

单词 补足

补足 ()

make up a deficiency
bring up to full strength
fill (a vacancy, gap etc)



complementary sum

补足物 n

complement n


complementary interval
addition musical interval adding an octave


complementary material

See also:

fill (a vacancy)
make up for

External sources (not reviewed)

大会按照《国际法院规约》为选举法院法官而举行的会议,应 持续进行,直至有足够的候选人经一次或一次以上的投票获得绝对 多数票补足全部空缺时为止。
Any meeting of the General Assembly held in pursuance of the Statute of the International Court of Justice for the purpose of electing members of the Court shall continue until as many candidates as are required for all the seats to be filled have obtained in one or more ballots an absolute majority of votes.
委员会委员临时出缺时,应由委员会适当遵照本章程第 2 和第 8 条的 各项规定自补足空缺”。
In the case of a vacancy, the Commission itself shall fill the vacancy having due regard to the provisions contained in articles 2 and 8 above”.
当一个或一个以上的选任空缺须在同样条件下同 补足 时 , 每一有权投 票的代表团可投票选举多达与补足 空 缺数目相同的候选人,在第一次投票中获 得过半数票且得票最多的候选人当选,但人数不得超过应补名额。
When one or more elective places are to be filled
[...] at one time under the same conditions, each delegation entitled to vote may cast a vote for as many candidates as there are places to be filled, and [...]
those candidates,
in a number not exceeding the number of such places, obtaining in the first ballot a majority of the votes cast and the largest number of votes shall be elected.
[...] 年度有大批工作人员退休所带来的机会,利用总部和总部外办事处的现有资 补足 新 的 总部 外网络预计需要增加的人员。
As necessary, the anticipated growth of the number of staff members required for the new field network will be met
from Headquarters and field offices’
[...] existing resources both through redeployment [...]
and the opportunity that will arise from
the expected high retirement rate of staff in the coming two biennia.
大会应在每届会议上根据《宪章》第八十六条的规定选举理事 国补足任何空缺。
At each session, the General Assembly shall, in accordance with Article 86 of the Charter, elect members to fill any vacancies.
(b) 联合国工作人员养恤金委员会当选成员及候补成员任期四年,或至 其继任人选出时届满,连选得连任;遇有当选成员或候补成员在其任期内终 止担任委员会成员的情形时,得另选成员或候补成员,其任期 补足 原 任成 员未满的任期为止。
(b) The elected members and alternate members of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee shall hold office for four years or until the election of their successors, and they shall be eligible for re-election; in the event that such an elected member or alternate member ceases to be a member of the Committee, another member or alternate member may be elected to hold office during the remainder of the term.
在他去世以后,需要从拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团填 补这一空缺补足马丁 内斯剩余的任期。理事会将在第十四届会议上选举出新的 委员。
The Council will hold an election of the new member at its fourteenth session.
由于这些家庭的购买力较低,粮食不足不太可能由其他食物完 补足 。 14 过去数年来,公共分配系统未能证明十分有效,特别报告员呼吁朝鲜民主主义人 民共和国政府考虑到诸项挑战,重新考虑这一政策,以确保朝鲜民主主义人民共 和国人民不被剥夺食物权。
The deficit was unlikely to have been fully covered by other foods, owing to low purchasing power of these households.14 The PDS system has not proven to be effective over the last several years and the Special Rapporteur calls on the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to rethink the policy in light of the challenges, with the view to ensuring that the population of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is not deprived of its right to food.
(d) 每个包应反映个人急救包所装之物,并具备有限 补足 个 人 急救包的能 力。
(d) Each kit should reflect the contents of the personal first-aid kit and have
[...] limited ability to resupply the personal [...]
first aid kit.
2012年第 一次修订战略计划对其进行审查;分发波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那行政单位开展人道
主义排雷的地点清单,包括可疑区域的面积;分发技术调查和排雷计划,包括要 处理区域的面积和位置及将按照年度排雷行动计划开展活动的组织;通过一项新
[...] 的排雷行动法,为排雷行动从地方政府预算和捐助支助获得持续稳定的资金创造 条件;并保证波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那财政部确 补足 短 缺 资金。
Additionally, in its extension request, Bosnia and Herzegovina committed to develop a survey method for releasing “priority risk category III areas”, to be reviewed during the first revision of the strategic plan in 2012; distribute a list of locations for humanitarian demining by administrative units in Bosnia and Herzegovina including the size of the suspected areas; distribute plans for technical survey and clearance which include the size and location of the areas to be addressed and the organizations that will carry out the activities in accordance with annual mine action plans, and; adopt a new mine action law to create conditions for stable and continuous funding of mine action from local government budgets and
donor support, and, see that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Finance and
[...] Treasury will ensure shortfall of funds.
如果在第一次投票中当选人数未达为各区域集团所规定的最大数目,则按照大会 议事规则第 94 条的有关规定应再举行投票,补足 余 缺
If the maximum number of persons prescribed for each regional group is not elected on the first ballot, there shall be additional ballots to fill the remaining places in accordance with the appropriate provisions of rule 94 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly.
在最后兑现有关期票时,将确定在兑现过程中实现的美元价值,以供采取适当行 动,或是要求所涉缔约补足短缺 ,或是要求财务主任向该缔约方退还所实现的 多余美元价值。
Upon the final encashment of the promissory notes the United States dollar value realized in the process of encashment will be determined for the purpose of taking the appropriate action of either requesting the Party in question to settle the deficit or the Treasurer paying back to the Party the excess United States dollar value realized.
一旦你的点数用完,您将收到一封电子邮件通知您的点数不足,提示您再 补足。
Once your credits run out, you will receive an email notifying you that your credits have fallen below the required amount and prompting you to top up again.
补足教科 文组织在职业技术教育与培训方面的所缺资金, 本组织应努力从会员国和国际开发机构动员外部资金,来加强职业技术教育与培训战略的实 施。
In order to complement the insufficient resources of the [...]
Organization for TVET, efforts should be made by UNESCO to mobilize
external resources from Member States and international development agencies to reinforce the implementation of the TVET Strategy.
2011 年年底,特别法庭因在获取自愿捐款方面遇到困难,获大会提供的 9 百万美元补助金,用补足 2012 年预算缺口。
At the end of 2011, as a result of difficulties in obtaining voluntary contributions, the Special Court received a subvention from the General Assembly of over $9 million to cover its 2012 budget.
麻管局委员在任期内出缺时,理事会应尽速依第九条所可适用之规定另 选委补足未满之任期。
Where a vacancy occurs on the Board during the term of office of a member, the Council shall fill such vacancy as soon as possible and in accordance with the applicable provisions of article 9, by electing another member for the remainder of the term.
如果可以,您必须用补足位数 :小时、分钟和秒必须为两位数(零值为 00),毫秒必须为三位数(零值为 [...]
Numbers must be zero padded if necessary: [...]
hours, minutes and seconds must have two digits (00 for a zero value) and milliseconds
must have three digits (000 for zero).
专家组指出,延补足专家 削弱了专家组执行任务的能力。
The Group notes that delays in the establishment of
[...] its full complement of experts weakened its ability to conduct [...]
its mandate.
如获得过半数票的候选人少于应补缺额时,应再举行投票 补足 余 缺 ,所 表决的候 选人应限 于在前一次投票中得票最多的 候 选人,其人数 不得超 出补足 余额一倍。
If the number of candidates obtaining such a majority is less than the number of places to be filled,
additional ballots shall be
[...] held to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted to the candidates obtaining the largest number of votes in the previous ballot, in a number not exceeding twice the number of places remaining to be filled.
在这个效率极高的表厂,同时聚集钟表和珠宝制造部门,与La Côte-aux-Fées表厂的机芯生产业务相 补足。
This high-performance facility, regrouping both watchmaking
[...] and jewellery crafts, complements the historical site [...]
in la Côte-aux-Fées where the movements are made.
由于高温下消耗量增加,如果不能通过水循环立 补足 供 给不足,氧气供给不足很容易发生。
Due to increased consumption at high
temperatures it is easy for an undersupply of oxygen to occur,
[...] if this undersupply is not immediately compensated through water [...]
如果三 轮这种无限制的投票仍无结果,则以下三轮投票应限于第三轮无限制投票中得票 最多的候选人或候选代表团,但数目不超过待补余额的两倍,接下去的三轮投票 又应不设限制,依此进行,直至所有空 补足 为 止
If three such unrestricted ballots are inconclusive, the next three ballots shall be restricted to the candidates who obtained the greatest number of votes in the third of the unrestricted ballots, to a number not more than twice the places remaining to be filled, and the following three ballots thereafter shall be unrestricted, and so on until all the places have been filled.
非索特派团的部 队指挥官就坐在我的右边,他面临进退两难的局面:
[...] 他必须把部队部署到地域要广得多的合作区,但却缺 少关键的增强军力的手段,而且也没 补足 安 全 理事 会核准的兵力。
The AMISOM Force Commander, who is sitting here on my right, faces a dilemma over the deployment of his forces to
a much larger area of cooperation without the key enablers
[...] or the full complement of Security [...]
Council-authorized troops.
玩具即使舒服 感稍逊、颜色稍沉或有其它不甚如意的特征,也可以形象熟悉和诱人的因果关 补足。
Familiarity and captivating cause-and-effect features can help to balance out less cuddly forms, dull colors, and other less desirable features.
订阅和保存计划是基于每月的合同,他们的学 补足 到 其原始值每月一次。
Subscribe-And-Save plans are based on a monthly contract and their credits are topped up to their original value once a month.
这一办法的第二部分是,鉴 于秘书处无法多次举办补足枯竭 的语文人员名册 大会部所需的语文工作人员竞争性考试,请大会将收 入上限永久提高到每年 185 个工作日,以便在中期能 够更广泛地使用退休人员。
The second part of the approach was to request the General Assembly to increase the earnings ceiling permanently to 185 work days per year, in order to be able to make more extensive use of retired staff in the medium term, given that the Secretariat would be unable to organize the number of competitive examinations for language staff that the Department required to replenish depleted language rosters.
如果获得这种多数票的候选人数或候选 代表团数少于需要选出的人数或代表团数,应再次投 补足 余 缺 ,投票应限于前 一轮投票中得票最多的候选人或候选代表团,但数目不超过待补余额的两倍;在 [...]
If the number of candidates obtaining such majority is less than the number of persons or delegations to be
elected, there shall be additional
[...] ballots to fill the remaining places, the voting being restricted [...]
to the candidates obtaining
the greatest number of votes in the previous ballot, to a number not more than twice the places remaining to be filled; provided that, after the third inconclusive ballot, votes may be cast for any eligible person or delegation.
又决定,安全理事会关于维持和平行动开办阶段或扩大阶段的决定导致 需要开支时,授权秘书长在事先征得咨询委员会同意的情况下,从本组织战略部 署物资储备现有储备的现有余额中承付至多 5
[...] 000 万美元并加以提用,并在收到 初步批款后重补足从战略部署物资储备中提取的部分
Also decides that, if a decision of the Security Council relating to the start-up phase or expansion phase of peacekeeping operations results in the need for expenditure, the Secretary-General is authorized, with the prior concurrence of the Advisory Committee, to enter into commitments up to 50 million dollars of the available balance of the stores available from the Organization’s strategic deployment
stocks and draw upon these, with the drawings from
[...] the stocks to be replenished when the initial [...]
appropriation is received
[...] Myths」对州际道路多少存在一些误解或夸张的报道,通过修正 补足 可 以 感受到其计划更加充满兴趣,对其意图能正确理解。
With it as basic knowledge, "Interstate Myths" seems to be designed to have IHS understood
correctly and fascinate the viewers by
[...] correcting and complementing the prevalent [...]
stories about it that are mistaken or exaggerated to some extent.
Epic Games创建了集成合作伙伴计划(IPP)来和选中的集成到虚幻引擎3中的跨平台技术的所属公司及对虚幻引擎3进 补足 的 技术所属公司维持正式的商务关系。
Epic Games established the Integrated Partners Program (IPP) to maintain formal business relationships with select companies making cross-platform technologies using Unreal Engine 3.




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