性囚 自杀和 自残, 并应为有此风险者提供考虑到其性别特点的适当和专门支持,这应成为女 [...]
Developing and implementing strategies, in consultation with mental
health-care and social welfare services,
[...] to prevent suicide and self-harm among women [...]
prisoners and providing appropriate,
gender-specific and specialized support to those at risk shall be part of a comprehensive policy of mental health care in women’s prisons.
2010 年,联合国收到来自民间社会团体、国家机关和安全部队以及美国驻伊拉克部队 的一致报告,伊拉克基地组织运营着一个 14 岁以下儿童的青年部,称为“天堂
[...] 之鸟”(也称之为“天堂男童”或“天堂青年”),对军事、政府和平民目标发自杀式袭击。
There have been consistent reports received in 2010 by the United Nations from civil society groups, national authorities and security forces, as well as the United States Forces in Iraq (USF-I), that Al-Qaida in Iraq operates a youth wing for children under the age of 14 called “Birds of Paradise” (also referred to
as “Paradise Boys” or “Youth of
[...] Heaven”) to carry out suicide attacks against [...]
military, government and civilian targets.
[...] 再如缔约国建议的那样重新申请庇护,担心他们的新庇护申请 被自 动 驳 回,而 瑞典会进而不作任何后续通知就将他们遣返阿富汗。
The complainants further state that they have lost their confidence in the Swedish migration authorities and therefore decided not to re-apply for asylum as recommended by the State party, fearing
that their new asylum
[...] applications would be automatically rejected and that [...]
Sweden would proceed to their deportation to Afghanistan without further notice.




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