

单词 袁世凯

See also:

surname Yuan
long robe (old)

chi (Greek letter Χχ)
surname Kai

External sources (not reviewed)

董 先生集 權 於一身 的 所作所為 , 可能只是袁 世 凱 停 止 國會運 作 的 做 法 好 一 點 。
The attempts made by Mr TUNG to concentrate all powers on himself are perhaps better than only the efforts made by YUAN Shikai to dissolve the parliament.
凯恩斯拥有世界顶 级高尔夫球场,距离酒店25分钟车程。
There's also a world-class golf course [...]
located approximately 25 minutes from the hotel.
一個對香 港未來 政制有 深 遠 影響的 改 革 , 審 議的時 間前後只有 64 天 , 也 許 我們要 慶幸董 先生袁 世 凱慷慨, 多 給 14 天 。
Despite the profound and far-reaching effects it will have on Hong Kong's future political system, we are only allowed 64 days to consider this reform proposal.
董 先生提出 的 問 責 制,不 論 在 制 訂過程 及 內 容 方
[...] 面,都 顯示其 專 制、獨 裁 的 一 面,袁 世 凱 同出一轍 。
The formulation process and contents of the
accountability system proposed by Mr TUNG have served to reflect the fact that he is as
[...] autocratic and dictatorial as YUAN Shikai.
袁 世 凱 只 做 了 83 天 皇 帝 便被推 [...]
翻 , 而當時被收買的政客 , 最後亦覺悟 前非, 希望各 位 同 事 汲 取 歷 史 的 教 訓。
YUAN Shikai was overthrown [...]
after he had proclaimed himself as emperor for 83 days, and the politicians he had bribed eventually
came to realize how wrong they had been.
1913 年袁 世 凱 不 甘 自己只 是 一個民 國的臨 時 [...]
大 總 統 , 於 是 四 出收買各 政 黨 人士及議會議員,支 持 其 成 為正式大 總 統 , 開 始 其 復 辟帝制的第一 步 。
In 1913, YUAN Shikai, not satisfied [...]
that he was just the Provisional President of the Republic of China, strove to bribe
members of different political parties and councillors to elect him as the President, thereby marking his first step in restoring the monarchial system.
凯恩与世隔绝,出入困难,影响了本来可迅速发展的速度,人们 希望能在 2009 年启动风力发电项目。
While Pitcairn’s isolation and access constraints have an impact on the speed with which progress can be made, it is hoped that implementation of the wind generation will start in 2009.
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沙夫豪森IWC万国表一直以来凯文 ·史派西(Kevin Spacey)凯特·布 兰切特(Cate Blanchett)、让·雷诺(Jean Reno)以及马克·福斯特(Marc Forster)等好莱坞巨星保持着密切的联系,在中国,品牌与包括吴镇宇、张智霖 袁 咏 仪 等中国影星同样有着良好的关系,并已经与许多品牌好友合作实现了诸多独立电影项目、戏剧和摄影项目。
IWC Schaffhausen has a long-standing relationship with Hollywood stars such as Kevin Spacey, Cate Blanchett, Jean Reno and Marc Forster, as well as Chinese actors including Francis Ng, Julian Cheung and Anita Yuen, and has already realised numerous unique film, theatre and photography projects with many of these Friends of the Brand.
令我感到自豪的是诸如沃尔沃汽车公司、沃尔 沃集团、斯堪尼亚公司、 eBuilder公司和凯孚公世界领 先公司已决定成为该项目的主要合作伙 伴。
I am proud that world-leading companies, such as Volvo Cars, AB Volvo, Scania, eBuilder and SKF have decided to become main partners to the project.
不 過 ,
[...] 由於建議 受 到 國會的阻 力袁 世 凱 於 是 停 止 國會的運 作 [...]
,成立中 央 政 治 會 議,修 改 《 臨 時約法》,徹底廢 除 限 制 總 統 權 力 的條款,賦予總 統 至 高 無上 的權力 。
But since his proposal was met with objection from the then
[...] parliament, YUAN Shikai dissolved the [...]
parliament and set up a central political
council to amend the Provisional Constitution to confer absolute power on the President by abolishing completely all clauses imposing restraints on his powers.
此卷收录了首次印刷出版的《古兰经》,是 12 世纪英国学凯顿的罗伯特 (Robert of Ketton) 的拉丁文译本。
This volume contains the first-ever printing of the Qur’an,
[...] presented in the 12th-century Latin translation by the English scholar Robert of Ketton.
記得去年辯論問責制時,我將董先生的問責制 袁世 凱 的 君主立憲、自 封為皇相比。
In last year's debate on the Accountability System, I compared Mr TUNG's Accountability System to YUAN Shikai's
[...] constitutional monarchy and self coronation.
自1992年创办起,双栖弧在美国和中国设计了各类建筑项目,包括屡获殊荣的北京天文馆(美国建筑学会AIA/LA奖,中国詹天佑土木工程奖等)、佛山东平新城交通枢纽中心(2011年国际房地产建筑大会建筑评论未来奖)以及红星 凯 龙 世 界 家 具展示中心(2012年国际房地产建筑大会建筑评论未来奖)等。
Since its founding in 1992, amphibianArc has been designed a wide range of projects in both the U.S. and China, including the award winning Beijing Planetarium (AIA/LA awards, China Zian Tien Yo Award), Foshan Dongping New City Mass Transit Center (2011 MIPIM Architecture Review Future Project Awards), and Hongxing Macalline Furniture Flagship Store (2012 MIPIM Architecture Review Future Project Awards).
袁 世 凱 要停止 國會運 作;幸 而 今天這個立法會沒 [...]
有 讓 行 政長官 停 止 我們運 作 , 總 算 是 不 幸 中 的 大 幸 了 。
Bearing in
[...] mind that YUAN Shikai dissolved [...]
the parliament, it is indeed our fortune that the Chief Executive does not dissolve this Council.
袁 世 凱 集大權 於一身後, 更 貪 得無厭 , 要求進一 步 集 權,遂 於 1915 年 11 月建立 君 主立憲 制 度 , 即 位 成 為 皇 帝 。
In order to further centralize powers, he turned the country into a constitutional monarchy in November 1915 and proclaimed himself emperor.
在受到使用集束弹指控后, 泰国军队暂停使用法国制造凯撒 155 毫米自行榴弹炮 和 M198 炮弹。
The Thai army suspended use of the French-made Caesar 155mm selfpropelled howitzer and M198 shells after the cluster munitions allegations.
英国福音活力青年会其他实例包括由乔治威廉姆斯 凯 瑟 琳 救 世 军 卜 维廉,乔治米勒和托马斯巴纳多的中国内地会的J戴德生社会部委和凯瑟克运动成立。
Other instances of British evangelical vitality included the YMCA founded by George Williams, the Salvation Army of Catherine and William Booth, the social ministries of George Mueller and Thomas Barnardo, the China Inland Mission of J Hudson Taylor, and the Keswick movement.
1962年至1974年间,他参加了一级方程式比赛和马 凯世 界 锦 标赛。
He raced in Formula 1
[...] and in the Marche World Championship between [...]
1962 and 1974.
袁 世 凱 當選後, 藉 口 當時的 憲 法,即 《 臨 時約法》,對總統 [...]
的工作 束縛 太 大,對 施 政 造 成 困 難,遂 要求修 改《 臨 時約法》,希望進一 步 集 權。
After he had
[...] assumed office, YUAN Shikai sought to further [...]
centralize powers by amending the then constitution, which was
the Provisional Constitution, on the pretext that the Provisional Constitution imposed too many restraints on the President and thus made it very difficult for the President to discharge his duties.
[...] Gap)前往格兰达洛风景区(Glendalough),那是威克洛郡最美丽的峡谷之一并且有着 世 纪 圣 凯 文 修 道院遗址。
Continue the tour via the exceptionally beautiful Sally
Gap towards Glendalough, one of the most picturesque glens of County
[...] Wicklow with its sixth-century St Kevin’s Monastery.
董 先生推 出問責 制,正袁 世 凱 要進一 步 增加總 統 權 力 一 樣 , 都 是 以現 時 制 度“阻 頭 阻 勢 " , 妨 礙 施 政 為 藉 口 , 實 際 [...]
上 ,是想 加大本身的權力 , 進 一 步 集 權 。
Just like YUAN Shikai trying to further increase the power of the President, Mr TUNG is introducing [...]
the accountability system
on the pretext that the restraints of the existing system are making his administration very difficult, while in reality, he is trying to enhance his power by further centralizing all powers.
为了推动对儿童和青少年中出现越来越多的无家可归者和贫困者的社会、经济、文化 和其他原因开展研究,教科文组织支持了由比 凯 克 公 共舆论研究中心开展的“吉尔吉斯斯 坦城市街头流浪儿问题”的研究。
To attain the goal of advancing research on social, economic, cultural and other causes of the growing homelessness and poverty among children and young people, UNESCO supported the research study on “Problems of Street Children in the Cities of Kyrgyzstan”, carried out by the Bishkek Centre for Public Opinion Studies.
本组织还支助了亚洲及太平洋地区 广播发展研究所(AIBD)在吉尔吉斯斯坦比 凯 克 和哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图(2002 年 7 月和 2003 年 2 月)举办一系列关于中亚地区各共和国公共广播事业法律、财政和行政问题的的研 讨会;波罗的海传媒中心在丹麦哥本哈根举行的关于在阿富汗建立公共广播事业的会议 (2002 年 4 月);在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的关于传媒、暴力与社会责任问题研讨会(2002 年 11 月),和在约旦安曼举行的关于阿拉伯国家公共广播事业和民间社会问题的讲习会 (2003 年 7 月)。
Support was also given to the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) to hold a series of seminars on legal, financial and administrative aspects of PSB in Central Asian Republics, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and in Almaty, Kahzastan (July 2002 and February 2003); to the meeting on building public service broadcasting in Afghanistan organized by the Baltic Media Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark (April 2002); to the seminar on media, violence and social responsibility held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (November 2002), and a workshop on PSB and civil society in the Arab States, Amman, Jordan (July 2003).
在可预见的将来 不会再取得类袁隆平 教授在杂交稻育种领域所取得的质 的飞跃 不过 从理论上讲 我们能够世界上所有的野生稻与栽培稻进行杂交 值得关注的是 几世纪以 来 野生稻通 过自然进化发展形成了在各种天气状况中 生存的策略 在这一过程中形成了极为强 大 极具价值的基因型 我们目前正在研 究其中一个基因型
The exciting thing about wild rice is that, over the centuries, it has – by means of a natural, evolutionary 75 development – developed strategies for surviving all weather conditions and establishing itself in nature.
十五年前,也就是 1990 年,中国地质科学院(CAGS)岩溶地质研究所研究员、中国科 学院(CAS)院袁道先 教授率领一个国际工作组,开始实施国际地球科学计划的一个岩溶 科学项目——关于“地质、气候、水文与岩溶形成”的 IGCP-299 项目(1990-1994 年)。
Fifteen years ago in 1990, an international working group, led by Professor Yuan Daoxian, Research Fellow of Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS) and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), began to carry out an IGCP project on karst science – IGCP-299 “Geology, Climate, Hydrology and Karst Formation” (1990-1994).
唉!主席女士,現在的 人,說話是說得出的便說,我記得在 1989 年民運後,聽袁木先 生的話, 覺得很討厭、很憤怒,但現在我聽到很多人說話也是這樣的,就是說得出便 說,永遠不會考慮負上證明事件是否正確的責任,永遠不會考慮會否侮辱了 普通市民的智慧,現在回想袁木先生的說話,已覺得不是那麼差勁了,如 果和現在有些人的說話比較,真的不是很差了。
When I recall the remarks made by Mr YUAN Mu, I do not think they were so bad after all. Those remarks were really not that bad if we compare them to the remarks made by some people nowadays.
至於律政司司袁國強,支持度評分為47.8分,支持率為24%,反對率為18%,民望淨值為正6個百分比 袁 國 強的支持度評分及民望淨值均為其上任以來最差。
As for SJ Rimsky Yuen, his support rating is 47.8 marks, approval rate 24%, disapproval rate 18%, giving a net popularity of positive 6 percentage points.




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