

单词 被拒


(被)拒付 v

bounce v

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 各大城市的使领馆申请签证,而且要等一周甚至更长时间才能获签或得知申被拒。
In some countries, drivers are required to apply for visas in person at embassies or
consulates in major cities and wait a week or more to either obtain a visa or to learn that their
[...] application has been rejected.
因此,应该由他们 来决定哪些建议得到接受,哪被拒 绝。
Consequently, it was up to them to decide which recommendations to
[...] accept and which to reject.
主席補充說,小量豁免申請如因產品附有營養標籤 被拒 , 可 在除去營養標籤後再 次申請小量豁免。
The Chairman supplemented that applications for
[...] SVE that had been rejected because of the [...]
provision of nutrition claims might apply
again for SVE after removing the nutrition claims.
此外,这两个实体(项目厅和开发署)使用了 相同的企业资源规划系统,如此仍然存 被拒 认 的情况值得关切。
Furthermore, the two entities (UNOPS
and UNDP) used the same enterprise resource planning system, and despite this,
[...] the existence of rejections was a concern.
它报告说,在有些情况下,妇女遭到最恶劣形式 的基于性别的暴力行为,被拒绝给 予庇护身份。
It reported that there were cases of women who suffered the worst forms of gender-based violence, to the families of
[...] which the asylum status was denied.
关于在国外实施的其他罪行,《刑法典》第 9 条规定,巴拉圭刑法只适用于符合
两国共认罪行之规定的情况,且须满足以下条件,即行为人在犯罪时(a) 拥有巴 拉圭国籍或在犯罪后获得国籍;或(b)
[...] 不是巴拉圭国民但却身处巴拉圭境内且引 渡被拒绝, 尽管根据犯罪性质本可依法允许;这一规定也应适用于犯罪地没有 [...]
Concerning other offences committed abroad, under article 9 of the Criminal Code, Paraguayan criminal law shall apply only when the dual criminality requirement is met and if at the time of commission, the perpetrator (a) held Paraguayan nationality or acquired it after the offence was committed; or (b) was not a Paraguayan
national but was present in Paraguay and
[...] extradition had been refused even though the nature [...]
of the offence would have made it
legally permissible; this provision shall also apply where there is no provision for punishment in the place of commission.
[...] 个原则规定任何人不因缺乏财政资源或基于其他被差异对待的原因, 被拒 绝诉 讼。
A common corollary is obviously that
[...] justice cannot be denied to a person for [...]
lack of financial resources or other discriminatory reasons.
可以说,少量捐被拒(已 经知道的)反而 能带来积极的影响,提高补充性追加计划的信誉,因为 [...]
2009 年战略规划编制局推出了 SISTER 软件(见下文)改进版,这款软件给教科文组织提供了一个管理工具,可以进行计 划编制和预算监测,确保补充性追加计划的项目对正常计划取得成果起到促进作用。
It may be assumed that the low
[...] number of (known) refusals is rather positive [...]
and to the credit of the CAP system since the
implementation of the SISTER software (see remarks below), in its improved version launched in 2009 by BSP, offers the Organization a single management tool for programming and budget monitoring, guaranteeing that the CAP projects contribute to the results of the regular programme.
[...] 要意义,该主管明确指出某些可疑物 被拒 绝 , 在拍卖后依然要追究拍卖行的责任。
She said that, given the symbolic and cultural importance of
the object for some communities, some
[...] dubious pieces were rejected and that the [...]
auction house still had a responsibility after the auction was over.
申诉人无法提出申请纪录的原因是他没钱雇用律师 并且他要求法律援助的申请被拒绝。
The author was unable to file an application record because he could not afford legal counsel and his application for
[...] legal aid had been denied.
[...] 切的是,在获得保健服务方面存在城乡差距,缺乏适当证件的难民儿童和受人道 主义保护的儿被拒绝医治。
The Committee is further concerned about rural-urban disparities in accessing health-care services and that
refugee children and children under humanitarian protection who lack proper
[...] documentation have been refused medical treatment.
一个人生活在贫困中或无家可归时的经济和社会状况可能引起普遍的歧视、 偏见或不利的成见,而这些则被拒 绝 或 不平等利用同样质量的教育和医疗服 务,被拒绝或不平等进入公共场所。
A person’s social and economic situation when living in poverty or being homeless may result in pervasive discrimination, stigmatization and
negative stereotyping which
[...] can lead to the refusal of, or unequal access to, the same quality of education and health care as others, as well as the denial of or unequal [...]
access to public places.
在双用物项出口许可申请部间审查程序的框架内,CE 1334/2000 号条例(经 2009 年 5 月 5 日 CE
[...] 428/2009 号条例替代)所列物项的一切出口申请 被拒 绝。
Under the inter-ministerial procedure for reviewing applications for licences to export dual-use items, all applications for licences to export items
listed in Council Regulation (EC) No. 1334/2000 (replaced by Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009
[...] of 5 May 2009) are denied.
為提高決定過程的透明 度,以及加強與內部及外部持份者的溝通,醫管局
[...] 會在適當時候把藥物諮詢委員會就個別申請的決 定、申被拒的主 要理由(視乎屬何種情況),以及 [...]
在評估申請時經考慮的參考文獻,上載至該局的內 聯網和互聯網的網站。
To enhance transparency of the decision-making process and strengthen the communication with both internal and external stakeholders, HA would in due course upload to its intranet and internet websites the decisions of DAC on
individual applications, together with the
[...] primary reason for rejection as the case [...]
might be and a list of references that had
been taken into account in the process of consideration of the applications.
如果已被拘留或置于监督之下的外国 被拒 予 入境或驱逐,作出这一决定的 主管部门或法院应审查是否应继续拘留该外国人或继续将其置于监督之下。
If an alien who has been detained or placed
[...] under supervision is refused entry or expelled, [...]
the authority or court that takes this
decision shall examine whether or not the alien shall be retained in detention or remain under supervision.
[...] 基础;为被驱逐出摩尔多瓦共和国的外国人(在利用了所有可能的上诉渠道之后被拒绝给 予难民身份的人员,必须在拒绝申请的最终裁决之后 [...]
15 日内离开摩 尔多瓦共和国)建立安置中心。
The problems that must be solved are: document registration of refugees (absence of identity documents hampers the right to employment); creation of conditions for social integration of recognised refugees, establishment of a legal background that would regulate the integration and its financial support; absence of a placement centre for foreigners that are to be
expelled from the Republic of Moldova (the
[...] person which was refused the status of refugee, [...]
after using all possibilities of
appeal, must leave the territory of the Republic of Moldova during 15 days after the final decision on the refusal of the application).
目前仍然不清楚实践中是否包括在试图进入一 个国家时在边被拒绝入 境并被遣送回其原籍国 (或别处)的人员。
It remained unclear whether persons trying to enter a
[...] country who were refused admission at the [...]
border and sent back to their country of
origin (or elsewhere) were included in the exercise or not.
例如:发展 中国家的科学家可能被拒绝使 用一些受保护的数据,或者没有足够的办法获取这些数据。
Scientists in developing countries, for instance, may be prevented from gaining access to protected data, or have insufficient resources to do so.
[...] 取得的成果,例如活家禽農場/活家禽運輸業的本地工 人申請一筆過補助金的宗數、獲批 被拒 的 申 請宗數、 參加勞工處提供的再培訓計劃並找到別的工作的工人數 [...]
目,以及仍然失業並需依靠綜合社會保障援助的工人數 目。
Ms LI Fung-ying enquired about the outcome of VSS for live poultry trade, for instance, the number of applications for one-off grants from local workers of live poultry farming/transport
industry, the number of applications which
[...] had been approved/rejected, the number of [...]
workers who had joined the retraining programmes
offered by the Labour Department (LD) and were able to secure alternative employment, and the number of workers who remained unemployed and had to rely on Comprehensive Social Security Allowance.
专家组认为,因为联科行动和专家组一 被拒 绝 进入总统府 和共和国卫队部队检查,在前总统巴博掌控下,违反制裁已成为家常便饭(见 S/2011/271)。
The Group believes that there was a consistent pattern of sanctions violations under the administration of former President Gbagbo because UNOCI and the Group of Experts were systematically refused access to the Presidency and the Republican Guard units (see S/2011/271).
[...] 虑任何有关信息,让接受国有机会采取任何必要措施避免转 被拒 绝。
When considering a potential transfer denial, the parties involved in the potential transaction are encouraged to consult with each other in order to take into account any
relevant information so as to allow the recipient the opportunity to take any necessary
[...] measures to avert a denial of transfer.
除了因鱼变质、产被拒绝、扣押和召回的经济损失外,还 有公众对一个企业甚至一个国家的不好的看法、鱼源性疾病的成本对社区来说是 [...]
In addition to the economic losses incurred because of fish
[...] spoilage, product rejections, detention and [...]
recalls, and the resulting adverse publicity
to an industry and even to a country, fish-borne illnesses cost vast amounts to the community because of adverse health effects, loss of productivity and medical expenses.
除非申请人要求,否则 所有名字在审议期间和在请被拒或 申 请被撤回的情况下仍然保密。
Unless requested by the petitioner, all names remain confidential while under consideration and in the event of the denial of the request or the withdrawal of the petition.
[...] 或其受委人對申請人因任何認購或贖回款項付 被拒 絕 或 延誤而蒙受的任何損失,概不向申請 [...]
None of the Manager, the Trustee and Registrar or their delegates shall be liable to the applicant
for any loss suffered by the applicant as a
[...] result of the rejection or delay of any [...]
subscription or payment of redemption proceeds.
末底改和里格比崩溃党,但他被拒 绝 访 问,幸运的是,高五Ghost的兄弟,五鬼,鬼将末底改和里格比,使他们能够逐步通过党帐篷。
Mordecai and Rigby try to crash the party,
[...] but they are denied access, fortunately, [...]
High Five Ghost’s brother, Low Five
Ghost, turns Mordecai and Rigby into ghosts so they can phase through the party tent.
该项法律规定,如果内政部部长或某位安全官员声称该个人或其直系亲属 具有安全威胁性,申请被拒绝。
The Law stipulates that a request can be denied in cases where the Minister of the Interior or certain security functionaries assert that the person, or a family member of first relation, poses a security threat.
(2) 第 一 次 保 釋 申被 拒 後,除 非 有 未 被 初 審 法 庭 考 [...]
慮 的 事 實 或 情 況 出 現,( 不 論 有 關 事 實 或 情 況 在 被 告 首 次 出 庭 前 或 後 產 生 ),被 告 不 得 再 度 申 請 保 釋 。
(2) To forbid further applications after the
[...] first one has been refused unless there are [...]
additional facts or circumstances which
were not brought to the attention of the first court (i.e. either arising before or after the first appearance).
但是,如果乌温金迪案的申被拒,并 且没有其他国家愿意和能够审判 Munyagishari,将在卢旺达问题国际法庭上审判这两 [...]
人,并且由于我们同时进行移案申请和预审,审判最 有可能在 2012 年底结束。
application is denied and no other [...]
country is willing and able to try Munyagishari, the trials of both will be held at the
ICTR, and, because we conduct these applications and pretrial simultaneously, the trials would most likely be finished by late 2012.
3.1 请愿人称,缔约国侵犯了他们在《公约》第六条以及第二条第一款(卯)项和 第五条(已)
[...] 项之下获得有效补救的权利,因其国籍或种族渊源 被拒 绝 给 予折 扣,并没有给他们以获得充分补救的机会。
3.1 The petitioners claim a violation by the State Party of their right to an effective remedy under article 6 of CERD in relation to article 2
paragraph 1 (d) and article 5 (f) of the
[...] Convention as they were denied a discount [...]
on the basis of their nationality or ethnic
origin and were then not given access to an adequate remedy.
(b) 延长被“预防性驱逐”的寻求庇护者请求恢复驱逐令中止效力的时 限,并在申请恢复中止效被拒而上 诉的案件中保障他们在行政法院进行适当听 [...]
证的权利,以确保由于“预防性驱逐”而被遣返“安全第三国”的人能够利用这 些国家的庇护程序
(b) Increase the time limit within which asylum-seekers under “preventive expulsion” may apply for restoration of the suspensive effect of the order and also guarantees their right to a proper hearing
before the Administrative Court in
[...] cases of appeals on rejected requests for suspensive [...]
effect so as to ensure that those
who are returned to “safe third countries” pursuant to “preventive expulsion” are guaranteed access to the asylum procedure in these States




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