

单词 衞星

See also:


guard n


defend v


satellite n
star n
saturn n

small amount

External sources (not reviewed)

運輸署稍後亦會研發提供可靠的實時交通資訊的系統,以 支援全衞星定位系統的使用。
TD would also develop later systems for the provision of reliable real-time traffic information to support the use of GPS.
現時, 香港所有收費電視衞星電視 服務已經數碼化,並全部按 MPEG-2 標準加以壓縮和編 碼。
Currently, all the
[...] pay television and satellite television services [...]
in Hong Kong are already digitised, and they are all
compressed and coded in MPEG-2 standard.
有線衞星廣播 協會會議為亞 太區媒體及電訊業一年一度的活動,吸引過千業界與會者參加。
The CSBAA Convention is an annual event of the media and telecommunication sectors in the Asia-Pacific Region and attracts the participation of more than a thousand practitioners.
衞星圖象可 顯示影響能見度的 粒 子 在 整個珠三角和香 港 [...]
的 分布情況,有助我們監 察 區 域 空氣污染的 分布和變 化。
These satellite images which show [...]
the distribution of particulates with visibility impact over the PRD and Hong Kong are
useful for monitoring changes in the pattern of regional air pollution.
在縮減邊境禁區釋放出來的土地上發 衞星城 巿 ,將會涉及多項複雜問題,必須審慎研究。
Developing satellite towns on the land [...]
to be released from the FCA would involve complicated issues and require careful consideration.
衞 星 圖象曾 在報章 、 講 座 發 放 , 讓 大家理解 [...]
到 空 氣 污 染 如 何超越 一 個區域範圍, 而影響到另 一 個 地方。
The satellite images were released [...]
in newspapers and seminars for the purpose of illustrating how air pollution could cross an area and affect another.
[...] 監察無線電頻率的使用和調查干擾個案、就非法使用和銷售電訊 設備的情況進行視察及執法、協助網絡營辦商接駁樓宇內置系 統、監督技術標準,以及協調有 衞星 的 發牌及規管事宜。
This branch will support CA in relation to radio spectrum planning, imposition of spectrum utilisation fees, monitoring use of radio frequency and investigating interference, inspecting and taking enforcement actions against the illegal use and sale of telecommunications equipment, facilitating
in-building access by network operators, overseeing technical
[...] standards and coordinating satellite licensing and control [...]
香港市民可透衞星電視接收系統(如多層大廈的公 衞星 電視 接收系統,或只供一戶專用的單 衞星 電 視 接收系統(即碟型天 線)),接收這些免衞星電視頻道。
The public can receive these free satellite television channels through satellite television reception systems, such as Satellite Master Antenna Television Systems in multi-storey buildings or Television Receive Only [...]
for the exclusive use by a single household (that is, dish antennae).
現時市民可自由選擇接收約 400 條源自世界各地的免衞星電視 節目 頻道,這些頻道大部分以數碼播送,其中 [...]
3 條為高清晰度(“高清”)頻道 (包括中央電視台高清綜合頻道)。
Hong Kong people may choose to
[...] receive some 400 free satellite television programme [...]
channels from all over the world, the
majority of which being transmitted digitally and with three being high definition (HD) channels (including the Hi-Vision channel of the China Central Television).
目前,全港已經有約 744 000 住宅用戶可透過多層大廈的公衞星 電 視接收系統收看免衞 星電視 ,當中不少住戶均能收看中央台頻道。
Currently, some 744 000 domestic households in Hong
[...] Kong can receive free satellite television via Satellite Master Antenna Television [...]
Systems in multi-storey
buildings, many of which can receive CCTV channels.
[...] 制式並不支援高清電視,轉換成模擬制式後供住戶收看 衞星電 視節目,並沒有高清的畫質。
As the analogue format does not support HD television, pictures
[...] of the converted satellite television programmes [...]
received by the residents are not of the HD quality.
事實上, 南韓的營辦商最近已推出
[...] Eureka 147 制式的數碼多媒體廣播 服務,經衞星及地 面無線電通訊系統傳送,人們可以手提 [...]
In fact, in South Korea, operators have recently launched Eureka 147-based Digital Multimedia
Broadcasting (DMB) services for reception by hand-helds (e.g.
[...] mobile phones) via satellite and terrestrial radiocommunications.
(二) 香港特別行政區政府奉行“開放天空”的政策,市民可自由接收 覆蓋香港的世界各地(包括內地)免 衞星 電 視 頻道。
(b) Under the "open sky" policy adopted by the Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, the
[...] public may receive free satellite television channels [...]
from all over the world (including
the Mainland) covering Hong Kong.
第三,在香港的社會環境裏,中聯辦是否以大量(甚至差不多是無限) 資源幫助成立很多政衞星組織 ,無論在意識形態或輿論方面支持中央以至 地區政府,實施很多政策或配合落實政策,令人有一種草木皆兵的感覺?
Third, in Hong Kong's social environment, has the Liaison Office provided abundant (or
nearly infinite) resources to
[...] help a large number of satellite political organizations to give support [...]
to the Central Government
and even regional governments, either in terms of ideology or by way of public opinion, in implementing policies or complementing the implementation of policies so that people are given an impression of widespread anxiety and nervousness?
Aperture 可以使用鳥瞰圖、街道圖衞星圖檢視顯示地點資料。
Aperture can display the location
[...] using Terrain, Road or Satellite view.
對於大型的船隻,例如政府採用的船隻裝 衞星 定 位 儀,可以知 道船隻航行到哪裏,但其他船隻卻沒有裝設這些儀器,那麼,當局如 何監管這些船隻呢?
While large vessels, such as the ferry used by the Government, are equipped with a global position system which enables the authorities to know the location of the vessels, other vessels may not have such a system, how do the authorities monitor these vessels?
例如,在該署積極推動下,兩項亞洲 區的重要媒體大型活動,分別是有線 衞星 廣 播 協會會議和亞洲 出版業協會傑出編輯成就獎,已連續多年在香港舉行,而投資推 [...]
For example, as a result of vigorous facilitation by InvestHK, two
important and major media events in Asia,
[...] namely the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association [...]
of Asia (CSBAA) Convention and
the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) Awards, have been held in Hong Kong for many years in a row with InvestHK as their principal sponsor.
顧問公司已於2010年完成 研究,建議要求所有能夠使衞星導 航 技術的飛機,在南 轉時依照一套名為“固定半徑轉彎”的程序來飛行,使航機 [...]
在轉彎時緊貼指定的航道,減少飛機噪音對馬灣居民的影 響。
The consultancy firm completed such work in
2010 and recommended requiring all
[...] aircraft which can use satellite navigation technology [...]
to follow a set of "Radius-to-Fix"
turn procedures when making south turns so that the aircraft follow the designated flight paths closely during the turn, thereby reducing the noise impact on Ma Wan residents.
21.19 陳偉業議員認為,引入全衞星定位 系統並不涉及兩地 政府,應盡快行事,因為香港在應用全 衞星 定 位 系統方面, 已落後於台灣及上海。
21.19 Mr Albert CHAN opined that the introduction of the global positioning system (GPS), which did not involve two governments, should be expedited as the application of GPS in Hong Kong had lagged behind Taiwan and Shanghai.
電訊管理局回覆時表示,“如果大廈 衞星 電 視公 共天線系統提升至可接收數碼影像廣 衞星 訊 號 ”,內置數碼影像廣播解碼 功能的電視“亦可以用以收看中央電視綜合高清頻道 衞星 電 視 節目,而不 須配備外置解碼器”。
OFTA replied that if the satellite master antenna television (SMATV) systems installed in buildings are upgraded to ones which can receive digital video broadcasting (DVB) satellite signals, satellite television programmes [...]
such as those broadcast on high-resolution
integrated channels of the China Central Television (CCTV), and so on, may be viewed with television sets with built-in DVB decoders, and it is not necessary to install external decoders.
為支持電影業發展,並滿衞星、地 面及有線/寬頻電視、互聯網電視,以及手提視像系統對影像作品的 需求,電視及電影業界對有關學科畢業生的需求將會日益殷切。
There is a strong and increasing demand for graduates from these disciplines to support the development of the film industry as well as to support the demand of satellite, terrestrial and cable/broadband television, internet television and video on hand-held devices.
由於使用強力衛星廣播,觀眾需要裝設一隻 60 厘米或以上的衛星碟連一個 Universal LNB 接收頭、一部無衞星台指定型號的數碼接收解碼器及一部彩色電視機便可以收看。
Viewers need to install a dish with a diameter of at least 60cm, and a Universal Low Noise Block (LNB), together with a Chinese Channel specified Digital Receiver Decoder (DRD) and colour television set or screen.
至於經修訂的《吸煙(公衞生)條例》實施後,就吸煙者人數、 次數和習慣的改變、二手煙在法定禁煙區範圍外的影響,以及市 民對整體控煙措施的反應,我們會在稍後時間進行調查和研究, 以便評估新例的效果。
As for changes in the number of smokers and their smoking frequency and habits, the impact of second-hand smoke outside the statutory no smoking areas, as well as public reaction towards the overall tobacco control efforts after the implementation of the amended Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (the Ordinance), we will conduct survey and study at a later stage to assess the effect of the new legislation.
食物業處所承諾人須在其食物業處所內 實踐「食物安全五要點」,展示「食物安全五要點」證書、標貼以及由中心提供的任何 「食物安全五要點」宣傳品,並向員工提供有關食物安全 衞 生 的 培訓;至於食物業協 會,則須在其處所內展示「食物安全五要點」證書、標貼以及由中心提供的任何「食物 安全五要點」宣傳品,鼓勵屬下會員簽署『食物安全「誠」諾』並推廣和實踐「食物安 全五要點」。
Signatories of FP should practise 5 Keys in their food premises, display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their food premises, display the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their food premises and provide training to staff on food safety/hygiene, whereas those of FTA should display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their premises, display any of the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their premises, encourage members of their associations to sign up to the FSC and encourage members to promote and practise the 5 Keys.
張瑞珍女士續說,有關塑化劑污染事件,當局根據《公 衞 生 及市政條例》(第132 章)第78C(3)條六度發出第78B條命令,從市面上回收食品或禁止受污染食品輸入和在本 [...]
Ms. S. C. CHEUNG continued that, in connection with the plasticiser contamination incident, there were
six Section 78B Orders under Section
[...] 78C(3) of the Public Health and Municipal Services [...]
Ordinance (PHMSO), Cap. 132, issued
to recall food from the market or to prohibit the tainted foods from importing and supplying within Hong Kong for which risk assessment showed that long-term consumption of such products may pose a health risk.
該等措施包括:在醫管局轄下所有醫院和診所推廣手 衞 生; 透過社區老人評估服務、社康護理服務及到訪醫生計劃,加強 [...]
對安老院舍的支援;增設觀察地方及臨時地方,以解決急症科 病房容量有限的問題,以及減少內科病房不必要的入院安排; 加開病房及/或病床,以應付兒科、內科及老人科病人的額外
需求;增加兒科、內科及老人科病房的巡房次數,以確保及早 安排病人出院;以及把急症病房的探病時間限於每日兩小時, 以預防交叉感染。
This included
[...] promoting hand hygiene in all HA hospitals [...]
and clinics; enhancing support to residential care homes for the
elderly by Community Geriatric Assessment Service, Community Nursing Service and Visiting Medical Officer programmes; creating additional observation areas and temporary areas to solve the capacity limitation of Emergency Medical Wards and reduce unnecessary admission to medical wards; opening additional wards and/or additional beds to accommodate the extra demand by paediatric, medical and geriatric patients; more frequent ward rounds in paediatric, medical and geriatric wards to ensure early discharge of patients; and restricting visiting hours to acute wards to two hours per day to prevent cross infections.
[...] 售、為出售而展示或要約出售任何貨品、貨物或服務,而《公衞 生及市 政條例》(第 132 章)第 86、86A、86C [...]
及 86D 條適用於本條所訂的罪行, 猶如該罪行是該條例第 83 條所指的小販罪行一樣。
No person shall, unless authorized in writing by an authorized official, sell or expose or offer for sale any goods, wares or services in the Cable Car
System area, and sections 86, 86A, 86C and
[...] 86D of the Public Health and Municipal Services [...]
Ordinance (Cap. 132) shall apply
to an offence under this section as if such offence were a hawker offence within the meaning of section 83 of that Ordinance.
更新的人口推算由2013年開始第二類嬰兒的數目推算為零,是由於已╱將會實施一連串措施,包括(一)2013年所有公立醫院不會接受任何非本地孕婦預約分娩服務、(二 衞 生 署 不會向丈夫為非香港居民的內地孕婦(雙非孕婦)簽發2013年在港出生的「預約分娩服務確認書」,以及(三)香港私家醫院聯會亦表示已一致同意停止接受明年雙非孕婦的分娩預約。
It has been taken in this updated set of population projections that there are no Type II babies starting from 2013 because of a series of measures which has been /will be implemented, including (i) public hospitals would not accept bookings for delivery in 2013
from non-local pregnant women,  (ii)
[...] the Department of Health would stop issuing [...]
the "Confirmation Certificate on Delivery
Booking" to non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents for giving birth in Hong Kong in 2013 and (iii) the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association also indicated that consensus was reached to stop accepting delivery bookings from non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents next year.
為 方 便 工 作 的 進 行 , 食 物 環衞 生 署 和 屋 宇 署 自 2006 年 起 以 試 驗 計 劃 模 式 成 立 聯 合 辦 事 處 ( 聯 辦 處 ) , 以 統 籌 投 訴 的 調 查 工 作 和 採 取 執 法 行 動 。
To facilitate action, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Buildings Department (BD) have established the Joint Office (JO) as a pilot programme since 2006 to co-ordinate investigation of complaints and taking of enforcement actions.




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