

单词 街坊邻里

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External sources (not reviewed)

上海莫干山路地区邻上海 火车站,三面被苏州河环绕,区内既有传统尺度 里 弄 街坊 , 又 有快速建成的高层住宅。
The urban contrast could be discovered obviously between the traditional residential blocks of Lilong and the modern high-rising compounds to be built rapidly.
这里不只是一个中国人邻里,似乎还像中国皇家真龙的孤儿、千年秘方和秘宗仪式抛锚停泊的一条 街。
More than a Chinese neighborhood, it seems like an old street where some Chinese orphans of imperial dragons, millenary recipes and mysteries have dropped anchor.
里斯班盛贸饭店邻罗马街车站,让旅客轻松畅游 里 斯 班
Traders Hotel, Brisbane, is located adjacent to the Roma Street station, which connects guests [...]
with Brisbane easily.
墨西哥城羞涩地称多洛雷街为中国 邻里 或 者唐 人 街。
Mexico City
[...] shyly calls the street of Dolores its Chinese neighborhood [...]
or Chinatown.
市區的其他地方例如街、荷里活道 及蘭 坊 等 , 已是國際知名的旅遊 景點。
In other parts of the urban
[...] area, places like Temple Street, Hollywood Road, and Lan [...]
Kwai Fong in Central District and so on are
already internationally renowned tourist attractions.
选择真的很多,像是去开始或重燃一段感 情、开展事业第二春、回到学校学习、追
[...] 求自己的兴趣,或去探索大千世界、走访 邻里街坊,再 或者,可以为自己的社区义 务服务,为人生增添价值。
Franklyspeaking,optionsare aplentyforseniors – whether it’s beginning a new relationship or re-igniting an old one, starting a new business or encore career, going back to school to re-tool skills
or pursue a passion, exploring the
[...] world or their own neighborhoods, or volunteering [...]
as a way to give back to their community or add meaning to their life.
It is also close to the State Guest House, the historical [...]
Summer Palace and Beijing Zoo, providing an excellent base from
which to explore Beijing's many attractions.
关于修订后的《国家语言法》的新问题,斯洛伐克表示满意,因为该问题 正在成为朋邻里之间 正常的礼貌性对话的话题。
Regarding the new issue of the amended State Language Act, Slovakia
expressed its satisfaction that the matter was becoming part of normal and civilized
[...] dialogue between friends and neighbours.
多数 难民说 其出逃 的 原 因 与 逃 往 肯尼亚的人相 同,即 索马里生活 没有安全保 障(多数人还来自摩迦 迪沙),失去家人,失去或缺乏生计, 缺乏 粮食或粮食太贵,
等等。一名 最近抵 达 的 妇女描 述 了 她 在索马里分娩 时 痛苦的状况,她告诉我, 她 一直找机会想离开家里寻求医疗帮助,但等了 70
[...] 多小时仍然无法离开家里,因为 所有这段 时 间 在 她街坊里一直 发生着 激烈的 武 装 冲突。
Most of the refugees gave me the same reasons for their flight as those who fled to Kenya, namely insecurity of life in Somalia (most were also from Mogadishu), loss of close family members, loss of or lack of livelihood, lack of or high cost of food etc. In describing her situation when she was in labour pain in Somalia, a woman who arrived recently told me that she had waited for an opportunity to go out of her home for
medical help for more than 70 hours, but failed to do so because of raging armed
[...] conflict in her neighbourhood all that time.
你們這些局長 ⎯⎯ 好像是陳家強 ⎯⎯ 拿着G-2000的袋子在大埔一
[...] 間很有名的商場中讓數名記者拍照,我當天亦在大埔與 里 的 街坊會 面 ,瞭解小販被小販管理隊趕絕的問題。
You, Directors of Bureaux ― it seemed to be Prof K C CHAN ― carried G-2000's shopping bags and let some reporters take photos at a well-known shopping arcade in
Tai Po; while on the same day, I met the
[...] residents of Four Lanes in Tai Po to look [...]
into the problems faced by hawkers who
have been driven out of business by Hawker Control Teams.
最後,有一街坊跟我 說,當他們申請租援時,房署或管理 處的職員會叫他們申請綜援,不要申請租援。
Finally, some
[...] tenants in the neighbourhood told me that when they applied for the RAS, the staff of the Housing [...]
Department or the
management offices told them to apply for the CSSA, instead of the RAS.
在檢討時,我們會研究以法例規管坪洲鄉事 委員會及長洲鄉事委員會街坊代表選舉的可行性。
In this context, we will study the feasibility of
[...] regulating the Kaifong Representative [...]
Elections of Peng Chau Rural Committee and
Cheung Chau Rural Committee under the law.
房屋署 為 何 不 提 前街 坊 說 清 楚 , 有 哪 些 方 面 是 由 房屋署 負責, 哪 些 方 面 則是由 居 民 負責, 以及公 契 是 怎樣劃 定的呢 ?
Why did the HD not tell the residents clearly in advance what were the responsibilities of the HD and the residents and how they were demarcated in the DMC?
政府一直鼓勵長者“居家安老”,讓 他們留在熟悉的社區安享晚年,繼續享受家人及 里街坊 的 關 心和支 持。
The Government has been encouraging the elderly to "age in the community", in the hope that they can live their twilight years in their familiar communities, where they can continue to receive care and support from their family members and neighbours.
可是,老實說,電視機舊了,有時候便難免會有“雪花”,只是被推 銷員說中了街坊便以 為電視真的是因此而有“雪花”,更問推銷員應怎麼 辦。
It so happened that the promoters had made a right guess and so, the residents believed that it was the cause of the "noise" problem of their television and asked the promoters what they should do.
目前的社企往往給人一個較 負面的印象,我們工聯會屬會在元朗開設了一間社企,但他們覺 街坊 鄰里對他們的印象比較負面,認為這是扶貧項目多於創造就業的計劃。
An affiliated union of the FTU has set
up a social
[...] enterprise in Yuen Long, but the people in it feel that people in the neighbourhood have a rather [...]
negative impression
of them, that it is more of a project of poverty alleviation than job creation.
警方也定期於老人中心街坊組織 及 其他機構舉辦講座,向全港的目標受眾傳達防止受騙的訊 息。
The Police also hold regular seminars at
[...] elderly centres, kai-fong associations [...]
and other organisations to spread the anti-deception
message to the targeted audience throughout the territory.
(d) 在海地项目中开展的活动有助于解 邻里 之 间的冲突,以及加强了地方民众与国 家机构之间的沟通。
(d) The activities undertaken in the Haiti project have enhanced conflict resolution within the neighbourhood, as well as communication between local actors and various State bodies.
[...] 应对需要意外需求紧急干预的难民和失所人员情况而制定的,其中包括:也门(用 于失所人员的 1 680 万美元);索里(邻国应对难民费用 3 830 万美元);肯尼 亚(扩大 Dadaab 难民营的费用 2 350 万美元);刚果共和国(2 [...]
190 万美元)以及中 非共和国援助刚果难民的费用(580
万美元);巴基斯坦(改善受难民影响和收容地 区经费 1 440 万美元);海地(地震应急费用 1 250 万美元);巴基斯坦(洪灾灾民 紧急援助款 12 070 万美元);以及吉尔吉斯斯坦(应急资金 1 250 万美元)。
These nine supplementary budgets were created in response to refugee and IDP situations requiring emergency interventions in response to unforeseen needs,
including: Yemen ($16.8
[...] million for IDPs); Somalia ($38.3 million for refugee response in neighbouring countries); Kenya ($23.5 [...]
million for the
extension of the refugee camp in Dadaab); the Congo ($21.9 million) and the Central African Republic ($5.8 million) for assistance to Congolese refugees; Pakistan ($14.4 million for improvement of refugee-affected and hosting areas); Haiti ($12.5 million for emergency response to the earthquake); Pakistan ($120.7 million for emergency assistance to flood-affected people); and Kyrgyzstan ($12.5 million for emergency response).
(c) 他被指控的事实不明确:包括骚 邻里 安 宁 、在其布道中更动穆斯林 马利基仪式、未经批准进行布道、煽动暴力和圣战、在布道中未为国王祈福、在 清真寺内外散发遭禁的出版物、非法结社、非法集会、组成未经批准的协会和越 权
(c) The acts of which he is accused are vague, namely: disturbing the peace, deviating from the Maliki Islamic rite in his sermons, preaching without authorization, inciting violence and jihad, not blessing the king during his sermons, distributing banned publications inside and outside the mosque, criminal association, illegal assembly, establishing an unauthorized association and illegal exercise of functions
我们的宿舍是位于交通便利,靠近所有主要的公共交通,在一个传统 邻里 基 多 呼吁在新旧之间的边界圣布拉斯镇。
Our hostel is conveniently located near
all major public transportation, inside a
[...] traditional neighborhood of Quito called [...]
San Blas, in the border between the Old and New Town.
雨季时蔬菜很多——但是,当进入旱季难以获得蔬菜时,我鼓 邻里 之 间 一起做饭,每家每户都贡献出自己有的东西。
In the rainy season, there are many vegetables – but, when
vegetables are hard to find in the dry season, I encourage them to cook
[...] together with each neighbour contributing something.
9 时,Majid al-Mutlaq ibn
[...] Yousef(生于 1987 年)在他位于 Tadamun 邻里 Malki 街的店 铺被子弹击中头部,然后被送往医院。
At 0900 hours, Majid al-Mutlaq ibn Yousef (born
1987) was taken to Damascus hospital after being shot in the head at
[...] his shop on Malki Street in the Tadamun neighbourhood.
代 理主席,昨天我們召開記者會,有數 街坊 ( 特 別是年紀較大的)申訴,有 關的收費電視推銷員以一些不正當的手法,屢次誤導他們簽署合約。
Deputy President, we held a press conference
[...] yesterday and some kaifongs (especially the [...]
elders) complained about the use of unscrupulous
practices by sales persons of pay television companies to repeatedly mislead them into signing contracts.
当角色们出入中国人邻里时具 有的困惑之感贯穿全文的叙述,这可以跟进入(比如说)一个外交代表场合时坚称我们正在接近一个不同的领域而悬置我们的怀疑的感觉相比较——或者说,为此,这有点像在世界博览会和国际展览这些应该灌注国家表述的场合里去参观其他国家的展馆的时候的感觉。
The feeling of bemusement the narrative
conveys as the characters move in and
[...] out the Chinese neighborhood could be compared [...]
to the one experienced when entering,
say, a diplomatic representation as it entices us into suspending our disbelief by sustaining that we are accessing a different territory – or, for that matter, when visiting other countries’ pavilions in world fairs and international exhibitions that are supposed to encapsulate national representations.
根據建 議的行 人環境改 善 計劃, 戲里 、 蘭 桂坊、 德街 與 砵典乍街之 間 的 一 段 皇 后 大 道中,以及盧押道 與 菲 林明道之 間 的 一 段 莊 士 敦 道,會劃為全日或部分時間行人 專 用 街 道 。
Under the proposed pedestrian
[...] schemes, Theatre Lane, Lan Kwai Fong, the section of Queen's Road Central between D'Aguilar Street and Pottinger Street, and the section [...]
of Johnston Road
between Luard Road and Fleming Road would be designated as either full-time or part-time pedestrianized streets.
美國人希望有連屬感,希 望知道他們自己的看法是主流派還是少數派, 以及他們支持的候選人在更廣泛的選民中─即
[...] 在除了他們身邊的朋友和家人、美發師和理發 員、便利店街坊鄰里以外 的範圍內─表現如 何。
Americans want to feel connected, to know if their own views are in the mainstream or on the fringes, and to see how their candidate is doing among the larger
public — beyond their own world of friendships, hairdressers and barbers,
[...] convenience stores, family, and neighborhood.
據一些 傳媒的 報道和一 些 選 民的投訴,以 及 我們區 裏街 坊 親眼看到的 情 況 , 這 次 立法會選 舉 的 不當和混亂大 致 可分為兩 類 。
On the basis of media reports, complaints from the voters and actual events witnessed by residents, the irregularities and general confusion of the Legislative Council Election can be divided into two categories generally.
[...] 看看是否屬於危樓、是否設備不行、是否維修較清拆更昂貴、清拆後會否有 地方安街坊等, 然後才訂出重建計劃,而以後的重建邨都只會是偶然出 [...]
He said that consideration would be given to some special factors ― whether the buildings concerned were dangerous buildings, whether the facilities were still working, whether maintenance and repairs were more expensive than
demolition and whether there were any places for the
[...] resettlement of kaifongs ― before a [...]
redevelopment plan would be formulated.




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