单词 | 衬托 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 衬托 —set off衬托 noun—backdrop nSee also:衬—line • assist financially • (of garments) against the skin • contrast with 托—thanks to • prop • give • entrust • commit • be entrusted with • hold in one's hand • support (for weight) • act as trustee • support in one's palm • rest (e.g. arm rest) • Torr (unit of pressure)
由此营造的开放而坦率的气 氛衬托出高 露洁公司的整体文化,使董事会在公司业务战略的发展和指导中发挥积极作用。 colgate.com | The resulting atmosphere of openness and candor [...] reflects Colgate’s overall corporate culture and helps the Board play an [...]active role in the development and guidance of the Company’s business strategy. colgate.com |
当晚选择充满个性的Protocole XXL镶钻玫瑰金腕表以及经典的伯爵Polo白金镶钻腕表,除 了 衬托 出 他 的影视地位,亦成功做为他掌握典礼节奏的最佳伙伴。 piaget.com.cn | The Protocole XXL diamond paved rose gold watch and the classic Piaget Polo diamond paved white gold watch became his best pals of the significant event. piaget.com |
张伯伦,认为他的创造者仍是一个过去让他生气 , 衬托 上 一 个越野之旅,把事情。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | One friend’s creator, however, is missing – Wilt’s. Wilt, believing that his creator is still mad at him for a past let-down, sets off on a cross-country journey to set things straight. seekcartoon.com |
屏幕下方设计挂有三角形的 BeoLab 10 中置扬声器,进一步衬托其修 长的外形,形成了整体视觉效果。 bang-olufsen.com | The slender profile is accentuated by the triangular BeoLab 10 centre speaker, designed to hang below the screen and form a visual whole. bang-olufsen.com |
英国铁路公司(BritRail)邀您乘坐火车领略苏格兰美景,那里有起伏的山峦、崎岖的山脉、波光粼粼的湖泊 , 衬托 着 古 城堡和充满活力的城市。 tipschina.gov.cn | BritRail invites you to discover Scotland by train, where rolling hills, rugged mountains and sparkling lakes form the backdrop to historic castles and vibrant cities. tipschina.gov.cn |
外部候选人的材料并非总是得到真正的审查,有时只是 用来起到衬托内部候选人的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | External applications are not always fully examined and sometimes serve to advance internal candidates. unesdoc.unesco.org |
抛光不锈钢表壳以完美的对称设计 衬托 出 精 密计时器的优雅气质。 hk.ashford.com | The polished stainless steel case sets off an elegantly executed chronograph done in perfect symmetry. ashford.com |
精钢款式配以蓝色表带和镀铑指针,在镀银表盘 的 衬托 下 ,散发出典雅气息。 iwc.com | The stainless-steel case with its blue strap and rhodium-plated hands on the silver-plated dial radiates classical cool. iwc.com |
这座按照人物原型真实尺寸制作的南非前总统曼德拉的半身雕像在瓷白、银灰和深灰三色 的 衬托 下 熠 熠生辉,这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者是一位为自由而战的斗士。 wacker.com | It stands there glistening in white, silver-gray and dark-gray – a life-size bust of Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, freedom-fighter and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize – the back of the head crafted in porcelain, the face made of laser-welded platinum, the eyes set with black diamonds. wacker.com |
优雅的棕色鳄鱼皮革表带和白色缝线,与 18K 白金粉色表扣相互衬托,格外醒目。 hk.ashford.com | An elegant brown crocodile strap with white top stitching is complimented by an 18 karat white gold pink buckle. ashford.com |
经过一番考虑和一点点鼓舞士气的话,他奶奶的鬼,诺 曼 衬托 对 Pr enderghast检索书的住所。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After some consideration and a little pep-talk from his grandmother’s ghost, Norman sets off to Prenderghast’s residence to retrieve the book. iw.seekcartoon.com |
时尚的太阳缎面打磨炭黑色表盘完美 衬托 出 18 K红金抛光缎面处理的表壳。 wthejournal.com | The 18K polished satin-finished red gold of the case is expertly showcased through the contemporary sun satin-finished anthracite color of the watch’s dial. wthejournal.com |
帽子在双色背景的衬托下,创造处一种简单但又具有很强的视觉效果。 ba-repsasia.com | The hat is modeled against a two-color background, creating a simple, yet aesthetically strong visual. ba-repsasia.com |
在这次展览上,品牌齐聚塞巴斯蒂安·里昂·艾格尼斯(Sebastien Leon Agneessens)、格约拉(Quayola)和丹·霍兹沃斯(Dan Holdsworth)等三位风格明朗的21世纪艺术家的设计、摄影、声音和影片作品于一堂,在他们精心设计与布置 的 衬托 下 展 出100款非凡时计,体现爱彼表的缘起传承、鬼斧神工及艺术美学。 audemarspiguet.com | Using design, photography, sound and film from three unequivocally 21st century artists, Sebastien Leon Agneessens, Quayola and Dan Holdsworth, the Manufacture has curated an exhibition of 100 exceptional timepieces set against the backdrop of a stage that underscores Audemars Piguet’s origins, mastery and artistry. audemarspiguet.com |
这些闪亮的排名,除了新加坡政府的英明领导和亲商环境之外,也有我们中小企业 的 衬托 和 支 撑。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Besides the good work of the Singapore government and a pro-business environment, this can also be attributed to the support provided by Singapore’s SMEs. english.sccci.org.sg |
才子配佳人,只有最名贵的香槟才可匹配最珍贵的鱼子酱。【红伶】悉心呈献无法抗拒的诱惑组合:2003年份的Cuvée Dom Pérignon Brut香槟衬托法国 Sturia Ossetra鱼子酱,并以艷红欲滴的草莓及人手制高级软心朱古力佐配。 galaxymacau.com | The perfect partner for the best caviar is a chilled glass of the finest Champagne and this Christmas, CHINA ROUGE is presenting an irresistible combination of French Sturia Ossetra caviar with a bottle of Cuvée Dom Pérignon Brut 2003, a bowl of succulent strawberries and handmade CHINA ROUGE chocolate truffles. galaxymacau.com |
腕表的黑色表面衬托着浅色Superluminova 夜光处理的指针及小时刻度标示,再缀以耀眼的红色装饰,形造刚柔并济的强烈对比。 wthejournal.com | The black dial provides an elegantly contrasting backdrop for the hands and hour-markers enhanced with light-colored Superluminova, complemented by a number of extremely sporty red accents. wthejournal.com |
由于这是与我们直接接触的手表部件,为皮肤所感知的部件,因此它必须具有和谐的外形,能赏心悦目,表现其存在 并 衬托 出 佩戴者腕部的曲线。 hautehorlogerie.org | For this reason it must have a harmonious shape, suggest a certain sensuality, convey its presence and mirror the curves of its wearer's wrist. hautehorlogerie.org |
简约迷人的 Iris系列 包含戒指、耳环、饰针和袖扣,以金色魅影或银色魅影效果的施华洛世奇元素组成的完美圆形 为 衬托 , 中 间以大块的黑色或白色仿水晶点缀,让人眼前一亮。 brand.swarovski.com | The ring, earrings, pin and cufflinks of the Iris collection are strikingly simple: perfect circles of Golden Shadow or Silver Shade SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS radiate from a large central crystal, in either jet or crystal color. brand.swarovski.com |
黑暗被穿越,时间被静止,油画画面宛如一幅幅静帧影像在昏暗的光线 的 衬托 下 , 忽隐忽现。 ba-repsasia.com | Out of the darkness he freezes time, his subjects as if a movie still that continue to flicker in the dim light. ba-repsasia.com |
大气经典的外形、配以当代的几何元素、注重法兰的动态平衡,加上搭配六角形螺丝的八角形表圈,完 美 衬托 出 仅厚8.55毫米的自动上链机芯。 audemarspiguet.com | The taut contours, contemporary geometry and dynamic balance of the flange reinforced by the screwed octagonal bezel, set off the visible presence of the mechanism of a self-winding caliber just 8.55 mm thick. audemarspiguet.com |
伯爵Gouverneur腕表的超然风范完美衬托 吴 尊成熟内敛的贵族气质,吴尊以王子般的姿态压轴现身,穿梭由三座巨型金环所结合的光晕隧道,其气度神韵,展现犹如王者降临般的尊爵风范。 piaget.com.cn | Walking through the arched tunnel of light framed by the 3 gigantic rings, Wu showed up with the charm of a Prince Charmant as the finale of the event, the Gouverneur watch on his wrist perfectly brought out Wu’s inner maturity and temperament and imbued him with the vigor of a king. piaget.com |
主导的色彩是松木的淡黄,加上一股迷人香味,使您感到轻松好受,这也 是 衬托 H e l en a’s 的朴素美感。 helenacafe.vnnavi.com.vn | Predominant tone of color is pine yellow with a [...] slight good smell of [...] Charming to bring a gentle, interesting feeling and that is also the background to focus on rustic beauty of Helena's. helenacafe.vnnavi.com.vn |
模特们穿着Frida [...] Giannini为这个以双G为标志的时装屋设计的男装,仿佛“受折磨的诗人”般,佩戴 着 衬托 完 美 的带刺胸花,伴随着Air乐队向本时装秀特允提前播放的新作音符走秀。 mffashion.com | The flower with thorns was a perfect match for the tormented poets depicted by Frida Giannini [...] for the menswear by the house with the [...] double-G. They moved along the catwalk to [...]the sounds of the latest tracks by Air, which [...]were exclusively revealed at the show. mffashion.com |
走到四季名店二楼(近通往金沙广场的天桥),您将会被一袭由剪纸组成的华丽红裙吸引;而高贵的巨型红色剪纸高跟鞋 , 衬托 着 展 出2013年各名店的最新时装,仿如一场时装表演。 cn.sandscotaicentral.com | At Shoppes at Four Seasons, a beautiful and majestic red paper cut dress will be on display on Level 2 near the footbridge to Shoppes Cotai Central. sandscotaicentral.com |
为了迎合东京对科技的迷恋,店内还安装了视频目录和互动屏幕, 在其衬托下, 诸多 Gucci 经典元素更显奢华非凡,诸如 Guccisima 皮革收银盘,以及陈列在手工皮革托盘上的提包,无不闪烁着华美的光芒。 gucci.com | In keeping with Tokyo’s love affair with technology, there’s a video directory and interactive screens. This contrasts gorgeously with classic Gucci elements, such as the Guccisima leather change trays and the way handbags are presented with a flourish on hand-made leather roll out pads. gucci.com |
以动感与水为灵感的 Serene系列项链,在相同的材质上融入了银白色的月光效果,加上未经加工和无镀底蛋白色仿水晶,恰如其分地 地 衬托 出 低调含蓄的魅力。 brand.swarovski.com | The Serene collection necklaces use the same materials in the silvery-white shades of moonlight. brand.swarovski.com |
在文学, 戏剧, 造型艺术, 饮食新发现和高极大厨或本地厨师的 衬托 下, Artapas的"各地文化"将在你们的味蕾触感, 智慧, 饮食新发现, 以及我们的葡萄酒带领下, 进入一个融洽舒适的氛围. artapas.fr | Literature, theatre, fine arts, the discovery of the gastronomy from here and elsewhere with great chefs or specialists in country cooking. the Artapas culture night is a friendly experience which pleases your taste-buds and is also an intellectual pleasure through the discovery of our culinary luxuries and the wine-making from our countries! artapas.fr |
流体歧管、流体室、止回阀衬套及混合 组件的 A 侧均有标记。 graco.com | The fluid manifold, fluid housing, [...] check valve cartridge, and mix module [...]are marked on the A side. graco.com |