

单词 行迹

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

Periodic medical examinations are a prerequisite for employment and employers are bound to inform the authorities of any signs of misconduct.
为 1.A.或 19.A.2 所述系统专门设计或修改以整合飞控、制导及推进数 据加载飞行管理系统、优化火箭系统 行 轨 迹 的 设 计“技术”。
to optimise aerodynamic performance throughout the flight regime of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
注:附录 H,图 2 为飞碟的行轨迹示意图。
NOTE: See Figure 2 of Appendix H for a schematic diagram of trajectory requirements for Girandolas.
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这些不足之处包括:关于正在进行的专业发展 和培训缺乏一个计划;在 DOA
[...] 高级工作人员中间缺乏对保护工作实践的基本理论;与大学的文化遗产教学联系不够,而且 没有对此方面教学的支助;在孟加拉国也没有制订博物馆研究/博物馆学的大学教学计划; 很难聘用到具有考古学资格的大学毕业生;很少 行 古 迹 的 现 场国际交流。
They include: absence of a programme of ongoing professional development and training; lacking awareness of the philosophical bases of conservation practice among senior DOA (Directorate of Archaeology, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Bangladesh (referred to as Department of Archaeology)) and Project Unit staff; insufficient cooperation with and support to universities teaching in the cultural heritage field; absence of a university programme in museum studies/museology in Bangladesh;
difficulties in employing
[...] university graduates with archaeology qualifications; and few international exchanges on-site.
早在电影《星际迷航》里的Spock先生(嵌入图所示)出现之前,19世纪到20世纪早期的很多天文学家都曾设想过一颗名叫“祝融星”的行星存在,它在水星的轨道内侧绕太阳运行(其经过太阳时如主图所示),牵引着水星,导致了水星独特的 行 轨 迹。
Long before Star Trek's Mr. Spock (inset), many astronomers during the 19th and early 20th centuries thought a planet named Vulcan circled the sun inside the orbit of
Mercury (shown transiting the sun, main image) and tugged on the latter, accounting for
[...] peculiarities in Mercury's motion.
鉴于存在这些可怕行的迹象, 我们国际社会必 须继续支持检察官彻底调查这些指控,并把凶手绳之 以法。
Given those indications of dreadful criminal acts, we as the international community must continue to support the Prosecutor in thoroughly investigating these allegations and holding those responsible to account.
这或者是因为我们没有建立起预 警机制,或者是因为我们未能对即将发生敌 行 为 的 迹 象 作出有效的反应。
Early warning mechanisms either do not exist, or we have not been able to respond effectively to indications of impending hostilities.
如果您的车灯发生故障,请一位合格的单车技师进行检 查,让自己行时有迹可循,保持安全的骑乘状态。
If your lights are faulty, have them inspected by a qualified bicycle technician to keep yourself visible and safe on the roads.
因此,日常使用中不会因为涂层的磨损而形成 难看行走痕迹,避 免了因涂层而引起的污染、碎 裂、刮擦痕迹或褪色等现象。
Thus, they eliminate unsightly pathways which would be the result of use-related abrasion nor increased contamination, chipping, scratches or discolourations of the coating.
vs 23-26
[...] 虽然至此为止耶稣没有明确地告诉他们他就是基督,但他的教训和他 行 的 神 迹 都 清 楚地暗示了这一点。
vs 23-26 Though Jesus had not told them
explicitly up to this point that he was the Christ, yet it was clearly implied in both
[...] his teachings and through his miracles.
然而,交通的间歇特性给环境工程师提出了很多挑战,而其它变数,如天气、路况、警笛、 行 器 噪声 印 迹 等 等 甚至更加让人头疼。
The intermittent nature of traffic, however, presents a number of challenges for the environmental
engineer; other variables, such as weather, road conditions,
[...] sirens, aircraft noise footprints, etc., present even more.
北京渴望维护和扩大 其在南苏丹石行的足迹,但 中国企业也正在涌向 其他领域,尤其是在一个几乎什么也没有的国家进 行基础设施建设。
Beijing is keen to preserve and expand its footprint in South Sudan’s oil sector, but Chinese companies are also flocking to other sectors, above all to build infrastructure in a country that has almost none.
在这一背景下,2010 年期间从军事司法机关向普通司法系统转交的有关 “在作战中被杀死”但带有侵行为 痕 迹 的 人的案例数量大幅减少的情况令人极 为关注。
In this context, the significant decrease in the transfer of cases of persons “killed in combat” with signs of human rights violations from the military justice to the ordinary justice system during 2010 is of great concern.
已经有一些改善的切迹象,见之于土著人民、暴力受害者和以往的侵行为, 以及从体制入手增进该国的权利等方面。
Real signs of improvement had been seen in the conditions of indigenous peoples, victims of violence [...]
and past abuses, and the institutional promotion of human rights in the country.
机床的实际行圆轨迹的好 坏就是机床综合性能的一项指标,雷尼绍的软件可以将其分为21个独立的因素,并准确计算出每一个因素在总误差中所占的比重。
How well the machine follows the circular path is an indicator of the machine's positioning performance, and the Renishaw software is able to identify 21 separate factors and calculate exactly how much of the total error is contributed by each factor.
与会者表示支持若干其他措施,包括促进所有各级对紧急情况的防范;确保 国家和国际紧急情况应对工作之间的统和,办法包括在区域和国际各级开展培 训,加强区域能力;强化原子能机构的作用,办法包括对紧急情况 行 分 析 ,依迹象、科学知识和国家能力对各种假设进行预测,以及发生核紧急情况时,在 征得有关国家事先同意后,及时派出实况调查团,并将调查结果公诸于世。
Participants expressed support for a number of additional measures, including promoting emergency preparedness at all levels; ensuring greater cohesion between national and international emergency response efforts, including through the development of training at the regional and international levels, strengthening regional capabilities; and enhancing the role of IAEA, including through analysis of emergency situations and prognosis of possible scenarios based on evidence, scientific knowledge and the capabilities of States, and by conducting, in case of a nuclear emergency and with the prior consent of the State concerned, timely factfinding missions and making the results publicly available.
无疑,这方面 的例子有很多,其中最严重的是以色列采取的各种做
[...] 法,例如吞并领土、在巴勒斯坦被占领的西岸和叙利 亚被占领的戈兰修建定居点、在圣城等地 行 各 种侵 犯迹、破 坏土地特征及其历史的做法、在加沙实行 集体惩罚和包围政策、对黎巴嫩进行各种战争和破坏 [...]
威胁以及从陆地、海上和空中每日对黎巴嫩的主权进 行侵犯。
Unfortunately, there are many examples of this, the most serious of which are such Israeli practices as the annexation of territory, the building of settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank and in the occupied Syrian Golan, the
various transgressions
[...] against holy sites, the identity of the land and its history, such as in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the [...]
policy of collective punishment
and siege practiced in Gaza, the various threats of war and destruction against Lebanon, and the daily violations of its sovereignty by land, sea and air.
Therapy is indicated only after there are clear signs of immune system decline.
虽然激光导航技术行,但在运 动迹简单及在码垛机临近范围内工 作时,采用导轨式无人驾驶叉车也有 自身的优势,虽然不及激光导航技术 灵活,但它们自动化的程度也很高。
Shuttles on rails may still be used to some advantage, even in the era of laser-guided shuttles, when the route to be followed with loaded pallets in relatively simple and not too far away from the palletiser.
如果沿着古罗马人或凯尔特人的迹 徒步 旅行,您 将发现很多工业文化的印记,届时请用心灵和法国 人的生活情感去感受这一带的城市。
Go hiking in the footsteps of the Romans or Celts, discover historical industrial culture and experience French atmosphere of life.
城市需求管理有相当清晰和直接的影响,即:减少损失可以节约水处理成本,降低管 网容量和抽水成本等,事实上城市需求管理有效地节水节电,因此减少了水服 行业 的迹。
This is a
[...] saving of water and energy, and thus reduces also the carbon footprint of the water [...]
services industry.
此仿真组件也提供了完全系列的刀具轨迹分析工具,以用于许多诸如段长度/类型,馈送率和高度等刀具 迹行 为 的关键部分,其能精确刀具轨迹以最优化完成结果以及产品质量。
Simulation also offers a full range of toolpath analysis tools for many critical aspects of toolpath behaviour such as segment length/type, feedrate and height allowing toolpaths to be refined for optimum finish and quality.
这一点特别是通过以下行动而 得以实现的,即把促进 迹 遗 产 保护和修复 行 动 与该 行动所 需的传统技术和专门知识结合起来,为促进可持续发展的文化旅游业开展新辟文化旅 游线路项目,通过开发工艺品或建立地区性与全国性的博物馆,或两者兼而有之的方法提高 立足于本国的创收能力。
In particular, this has been achieved by linking actions for the safeguarding and rehabilitation of monumental heritage with the traditional skills and associated know-how, and projects creating cultural itineraries for sustainable cultural tourism with the promotion of endogenous capacities for income generation through crafts and/or local and national museum development.
重申以色列旨在改变耶路撒冷地位的行动,包括所谓的“E-1 计划”、拆毁房 屋、驱逐巴勒斯坦居民、在宗教场所和历史 迹 及 其 周围 行 挖 掘等措施和其他 所有旨在改变该城乃至整个领土的性质、地位和人口构成的单方面措施,均属非 法,又重申占领国以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括在东耶路撒冷城内和周围修
Reaffirming the illegality of Israeli actions aimed at changing the status of Jerusalem, including measures such as the so-called E-l plan, home demolitions, evictions of Palestinian residents, excavations in and around religious and historic sites, and all other unilateral measures aimed at altering the character, status and demographic composition of the city and of the Territory as a whole
此外,联黎部队定期检查行动区内 以前发现过武装分子的原有设施,包括掩体和洞穴,但没有发现被重新启用迹 象,在行动区内也没有发现新建的军事设施的证据。
Furthermore, UNIFIL routinely checked previously discovered former facilities of armed elements in the area of operations, including bunkers and caves, but found no indication that they had been reactivated and no evidence of new military infrastructure in its area of operations.
国家多民族玻利维亚承认,尽管经济封锁对古巴造成重大损失,但古巴仍努 力与玻利维亚人民开展合作,下列数字就是明证:3 700 多万次免费医疗;拯救 33 000 多个生命;在“迹行动” 中免费做了 514 000 多次眼科手术,使不论任 何出身或社会地位的玻利维亚人恢复或提高视力。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia acknowledges the effort made by Cuba to cooperate with the Bolivian people, in spite of the significant harm caused by the embargo to its economy.
这类抱怨破坏对该领域的信任,威胁政策制定者的信誉并危害养殖的海产品 的市场。因此,需要更多地研究这一问题,因为有充 迹 象 显 示这 行 为 可能大 范围发生,特别是为经济原因发生在发展中国家。
Hence, there is a need for more research into this issue, as there are sufficient indications to suggest that these practices might occur on a large scale, especially in developing countries for economic reasons.
在外国援助下继续实施下列方案:(a) “迹行动” 国家方案,该方案是与 古巴共同推行的,让数以千计土著人免费接受眼部手术;(b) [...]
消除营养不良方案, 在最贫穷和极其缺乏粮食保障的城市,向母亲发放补充食品;(c) 全民医疗保险 法,尤其惠益农村地区的土著人。
The following programmes were continued with external support: (a) the national
[...] programme “Operation Miracle”, carried out [...]
jointly with Cuba, under
which free eye surgery has been provided to thousands of indigenous people; (b) the Zero Malnutrition Programme, which involves the delivery of food supplements to mothers in the poorest municipalities that are highly vulnerable in terms of food security; and (c) the Universal Health Insurance Act, which gives priority to indigenous farming communities in rural areas.




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