单词 | 衰弱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 衰弱adjective—weakadjless common: feebleadj Examples:精神衰弱—psychasthenia obsessive-compulsive disorder 神经衰弱n—breakdownn 神经衰弱—psychasthenia (euphemism) mental illness See also:衰—wane become weak or feeble mourning garments 弱adj—weakadj feebleadj youngadj
由于这些疾病致使 身体衰弱,但不造成死亡,因此它们的控制或治疗工作未获得充分支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because these diseases aredebilitating butdo notcause [...] death, efforts to control or treat them are not getting sufficient support. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如, [...] 饮食缺乏叶酸的孕妇生下的孩子可能最终出现脑积水,这种衰弱疾病会对头脑产 生不利影响,导致儿童发育迟缓。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, expectant mothers whose diets lack folic acid are likely to bear [...] children who eventually suffer from [...] hydrocephalus, a debilitating disease that adversely [...]affects the head and leads to [...]the stunting of the child’s growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 些 事 情 皆 显 示 经 过 社 会 转 变 及 改 革 失 败 [...] 的 双 重 挫 折 後,幕 府已衰 弱得不能 领 导 日 本 驱 赶 侵 [...]略 者 。 hkahe.com | All of this showed that the Shogunate, after repeated [...] frustration in the change of society and the failure of [...] reform, became too weaktohead the Japanese [...]to fight against the invader. hkahe.com |
新的学校和医院至关 [...] 重要,但如果就学和接受医学检查的儿童因幼年时缺乏营养,在身体和精神上已 非常衰弱,新的学校和医院又能发挥多大作用? daccess-ods.un.org | It is legitimate to observe that: “new schools and hospitals are crucial, but how much of a difference can they make if the infants arriving for their [...] lessons and check-ups have already [...] been consigned to debilitating physicaland mental [...]limitations by early life nutritional deficiencies? daccess-ods.un.org |
在 此 文 章 , 我 们 会 从 两 方 面 [...] 讨 论 此 课 题 : 内 部的衰 弱及外来 的 强 大 力 量 。 hkahe.com | In this essay, we could discuss it in mainly two [...] ways:internal weaknessand external strength. hkahe.com |
如果我们知道身 体是如何退化和衰弱的,那么就有办法减 缓这个过程。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | If we know how our body goes through the degenerative process, it is possible to slow it down. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
只是在有免疫系统衰弱的明显迹象时才进 行治疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therapy is indicated only after there are clear signs of immune system decline. daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多贫穷的城市地区,由于不足够的卫生和垃圾处理,导致儿童游戏的水里有很高的 生物病菌,引起使人衰弱有时是致命性的病毒。 ipaworld.org | In many poor urban areas, the presence of inadequate sanitation and waste disposal leads [...] to a high level of biological pathogens in water where [...] children play, causing debilitatingand sometimes fatal [...]disease. ipaworld.org |
有代表团还强调指出入侵物种现象是对生物多样性的威胁,是其衰弱的一个重要因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The phenomenon of invasive species was also underscored as a threat to biodiversity and a significant factor in its decline. daccess-ods.un.org |
这三种疾病去年夺走了将近 600 万人的生命,还有数百万人因此而 身体衰弱。 iprcommission.org | Together all three diseases claimed nearly six million lives last year, and led to debilitating illness for millions more.6 In addition, there are a number of less common diseases which are collectively important. iprcommission.org |
您有威胁生命或衰弱的严重状况(例如末期癌症)。 lacare.org | You have a very serious condition that is life [...] threatening or debilitating(for example, terminal [...]cancer). lacare.org |
遗憾的是,在我们等待执行第 1860(2009)号决议之际,以色列仍然对加沙地 [...] 带巴勒斯坦平民进行猛烈的军事攻击,越来越多的平民被占领军打死打伤,本来 已经衰弱不堪的加沙地带遭受更为严重的摧毁;人道主义局势依然严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regrettably, as we await the implementation of resolution 1860 (2009), the Israeli military onslaught against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip continues, with more and more civilians being killed and injured by the occupying [...] forces and greater destruction being [...] wreaked on the already debilitated GazaStrip;the humanitarian [...]situation remains grave. daccess-ods.un.org |
如此大量的未诊断患者意味着千百万人处在罹患需要高昂治疗费用和使人衰弱的糖尿病并发症的风险中,包括神经和肾脏疾病。 tipschina.gov.cn | The high number of undiagnosed diabetes cases [...] means that millions of people are at risk [...] of costly and debilitating diabetescomplications, [...]including nerve and kidney disease. tipschina.gov.cn |
该 战略预见,潜在未来冲突的起因将是气候变化和随之 [...] 而来的资源稀缺和贫困增加,因为这些现象可能导致 国家陷于崩溃或衰弱。daccess-ods.un.org | The strategy foresees potential future conflicts as a consequence of climate change and the [...] concomitant scarcity of resources and increased poverty, which could lead to the [...] emergence of failed or weakenedStates. daccess-ods.un.org |
食源性疾病”所涉及的疾病范围十分广泛,从简单的食物中毒和旅行者腹泻到包括伤寒症在内的造成身体衰弱的慢性疾病,以及肉毒杆菌中毒和格林巴利综合征等危及生命的并发症在内。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Food-borne illnesses involve a wide spectrum of conditions, ranging from [...] simple food poisoning and traveler's [...] diarrhea, to chronic debilitating diseases, including [...]Typhoid, and life-threatening complications, [...]such as Botulism or Guillain-Barré syndrome. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
毕加 索神话不会衰弱,但他是否在将来很长一 段时间里会受到来自中国艺术家的压力 呢? imgpublic.artprice.com | The Picasso myth does [...] not appear tohave weakened, but will itresist [...]the spectacular rise of Chinese artists up the global auction ladder? imgpublic.artprice.com |
器官衰弱身体失去了修复再生的能力,其中表现最 为显着的地方是「肾脏」。 cdn.c3a.com.sg | Body loses the ability to repair and regenerate itself, with most significant changes occurring in the kidney. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
他还说,他女儿患有神经衰弱症;以前从来没有作过针对任何人的投诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | He added that his daughter, who suffered a nervous breakdown, had never lodged complaints against anyone. daccess-ods.un.org |
违反《协定》精 神或与之背道而驰的发展趋势和举措,使得对政府的诚意或全面执行《协定》的 政治能力日渐衰弱的信心进一步削弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Adding fuel to the dwindling faith in the Government’s sincere intent or political ability to fully implement the Accord are developments and initiatives that violate or go against the spirit of the Accord. daccess-ods.un.org |
适用于体力衰弱、脾胃虚寒、咳嗽痰多、病后失调、机能退化及心脾两虚,气血不足所致的神疲体倦、食欲减退等症。 waiyuentong.com | Suitablefor weakness in physical strength, tiredness,weakness and coldness [...] in the spleen and stomach, cough with profuse [...]sputum, imbalance of body after illness, deterioration of organs’ function and for symptoms like tiredness, loss of appetite due to deficiency of the heart, the spleen, qi and blood. waiyuentong.com |
Al-Sarsak 现身体极度衰弱,逐渐 失去意识,健康状况极差,目前被关在 [...] Ramle 监狱诊所,以色列在没有对他提出 任何指控或证据的情况下,将其拘押期延长了 6 次。 daccess-ods.un.org | Al-Sarsak, who is emaciated, losing consciousness [...] and in grave health and is being held at the Ramle prison clinic, has [...]had his detention renewed six times by Israel without the presentation of any charges or evidence against him. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,更重要的是,这种方法已被证明能安全治疗一些衰弱疾病,如血管和心脏疾病。 hongkongstemcell.com | Additionally, and more importantly, this approach has proven to be [...] safe in treating debilitating conditions, such [...]as vascular and heart disease. hongkongstemcell.com |
(b) 所 提 出 的 证 据 所 针 对 的 一 方 同 意 , 或 有 证 明 使 法 庭 信 纳 作 供 词 人 已 去 世 , 或 在 法 庭 的 司 法 管 辖 范 围 以 [...] 外 , 或 因 疾 病 或 其他衰 弱情况而 不 能 出 席 审 讯 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) either the party against whom the evidence is offered consents or it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the [...] deponent is dead, or beyond the jurisdiction of the Court or unable from [...] sickness orother infirmity to attend the trial. hkreform.gov.hk |
临 床 参 考:本 方 常 用 於 感 冒 、 支 气 管 炎 、 肺 炎 、 肋 膜 炎 、 淋 [...] 巴 腺 炎 、 肺 结 核 、 肝 炎 、 黄 疸 、 胃肠 炎 、 肝 脾 肿 大 [...] 、 产 後 发 热 、 神经衰 弱、增强 免 疫 力 等 , [...]均 可 随 症 加 味 , 运 用 得 当, 对 於 急 慢 性 疾 病 均 有 良 [...]效 , 且 可 改 善 体 质 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | This formula is often used in treating common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, lymphadenitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, [...] hepatitis; jaundice; gastroenteritis, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, [...] postpartum fever, neurasthenia and to improve [...]immunity. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
1) 原因不明的发热(原因难以查明的热病) 2) HIV感染/AIDS(后天性免疫力缺乏综合症) 3) [...] 因恶性肿瘤或内脏器官移植等引起免疫力衰弱患者的合并感染(机会感染) 4) 国外流入的感染病、韩国本土流行病、潜伏结核、肺外结核 [...]5) 在医疗机关治疗期间的合并感染 6) 手术部位感染。 schmc.ac.kr | The Department of Infectious Diseases deals with the following directly or provides consults to specialists of other departments: 1) Fever of unknown origin (fever of which the cause is [...] difficult to ascertain) 2) HIV/AIDS 3) [...] Infection comorbid inpatients with depressed [...]immunity due to malignant tumor or [...]organ transplant (opportunistic infection) 4) Infectious disease introduced from overseas, aboriginal infection, latent tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis 5) Nosocomial infection 6) Postsurgical infection. schmc.ac.kr |
而且,乾隆帝的影响到了道光年间才逐渐衰弱,不带年号款而呈现乾隆时期的风格的玉器,有可能是乾隆帝在世以後作的。 e-yaji.com | The impetus of the Qianlong emperor’s personal interest in jade and close surveillance of jade carving style, particularly during the latter part of his reign, suggests that Qianlong quality and style would have been maintained well into the Jiaqing period, and perhaps even into the Daoguang. e-yaji.com |