

单词 补足额

See also:


make up a deficiency
fill (a vacancy, gap etc)
bring up to full strength

fill (a vacancy)
make up for


sufficient or full (payment)

horizontal tablet or inscribed board
specified number or amount

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 表决的候 选人应限 于在前一次投票中得票最多的 候 选人,其人数 不得超 出补足 余额一倍
If the number of candidates obtaining such a majority is less than the number of places to be filled, additional ballots shall be held to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the
largest number of votes in the previous ballot, in a number not exceeding twice
[...] the number of places remaining to be filled.
显然,尚有 40%的经费缺口需要补,才能为选 举预算提足额资金
It is clear that there is still a balance of 40 per cent needed to fully fund the election budget.
2012/13 年的挑战将是,向发展中国家和最不发达国家提供额外资源,作为一种免费的支助来源, 但并不因其取代发展活动的常规预算资助,而是作为一 额 外 的 、 补 充 性 质的支助来源,帮助足 对这 项工作的需求,在 WIPO 各项计划和优先事项的背景下加快利用知识产权促进发展的步伐。
The challenge in 2012/13 will be to deliver additional resources to developing countries and LDCs as a complimentary source of support, not as a substitute for regular budget funding of
development activities, but as
[...] an additional and complementary source of support to help meet the demand for this [...]
work, to accelerate
the use of IP for development within the context of WIPO’s programs and priorities.
当一个或一个以上的选任空缺须在同样条件下同 补足 时 , 每一有权投 票的代表团可投票选举多达与补足 空 缺 数目相同的候选人,在第一次投票中获 得过半数票且得票最多的候选人当选,但人数不得超过 补 名 额。
When one or more elective places are to be filled
[...] at one time under the same conditions, each delegation entitled to vote may cast a vote for as many candidates as there are places to be filled, and those candidates, in a number not exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot a majority of the votes cast and the largest number of votes shall be elected.
这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于:获得股 补 偿 的 数 额 ; 确 定股 补 偿 数 额 所 适 用的公司股票价格;员工股票期权的行权方式;扩大公司客户群的困难;抓住市场机会的困难;提供 足 客 户 需求的解决方案的困难;漫长的销售周期;开发新产品的困难;与厂商和合作伙伴关系的困难;国际业务的高风险;管理高速成长的困难;管理公司财务业绩的困难;聘用和留住员工及员工胜任工作的能力;公司的现金需求;新会计声明的影响以及加剧的竞争等。
These include, but are not
[...] limited to: the amount of stock-based compensation awarded; the applicable Company stock price used to determine stock-based compensation; the exercise pattern of employee stock options; difficulties expanding the Company's customer base; difficulties leveraging market opportunities; difficulties providing solutions that meet the needs of customers; [...]
poor product sales;
long sales cycles; difficulties developing new products; difficulties in relationships with vendors and partners; higher risks in international operations; difficulties managing rapid growth; difficulties managing the Company's financial performance; the ability to hire and retain employees and appropriately staff operations; the Company's cash needs; the impact of new accounting pronouncements and increased competition.
如果三 轮这种无限制的投票仍无结果,则以下三轮投票应限于第三轮无限制投票中得票 最多的候选人或候选代表团,但数目不超过 补 余 额 的 两 倍,接下去的三轮投票 又应不设限制,依此进行,直至所有空 补足 为 止
If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the
third of
[...] the unrestricted ballots, to a number not more than twice the places remaining to be filled, and the following three ballots thereafter [...]
be unrestricted, and so on until all the places have been filled.
(4) 有关是否需要设立及维持认购 权储备及如有需 要时所须设立及维持的金 额、有关认购权储备所曾使用的用途、有关其曾用作 补 本 公 司亏损的程度、有关将 须向行使认股权证持有人配发的入账列为 足额 外 股 份的面额以及有关认购权储备任 何其他事宜的本公司当其时由核数师编制的证书或报告,在没有明显错误下,对本公 [...]
(4) A certificate or report by the auditors for the time being of the Company as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the
Subscription Rights Reserve
[...] has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares [...]
required to be
allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
这可能是不现实的,因为如果一组织的国际不法行为 造成重大损害,该组织可能没足够 的 资金提供 额补 偿 , 或者反过来说,支付 补偿可能损害其活动和任务。
This could be unrealistic because, if the internationally wrongful act of an organization causes major damage, the organization might not have the funds to provide full compensation or, conversely, the payment of compensation could compromise its activities and mandates.
这个计 划的期限补贴金额取决 于目标群体的具体 情况。
The duration of this scheme and the amount reimbursed depends on the target group.
联合国应按年度合同小时的 60%或协助完成联合国任务的实际飞行小时 两者中较大额补偿会 员国,后者包括为 足 掌 握 最新技术和能力胜任 方面的合理需要的飞行时数。
The United Nations should reimburse the Member State the greater value of either 60 per cent of the annual contracted hours or the actual hours flown in support of United Nations tasking, including hours for legitimate currency and competency requirements.
根据免费小学教育方案,还 在公立学校、单位及其他机构向有特殊需要的儿童提 额 外 资 金 补 助 , 以确保他 们切实融入集体。
Under the FPE programme, additional capitation grants are provided to children with special needs enrolled in public schools, units and other institutions to ensure their effective integration.
用于足额外需求的补助 金 (孕妇、只用于保障子女教育的人、残疾人或者购买昂贵食品的人等等)以总额 的形式发放,而且作为正常发放的补助金的一部分。
Benefits for additional needs (for pregnant women, for persons solely responsible for their children’s education, persons with a disability or to cover the cost of an expensive foodstuff, for example) are provided at a flat-rate and as a percentage of the standard benefit accorded.
大会第 61/233 B
[...] 号决议重申,未缴摊款问 题是大会的政策事项,并敦促所有会员国尽力确 足额 缴 纳 摊款。
The General Assembly, in its resolution 61/233 B, reiterated that the issue of outstanding assessed contributions was a policy matter of the Assembly
and urged all Member States to make every possible
[...] effort to ensure the payment of their [...]
assessed contributions in full.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文额 空 缺 ,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时补所有 工作地点 现有和未来的语文额空缺 ,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to
seek a more effective
[...] strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at [...]
all duty stations in a
timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
又决定,安全理事会关于维持和平行动开办阶段或扩大阶段的决定导致 需要开支时,授权秘书长在事先征得咨询委员会同意的情况下,从本组织战略部 署物资储备现有储备的现有额中承 付至多 5 000 万美元并加以提用,并在收到 初步批款后重补足从战略部署物资储备中提取的部分
Also decides that, if a decision of the Security Council relating to the start-up phase or expansion phase of peacekeeping operations results in the need for expenditure, the Secretary-General is authorized, with the prior concurrence of the Advisory Committee, to enter into commitments up to 50 million dollars of the available balance of the stores available from
the Organization’s strategic deployment
[...] stocks and draw upon these, with the drawings from the stocks to be replenished when the initial appropriation is received
4.2 帐户中应当保足够金额,足以支 付规费、服务、出版物等所有必要费用。
4.2 An amount sufficient to cover all payments [...]
required in respect of fees, services, publications, etc., should always be available in the account.
(b) 联合国工作人员养恤金委员会当选成员及候补成员任期四年,或至 其继任人选出时届满,连选得连任;遇有当选成员或候补成员在其任期内终 止担任委员会成员的情形时,得另选成员或候补成员,其任期 补足 原 任成 员未满的任期为止。
(b) The elected members and alternate members of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee shall hold office for four years or until the election of their successors, and they shall be eligible for re-election; in the event that such an elected member or alternate member ceases to be a member of the Committee, another member or alternate member may be elected to hold office during the remainder of the term.
(g) 如工作人员在离职后十二个月内重新获得联合国共同制度任用,回补 助金给付额应予 调整,以确保在新的任用结束后再次离职时支付的薪金计算月 [...]
数、周数或日数,同根据以前工作时间支付的薪金计算月数、周数或日数相加, 不超过本人如连续工作总共可领取的薪金计算月数、周数或日数。
(g) When a staff member receives a new appointment in the United Nations common
system less than twelve months after
[...] separation, the amount of any payment for repatriation [...]
grant shall be adjusted so that
the number of months, weeks or days of salary to be paid at the time of the separation after the new appointment, when added to the number of months, weeks or days paid for prior periods of service, does not exceed the total of months, weeks or days that would have been paid had the service been continuous.
大会按照《国际法院规约》为选举法院法官而举行的会议,应 持续进行,直至有足够的候选人经一次或一次以上的投票获得绝对 多数票补足全部空缺时为止。
Any meeting of the General Assembly held in pursuance of the Statute of the International Court of Justice for the purpose of electing members of the Court shall continue until as many candidates as are required for all the seats to be filled have obtained in one or more ballots an absolute majority of votes.
如果获得这种多数票的候选人数或候选 代表团数少于需要选出的人数或代表团数,应再次投 补足 余 缺 ,投票应限于前 一轮投票中得票最多的候选人或候选代表团,但数目不超过 补 余 额 的 两 倍;在 第三轮投票仍无结果的情况下,可投票选举任何符合条件的人或代表团。
If the number of candidates obtaining such majority is less than the number of persons or delegations to be elected,
there shall be additional
[...] ballots to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the greatest number of votes in the previous ballot, to a number not more than twice the places remaining to [...]
be filled; provided
that, after the third inconclusive ballot, votes may be cast for any eligible person or delegation.
2007 年期间,可以看出,当初步的临时借调安排无法长期 维持,4 个额补充不足以支 撑该股的有效运作。
During 2007, it became clear that the initial ad hoc secondment arrangements could
not be sustained in the long term
[...] and that four posts would not be sufficient for the effective [...]
functioning of the Unit.
然而,2003 年后,由于实施了旨在支助有子女家庭的新方案(例如:新生儿 补贴,育儿补偿,为产假期间返回工作岗位的母亲/父亲发放奖金,新生儿用 品,家额外补助, 单亲家庭支助补贴),这对女性雇员产生了积极影响,尤其 是在城市地区,子女数量明显增长。
However, after 2003, because of the new programs aimed at supporting families with children (for example: the new-born allowance, the child raising indemnity and the bonus for the mother/father who returns to the labour field although being in child raising leave, the new-born trousseau, the additional family allowance and the support allowance for the single parent family), positive effects among the women employees and an increase of number of children can be noticed, mainly in the urban area.
补贴金额对于所有孩子都是均等的,统一补贴权 利已被取消。
The child allowance amount has been equalled [...]
for all children and the uniform right to the allowance has been revoked.
行预 咨委会还指出,实施这样的提议意味着,把本应退还 足额 缴 纳 摊款会员国的资 源用于履行未缴纳摊款会员国对联合国的财政义务(另见上文第 5 段)。
The Committee also notes that implementing such a proposal would mean utilizing resources due to Member States that have paid their assessed contributions in full to meet the financial obligations to the Organization of Member States that have not paid their assessed contributions (see also para. 5 above).
[...] 资金来源相同的国际组织一样,一个或几个会员国不按 足额 缴 费 ,更不用说不缴费都会削 弱教科文组织应对这些会员国本身在预算投票时所授权的开支的能力。
As in all international organizations thus funded, any delay in
[...] the receipt of amounts due and, a fortiori, [...]
any non-payment by one or more Member
States will compromise UNESCO’s ability to meet expenses authorized by the self-same Member States in adopting the budget.
[...] 年度有大批工作人员退休所带来的机会,利用总部和总部外办事处的现有资 补足 新 的 总部 外网络预计需要增加的人员。
As necessary, the anticipated growth of the number of staff members required for the new field network will be met
from Headquarters and field offices’
[...] existing resources both through redeployment [...]
and the opportunity that will arise from
the expected high retirement rate of staff in the coming two biennia.
日本代表团与行预咨委会一样,担心缺乏流动资 金不时导致在役维持和平特派团向已结束特派团借 款的情况,并希望重申已结束特派团的现金赤字问题 应通过及时足额缴纳摊款解决。
His delegation shared the Advisory Committee’s concern at the fact that a lack of liquidity at times had led to the borrowing of funds for active peacekeeping missions from closed missions, and wished to reiterate that the problem of cash deficits in closed missions should be resolved by timely and full payment of assessed contributions.
[...] 失业的影响,她们也会间接受到影响,因为她们往往不得不接 额 外 的工 作,补偿因 其丈夫或家里的男性劳动力失业所造成的收入损失。
Women were not only directly affected by job losses but also indirectly
affected since they often had to take
[...] up additional work to compensate for income losses when [...]
their husbands or men in their family lost their employment.
通过 2004 年 2 月在世 界遗产中心、开发计划署--全球环境基金 额补 助 金 计划(SGP)和《生物多样性公约》 (CBD)秘书处之间签订的谅解备忘录,以促进支持受保护区域的社区活动和保存工作,加 强了教科文组织对联合国系统发展合作方面的业务政策和活动的贡献(即第 167 EX/7.2 和 167 EX/8.1 号决定)。
The contribution to operational policies and activities for development cooperation within the United Nations system (i.e. 167 EX/Decision 7.2 and 167 EX/Decision 8.1) has been reinforced by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, in February 2004, between the World Heritage Centre, UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), with a view to promoting community-based activities in support of protected areas and conservation.
将利用从开发计划署/全球环境基金/ 小 额补 助 金 计划、世界遗产基金 和其他合作伙伴(如联合国基金会)得到的资金,促进将在谅解备忘录框架内开展的活动。
Resources from the UNDP-GEF/SGP, the World Heritage Fund and other partners like the United Nations Foundation will be used to promote activities to be undertaken within the framework of the MOU.




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