单词 | 袁宏道 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 袁宏道—Yuan Hongdao (1568-1610), Ming dynasty poet and travel |
道明宏达理 财 会 即 时 提 交 您 更 改 或 取 消 指 令 的 要 求 , 但 交 易 可 能 已 执 行 , 只 不 过 尚 未 呈报您的账户。 tdwaterhouse.ca | This means that we will immediately submit your request to change or cancel your order, but the order may already be filled, even though the fill has not yet been reported to your account. tdwaterhouse.ca |
道明宏达理财 设 有 多 种 注 册 计 划 ,可因应您各方面的长远理财需要,助您 建 立 适 当 的 投 资 组 合 。 tdwaterhouse.ca | TD Waterhouse offers a variety of Registered Plans to help you construct an investment portfolio that meets all of your long-term financial needs. tdwaterhouse.ca |
道明宏达理财 可 为 您 直 接 代 办 一 切 , 包 括 收 取 股 息 、 再 投 资 以 至保管证券等。 tdwaterhouse.ca | TDWaterhouse handles everything directly for you – from dividend collection to reinvestment and safekeeping. tdwaterhouse.ca |
袁济书(音译)表示:"我很感激这一切的变化,我觉得我们的国家有很多值得称道的地方。 amccsm.org | I am so thankful for all the changes, that I have lots of good things to say about our country. amccsm.org |
十五年前,也就是 1990 年,中国地质科学院(CAGS)岩溶地质研究所研究员、中国科 学院(CAS)院士袁道先教授率领一个国际工作组,开始实施国际地球科学计划的一个岩溶 科学项目——关于“地质、气候、水文与岩溶形成”的 IGCP-299 项目(1990-1994 年)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Fifteen years ago in 1990, an international working group, led by Professor YuanDaoxian, Research Fellow of Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS) and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), began to carry out an IGCP project on karst science – IGCP-299 “Geology, Climate, Hydrology and Karst Formation” (1990-1994). unesdoc.unesco.org |
2005年,全球最高品质的纪实节目、世界上发行最广的电视品牌——Discovery探索频道就已经向全球160多个国家与地区报道了上海宏源及其创造的无极灯。 cn.lvd.cc | In 2005, DISCOVERY Channel, the most high-quality documentary TV program, and the TV [...] brand with the most issuing volume in the world, [...] reported Shanghai Hongyuan and its induction [...]lamps in over 160 countries. en.lvd.cc |
访问团成员还包括澳门房地产联合商会副会长李广志、澳门娱乐服务业联合商会理事长胡健伟、澳门工会联合总会离岛办事处副主任梁铭恩、澳门公用事业关注协会副理事长陈永源、澳门妇女联合总会副理事长陈爱珠、澳门建筑置业商会副理事长麦文新、澳门工会联合总会常务理事蔡锦富、澳门机电从业员协会理事长郑曜东、澳门地产业总商会副会长邓国明、澳门建造商会常务理事谭伟权、澳电电网运行及保养部高级经理陈汉强及通讯及公共事务办公室高级经理聂丽冰,其他澳电代表包括梁普宇、林润中、梁惠贞、郑宇文、卢展宏、袁建东、梁志成、周环宙、吴玉娟、孙健强、阮少宝、张鸣凤及欧阳光明等。 cem-macau.com | Delegation members also include: Lei Kuong Chi, Vice-President of Association of Property Agents and Realty Developers of Macau; Wu Kin Wai, President of Macau Entertainment & Service Association; Leong Meng Ian, Taipa Office Deputy Director of Macau Federation of Trade Unions; Chan Veng Iun, Vice-President of Macau Association of Consumers of Public Utility Companies; Ada Chan, Vice-President of the Women’s General Association of Macau; Mak Man Sun, Vice-President of Macau Association of Building Contractors and Developers; Choi Kam Fu, Standing Director of Macau Federation of Trade Unions; Cheang Io Tung, President of Macao Electromechanics Professionals Association; Tang Kuok Meng, Vice-President of Macau General [...] Association of Real Estate; Andy Tam, [...] Standing Directorof Macau Construction Association; [...]Billy Chan, Senior Manager of CEM [...]Network Operation & Maintenance Department; Cecilia Nip, Senior Manager of CEM Communications and Public Affairs Office. cem-macau.com |
因此,促进充分就业和体 [...] 面工作必须与一致的逆周期政策和健全的财政制度一道,成为关键宏观经济目 标,以便实现更稳定、更均衡的增长,支持消除贫穷。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, the promotion of full employment and decent work [...] must becomeakey macroeconomicobjective alongside [...]consistently counter-cyclical policies [...]and functional finance, in order to achieve more stable and balanced growth supporting poverty eradication. daccess-ods.un.org |
至於律政司司长袁国强,支持度评分为49.2分,支持率为25%,反对率为12%,民望净值为正13个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for SJ Rimsky Yuen, his support rating is 49.2 marks, approval rate 25%, disapproval rate 12%, and his net popularity stands at positive 13 percentage points. hkupop.hku.hk |
透过道明宏达理财 优 惠 投 资 经 纪 的 专 家 小 组 、 研 究 工 具 与 卓 越 专 才 , 您 可 享 有 全 方 位 的妥善支援。 tdwaterhouse.ca | We’ll support you with the full complement of TD Waterhouse Discount Brokerage Investment Specialist teams, research tools and expertise. tdwaterhouse.ca |
便能设定您的交易密码道明宏达理财优惠投资经纪竭诚为客户提供超卓服务,我们每周7 天,每天24小时 全天候为您效劳,随时接受您的交易指令、回答您的查询和提供所需的资料。 tdwaterhouse.ca | We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to accept your trade orders, answer your questions and respond to your requests for information. tdwaterhouse.ca |
投 资 会社道明宏达理财 优 惠 投 资 经 纪 提 供 多 项 便 利 客 户 的 服 务 , 助 您 建 立 投 资 组 合 或 取 得 稳定 收 入。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Partnership TDWaterhouse Discount Brokerage offers a number of convenient services to help you build your portfolio or generate a stream of income. tdwaterhouse.ca |
至於律政司司长袁国强,支持度评分为47.8分,支持率为24%,反对率为18%,民望净值为正6个百分比,袁国强的支持度评分及民望净值均为其上任以来最差。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for SJ Rimsky Yuen, his support rating is 47.8 marks, approval rate 24%, disapproval rate 18%, giving a net popularity of positive 6 percentage points. hkupop.hku.hk |
与 我 们 的 投 资 代 表 联 络 , 安 排 道 明 加 拿 大 信 托 银 行 账 户和道明宏达理财 优 惠 投 资 经 纪账户之间的转账。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Speak with an Investment Representative to transfer funds between your TD Canada Trust bank account and your TD Waterhouse Discount Brokerage account. tdwaterhouse.ca |
律政司司长袁国强说,香港的法律与仲裁专业人士,有丰富的国际商业法经验和高端的专业水平,可以提供不同领域的法律和解决争议服务,协助内地的企业,包括福建和厦门的企业「走出去」,开拓国际市场。 news.gov.hk | Hong Kong legal and arbitration professionals, with their rich experience in international commercial law and high level of professional expertise, can help Mainland enterprises to expand into international markets, Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen says. news.gov.hk |
对於长时间投入在个人工作室的袁导演来说,建立一个具有保护功能并属於自己的资料库来保存拍摄影片的素材,以及对参考资料进行分类和管理是相当重要的一件事。 synology.com | It is absolutely crucial for DirectorYuan,adevotee in his work and one who spends the majority of his time in the studio, to establish his own archive when it comes to storing film materials and managing all relevant files. synology.com |
在可预见的将来 不会再取得类似袁隆平教授在杂交稻育种领域所取得的质 的飞跃 不过 从理论上讲 我们能够将 世界上所有的野生稻与栽培稻进行杂交 值得关注的是 几个世纪以来 野生稻通 过自然进化发展形成了在各种天气状况中 生存的策略 在这一过程中形成了极为强 大 极具价值的基因型 我们目前正在研 究其中一个基因型 netzhammerbreiholz.de | The exciting thing about wild rice is that, over the centuries, it has – by means of a natural, evolutionary 75 development – developed strategies for surviving all weather conditions and establishing itself in nature. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
此举可以省去彼此会面的时间,而袁导演也可在个人工作室将工作顺利完成,大幅提升整体的效率。 synology.com | This way, it can save meeting time for both sides and Yuancan finish his work at the studio without trivial interruptions. synology.com |
代表团指出,政府在其宏伟的“赤道几内亚2020 地平线”发展计划中将人 权问题列为优先事项,计划内容有:通过包括人力资源培训的方式进行合作;强 [...] 化公务人员与公共服务;在各个层面进行人权宣传活动,尤其突出妇女、儿童以 及其他弱势群体的权利;公民社会参与人权的培训项目;在小学、中学和大学里 [...]介绍有关人权的价值观和伦理概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the delegation, the [...] Government, in its ambitious [...] development plan “Guinea Equatorial Horizon 2020”, has [...]established priorities in the area [...]of Human Rights which fully foresee cooperation, including through training of human resources, empowering of public agents and public services, awareness raising at all levels on Human Rights, particularly on the rights of Women, Children and other vulnerable groups, participation of civil society in training programs about Human rights, introduction of the concept of Human Rights values and ethic in the programs of primary, secondary and higher education. daccess-ods.un.org |
世服宏图位于北京道一号12楼的办公室将提供以独家先进的IT技术为基础的商务中心,逐步实现全球化网络覆盖的服务式办公室和虚拟办公室的环球网络,为企业提供全面商务解决方案。 servcorp.com.cn | Servcorp'slevel 12, floor will provide businesses in Kowloon with Servcorp's inimitable IT and Communications infrastructure, and access to a large and rapidly growing global network of Serviced and Virtual Office locations. servcorp.bh |
高处长代表驻美国代表处袁大使於开幕致词时表示,马总统上任以来,为确保两岸及国际局势持续正面发展,在我对外战略上结合了两岸关系、经贸与外交政策,着手於(一)两岸和解实现台海和平;(二)以活路外交拓展国际空间并增加台湾在国际发展上的贡献;以及(三)以国防武力吓阻外来威胁,强化中华民国的国家安全,并确保未来的长治久安等国家安全「三道防线」;并使台湾得以在国际社会上发挥潜在价值,成为「和平的缔造者」、「人道援助的提供者」、「文化交流的推动者」、「新科技与商机创造者」以及「中华文化的领航者」。 roc-taiwan.org | The conference hosted by WD Kinzley, Director of Center for Asian Studies, USC, and Robert Cox, Director of Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, USC. roc-taiwan.org |