

单词 表态


明确表态 v

commit v

表示从一种状态到另一种状态的变化或发展 adv

away adv

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

表态赞成 与追求目标近似的非政府组织采取集体合作方式及促进它们形成 组合的原则。
It also came out in favour of collective cooperation and the grouping together of NGOs pursuing similar goals.
尽管外国公司可以获取源自国家资源的私人权利,但是《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》对 《生物多样性公约》要求的义务却没 表态。
Foreign companies may obtain private rights derived from national resources, but TRIPS is silent on obligations set out by the CBD.
如果这表态得以 落 实,美国和加拿大将成为占据联合国会员国多数的支持《宣言》的国家中的一 [...]
Once these measures have taken effect, [...]
the United States and Canada will join the great majority of Member States of the
United Nations that support the Declaration, and opposition to it will become a thing of the past.
发言者感谢对该草案投赞成票的国家对这一重要草 案的支持,大会稍后将对该草表态。
She thanked States for their support for that important draft resolution, which the Committee would decide upon shortly.
古巴指出,它本希望以色列会遵循大家遵守的共同做法,对尚未在工作组 审议期表 态 过的所有建议作出反应。
Cuba indicated it had hoped that Israel would have followed common practice, which has been respected by all, to react to all the recommendations on which their position had not yet been set out during the Working Group review.
然而,这表态在 多 大程度上反应了基层实际情况尚存有疑问(参见 第 I 章)。
However, the extent to which this reflects the current realities on the ground can be questioned (see Section I above).
显然,阿拉伯世界的普遍情绪是深感沮丧,因为 安全理事会今年早些时候未能就以色列定居点这一 关键问题作表态,尽 管空前之多的国家成为了我国 代表团向安理会提出的决议草案(S/2011/24)的提案 国。
It is clear that the prevailing sentiment in the Arab world is one of deep frustration following the failure of
this Council earlier
[...] this year to express itself on the critical issue of Israeli settlements, even though the draft resolution (S/2011/24) that my delegation had presented [...]
to the Council
had been sponsored by an unprecedented number of States.
而仅仅因为新独立国家没表态,就认为该国放弃被继承国的保留,等 于是对该国强加更重的义务。
Secondly, a State is in general not to be understood as having
undertaken more onerous obligations unless it has
[...] unmistakably indicated an intention [...]
to do so; and to treat a newly independent
State, on the basis of its mere silence, as having dropped its predecessor’s reservations would be to impose upon it a more onerous obligation.
我们没有看到报告中谈到文件和其他程序问题 非正式工作组取得什么成果,而只是就第 507 号主席 声明(S/2010/507)对安理会工作的作用作了非常泛 泛表态,特别是没有提到安理会为在这方面开展系 统性执行工作所作的努力。
We see no indication of results emanating from the Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, just a very generic statement on the role that presidential note 507 (S/2010/507) plays in the practice of the Council.
这种称呼并非政表态,也 不 是对军人政权是否有权修改国名发表看法。
This is not a political statement or a judgment on [...]
the right of the military regime to change the name of the country.
一些代表团没有明表态,有 的仅限于指出,鉴于石油和天然气往往属于共 [...]
有自然资源,该主题事项需要更广泛的考察,但也表示有兴趣关注委员会的工作, 并为今后对该主题的考察提供支持;有的则保留关于结果的判断,期待在共有自 然资源工作组范围内编写的研究,但对该专题是否已具备编纂法规的成熟条件表 示怀疑。
Some delegations were non-committal, [...]
either limiting themselves to noting that the subject matter required a more in-depth
examination, given that oil and gas were natural resources that were frequently shared, while also expressing their interest in following the work of the Commission and providing support in the context of a future examination of the subject; or reserving judgement on the outcome and looking forward to the study to be prepared in the context of the Working Group on shared natural resources, while nevertheless expressing doubts as to whether the topic was ripe for codification.
这些进展包括一个国际法庭首次在裁决中承认信息权为 表达自由的普遍权利的一个方面,以及一些高级法院作出的同类裁决,还有越来越多的权威 性国际组织和官员作出的支持这一权利的有 表态。
These include the first decision by an international court recognising the right to information as an aspect of the general right to freedom of expression, along with decisions by superior courts along the
same lines, and more
[...] and more emphatic statements by authoritative international bodies and officials about the status of this right.
[...] Mr Jalili’s statement referred to above, [...]
agreement on the structured approach has yet to materialize.
由于技术不确定因素妨碍验证任何试图访问或使用本网站(包括任何安全网站)人员的身份与最终访问点,因此,您访问本网站(包括出示任何授权用户ID 与密码)应构成您明表态: ( 1) 试图访问该网站的人员并非上述任何受制裁国家或组织的国民或特别指定国民,及 [...]
(2) 未被列入上述被拒贸易方名单,及
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Due to technical uncertainties preventing verification of the identity and ultimate point of access by any person attempting to access or use the Site, including any Secured Site, your access of the Site, including the presentment of any
authorized user ID and password,
[...] constitutes your express representation that (1) the person [...]
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a national of any such sanctioned country or group or a Specially Designated National, and (2) is not included on such Denied Parties list, and (3) that, if an Authorized User, you have not disclosed or provided such password and user ID to any such person for use under your registration.
Deputy General Manager of Bo Ai Group, Tu
[...] Xiaoming, also indicated that besides cancer [...]
treatment cooperation, Bo Ai Group
is also willing to provide Bangladesh with support of cardiac operation technology and other high-end complicate surgical technologies.
在这方面,我想着重指出,秘书长支持裁军谈判会议立即开始谈判此项条 约,他本人上周就曾在这间会议厅如 表态。
In this connection, I wish to highlight the Secretary-General’s support for the immediate
start of negotiations in the Conference on Disarmament on such a treaty, as
[...] he himself stated in this chamber [...]
last week.
[...] 公平和公正的和平,但以色列对其倡议 表态 的 回应 是一味的搪塞,并且继续在阿拉伯被占领土实施众人 [...]
皆知的做法,其中包括继续羁押数千名巴勒斯坦人, 以及保持对加沙的封锁。
The Syrian Arab Republic had frequently expressed its commitment to a fair and just peace,
but the Israeli response to its
[...] initiatives and overtures had been to prevaricate [...]
and continue with its well-known practices
in the occupied Arab territories, including the continued detention of thousands of Palestinians and the maintenance of the blockade on Gaza.
但是,正如我先前已经提到过的那样,关键问题 是,这些积极事态发展是否能够实际改善武装冲突中 平民的状况,或者即便在规范方面取得进展也只是扩 大了国际规则与实地现实之间的差距,或者形成了新
[...] 的差距,致使人们更加质疑法律的相关性以及安全理 事会所表态的可信度?
But, as I have asked before, the key question is whether these positive developments have actually improved the condition of civilians in armed conflict, or have normative advances merely widened the gap between international rules and reality on the ground, or created a
new gap and called further into question the relevance of the law and the credibility
[...] of Security Council pronouncements?
公民可通过提案要求对宪法进行变更或补充,或者可通 过全民公决在事后对国会决表态。
Citizens can request that a change or addition be made to the constitution by means of an initiative, or they may decide on parliamentary resolutions after the event by means of a referendum.
5.2 缔约国坚持,在对可否受理问题做出决定之前,缔约国将不会对关系上述来 文的案表态;在 审议案情之前,任何司法机构或相关机构的义务首先是处理先 决问题。
5.2 The State party insists that it will not address the merits of these communications until the issue of their admissibility has been settled, since all judicial or quasi-judicial bodies have a duty to deal with preliminary questions before considering the merits.
[...] Muktar Robow 据报 2011 年年中期继续在青年党内部参与政 表态。
Former al-Shabaab Deputy Emir Muktar Robow reportedly continued to engage
[...] in political posturing within the al-Shabaab [...]
organization during the mid-2011.
这种 方案的赞成者认为,放表态是一种最迅捷的解决方案,他们指出,这样不但可以提供法 律安全保障,而且可以避免对《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》进行修改和权威解释。
Advocates argue that a waiver is the most expeditious solution noting that it could provide legal security and still avoid the need for either amendment or authoritative interpretation of the TRIPS agreement.
人权高专办请各机构就是否有兴趣在其奖学金方案中为青年土著人民 提供指导进表态。
The importance of providing training and technical support to young indigenous people was recognized by Support Group members.
虽然世界上许多领导人都对美国总统奥巴马阐明这一重要立场,特别是申明 独立、主权和毗连的巴勒斯坦国和以色列之间的边界应以 1967 年界限为基础这表态表示欢 迎,但非常令人遗憾的是,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡仍以其通常使用 的公然蔑视和傲慢口吻做出回应,发表了挑衅和不负责任的言论,等于是推翻了 两国解决办法,破坏了以此作为巴以两国人民今后建立和平、公正和安全基础的 前景。
While many world leaders welcomed the articulation by President Obama of this important position, in particular his affirmation that the borders of an independent, sovereign and contiguous State of Palestine and Israel should be based on 1967 lines, it is highly regrettable that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu responded with his usual tone of blatant defiance and arrogance, making provocative and irresponsible statements amounting to the destruction of the twoState solution and the prospects for it to serve as the foundation for a future of peace, justice and security between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples.
NVIDIA 对于以下提供的测试结果不做任何保证 表态。
NVIDIA makes no warranty or representation with respect to the [...]
accuracy of the test results posted below.
委员会注意到,缔约国没有就此修订 表态 , 而 是仅 就 2003 年的法律原文发表了意见。
The Committee notes that the State party has referred only to the initial 2003 text of the Act and not to the amended version.
中国的商业文化非常强调政府关系以及官 表态 , 因而科莫罗 夫斯基先生在十二月份的访问对提升波兰在中国企业界领袖心 目中的地位至关重要。
Some of the most visible Chinese investments in recent years have been made in Africa, in countries such as Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon and Ethiopia, where Chinese companies are building railways, stadiums and other infrastructure.
它可以让你很容易地创建用于演讲,介绍或对话训练的且具有交互式性的虚拟幻灯片.Javanti的幻灯片可包 表态 和 动态的元素,从简单的文本到复杂的仿真与实验.
It allows you to easily create presentations , presentations or training and have an interactive dialogue of the virtual slide .
(此 处为《维也纳公约》的明文规定) ,一国在表态时保 持沉默也会产生法律效 力,但这在国家以单方面声明方式表明立场的情况下更为明显;保留国和其他缔 约国可以信赖提出明示接受的国家所表达的意愿。
This is certainly true where
[...] acceptance has been made expressly: even if there is no doubt that a State’s silence in a situation where it should have expressed its view has legal [...]
effects by virtue
of the principle of good faith (and, here, the express provisions of the Vienna Conventions), it is even more obvious when the State’s position takes the form of a unilateral declaration; the reserving State, as well as the other States parties, can count on the manifestation of the will of the State author of the express acceptance.
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