

单词 街坊四邻

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External sources (not reviewed)

上海莫干山路地区邻上海 火车站,三面被苏州河环绕,区内既有传统尺度的里 街坊 , 又 有快速建成的高层住宅。
The urban contrast could be discovered obviously between the traditional residential blocks of Lilong and the modern high-rising compounds to be built rapidly.
警方也定期於老人中心街坊組織 及 其他機構舉辦講座,向全港的目標受眾傳達防止受騙的訊 息。
The Police also hold regular seminars at
[...] elderly centres, kai-fong associations [...]
and other organisations to spread the anti-deception
message to the targeted audience throughout the territory.
中非 共和国共有六邻国,其中四个面 临类似的内部冲突,这加剧了中非共和国的不 稳定。
Out of six neighbouring countries, four suffer from similar [...]
internal conflicts which have exacerbated instability in the Central African Republic.
作为一四面邻海的 国家,确保海上边 界,防止非法流动,关系到日本的切身利益。
As a nation bordered on all sides by the sea, Japan has vital interests in securing sea borders to block illicit flows.
你們這些局長 ⎯⎯ 好像是陳家強 ⎯⎯ 拿着G-2000的袋子在大埔一
[...] 間很有名的商場中讓數名記者拍照,我當天亦在大埔 四 里 的 街坊會 面 ,瞭解小販被小販管理隊趕絕的問題。
You, Directors of Bureaux ― it seemed to be Prof K C CHAN ― carried G-2000's shopping bags and let some reporters take photos at a well-known shopping arcade
in Tai Po; while on the same day, I
[...] met the residents of Four Lanes in Tai Po to [...]
look into the problems faced by hawkers
who have been driven out of business by Hawker Control Teams.
代 理主席,昨天我們召開記者會,有數 街坊 ( 特 別是年紀較大的)申訴,有 關的收費電視推銷員以一些不正當的手法,屢次誤導他們簽署合約。
Deputy President, we held a press conference
[...] yesterday and some kaifongs (especially the [...]
elders) complained about the use of unscrupulous
practices by sales persons of pay television companies to repeatedly mislead them into signing contracts.
选择真的很多,像是去开始或重燃一段感 情、开展事业第二春、回到学校学习、追 求自己的兴趣,或去探索大千世界、走访 邻里街坊,再 或者,可以为自己的社区义 务服务,为人生增添价值。
Franklyspeaking,optionsare aplentyforseniors – whether it’s beginning a new relationship or re-igniting an old one, starting a new business or encore career, going back to school to re-tool skills or pursue a passion, exploring the world or their own neighborhoods, or volunteering as a way to give back to their community or add meaning to their life.
第一種欺街坊的手 法是,告訴居民如果不安裝收費電視,便無法收看電視節目。
The first way of deception was that they were told that they would not be able to watch any television programme if they did not subscribe to pay television service.
北京华贸中心是百万平米的超大规模商务建筑集群,位于北京国贸中央商务区(CBD)、长 街 国 贸 桥以东900米处, 邻 东 四 环 , 整体设计由美国KPF建筑设计事务所担纲,风格纯净、简洁、明快、凌厉,具有最大化开阔视野、最大化自然采光,极富纪念性和时代感。
Located adjacent to the Sihui Bridge at the intersection of East Chang' An Avenue and East 4th Ring Road and is the eastern gateway to Beijing's CBD.
四个内部连接的商业单体凭借雨棚和掩藏于其下的人行步道的设计,引领购物者由场地周边通过位 四 层 的 ,介于 邻 购 物 单体之间的悬挑的24小时营业的商 街 区 , 步入到一个全新的城市购物目的地。
Four interconnected retail enclosures capture the pedestrian flow from the surrounding sites
straight into and through
[...] this new city destination via an elevated 24-hour street at the 4th floor which nestled between the soft forms [...]
of the adjacent retail enclosures.
據一些 傳媒的 報道和一 些 選 民的投訴,以 及 我們區 裏街 坊 親眼看到的 情 況 , 這 次 立法會選 舉 的 不當和混亂大 致 可分為兩 類 。
On the basis of media reports, complaints from the voters and actual events witnessed by residents, the irregularities and general confusion of the Legislative Council Election can be divided into two categories generally.
在洲与洲之间、城市与城市之间邻 里 地 区 四 周 、 以及进入到家庭和数字化消费者的生意之中,我们提供合适的光纤、光学电缆和组件,以进行高效率、低成本的传送。
Between continents, between cities, around neighborhoods, and into homes and businesses of digital consumers we provide the right optical fiber, optical cable and components for efficient, cost-effective transmission.
[...] 看看是否屬於危樓、是否設備不行、是否維修較清拆更昂貴、清拆後會否有 地方安街坊等, 然後才訂出重建計劃,而以後的重建邨都只會是偶然出 [...]
He said that consideration would be given to some special factors ― whether the buildings concerned were dangerous buildings, whether the facilities were still working, whether maintenance and repairs were more expensive than
demolition and whether there were any places for the
[...] resettlement of kaifongs ― before a [...]
redevelopment plan would be formulated.
大家也知道,現時本港貧富懸殊的情況較 10 年前為嚴重,而大部分貧 窮街坊都是居住在公屋的。
Members all know that the wealth gap problem in Hong Kong is much more serious than how it was 10 years ago.
它坐落在莱佛坊(Raffles Place),邻浮乐 顿酒店并且面临新加坡河。
It is located in Raffles Place and is situated next to the Fullerton [...]
Hotel and faces the Singapore River.
多数 难民说 其出逃 的 原 因 与 逃 往 肯尼亚的人相 同,即 索马里生活 没有安全保 障(多数人还来自摩迦 迪沙),失去家人,失去或缺乏生计, 缺乏 粮食或粮食太贵,
等等。一名 最近抵 达 的 妇女描 述 了 她 在索马里分娩 时 痛苦的状况,她告诉我, 她 一直找机会想离开家里寻求医疗帮助,但等了 70
[...] 多小时仍然无法离开家里,因为 所有这段 时 间 在 她街坊里一直 发生着 激烈的 武 装 [...]
Most of the refugees gave me the same reasons for their flight as those who fled to Kenya, namely insecurity of life in Somalia (most were also from Mogadishu), loss of close family members, loss of or lack of livelihood, lack of or high cost of food etc. In describing her situation when she was in labour pain in Somalia, a woman who arrived recently told me that she had waited for an opportunity to go out of her home for
medical help for more than 70 hours, but failed to do so because of raging armed
[...] conflict in her neighbourhood all that time.
墨西哥城羞涩地称多洛雷街为中国 邻 里 或 者唐 街。
Mexico City
[...] shyly calls the street of Dolores its Chinese neighborhood or [...]
我就这样长大, 直到我满 11 岁,我的幸福时光到此结束……通 常,四舍五邻的成 年人下地干活,走得很远的 时候,小孩子们会一起聚在邻居的房子周围玩 耍,而且其中一些孩子往往都会爬到树上,看看 有没有可能冲我们来的凶徒或人贩子,因为有的 时候这些人会趁我们的父母不在时袭击我们,能 抢走多少孩子就抢走多少……但是,天哪,不久 后我的命运就是这样被袭击和掳走……有一天, 当我们家所有人像平常一样出外干活,只有我和 我的妹妹被留下来看家,两个男人和一个女人翻 过我家的墙,立即抓住我们俩,根本不给我们哭 喊或者抵抗的时间。
In this way I grew up till I was turned the age of eleven, when an end was put to my happiness ... Generally, when the grown people in the neighbourhood were gone far in the fields to labour, the children assembled together in some of the neighbours’ premises to play, and commonly some of us used to get up a tree to look out for any assailant or kidnapper that might come upon us; for they sometimes took those opportunities of our parents’ absence to attack and carry off as many as they could seize.
It is also close to the State Guest House, the historical Summer Palace and Beijing Zoo, providing an excellent base from which to explore Beijing's many attractions.
(四 ) 至於街道名 牌的安裝問題,路政署的現行措施是在公用街道的兩 端安裝街道名牌,以及在可行和沒有阻障的情況下,在各街道口 [...]
(d) As regards the installation of street name plates, the [...]
current practice of the Highways Department (HyD) is to install
these name plates at the beginning and end of a public road, and also at the corner of road junctions where feasible and where there are no obstructions.
最後,有一街坊跟我 說,當他們申請租援時,房署或管理 處的職員會叫他們申請綜援,不要申請租援。
Finally, some
[...] tenants in the neighbourhood told me that when they applied for the RAS, the staff of the Housing [...]
Department or the
management offices told them to apply for the CSSA, instead of the RAS.
在公眾街市方面,食環署已加強在該部門管理的 104 個公 眾街市的清潔和消毒服務,其中包括:( 一 )
每小時為電動扶梯 /樓梯的扶手和載客升降機及載貨升降機的按鈕控制板消毒,
[...] 以及按情況需要更換按鈕控制板上的消毒膠片;( 二 ) 每日在完 成最後一輪清潔工作後為街市的公用地方,包括上落客貨區、 垃圾收集站、空置檔位及樓梯加強清潔和消毒;( 三 ) 每日清潔 街市廁所不少於六次,包括為廁所地板和廁所設施消毒;以及 ( 四 ) 每日為街市的其他公用設施( 如位於公用地方的桌子和椅 子 ) 消毒兩次。
With regard to public markets, FEHD has enhanced the cleansing and disinfection services in the 104 public markets under its management, including (1) hourly disinfection of handrails of escalators/staircases and button key panels of passenger and goods lifts as well as replacement of the sterile plastic sheets over the button key panels on a need basis; (2) enhanced cleansing and disinfection of common areas of markets, including loading/unloading areas, refuse collection points, vacant stalls and staircases after the last cleansing operation of each day; (3) cleansing of
market toilets not less
[...] than six times a day, including disinfection of toilet floors and toilet facilities; and (4) disinfection of other common facilities in markets (such as tables [...]
and chairs in common areas) twice a day.
这家历史悠久四星四钻级酒店邻 国 家 广场、史密森博物馆和二战纪念碑。
This historic 4-star, 4-diamond hotel is close to the National Mall, Smithsonian museums and WWII Memorial.
這些建議與 2007 年 5 月的工作坊所得的意見相若,即依受歡迎程度為休憩座位設施、草木花卉及 樹蔭、露天茶座、戶外表演場地及噴水池 (請參考附錄四有關工作坊意見 的清 單 ) ;除了「噴水池」在這次意見收集中的受歡迎度較低,而「港鐵站出入通 道」則在工作坊中未被提及。
These suggestions are similar to those popular ideas collected at the brainstorming workshop of May 2007, i.e. seating, green environment with shade, alfresco café, outdoor performance venue and fountain in order of popularity (see Appendix D for a full list of ideas generated from the workshop) except that “fountain” is less popular in this views collection exercise.
與此同時坊間傳言四起, 有些 說是時薪28元,亦有說是29元,到最後揭盅時才知道是28元。
In the meantime, rumours were flying as some people said that it was $28 per hour, while some [...]
said that it was $29, and
we learnt that it was $28 only in the last minute when it was made public.
[...] 2010 年 7 月开始,目 的是向地理位邻近的四个特 派团,即联黎部队、联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观 [...]
察员部队)、联合国塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联塞部队)和联合国停战监督组织(停 战监督组织)提供协调一致的信息和通信技术服务。
The consolidated regional service, started in July 2010, aims to provide for a coordinated delivery of
information and communications
[...] technology services to the four missions in geographical [...]
proximity, namely UNIFIL, the United
Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).
如果坊間的「六四黃金 比例」計,則六成「泛民鐵票」中有三分二會投票支持重返議會,亦即只得四成選票。
If we use the layman's so-called 「6:4 golden [...]
ratio」, then two-thirds of the 60% 「guaranteed votes for democrats」 will vote
them back to the Legislative Council, but this is only 40% of all votes.
在我接觸觀塘區 居民的過程㆗,很街坊告訴 我,觀塘區某醫務所門前每日經常有㆒大群臉色蒼白的 癮君子或服食軟性毒品的青少年,在醫務所附近徘徊,他們㆔五成群,甚至伸手街 坊要錢 ,拿到錢後又走到醫務所買毒品。
When making contact with the residents of Kwun Tong District, I was told that there is often a large group of pale-faced drug addicts or young soft-drug abusers loitering near some clinics everyday.
但是, 据报告这次袭击造成附近一街上的 四 名 平 民死亡。
Nevertheless, as a result
[...] of the attack, four civilians were reportedly killed in an adjacent street.
[...] 老服務)表示,居於盈暉臺及華荔邨的長者可使用位於美 孚天橋的博愛醫院美孚荔街坊會及美孚新邨第二期的 香港基督教播道會聯會美孚長者中心的設施,該兩間中 [...]
The Assistant Director (Elderly) said that elderly residents at the Ying Fai Terrace and Wah Lai Estate could make use of the services provided by
the elderly centre at the Pok Oi Hospital
[...] Mei Foo Lai Wan Kaifong Association at [...]
the Mei Foo Flyover and the Association of
Evangelical Free Churches of Hong Kong Mei Foo Elderly Centre at Mei Foo Sun Chuen Stage II, both of which were within walking distances.




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