单词 | 袖管 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 袖管 noun —sleeve nSee also:袖 n—sleeves pl • sleeve n 袖—tuck inside one's sleeve
恰恰相反,海地 人必须卷起袖管,海 地当局必须实行对话及民族和解 的政策,以便该国境内外的所有公民都能参加该国的 [...] 重建。 daccess-ods.un.org | Quite the opposite, Haitians must [...] roll up their sleeves, and the authorities must establish a policy of dialogue and national [...]reconciliation so that all citizens, both in the country and abroad, may take part in the reconstruction of their country. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,倘若這些受命於市民的立法局民選議員不可以參與管治方面的事務,我們又 怎能培養未來的民選領袖去管治香 港呢? legco.gov.hk | Further, with elected Members of Legislative Council carrying the mandate of [...] the people being excluded from the business of governance, how [...] will future elected leaders be groomed to govern Hong Kong? legco.gov.hk |
不管谁购买TNT,都会被定位为市场未来的 整合者和领袖,尽管我怀 疑中国过度谨慎地监管者会提防另一个外国公司收购TNT业务。 youngchinabiz.com | Whoever buys TNT could be well positioned [...] to become a future [...] consolidator and leader in the market, though I do suspect that China’s overly cautious regulators could be wary [...]of allowing the company [...]to be purchased by another foreign player. youngchinabiz.com |
我们设有领袖及管理发 展框架,提供策略性的培训,着重提升 领 袖 质 素 、人 才 管 理 才 能,以及业务及个人之职能(参阅“培育出色领袖”一表)。 bank.hangseng.com | We have established [...] a Leadership and Management Development framework with a strategic training focus that enhances leadership qualities, people management capabilities, [...]and business and personal [...]effectiveness skills (see box: Building Better Leaders). bank.hangseng.com |
2012年4月19 日在多哈成立的全球服务论坛使政 府和商界领袖、管理人 员和服务业联合会和协会,包括民间社会组织,聚集在一 [...] 起,其宗旨是为利用服务部门的潜力拟订新的战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Global Services Forum, established on 19 April 2012 during UNCTAD XIII [...] in Doha, brought together [...] government and business leaders, regulators, coalitions and [...]associations of services industries [...]and civil society with the aim of elaborating new strategies to harness the potential of the services sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
Cegedim Dendrite首席执行官Laurent Labrune解释说:“我们业已证明具备最佳能力,以最少的投资,前瞻性地支持sanofi-aventis的业务模式朝着多渠道客户关系管理、主要客户以及KOL(关键意见 领 袖 ) 管 理 的 方向发展。 tipschina.gov.cn | We have demonstrated the best capability to proactively support sanofi-aventis' business model evolution towards [...] multichannel CRM, Key [...] Account and KOL management, with the lowest investment," explained Laurent Labrune, Chief Executive Officer of Cegedim Dendrite. tipschina.gov.cn |
反之,由於有㆒名醫護隊 伍㆗的領袖出席這個管理局,他可就護理病㆟的各方面事宜擔任統籌及提供意見的工 作。 legco.gov.hk | Instead, the presence of a leader of the health care [...] team can act to co-ordinate and advise the different aspects in the care of the sick. legco.gov.hk |
我作為護理界的領袖,亦是醫管 局的 成員,我當然清楚所有發生的事情,局長不用擔心,我亦不想跟局長鬥 嘴。 legco.gov.hk | Being a leader of the health care sector and a [...] member of the HA Board, I certainly know clearly what has happened. legco.gov.hk |
他們不需要如持有領袖委任書的領袖 般 參 與 管 理 旅 團的 職務。 5th-twg.org | They shall not carry any function of [...] a Warranted Leader for the Management of the Group. 5th-twg.org |
(b) 職 責:區領袖、助理區領袖、區物資管 理 員 及區專章秘書負責某特定 或一般性的職務;他們的職責是由區總監在地域總監認許下所訂定。 5th-twg.org | Responsibilities - [...] District Scouters, Assistant District Scouters, the District Quartermaster and the District Badge Secretary are appointed to discharge functions [...]in special or general areas [...]and their duties will be defined by the District Commissioner with the endorsement of the Regional Commissioner at the time of appointment. 5th-twg.org |
连接头、软管或袖套处 漏气 检查袖套和空气软管是否受 损、连接是否正确 厂家将在不预先公布的情况下更新故障代码。 aandd.jp | Confirm the cuff and air hose are not damaged [...] and are connected correctly. aandd.jp |
在 這方面, “市場主 導 ,政府促進 ”的原 則不應等同袖手旁觀的 管 治 方 式 , 而是應該在 正確的時 候 做正確的事 情 。 legco.gov.hk | Here, the "market leads, government facilitates" principle should not mean it will just be a hands-off style of governance. legco.gov.hk |
選出來的㆟員,必須具備多方面的領 袖才 能、卓越的管理技 巧,以及敏銳的政治觸覺。 legco.gov.hk | This person would need to [...] possess all-round leadership qualities, well developed management skills, and considerable [...]political acumen. legco.gov.hk |
测量中不要干扰袖套或空气软管,因为 记录盒会测量到非常细小的压力变化。 aandd.jp | during the measurement because the recorder measures small pressure variations. aandd.jp |
她在众多互联网调研及战略策划项目中担任重要责任,致力于帮助客户在数字媒体营销策划、网络声 誉 管 理 、 意见 领 袖 关 系 管 理 等 一系列营销活动中取得成功 ece-china.com | Carrie played a key role in digital research, social media strategy and thought leadership consulting projects, She advises clients on a range of activities, [...] including social media strategy, [...] online reputation management, digital influencer relations, [...]social networking and more. ece-china.com |
隨著時間的流逝,中央控制的abbasids減少和獨立的地方 領 袖 和 團體 接 管 , 在 偏遠的省份。 mb-soft.com | As time passed, the central control of the Abbasids was reduced [...] and independent local leaders and groups took over [...]in the remote provinces. mb-soft.com |
區領袖的年齡規限︰ [...] 最低年齡為二十一歲,並須於六十五歲生日當日退休。 助理區領袖、區物資管理員、區專章秘書的年齡規限︰ 最低年齡為十八歲,並須於六十五歲生日當日退休。 5th-twg.org | (a) Age Limits – for District [...] Scouters minimum age is twenty-one; for [...] Assistant District Scouters, the District Quartermaster [...]and the District Badge Secretary [...]minimum age is eighteen, and they shall retire on reaching the sixty-fifth birthday. 5th-twg.org |
國際整流器公司 (IR) (紐約證券交易所上市代號:IRF) 是全球功率管理技術領袖。 ipress.com.hk | International Rectifier [...] (NYSE:IRF) is a world leader in power management technology. ipress.com.hk |
4 溢出量測事件限度 (120 秒) 核對空氣軟管連接且確定袖帶緊 固。 suntechmed.com | 4 Exceeded measurement time limit (120 [...] seconds) Check the air hose connections and make certain the cuff is tight. cn.suntechmed.com |
14 3.5 最近,政黨之間曾就政黨應否 在管治香港方面擔當積極角 色,包括影響下任行政長官的選舉進行了 一 些 討 論。在 最 近 一 次 有關 展 望 2005年 前景的 城市論 壇 上,各政黨的領袖討論香港的管治問 題, 論 壇 上有意見認 為,要 管 治 良好,便需一 個可以在立法會中取得足夠 支持的行政長官。 legco.gov.hk | At a recent City Forum on the outlook for 2005, leaders of political parties discussed the issue of governance in Hong Kong and there was an opinion that good governance required a Chief Executive with sufficient party support in LegCo.15 However, a local newspaper reported that a LegCo Member expressed the concern that the central government is still skeptical about the existence of a ruling party in Hong Kong.16 4. legco.gov.hk |
定期审议机制规定的应与担保人协商下提供的年度进展回顾尚未完成, 尽 管 政 党 领 袖 最 近 同意对此进行更正。 crisisgroup.org | The annual progress review the Periodic Review Mechanism should [...] provide in consultation with the guarantors has not been done, [...] though the party leaders recently agreed to [...]correct this. crisisgroup.org |
中國商業學院於2010年2月正式成立,憑藉香港大學學術上的優勢,學院將推出一系列具有國際視野的課程,除傳授前沿的專業知識外,也會結合內地的實際需求,側重培養內地專業及 商 管 領 袖 解 決 問題的能力,以推動中國企業的管理創新和策略創新。 hkuspace.hku.hk | Capitalizing on the academic strength of HKU, ICB operates a series of programmes with global perspectives, and cutting-edge professional knowledge with an emphasis on mainland specificities, which foster [...] problem solving [...] capabilities of corporate leaders that will eventually promote innovation in Chinese companies at both strategic and management levels. hkuspace.hku.hk |
所以,當局不能對私立大學和副學位課程的 規 管 和 質 素 袖 手旁 觀。 legco.gov.hk | So, the Government must not stand by with folded arms [...] with regard to the regulation and quality of [...]programmes of private universities and sub-degrees. legco.gov.hk |
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113 名儿童被以下武装部队和团体招募:自由派和改革武装运动(从正义与 平等运动和苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂出来的团体)、边境情报部队、 乍得武装反对集团、社区警务部队、警察部队、民防军、苏丹解放军/Abu Gasim 派、苏丹解放军/历史领袖派(苏 丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂团体)、苏丹 解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及不知名的武装团体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Notwithstanding these challenges, 113 children were confirmed to have been recruited by the following armed forces and groups: Armed Movement of Liberals and Reform (splinter group of JEM and SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police forces, Popular Defence Forces, SLA/Abu Gasim, SLA/Historical Leadership (splinter group [...] of SLA/Abdul Wahid), [...]SLA/Abdul Wahid, Sudanese Armed Forces and unknown armed groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界功率管理技術領袖國際 整流器公司 (IR) 推出新一系列600V、16A和20A集成功率模塊 (IPM),進一步擴展模擬功率平台方案的陣營,作為其IR [...] iMOTION集成設計平台一部分。 ipress.com.hk | International Rectifier [...] (IR), the power management leader, has introduced [...]a set of 600V, 16A and 20A integrated power modules [...](IPMs), expanding the analog power stage solutions offered as part of the company's iMOTION integrated design platform. ipress.com.hk |
從貧民區走向市中心,我看到一座大型充氣式帳蓬寫著「社會預備機構」字樣,其中人員來自省政府,各級政府都以不同方式協助災民,但這些善意背後卻有政治動機, 儘 管 有 些 政治 領 袖 來 自 同一黨,彼此卻為政敵,都想在災後塑造善人形象,不過至少都一步步讓人們生活回歸正軌。 thisbigcity.net | Behind these good intentinos lie political [...] motives; despite the fact that some of the leaders of these entities [...]are from the same party, they are political rivals. thisbigcity.net |
本次市场拓展服务报告邀请了超过350位的受访者参与调查,并针对“服务创新”这项主题访问超过25位的业界专家、高级 主 管 与 意见 领 袖 , 然 后对相关资料整理并分析。 rolandberger.com.cn | The second Global Market Expansion Services Report consolidates and analyzes data from over 350 survey [...] respondents and more than 25 interviews with industry [...] experts, executives, and thought leaders on the topic of [...]service innovation. rolandberger.com.cn |
青年義工網絡的義工人數在過去 [...] 多年一直穩步增 長,而青年義工網絡提供的服務機會和訓練亦不斷增加,對象既 包括義工管理人員和領袖, 亦包括義工在內 。 legco.gov.hk | Over the years, the number of volunteers has steadily increased, and VNET has offered an [...] increasing number of service opportunities and training, [...] both to volunteer managers and leaders, as well as to volunteers. legco.gov.hk |