

单词 被捕人

See also:


be arrested
under arrest



seize v

External sources (not reviewed)

其中1名被捕人士聲稱自己為記者,但該 名人士與其被捕人士其後已獲釋。
One of the arrested persons, though claimed to be a reporter, were subsequently released with other arrested people.
此外,指紋系統資料庫亦會暫時貯存候被捕人的十 指指紋,當這些人獲釋時,有關指紋即會銷毀。
In addition, the CAFIS databases temporarily store
[...] the tenprints of arrested persons pending [...]
trial; these fingerprints are destroyed
once the person involved is discharged.
被捕人的指 紋與指紋系統 的記錄 合,執法機關即可透過警務處刑事紀錄科的檔 案 編 號 , 查核該人的犯 罪記錄。
If there is a positive match, the corresponding reference number in the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) of the HKPF will reveal the subject’s criminal history.
表 格 的 副 本 一 份 應 交被 捕 人 , 一 份 應 保 留 作 為 紀 [...]
錄 , 而 正 本 則 應 備 存 供 法 庭 之 用 。
One copy of the form should
[...] be given to the arrested person, one copy [...]
should be retained for record purposes and the original
should be kept for use in court.
根據警方內部指引,警務人員在有合理需 要時,才會被捕人士使 用手銬或膠索。
According to the internal guidelines of the police, police officers use handcuffs or plastic strings on arrested persons only when it is reasonably necessary, including that there are reasons for
police officers to
[...] believe that the arrested persons may escape, it is imperative to ensure the safety and control of the arrested persons or to [...]
protect law enforcement
officers themselves or other persons from injury.
由於警方不希 望這些示威人士被捕後被送往警署途中發生任何意外,因此便有必 要使用手銬和索帶,以確被捕人士 受到控制,以及保 被捕人 士和 其他人士的安全。
As the police did not want to see any accidents
happen when these protesters
[...] were being taken to a police station after arrest, it was necessary to use handcuffs and strings to ensure that the arrested persons were brought under control and protect the safety [...]
of these people and others.
被捕人员必 须充分享有他们的基本辩护权。
The arrested persons must fully [...]
enjoy their fundamental right of defence.
有 人 仍 然 可 以 批 評 說 值 日 官 是 警 隊 的 一 員 , 但 我 們 再 也 想 不 出 還 有 甚 麼 更 加 實 在 的 建 議 , 可 讓
[...] 獨 立 於 調 查 之 外 的 人 來被 捕 人 提 供 所 需 的 資 料 。
The criticism can still be made that he is part of the police team but we are unable to make any
more practical
[...] recommendation as to how an arrested person is to be given [...]
the requisite information by a person independent of the investigation.
[...] 合作,并相互协助,应请求交流信息,范围涉及诸如涉嫌绑架 被捕人 员 详细情 况、非法药物和被盗赃物等一系列广泛的犯罪问题。
Both sides demonstrated a willingness to cooperate and assist each other by exchanging information in response to requests, covering a broad spectrum
of such crime-related issues as suspected
[...] abduction, details of apprehended persons, illegal [...]
drugs and stolen property.
(9) 法 律 應 確 保 所被 捕 人 均 知 悉 自 己 的 權 利 。
(9) The law should
[...] ensure that all arrested persons are made [...]
aware of their rights.
我 們 預 計 值 日 官 不 應 單 是被 捕 人 讀 出 正 式 警 誡 書 , 而 是 應被 捕 人 解 釋 其 內 容 ,被 捕 人 可 以 知 道 自 己 的 處 境 。
It is envisaged that the Duty
[...] Officer would not simply read the formal warning to the arrested person but explain it so that the arrested person understands his position.
舉例來說,該系統無法同時為同一案件所 涉及的多被捕人士記 錄案件資料;須以人手發送多個電 郵,以向不同的警署和單位通報失蹤人士的資料;以及某些 罪案資料目前只能以人手編製。
For example, case information for multiple APs involved in the same case cannot be recorded in parallel; information of missing persons has to be sent by multiple emails manually to different police stations and formations for alert; and certain compilation of data can only be carried out manually.
(b) 报被捕人数的 国家有时并未对所报告的总人数进行性别分类;或 者,即使按性别作了分类,也可能与总数不符。
(b) Countries that report the
[...] number of people arrested do not always report [...]
totals with a gender breakdown; alternatively,
the gender breakdown, if reported, may not be consistent with the totals.
除 在現場 檢
[...] 取有關證物 外 , 亦 會 有 技 巧 地 盤被捕 人士或向其他人士及證 人 查詢,務求 [...]
搜集足 夠 證 據 把非法 勞 工及其 僱 主 繩 之於法 。
Apart from seizing relevant exhibits at the scene, they will tactfully
[...] interrogate the arrested persons or make [...]
enquiries with witnesses and others in
order to gather sufficient evidence to bring the illegal workers and their employers to justice.
保安局局長:主席女士,警方在有需要 被捕人 士 羈 留時,亦有責任確保所 有被扣留人士身處安全的環境,以及保護被扣留人士在私穩方面的個人權利 [...]
SECRETARY FOR SECURITY (in Cantonese): Madam
President, when there is a need for the
[...] police to detain an arrested person, the police [...]
are also under a responsibility to ensure
that all arrested persons are kept in a safe environment and the detainees' rights regarding their privacy is properly protected.
在查访 过程中,其中一被捕人员表 示,那些参与抓捕行动的警察专门偷窃他们的钱财 [...]
Several detainees interviewed by the [...]
Subcommittee stated that their money and other personal effects had been stolen by
the police officers involved in their arrest.
警方會否考慮這項建議,以確保處理投訴時有所 根據,並確被捕人士的 尊嚴和人權不受冒犯呢?
Will the police consider this proposal to ensure
there are steps to follow in handling complaints and the dignity
[...] and human rights of arrested persons will not [...]
be infringed?
(一 ) 由 2000 年 9 月 至 2003 年 8 月 3 年 內,有關中小學被捕人 數 , 以 及 其 中 涉 嫌 參與黑社會 活動的 按 年人數 ,載列於 附 表 1。
(b) The number of SLOs for primary and secondary schools for each district, and the average number of schools that each officer is in charge of, are listed at Annex 2.
[...] 羈留,南韓領事館人員、美國領事館人員及日本領事館人員均獲安 排會被捕人士。
As for the right of the detainees to have the arrest/detention notified to the consulate of the their home country in Hong Kong, arrangements were made for
staff members from the South Korean Consulate, the US Consulate and the Japanese
[...] Consulate to meet the arrested persons.
基 於 此 故 , 我 們 建 議 專 責 小 組 成 員 只
會 派 駐 於 規 模 較 大 的 警 署 , 而 規 模 較 小
[...] 的 警 署 , 由 於 不 是 經 常人 被 捕 , 且 被 捕 人 數 也 較 少 , 則 只 在 有 需 要 [...]
時 才 會 求 助 於 專 責 小 組 成 員 。
It is proposed that panelists should therefore be stationed only
at the larger stations and be called on as and when required
[...] to the smaller stations where arrests are few and irregular.
就建立登记制度一事,安全部表示,从 1998 年就开始着手建立一套信息 系统,即国被捕人员及抓捕命令信息系统(NACMIS),其中详细记录了相关逮 捕行动。
With regard to the recommendation for the creation of a register, the Ministry of Security stated that, since 1998, it has been operating a computer system known as NACMIS, which keeps detailed records of detentions.
(a) 许多国家在年度报告调查表中记录和报告的逮捕数量是以犯罪数量而被捕人数为 基础的,因而无法或无法可靠地按性别分类进行分析
(a) Many countries record and report in
the annual report
[...] questionnaire arrests on the basis of the number of offences rather than the number of people arrested, which makes [...]
any analysis of breakdown
by gender impossible or unreliable
由 於 即 時 記 錄 會 較
事 後 憑 記 憶 所 擬 備 的 紀 錄 準 確 , 常 務 訓 令 應
[...] 鼓 勵 有 關 人 員 尌 自 己被 捕 人 之 間 所 曾 進 行 的 任 何 對 [...]
話 擬 備 即 時 記 錄 , 但 堅 持 只 有 即 時 擬 備 的 紀
錄 才 可 獲 接 納 卻 似 乎 並 不 切 實 可 行 。
Whilst the Standing Orders should encourage an officer to make a
contemporaneous record of any
[...] conversation he has with an arrested person on the basis [...]
that such a record is more likely to
be accurate than a record subsequently prepared from memory, it would seem impractical to insist that only contemporaneously prepared records be admissible.
其中大多数案件中,情报部人员 被捕人 住 所进行了搜索,并没收了其宗 教物品,特别程序任务负责人对此表示关注。
Concerns were expressed that, in most cases, the agents searched their homes and confiscated materials related to their religion.
[...] 提供的入院統計數字、與毒品案件有關 被捕人 數 和緝獲毒品的數 字,均能就最新情況提供可作參考的資料。
Besides the survey, ad hoc research studies, admission statistics from
treatment and rehabilitation service agencies
[...] and drug-related arrest and seizure figures [...]
provided reference on the latest situation.
逮捕后,该地区每天 设置路障,支被捕人。
Following the arrest daily roadblocks were organized in the area in
[...] support of the arrested person.
安理会吁请军方领导公被 捕人数、被捕者姓 名和下落,还吁请军方保护人权, 包括行动自由、和平集会和言论自由权利。
The Council calls on the military leadership to release information on
[...] the number of arrests and the names and whereabouts of those arrested and further [...]
calls upon the military
to protect human rights, including the rights to freedom of movement, peaceful assembly and expression.
(一 ) 過去3年,執法部門有否巡查網吧,以打擊販毒和吸毒的行
[...] 為;如沒有,原因為何;如有,按年列出巡查次數、涉嫌販 毒和吸毒被捕人士的 數目、年齡、涉及藥品或毒品的類 別,當中分別被檢控和被定罪的人數,以及判罰的詳情為何
(a) whether law-enforcement agencies had conducted inspections of Internet cafes in the past three years to combat drug trafficking and drug taking; if not, of the reasons for that; if so, of an annual breakdown of the number of
inspections conducted, the
[...] number of persons arrested who were alleged to have trafficked [...]
drugs and taken drugs, their age,
the types of pharmaceutical substances or drugs involved, and among the persons arrested, the respective numbers of those who were prosecuted and convicted, as well as the details of penalties imposed on them
2 6 建 議 7 的 目 的,不 單 在 於 確 保 警 方 會 告被 捕 人 他 的 實 在 情 況 、 他 所 享 有 的 權 利 , 以 及 影 響 他 決 定 如 何 行 動 的 各 種 因 素 , 也 在 於被 捕 人 機 會,讓 他 如 對 執 法 人 員 所 施 加 的 待 遇 有 任 何 投 訴 即 可 及 早 提 出 。
This proposal is designed not
[...] only to ensure that the arrested person is informed of his true position, his rights and the factors relevant to his deciding how he should act, but also to give the arrested person the opportunity [...]
of registering at an
early stage any complaints that he may have concerning his treatment by a law enforcement officer.
在程序上,警署的值日官須先行安排 被捕人 士 進行搜查, 確保該人士不會藏有物件,以助其在羈留期間逃走或協助他人逃 [...]
Procedurally, a Duty Officer of a police station
is required to first arrange to
[...] conduct a search on an arrested person to ensure that [...]
the person does not possess any item
that would assist him to escape or assist others to do so; injure himself or others; destroy or dispose of evidence, or commit further crime, and so on.




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