

单词 表意



show respect


ideographical writing system

发表意见 v

comment v

External sources (not reviewed)

还可能邀请有 关专门机构和其他国际组织的代表在对话的任何阶段 表意 见。
Representatives of relevant specialized agencies and other international bodies may also be invited to contribute at any stage of the dialogue.
[...] 需要从象征性地协商转化为诚恳磋商,并消除许多家庭对承认儿童 表意 见 权利 的抵制。
That in turn requires an effective shift from tokenism to genuine consultation and a dismantling
of the strong resistance often found in families against recognition of the right of
[...] the child to express her/his views.
我们对公众负有责任,公众有权了解我们所做的 有什么危险和益处,并有权表意见。
We are accountable to the public, who have the right to understand the risks and benefits of what we do and
[...] to have their input heard.
将:有助于维护《公约》的整体性;考虑到《公约》在审议指控方面的总体原 则;就防止儿童由于提出申诉而遭报复的措施提出建议;采取性别敏感的方法;
[...] 保障儿童在对影响到其本人的诉讼中 表意 见 的权利;补充委员会报告的职责, [...]
使它能够呼吁相关机构支持各国就其建议采取的后续行动,包括解决暴力侵害儿 童的根本原因。
While building on existing international norms and standards, that procedure would: contribute to the preservation of the holistic nature of the Convention; take into account the general principles of the Convention in the consideration of allegations; propose measures to prevent the child from being subjected to reprisals for having submitted complaints; apply a gender-sensitive approach; guarantee the right of the child to be heard in proceedings affecting him or
her; and complement the reporting function of
[...] the Committee, which would thus be [...]
in a position to call on relevant bodies to
support countries in any follow-up to its recommendations, including by addressing root causes of violence against children.
[...] 组织赞同关于该决议草案的一致意见,但也不放弃 对未来任何草案表意见的权利。
He added that in joining the consensus on the draft resolution, OIC reserved
[...] the right to comment on any future texts.
事實上,我們只不過是在儀式上有 表意 見 的權利,而不 應該介意我們有多少權力來左右大學的政策。
In fact, we only have the right to express our views as a formality, so we should not care about how much power we have to sway the policies of the university.
新闻权利、包括主张和表意见的 自由; 除上述权利之外,还有作为其必不可少之补充的其它权利,即:思想和信仰自由的权 利,不限国界不拘方法地去寻求、接收和传播新闻和思想的权利,保护任何科学、文学或艺 术成果带来的精神和物质利益的权利,与教育、科学、文化和新闻活动有关的集会和结社自 [...]
To those rights are
[...] added others which constitute their indispensable complement, namely the right to freedom of thought and conscience, [...]
the right to seek,
receive and impart, regardless of frontiers, information and ideas by any means whatsoever, the right to protection of the moral and material interests deriving from any scientific, literary or artistic production, and the right to freedom of assembly and association for activities connected with education, science, culture or information.
部門員工及各員工協會 亦獲邀提供資料和表意見, 以供檢討小組考慮。
Staff and staff associations of the department were invited to provide input and
[...] to give their views for the consideration [...]
of the Review Group.
如果指定机构作出此种判断,在给予各方当事人和其余仲裁员 表意见 的 机会之后,指定机构可以:(a)指定替代仲裁员;或(b)在审理终结后,授权其 [...]
If the appointing authority makes such a determination, it may, after giving an
opportunity to the parties and the remaining
[...] arbitrators to express their views: (a) appoint [...]
the substitute arbitrator; or (b) after
the closure of the hearings, authorize the other arbitrators to proceed with the arbitration and make any decision or award.
因此国际环境法中心无法就专利权人的论点 表意 见 , 该专利就得以 维持。
CIEL were
[...] therefore unable to comment on the arguments [...]
made by the patentee that led to the patent being upheld.
[...] 权宣言》特别述及的这些基本权利中列有“人人有权享有主张和 表意 见 的自由;此项权利 包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由,和通过任何媒介……寻求、接受和传递消息和思想的自 [...]
规定的限制之唯一目的“在于保证对旁人的权利和自由给予应有的承认和尊重,并……适应 道德、公共秩序和普遍福利的正当需要”( 140 EX/3 PRIV. 第 133 段 ) 。
The Committee decided to point out that the whole of the international community is duty bound to respect fundamental universally recognized human rights; that those fundamental rights, enshrined in particular in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, include the right to
[...] “freedom of opinion and expression; that this right [...]
includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media”; and that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights admits only such limitations to the exercise of those rights as are determined by law, and then solely “for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare” (140 EX/3 PRIV., para. 133).
要約人董事共同及個別對本公告所載資料(有關本集團者除外)之準確性承擔全部責任,並 在作出一切合理查詢後確認,就彼等所深知,本公告內所 表意 見 ( 本集團所發表者除外) 均經審慎周詳考慮後始行作出,且本公告並無遺漏任何其他事實致使本公告所載之任何內容 [...]
The directors of the Offeror jointly and severally accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this announcement (other than that relating to the Group) and confirm, having made all reasonable enquiries,
that to the best of their
[...] knowledge, opinions expressed in this announcement (other than those expressed by the Group) [...]
have been arrived
at after due and careful consideration and there are no other facts not contained in this announcement, the omission of which would make any statement in this announcement misleading.
一些代表团表意见, 食典委应明确拒绝在罗马或日内瓦开会的提议,而不是以 后再考虑。
Some delegations expressed the view that the Commission should clearly reject the proposal for meetings in Rome or Geneva and should not consider it further.
[...] 綜合財務報表以作出真實而公平的反映相關之內部控制,以設計適當之審計程序,但目的並非對公司內部控制之有效 性表意見。
In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not
[...] for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness [...]
of the entity’s internal control.
该机构就本地区社会劳动政 策提供咨询意见,尤其对有关工资、劳动法律、促进就业、社会保障等的政策表意见。
This entity gives advice on socio-labour policies and, in particular, to salaries, labour law, and employment strategies and social security.
其主要职能是提供咨 询,且仅限于对政府的咨询事务本身 表意 见。
Its main function is advisory, and it is limited to
[...] providing its well-founded opinions on the subject of [...]
the consultation.
在工作组认为无法表意见的 那两项建议中,一项是分析固定汇率机制对多边基金产生的 [...]
影响,工作组提议由缔约方大会对其进行审议;另一项建议是在出现账目出入的时候聘请 一个独立的设计师,工作组认为,没有必要考虑建立一个程序来处理后一个问题,如果需
The remaining two recommendations on which the group
[...] felt unable to comment were the analysis [...]
of the effect of the fixed-exchange-rate
mechanism on the Fund –which the group suggested should be dealt with by the Meeting of the Parties– and the hiring of an independent auditor in the event of accounting discrepancies.
经社会不妨就该文件表意见, 并针对亚太统计所今后的工作 提供指导。
The Commission may wish to comment on the document [...]
and provide guidance for the future work of SIAP.
約半數就標準專利制度表意見的 成員,贊同在香港設立「原授 專利」制度,當中有成員認為此舉有利於培育創意,吸引更多海 [...]
外企業在香港就其發明申請專利,以及推動香港發展成為區內創 新科技樞紐。
Some consider that it would have the benefits
[...] of nurturing creativity, attracting [...]
more overseas enterprises to apply for patents
for their inventions in Hong Kong and developing Hong Kong into a regional innovation and technology hub.
(b) 采取有效措施确保在儿童所在的所有机构和在社会的所有层次,特别 在社区和学校一级,加强对儿童 表意 见 权 的价值的理解,包括开展提高认识的 活动,以及对成年人与儿童进行培训。
the right of the child to be heard in all institutions attended by children and at all levels of society, especially at the community and school level, including awarenessraising activities, and training for adults and children.
经社会不妨就该文件内容表意见, 以便确定旨在进一步加强 亚太经社会审评工作的各项措施。
The Commission
[...] may wish to comment on the information presented [...]
in the document with a view to identifying measures to further
strengthen evaluations at ESCAP.
市民的意見對有關建議能否成功至關重要, 須市民積極表意見的 問題包括:政府的角色、應否注資成立「種子基金」,特 區政府若財政盈餘超過某個水平,應否把部份盈餘撥入「市民戶口」等。
Key issues subject to further discussions from the public include: Government’s role and the payment of “seed money”, continuous injection of government surplus to the Account when the fiscal surplus exceeds a minimum threshold level, etc.
在 進 行 風 險 評 估 時,我 們 考 慮 與 財 務 報 表 編 製 相 關 的 內 部 控 制,以
[...] 設 計 恰 當 的 審 計 程 序,但 目 的 並 非 對 內 部 控 制 的 有 效 性表 意 見。
In making those risk assessments, we consider the internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not
[...] for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness [...]
of the entity’s internal controls.
(a) 采取措施,确保残疾人能够在与其他人平等的基础上 表意 见 和 行使 见解自由的权利,并在这方面以可以使用的方式向一般公众提供信息、特别是对 [...]
(a) Take measures to ensure that persons with
disabilities can exercise the right to
[...] freedom of expression and opinion on an equal [...]
basis with others and, in this regard,
provide information intended for the general public in accessible formats and – especially with respect to the deaf, hard–of-hearing, and deafblind – recognize and promote the use of sign language
鉴于实地这些积极的实际发展,那些就达尔富 尔问题表意见的 人,现在有必要呼吁国际社会来 协助完成和平的道路,而不是火上浇油,给该地区 带来不稳定,或是恐吓当地的居民。
In the light of all those positive tangible developments on the ground, it is now necessary for those who speak of Darfur to call upon the international community to assist in completing the march towards peace and not to throw more fuel on the fire, cause instability or intimidate the inhabitants of the region.
在本项目下,还请执行局:(a) 在定稿之前,对关于布基纳法索、赞比亚、 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、印度尼西亚、马尔代夫、索马里、智利和乌拉圭的国 家方案文件草稿表意见; (b) 批准将伊朗伊斯兰共和国的国家方案再延长一年。
Under this item, the Board will also be asked to: (a) comment on the draft country programme documents for Burkina Faso, Zambia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Indonesia, Maldives, Somalia, Chile and Uruguay, prior to their finalization; and (b) approve the second one-year extension of the country programme for the Islamic Republic of Iran.
2010 年 9 月至现在:一名代表为实施秘书长关于促进妇女儿童健康全球战略
[...] 做出贡献,包括通过举行联合王国民间社会与联合王国政府的讨论,并对“每一 位妇女,每一位儿童”的在线论坛 表意 见。
September 2010-present: a representative has contributed to the implementation of the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, including through convening the United Kingdom civil
society discussions with the United
[...] Kingdom Government and comments made to the online [...]
forum of “Every Woman, Every Child”.
突尼斯一直在奋力改善儿童的境况,培育他们的民族特性,使他们为过自 由和负责的生活作好准备,向他们提供照料和保护,发扬增进儿童权利的风尚, 酌情征求儿童就对他们有影响的事项 表意 见 , 尊重和支持他们的权利,同时时 刻铭记童年独特的特点和儿童的最佳利益。
Tunisia has striven to improve the condition of children, nurture their national identity, prepare them for a life of freedom and responsibility, provide them with care and protection, promote a culture of children’s rights, seek input from children as appropriate on matters affecting them, and respect and support their rights, always keeping in mind the unique characteristics of childhood and the best interests of the child.
[...] 受到指控的缔约国可就来文可 否受理以及案情表意见; 由于在《第一任择议定书》为处理个别来文而制定的 [...]
Under the Committee’s rules of procedure,c a respondent
[...] State can submit statements relating to both [...]
the admissibility and the merits of the
complaint set forth in the communication; since the adversarial principle is fully respected in the procedure established by the first Optional Protocol for dealing with individual communications, neither party’s right of defence is breached.




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