

单词 补发

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External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 保支助绿色生产的政策领域有一个公平的竞争环境,必须订立补偿方案,以补 发展中国家采用清洁技术的边际成本。
To further ensure a level playing field
in the area of policies supporting green
[...] production, compensatory schemes will [...]
have to be established to cover the incremental
costs of introducing cleaner technologies in developing countries.
你可以致电客户服务热线联系我们的客户服务专员或请亲临任何一家分行,申 补发 新 的电子银行密码。
You may call the Customer Service Hotline, contact our Customer Service Representatives or visit any of our branch to re-apply the electronic banking password.
(i) 自 2004 年 10 月 1 日起实施的总部一般事务人员职类工作人员的
工资调整:根据 2005 年 2 月和 3 月国际公务员制度委员会 (ICSC)第六十次会议针对 2004 年 10 月进行的巴黎调查结果所 做出的建议,
[...] 总干事建议在过去工资表的基础上上调 1.19%,从 2004 年 10 月 1 日补发。
(i) Salary adjustment for staff in the General Service category at Headquarters, effective 1 October 2004: In accordance with the recommendations made by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) at its 60th session in February and March 2005 in relation to the results of the Paris survey which was carried out in October 2004, the
Director-General proposed an increase of 1.19% over the previous salary scale, with
[...] retroactive effect as from 1 October 2004.
总体而言更加关注基于性别的方案拟订将 补发 展 规 划方面的 差距。
Overall, increased focus on gender-based programming will address gaps in development planning.
(f) 与行业合作,加强能力建设,补发 展 中 世界的差距(如缺乏适当的专 业知识,缺乏数据和科学信息,缺乏资源,缺乏基础设施等)。
(f) Enhanced capacity-building efforts working with business to address gaps in the developing world (e.g., lack of appropriate expertise, data and scientific information, resources and infrastructure).
出生登记补发在重 大灾 难混乱中丢失的公民身份证件,现已被纳入大多数重大紧急情况的应对措施,并 于去年在海地和巴基斯坦得以实施。
Birth registration and replacement of civil status documentation lost during the chaos of a major disaster is now included in responses to most major emergencies, and was undertaken in Haiti and Pakistan last year.
[...] 国的主要方式,在这方面将利用政策对话和政策宣传处理共同发展问题和 补发 展差 距,尤其是有特殊需要国家的发展差距。
Regional cooperation as well as South-South cooperation will continue to be the key modality in bringing countries together in which policy dialogues and policy advocacy
will be used to address common development
[...] issues and fill the development gaps, [...]
particularly those of countries with special needs.
亚洲各经济 体必须实现结构性转变,需要采取国家和区域措施,拉动国内和区域需求, 从而补发达经 济体在危机之后出现的需求不足。
Structural transformation in Asian economies will be required by means of national and regional measures that favour the promotion of domestic and regional consumption to make up for the weaker demand in the advanced economies in the wake of the crisis.
预算局对 2000--2001 年的人事费状况进行了非常严格
[...] 的监督检查,考虑到需要聘用临时人员和支付按《协商离职计划》离职的人员的大量补贴, 以及需要巴黎的一般事务人补发原 扣除的普遍社会捐金(CSG)和社会债务偿还捐金 [...]
The 2000-2001 staff costs situation was very closely monitored by the Bureau of the Budget which continued to apply strict economy and austerity measures, bearing in mind both the necessity of temporary staff
and the need to cover
[...] substantial indemnities concerning the [...]
Agreed Separation Scheme, as well as costs arising from the retroactive reimbursement
to General Service staff in Paris of the Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) and the Contribution au Remboursement de la Dette Sociale (CRDS).
必要材料∶①登录证明补发申请 书 ②护照 ③照片 2 张(16 岁以上) ④污损的外国人登录证 ○注意事项∶由市町村政府决定是否需要更换
Note: It is up to the official at the municipal office to decide whether a card should be replaced.
请注意:除了经过确认的发言者和 补发 言 者 ,艾滋病规划署将无法向参加高级别会议的民间社会与会者提供经费协助。
Please note:  With the exception of confirmed speakers and alternate speakers, UNAIDS is not able to offer financial support to civil society participants attending the HLM.
倘若股份证书受到毁损、毁灭或遗失,可在支付一笔为数不超过联交所不时规定 的金额的费用,根据关于证明和赔偿的条款(如有),及支付本公司调查有关证 据而各董事认为合适的实付费用后,获 补发 , 惟 不变的条件是如认股权证已经 发出,则不得发出新的认股权证以取代旧证,除非本公司毫无疑问信纳,原证书 已经毁灭。
If a share certificate is defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be replaced on payment of a fee not exceeding the amount as prescribed by the Stock Exchange from time to time and on such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and the payment of out-of-pocket expenses of the Company of investigating evidence as the Directors think fit provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost, unless the Company is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the original has been destroyed.
新 EV 证补发后,原 EV 证书立即作废,新 EV 证书截至有效期与原 [...]
EV 证书相同
After the reissuing of new certificate, [...]
the original EV Certificate shall be immediately nullified and the period of validity
for new EV Certificate shall be the same with the original certificate.
这些警察在 2008 年没有收到津贴付款,不过现已恢复付款,并予 补发。
The officers did not receive stipend payments during 2008; payments have now resumed on a retroactive basis, however.
委员会注意到,此次危机及其所造成的严重后果进一步凸显了开 展区域金融和经济合作、并将之作为应对危机和 补发 展 方 面的各种空白 的一种手段的紧迫性。
The Committee noted that the crisis and its aftermath had increased the urgency of regional financial and economic cooperation as a means of managing crises and addressing development gaps.
同时,CNNIC 可信网络服务中心(包括注册中心)人员会收到指导
[...] 手册,详细描述 EV 证书的注册、续费、重获两码补发 及 废 止程序及与 其职责有关的其它软件功能。
Meanwhile, the employees of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center (including RA) will receive guide manual,
in which registration, renewal, obtaining
[...] of two codes, reissuing and termination [...]
procedure and other software functions
concerning its responsibilities are described in detail.
为此,有代表团建议委员会继续汇编和研究国家立法、国际协定以及 国家和非国家行为体的实践,以阐明这一专题的法律和实践问题, 补发 现 的任 何空白,并引入新的概念。
To that end, it was suggested that it continue to compile and study national legislation, international agreements and the practice of States and non-State actors in order to elucidate the legal and practical aspects of the topic, address any gaps identified and introduce new concepts.
委员会建议缔约国努力保护生活在贫困中的儿童,防止这种状况造成的损 害性后果,尤其应在学校采取具体的早期照顾和教育等针对性方案,以 补发育 和 学习方面的缺陷,为贫困群体的儿童采取补充营养和健康照顾措施,并致力于 创建对儿童更有利的城镇住房环境。
The Committee recommends that the State party undertake efforts to protect children living in poverty against detrimental consequences of this situation,
particularly by specific
[...] early care and education, targeted programmes in school to compensate deficits of development [...]
and learning,
measures for better nutrition and health of children from disadvantaged groups and efforts to make municipal housing more child-friendly.
如果证明书登记项目中的 1)姓名、2)国籍、3)地址、4)居留资格、5)居留期有变化或证 明书丢失,必须在 14 天内到市町村政府申请变更登记 补发。
(There is no need to carry your passport with you.) If there are changes to the items on your card i.e. your 1) name, 2) nationality, 3) address, 4) status of residence, 5) period of stay, or if you have misplaced your card, you have to register the change or apply for re-issuance at the city, town or village office within 14 days.
如果在领取父母补助期间每 个历月所得收入超过补助额的五倍(2007 年为 13 450 克朗),就发补助了
The benefit is not paid if the income earned during a calendar month while receiving the benefit exceeds the rate of the benefit five-fold (13 450 kroons in 2007).
虽 然代表团享有从秘书处寻找信息的不可否认的权利,
[...] 但作为改进委员会工作方法的一种措施,代表团应力 求减少要求发补充文件的次数。
While delegations had an undeniable right to seek information from the Secretariat, they should,
as part of improving the Committee’s working methods, aim to reduce the number of
[...] requests for supplementary documents.
各立法机构还会决定终止任务的条件,即停职留薪或停职停 薪、发补贴等
The respective legislative body would also decide on the conditions of the termination, i.e. suspension with or without pay, termination allowances, etc.
自 2007 年起,未发工资得到额外补偿,金额多达雇员的三份月工资, 但不多于爱沙尼亚三份全国平均月工资;未发的假日薪酬,金额多达雇员一个 月的假日薪酬,但不多于爱沙尼亚的一份平均月工资;终止雇用合同 发补 助, 金额多达雇员二份平均月工资,但不多于爱沙尼亚的一份全国平均月工资。
Since 2007, the outstanding wages are additionally compensated in the amount of up to three monthly wages of an employee, but not more than three average national monthly wages in Estonia; the outstanding holiday pay in the amount of up to one month’s holiday pay of an employee, but not more than one average monthly wage in Estonia; and outstanding benefit for termination of an employment contract in the amount of up to two average monthly wages of an employee, but not more than one average national monthly wage in Estonia.
中国政府充分认识到外国知识与外国专业技能对发挥中国创新潜力的重要意义,自1970 年代末以来,中国发展了完善发达的基础设施与技术生产线实力,吸引跨国公司前来开展研究活动,而相关优惠政策也有助于鼓励跨境合作;这其中包括税收减免和政府 发补 贴 、 加强知识产权保护以及通过政府采购对所开发的产品予以优惠待遇。
The Chinese government recognises that foreign knowledge and expertise is critical to unlocking China’s innovation potential, and since the late 1970s, the nation has developed advanced infrastructure and technological production line capacities to attract MNC (multi-national corporations) research operations onshore.
补丁管理软件可帮助您扫描网络、确认缺少的补丁和软件更新、以及从中央控制台 发补 丁 , 可极大程度地确保整 个网络时刻保持最新。
Patch management software will help you scan your network, identify missing patches and software updates, and distribute patches from a central console, greatly increasing your chance of having your entire network up-to-date.
还有一点需要明确,补丁只是解决已经公布的漏洞,而对于那些尚未被公布的漏洞,则无计可施,从发现漏洞、通知危险、 发补 丁 的 漫长过程后,再人为安装补丁就已经太晚了,因此自动化地完成这个过程也许才是最好和唯一的选择。
Another point needs clear patch has been released only address the loopholes, and those who have not yet been announced
vulnerabilities, it can not do
[...] anything, from the discovery of vulnerabilities, inform the risk, distribution patch after a long process, and then install the patch on the man-made [...]
too late and So
to complete that process automation is the best and perhaps only option.
为了在近期解决多国办事补充人力资源方面的困难,确保工作人员的能力与其岗位 职责,发挥的 作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务 的要求相适应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 时考虑到负责审查非集中化情况的特设小组的工作。
In order to offset the difficulty in filling resource gaps in cluster offices in the near future, and so as to ensure that staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices and institutes referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) has been elaborated taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.




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