

单词 衞生局

See also:

衞生 n

sanitary n

衞生 adj



guard n

External sources (not reviewed)

食物衞生局 局長預 期婦產科服務的需求將繼續上升,並有需要增加培訓及 設施的供應,以應付不斷增加的需求。
SFH expected that the demand for obstetrics and gynaecology services would continue to rise and it was necessary to increase training and provision of facilities to meet the increasing demand.
食物衞生局局長認為,該學院與護士管理局 應向受影響學生作出解釋,而政府當局會研究此事及盡力協助 學生。
SFH considered that the institution and the Nursing Council should explain to the affected students, and the Administration would look into the matter and endeavour to help the students.
食物衞生局副局長、衞生防護 中心總監 及醫院管理局總行政經理(聯網運作)向委員簡介本 港流感的最新情況,以及政府當局和醫院管理局(下 稱 " 醫管局") 採取的預防及控制流感的策略和措 [...]
施,詳情載於政府當局的文件( 立法會 CB(2)973/10-11(03)號文件)。
Under Secretary for Food and Health ("USFH"), Controller, Centre for Health Protection [...]
("Controller, CHP") and Chief Manager
(Cluster Performance), Hospital Authority briefed members on the latest influenza situation in Hong Kong and the strategy and measures adopted by the Administration and the Hospital Authority ("HA") for the prevention and control of influenza, details of which were set out in the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(2)973/10-11(03)).
食物衞生局將會繼續強化在精神健康事宜上的統籌 角色,與各部門和機構緊密合作,以制訂適切的政策和措 施。
The FHB will continue to strengthen [...]
its coordinating role on matters relating to mental health and work closely with various
departments and agencies in formulating appropriate policy and measures.
食物衞生局局長建 議開立為數 17 億 2,680 萬元的新承擔額,用 以推行一次過援助計劃及相關的措施:(a)向因推行禁止拖網捕魚措施 [...]
而永久喪失捕魚區的受影響拖網漁船船東發放特惠津貼;(b)向自願交 出受影響近岸拖網漁船的船東回購其船隻;(c)向按回購計劃自願交出
其船隻或透過其他方式處置其船隻的受影響近岸拖網漁船的船東所僱 用的本地漁工,以及受影響收魚艇的船東提供一次過援助;以及(d)推 行對海洋環境保育和恢復漁業資源有利的措施,以及為受影響的拖網 漁民和本地漁工推出特別培訓計劃,協助他們轉至其他可持續發展及 與漁業相關的作業或其他與海洋相關的作業,一如下文第 5 至 19 段所 述。
The Secretary for Food and Health proposes to create [...]
a new commitment of $1,726.8 million for a one-off assistance scheme
and other related measures on (a) making ex-gratia payments to affected trawler owners for permanent loss of fishing grounds arising from the trawl ban; (b) buying out affected inshore trawler vessels from trawler owners who voluntarily surrender their vessels; (c) providing one-off assistance to affected local deckhands employed by the affected inshore trawler owners who voluntarily surrender their vessels under the buy-out scheme or dispose of their vessels through other means, as well as affected fish collector owners; and (d) implementing measures to support marine conservation and replenishment of fisheries resources, and launching a special training programme for affected trawler fishermen and local deckhands, to help them switch to sustainable fisheries-related or other sea-related operations, as set out in paragraphs 5 to 19 below.
食物衞生局副局 長向委員簡述富山公眾 殮房於2010年 10月 19日錯誤地將一位77歲婦人的 遺體解剖的事件(下稱"事件")及衞生署為防止類似 事故再次發生而採取的補救措施,詳情載於政府當 局的文件[立法會CB(2)183/10-11(07)號文件 ]。
USFH briefed members on the incident in which autopsy was mistakenly performed on the body of a 77 year-old woman in the Fu Shan Public Mortuary on 19 October 2010 ("the incident") and the remedial measures taken by DH to prevent recurrence of similar incidents, details of which were set out in the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(2)183/10-11(07)).
鑒於市民大眾 每日在公立醫院和診所使用公營醫療服務的數量 龐大,以及需要在接獲公營醫院及診所要求核實非 香港永久性居民身份證持有人使用資助服務的資 格時即時作出回覆,食物衞生局副 局 長表示擬設 的系統是最可取的方案,因為它能在上述目標之間 取得適當的平衡。
Given the massive volume of daily uses of the public healthcare services, and the need to provide an instant return to the public hospitals and clinics upon receipt of requests for checking the eligibility of non-permanent HKIC holders for subsidized healthcare services, USFH advised that the proposed system was considered the most preferred option as it could achieve a proper balance among the above objectives.
[...] 匯報推行長者醫療券試驗計劃中期檢討結果的詢 問,食物衞生局局長答覆,政府當局計劃在 2011年第一季完結前就該議題向事務委員會作出 [...]
In response to the Chairman's enquiry about when the Administration would revert to the Panel on the outcome of its interim review of the Elderly
Healthcare Voucher Pilot Scheme,
[...] Secretary for Food and Health ("SFH") replied [...]
that the Administration planned to revert
to the Panel on the subject towards the end of the first quarter of 2011.
李國麟議員進一步詢問,政府當局有否增 撥資源,以充分確認醫管局前線醫護人員為應付冬 季流感下服務需求急增而增加的工作量。食物衞 生局副局 長回應時表示,為應付服務需求急增而超 時工作及/或自願工作的醫護人員會根據醫管局 的特別津貼計劃獲得金錢補償。
In response to Dr Joseph LEE's further enquiry as to whether additional resources were allocated to duly recognize the excess work of the frontline medical staff of HA to support the winter flu surge in service demand, USFH advised that medical staff providing overtime and/or voluntary work in handling the surge in demand would be recognized financially under HA's Special Honorarium Scheme.
食物衞生局副局長引述世界衞生組織在 採購人類豬型流感疫苗的類似安排為例,強調醫管 [...]
局有必要不公開藥物諮詢委員會及有關專家小組 個別委員的姓名,以減低對委員造成不必要的壓 力,並確保在討論過程中專家意見的持平公正。
Citing the similar
[...] arrangement of the World Health Organisation in [...]
the procurement of human swine influenza vaccine as an
example, USFH stressed that it was necessary for HA not to disclose the names of individual members serving on DAC and the relevant expert panels so as to minimize unwarranted pressure on committee members and to ensure the impartiality of expert opinions in the discussion process.
食物衞生局副秘長(衞生)2 向委員簡述 醫管局將推行一項為期兩年的試驗措施,透過公私 營協作,加強為指定癌症組別的病人提供放射診斷 [...]
造影服務(下稱"先導計劃"),詳情載於政府當局的 文件( 立法會CB(2)240/11-12(01)號文件) 。
Deputy Secretary for Food and Health (Health)2 ("DSFH(H)2") briefed [...]
members on the introduction of a two-year pilot initiative
of HA to enhance radiological investigation services for patients from selected cancer groups through collaboration with the private sector ("the Pilot Project"), details of which were set out in the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(2)240/11-12(01)).
至於給予獲選 的非政府機構的資源,食物 衞生局局 長 表示,每 支外展牙科服務隊會獲提供以下資助撥款:只要能 [...]
達到最低指標,即每年為2 000名居於院舍長者及/ 或長者日間護理中心服務使用者提供服務和舉辦 30場研討會,便可獲批大約90萬元的營辦款項;每
年獲批大約18萬元資助金,以聘請一名符合指定要 求的牙醫;以及最多15萬元的一筆過非經常資助 金,以支付購買外展牙科裝備和電腦設備的費用, 資助上限為有關費用的50%。
As regards the resources for
[...] the selected NGOs, SFH advised that each [...]
outreach dental team would be provided with: an operating
sum of about $900,000 subject to its meeting the minimum target of serving 2 000 IOPs and/or DE service users and conducting 30 seminars each year; an annual subsidy of about $180,000 subject to the engagement of a dentist meeting the prescribed requirements for each outreach team; as well as a one-off capital grant of up to $150,000 and capped at 50% of the dental and computer equipment purchase cost.
第16號法律公告由食物衞生局局長根據《吸煙( 公眾衞生) 條例》( 第 371章 ) 第 16A條作 出,以修訂該部,豁免入境事務處處長在《入境(被羈留者的待遇) 令》(第 115章,附屬法例E)附表2所指明羈留地點內劃出的區域, [...]
L.N. 16, made by the Secretary for Food and Health under section 16A of the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance [...]
(Cap. 371), amends
that Part to exempt from the smoking prohibition an area set aside by the Director of Immigration in a place specified in Schedule 2 to the Immigration (Treatment of Detainees) Order (Cap. 115 sub. leg. E) for smoking by persons detained there.
所以,我希望財政司及財經事務及庫務局可以做到的,便是幫食 物衞生局一把 、幫醫管局一把,看看如何應付這一位或這一羣老 [...]
Hence, I hope that the Financial Secretary and the Bureau for
Financial Services and the Treasury can help
[...] the Food and Health Bureau and the HA out [...]
and see how this swindler or this group
of swindlers can be dealt with and see how resources can be distributed evenly.
食物衞生局副局 長進而表示,關 愛基金轄下的醫療小組委員會正積極考慮制訂措 施,為面對財政困難,尤其在社會安全網以外的人 士提供支援。
USFH further said that the Medical Subcommittee under the Community Care Fund was actively considering measures to provide assistance to people facing financial difficulties, in particular those who fell outside the safety net.
黃定光議員詢問,在食物 衞生局衞生科 內 開設以掌管電子健康記錄統籌處的兩個首長級 編外職位,在日後會否保留。
Mr WONG Ting-kwong enquired whether the two
[...] supernumerary directorate posts created in the Health Branch of the Food and Health Bureau to head the [...]
Electronic Health
Record Office would be retained in the future.
(a) 成立醫護人力規劃和專業發展策略檢討督導委員會 (督導委員會):由食物衞生局局 長 擔 任主席的督 導委員會正就香港的醫護人力規劃及專業發展進行策 略性檢討,並會根據檢討結果,就如何應付預計的醫 護人力需求、加強專業培訓,以及促進專業發展提出 建議;及
(a) setting up of the Steering Committee on Strategic Review on Healthcare Manpower Planning and Professional Development (the Steering Committee): the Steering Committee, chaired by the Secretary for Food and Health, is conducting a strategic review of healthcare manpower planning and professional development in Hong Kong.
在本年六月十七日人事編制小組委員會的會議上,委員會通過食 物衞生局的建議,為策劃、開發、推行和管理全港性及全民電子健康 記錄互通系統,並處理各項政策及法律事宜,包括該系統所引起的資料 私隱及保安問題,以及邀請私營界別不同的持份者和市民參與系統的開 發,向財務委員會建議為局衞生科 的電子健康記錄統籌處,提供專責 首長級人手支援( 立法會 EC(2009-10)9 號文件) 。
Committee on 17 June, Members recommended to Finance Committee the proposal submitted by the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) to provide dedicated directorate support for the Electronic Health Record Office in the Health Branch of FHB to plan, develop, implement and manage a territory-wide and population-wide electronic health record (eHR) sharing system, [...]
and to handle various policy and legal
issues including data privacy and security arising from the system, and to engage various stakeholders in the private sector as well as the general public in its development (vide LC Paper No. EC(2009-10)9).
食物衞生局局長向 委員簡述當局將於 2011年 3 月展開全港性的基層醫療推廣運動( 下稱 "推廣運動"),作為政府的基層醫療發展策略的一部 分,詳情載於政府當局的文件( 立法會 CB(2)729/10-11(04)號文件)。
SFH briefed members on the territory-wide Primary Care Campaign ("the Campaign") to be launched in March 2011 as part of the Government's primary care development strategy, details of which were set out in the Administration's paper (LC Paper No. CB(2)729/10-11(04)).
根據建議的法定責任,民政事務局、民政事務總署、食物 衞生 局、衞生署、 勞工處、教育局、社會福利署、醫管局、職訓局、僱員 再培訓局及建造業議會須進行的工作,包括就其建議的政策對促進種 族平等可能產生的影響作出評估及諮詢、監察其政策有否對促進種族 平等帶來任何不良影響,以及發布有關評估、諮詢及監察工作的結果 等。
Under the proposed statutory duty, Home Affairs Bureau (HAB), HAD, Food and Health Bureau, Department of Health, LD, EDB, SWD, HA, VTC, ERB and Construction Industry Council are required, among other things, to assess and consult on the likely impact of its proposed policies on the promotion of racial equality, monitor its policies for any adverse impact on the promotion of racial equality, and publish the results of such assessment, consultation and monitoring.
(iii) 行政長官親自召開兩次行政長官督導小組會議,討論及決定
[...] 應對核事故的策略和措施。政務司司長、律政司司長、保安 局局長、食物衞生局局長、 環境局局長、民政事務局局長 以及相關部門首長均出席會議。
(iii) The Chief Executive personally convened two meetings of the CESG to discuss and decide on necessary strategies and countermeasures, with the Chief Secretary for
Administration, Secretary for Justice, S for S,
[...] Secretary for Food and Health, Secretary for the [...]
Environment, Secretary for Home Affairs
and heads of relevant departments attending.
主席詢問當局可否因應議員的共識而修改現有政策, 食物衞生局局長就 此回應時表示,議員的建議須在社會內作 進一步討論,而現行政策不宜在現階段作出修訂。
In response to the Chairman's enquiry on the possibility of revising the existing policy in the light of the consensus view of Members, SFH said that Members' proposal required further discussion within the community, and it would not be appropriate to amend the existing policy at the present stage.
[...] 立精神健康局統籌有關服務,我們則認為由於這些工作目前已由食物衞生局(“食衞局”)負 責統籌和協調,所以無須再架床疊屋,倒不如敦促 [...]
But with respect to the request made by Mr WONG Sing-Chi in his amendment for the Government to set up a mental health council to
co-ordinate psychiatric services, we consider
[...] that the Food and Health Bureau has already been tasked [...]
with co-ordinating and harmonizing
such services, and so there is no more need for duplication and redundancy, and it is better to urge the Bureau to expeditiously formulate a long-term mental health policy and enhance community support.
有興趣的業界可在食物衞生局網頁 或中心網頁下載諮詢文件和單 張,又或到食環署分區辦事處、民政事務總署分區辦事處或中心位於花園街市政大廈8 [...]
Meanwhile, interested traders might download
the consultation document and pamphlet
[...] from Food and Health Bureau and CFS websites, [...]
or collect hardcopy from FEHD district
offices, district offices of Home Affairs Department and Communication Resource Unit of CFS on 8/F, Fa Yuen Street Municipal Services Building.
勞工及福利局局長:主席,一個由勞工處、食物 衞生局 、 衞生 署 及 公務員 事務局代表組成的跨決策局/部門工作小組於 2005 年 11 月成立,研究在勞 工法例下承認註冊脊醫所簽發的病假證明書的可行性。
Chinese): President, an
[...] inter-bureaux/departmental Working Group, comprising representatives of the Labour Department, Food and Health Bureau, Department of Health and Civil Service [...]
Bureau, was set
up in November 2005 to study the feasibility of recognizing sick leave certificates issued by registered chiropractors under labour legislation.
透過跨專業和跨界別的團 隊方式,食物衞生局、勞工及福 局 、 衞生 署 、醫院管理 局(醫管局)、社會福利署(社署)與其他相關團體一直緊密合 作,為老年癡呆症患者提供各項服務計劃。
Through a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral team approach, the Food and Health Bureau (FHB), Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), Department of Health (DH), Hospital Authority (HA), Social Welfare Department (SWD) and other relevant parties are working closely on the provision of various service programmes to patients with dementia.
其 餘 126 個項目, 即 56 個教育、35 個社會福利/復康和
[...] 35 個醫療衞生項目,則分別由督導委員會 的其他成員負責,即教育局、勞工及福利局和食物 衞生局。
The remaining 126 projects, viz. 56 education, 35 social welfare/rehabilitation and 35 medical and health projects are led by other
members of the Steering Committee, i.e. Education Bureau, Labour and
[...] Welfare Bureau and Food and Health Bureau respectively.
左起)港大公共衞生學院臨床教授裴偉士教授,香港醫學專科學院主席李國棟醫生,衞生署署長陳漢儀醫生,港大副校長(研究)譚廣亨教授,港大社會醫學系系主任梁卓偉教授,食物 衞生局局 長 高 永文醫生,哈佛公共衞生學院院長Julio Frenk教授,港大李嘉誠醫學院院長李心平教授,哈佛大學香港校友會會長Eleni Istavridis女士,港大校務委員會主席梁智鴻醫生,食物 衞生局 常 任 秘書長(衞生)袁銘輝,醫院管理局主席胡定旭,醫院管理局行政總裁梁栢賢醫生,香港社會醫學學院主席麥倩屏醫生和港大公共衞生學院院長林大慶教授
(from left) Professor Malik Peiris, Clinical Professor, HKU School of Public Health; Dr Donald Li, President of Hong Kong Academy of Medicine; Dr Constance Chan, Director of Health; Professor Paul Tam Kwong-hang, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, HKU; Professor Gabriel Leung, Head of Department of
Community Medicine, HKU;
[...] Dr Ko Wing-man, Secretary for Food and Health; Professor Julio Frenk, Dean of Harvard School of Public Health; Professor Lee Sum-ping, Dean of HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine; Ms Eleni Istavridis, President of the Harvard Club of Hong Kong; Dr Leong Che-hung, Chairman of the Council, HKU; Mr Richard Yuen, Permanent Secretary for Food and Health; Mr Anthony [...]
Wu, Chairman of Hospital
Authority; Dr Leung Pak-yin, Chief Executive of Hospital Authority; Dr Mak Sin-ping, President of Hong Kong College of Community Medicine; Professor Lam Tai-hing, Director of School of Public Health, HKU
吳克儉今天(4月11日)在食物 衞生局 副 局 長陳肇始和衞生署助理署長(健康促進)程卓端陪同下,探訪灣仔區嘉諾撒聖方濟各學校,實地了解該校預防甲型流感H7N9的措施,聽取了校方簡介學校的預防工作,包括提升戒備級別,並成立危機處理小組,擬訂及統籌各項預防流感措施。
Accompanied by Under Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan and Assistant Director of Health (Health Promotion) Dr Regina Ching, during the visit he urged all schools in Hong Kong to stay vigilant to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
2011年11月10日;香港訊 ─
[...] 香港浸信會醫院聯同浸信會愛羣社會服務處首創的社會企業合作計劃「浸信會全人家居護理中心」於今天舉行正式成立典禮,並由食物 衞生局局 長 周一嶽醫生、行政會議成員梁智鴻醫生、社會褔利署副署長(服務)麥周淑霞女士、安老事務委員會副主席林正財醫生、香港浸信會聯會會長唐榮敏牧師、香港浸信會醫院董事會主席劉振洛醫生及浸信會愛羣社會服務處董事會主席陳之望先生主禮開幕儀式。
Guests of honours of the Inauguration Ceremony included Dr York
CHOW, GBS, JP, Secretary
[...] for Food and Health; Dr Che Hung LEONG, GBM, GBS, JP, Member of Executive Council; Mrs Anna MAK, Deputy Director of [...]
Social Welfare (Services);
Dr Ching Choi LAM, B.B.S., JP, Vice-Chairman of Elderly Commission; Rev Eric TONG, President of Baptist Convention of Hong Kong; Dr Chun Lok LAU, Chairman of HKBH Board of Directors and Mr Hopkins Chi Mong CHAN, Chairman of Baptist Oi Kwan.




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