

单词 行栈

See also:

a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle
wood or bamboo trestlework

External sources (not reviewed)

使用FreeRTOS,一个较小的堆栈可能可以安全地使用,因为RTOS为每个任务分配 行 时 栈。
With FreeRTOS, a smaller stack can probably safely be used, as the RTOS
[...] allocates run-time stacks for each task.
他勉强帮助他的母亲莎拉(劳丽梅特卡夫) 行 客 栈 和 派 生娱乐从“太阳冲浪”(连接到一个太阳能供电的火箭顶上板skysurfing和帆板的混合体),一种消遣,经常得到他的麻烦。
He is shown begrudgingly helping his mother Sarah (Laurie Metcalf) run an inn and deriving amusement from “solar surfing” (a hybrid of skysurfing and windsurfing atop a board attached to a solar-powered rocket), a pastime that frequently gets him in trouble.
他不情愿地帮助他的母亲莎拉继续 行 客 栈 和 有 乐趣的“冲浪之间的混合skysurfing和帆板运动在电路板上连接到一个以太阳能为动力的火箭太阳”(),一种消遣,往往让他陷入困境。
He is shown begrudgingly helping his mother Sarah to keep running an inn and has fun with the “Surf Solar” (a hybrid between skysurfing and windsurfing on a board attached to a solar-powered rocket), a pastime that often gets him into trouble.
在文化领域,一个重要的新情况是与巴勒斯坦权力机构(PA)财政部签订了捐款协 议,资助金额为 407,621.04
[...] 欧元,以完成由欧洲联盟资助的“纳布卢斯老城改造—修复和改 造启用沙漠行队客栈”项目。
In the field of culture, a major new development was the signing of a contribution agreement with the Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministry of Finance granting €407,621.04 to complete the project
on “Old City of Nablus Renovation – Restoration and Adaptive Re-use of Khan
[...] alWakala”, supported by the European Union.
对于独立的进程,堆栈应设置一个安全值,以防止 行 时 堆 栈 溢 出
For standalone
[...] operation, the stack should be set to a safe value to prevent run-time stack overflow.
由欧洲联盟支助(132.7 万美元)的“纳布卢斯老城改造——恢复和改造启用沙漠行 队客栈”项 目已取得进展,对新城区的结构工程和机械/电力安装进行国际投标以修复损毁 的建筑之后,重新实施土建工程。
Progress was achieved under the project “Old City of Nablus Renovation – Restoration and Adaptive Re-use of Khan al-Wakala”, funded by the European Union (US $1,327,000), as civil works were resumed after the awarding of the international tender for the structural works and mechanical/electrical installations of the new block to complete the missing part of the building.
审查期间开展的主要保护活动所惠及的文化遗址包括:杰里科的 Hisham 皇宫和埃尔苏丹、纳布卢斯老城的沙漠 行 队 客 栈 ( Kh an al-Wakala)以及伯利恒主教堂对 面的和平中心地下室。
Cultural sites which benefited from major preservation and conservation activities during the period under review were: the Hisham Palace and the Tell el-Sultan in Jericho, the Khan Al-Wakala in the old city of Nablus and the Crypt under the Peace Center facing the Nativity Church in Bethlehem.
这会启动行Engine Yard栈的虚拟机,并启动你的应用程序。
This will start a virtual machine that is
[...] running the Engine Yard stack and start your application.
在审查所涉时期中,完成了三个项目,即:(i)“伯利恒地区保护与管理计划”,由意 大利政府资助,其成果将于 2012 年 3 月公布;(ii)“纳布卢斯老城中心改造--恢复和改造启 用沙漠行队客栈”, 由欧洲联盟资助,预计将于 2012 年 3 月举行竣工仪式,该项目包括 修复栈(caravanserai)并行装修,使其成为一个城市设施以及和谐经济活动的摇篮,它 有助于重振老城受到边缘化影响的一个地区;(iii)“保护历史和环境资源、争取实现伯利恒 省可持续发展”。
During the period under review, three projects were brought to completion, namely: (i) “Bethlehem Area Conservation and Management Plan”, funded by the Government of Italy, the results of which will be published in March 2012; (ii) the “Nablus Old City Centre Renovation, Restoration and adaptive re-use of Khan al Wakala” funded by the European Union, expected to be inaugurated in March 2012, which includes the rehabilitation of the khan (caravanserai) and its refurbishment as an urban facility and incubator of compatible economic activities, is contributing to the revitalization of a quarter of the Old City particularly affected by marginalization; and (iii) the “Safeguarding Historical and Environmental Resources Towards Sustainable Development in the Bethlehem Governorate”.
纳布卢斯--由欧洲联盟资助的“纳布卢斯老城改造--恢复和改造启用沙漠 行 队 客 栈” 项目已得到加强。
Nablus – The project “Old City of Nablus Renovation – Restoration and Adaptive Re-use of Khan al-Wakala”, funded by the European Union was revitalized.
在由欧洲联盟资助(2,387,822 美元)的“纳布卢斯老城改造——恢复和改造启用沙漠行队客栈”项 目范围内,为实施维护工程以及重建该建筑的主入口,恢复了采用传统建筑 技术的“Yard 客栈维护学校”。
In the context of the project Old City of Nablus Renovation – Restoration and Adaptive Re-use of Khan al-Wakala, funded by the European Union ($2,387,822), the Yard School for the Conservation of the Khan using traditional building techniques was reactivated for the implementation of the conservation works, as well as the reconstruction of the main entrance of the building.
如果决定不使用 Microsoft 操作系统, 也可以行第三方栈。
You may also be
[...] running a third party stack if you decided not [...]
to use a Microsoft operating system.
正在实施的项目包括:(i) 编写《保护伯利恒总体规划》;(ii) 建杰里科考古公园,保
[...] 存希沙姆宫和修复希沙姆宫的镶嵌图案;(iii)为修复和改造恢复沙漠 行 队 客 栈 ( Khan alWakala)提供技术援助;(iv)纳布卢斯老城复兴计划。
Also in progress are: (i) the formulation of the Bethlehem Conservation Master Plan; (ii) the establishment of the Archaeological Park in Jericho for the Conservation of Qasr Hisham and Restoration of the mosaics of Qasr Hisham; (iii)
technical assistance for the restoration and
[...] adaptive re-use of the Khan al-Wakala caravanserai; [...]
(iv) the revitalization Plan for the Old City of Nablus.
该解决方案是在广达电脑提供的基于Tilera的S2Q服务器上 行 Q o s mo s技术软 栈。
The solution runs Qosmos
[...] technology software stack on the Tilera-based [...]
S2Q server, available from Quanta Computers.
纳布卢斯—在由欧盟支助的“纳布卢斯老城改造--恢复和改造启用沙漠 行 队 客 栈 ”项 目中,教科文组织旨在证明保护和强化文化遗产能够促进当地一级的包容性社会-经济发 展。
Nablus – Under the project “Old City of Nablus Renovation – Restoration and Adaptive Reuse of Khan al-Wakala”, funded by the European Union, UNESCO aims at demonstrating that cultural heritage protection and enhancement can contribute to inclusive socio-economic development at local level.
在编译时增加意味着你可以选择一系列的“编译计划”以支持不同的错误处理和调试要求-为单独的那些真正复杂的错误 行 充 分 调试/调用 栈 跟 踪 ;为你发布的版本 行 错 误 处理和对象实例统计。
Adding at build time means you can choose from a range of 'Build Plans' to support
different error handling
[...] and debug requirements - full debug / call stack trace for isolating those really tricky bugs; error [...]
and object instance counting for your release version, for example.
关于欧洲联盟委员会资助的“恢复和改造启用纳布卢斯的沙漠 行 队 客栈 (Khan al-Wakala)项目”,向纳布卢斯市政府提供修复该客栈的技术援助工作 已经完成。
Regarding the European Commission-funded Restoration and adaptive re-use of the Khan al-Wakala in Nablus, the provision of technical assistance to the Municipality of Nablus for the rehabilitation of the caravanserai was completed.
此外,为了安置实地考古小 组,已经完成了位于拉姆安拉附近矣尔比尔市的中世纪沙漠 行 队 客 栈 的 头 两期 翻新工程。
In addition, the first two phases of the renovation works of this medieval caravanserai, called Khan el-Bireh, in the Municipality of el-Bireh near Ramallah, in order to house an Archaeological Field Unit, are completed.
附加功能,如集成TCP/IP协栈和串行 多 路 复用器,在不增加成本的情况 下使得产品的功能更加强大。
Additional features such as
[...] integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and serial multiplexer [...]
give extend functionality of the application at no additional cost.
在由欧盟资助(2,387,822 美元)的“纳布卢斯老城改造--恢复和改造启用沙漠 行队 客栈”项 目范围内,2011 年 3 月聘用了一位专精于砖石工程的国际独立顾问并提交了主入 口的重建计划。
In the context of the project “Old City of Nablus Renovation – Restoration and Adaptive Reuse of Khan al-Wakala”, funded by the European Union (US $2,387,822), an international consultant specialized in restoration of traditional masonries was hired in March 2011 and delivered plans for the reconstruction of the Main Gate.
更宽的操作温度范围,集成TCP/IP协 栈 , 由 标准 行 R S - 232接口直接控制以及更宽的电压范围(5-36V,直流),使GT864终端成为m2m应用完美的解决方案。
Offering extended operating temperature,
[...] integrated TCP/IP stack, direct control by standard serial RS-232 [...]
interface, and with a broad
supply voltage range (5–36V DC), the GT864 terminal is a complete stand alone solution for m2m applications.
新增的特点如集成TCP/IP协栈和串行 端 口 多路调制器扩展功能大大提高了应用范围, [...]
而 且不需要用户支付任何额外的费用。
Additional features such as
[...] integrated TCP/IP protocol stack and serial multiplexer [...]
extend functionality of the application at no additional cost.
为了让大家了解从这些背包栈去IR D、开 行 户 口 、市中心、超市、巴士站、火车站等等的距离,大家可以参考一下这里
To let everybody has a bigger idea of the location, I analyzed all the distance of IRD, bank account, city center, supermarkets, bus station, train station and so on.
下面的插图显示了当输 入数字10和3(如做10÷3运算)是栈 是 如何 进 行 内 部 操作的。
The following diagram illustrates
[...] what happens in the stack when you enter the numbers [...]
10 and 3 (to calculate, for example, 10 ÷ 3).
欧洲委员会资助的“恢复和适应性再利用沙漠 行 队 客 栈 ( Kh an al-Wakala)”项目 第一阶段工作已于 2007 年 4 月完成,当地顾问向教科文组织提交了综合技术评估。
The first phase of the project funded by the European Commission for the “Restoration and adaptive re-use of the Khan al-Wakala” was completed in April 2007, when an overall technical assessment was submitted to UNESCO by local consultants.
(b) 纳布卢斯:对修复和改造启用沙漠 行 队 客 栈 ( Kh an al-Wakala)的技术援助--正 在签订合同和遗址筹备工作,以便于 2004 年 7 月底开始实施该项目。
(b) Nablus: technical assistance for the restoration and adaptive re-use of the Khan alWakala (caravanserai) – Contracts and site preparations are ongoing with a view to initiating the project by the end of July 2004
[...] IBM/Unica 和 Teradata/Aprimo,籍此,扁平架构中越来越多的软件供应商开始向上 栈 , 进 行 垂 直 营销。
These deals follow other interesting moves in the sector such as
IBM/Unica and Teradata/Aprimo, whereby horizontal
[...] software vendors have increasingly moved up-stack into the marketing [...]
二元函数和栈 数学功能行一个 算术运算,数字分别位于Y和X寄存器,就象你在纸上垂 直书写一样:上面的数字置于Y寄存器中,下面的数字置于X寄存器中。
To perform an arithmetic operation, the numbers are positioned in the X- and Y-registers just as you would write them vertically on paper: the number you would write on top goes in the Y-register, and the number you would write on the bottom goes in the X-register.
开展了一系列文化活动:2003 年 4 月在教 科文组织总部与开放的亚洲法国(非政府组织)举办的“阿富汗周”,摄影展、团结互助文 化展:“和平之旅:前往阿富汗”;展出了两份出版物:“诗歌之旅”和“光明之旅”,这 是在关于“栈:促进阿富汗和平与民主的一千零一首诗”的文化项目框架内,为阿富汗青 少年和成年人出版的一本诗集和读物,是在关心阿富汗未来的超过 45 个民族的作家和诗人 所投稿件的基础上出版的。
A series of cultural manifestations: “The Week for Afghanistan” organized with Open Asia France (NGO) in April 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters, a photography exhibition, a cultural show of solidarity “Caravan of Peace: Destination Afghanistan”; presentation of two publications, “The Caravan of Poems” and “The Caravan of Light”: an anthology of poems and texts for Afghan youth and adults in the framework of the cultural project on “Caravanserais: One Thousand and One Poems for Peace and Democracy in Afghanistan”, based on the contributions of writers and poets of more than 45 nationalities sensitive to the future of Afghanistan.
[...] (逻辑)设计的其他部分和这一黑盒连接起来,通过定义好的软件应用程序接口(API)使用协 栈 , 这 一接口对 于所有工业以太网协议是通用的。
You can hook up the rest of your (logic) design to this black
box via a defined logic interface and
[...] access the protocol stack via a defined software [...]
application programming interface
(API) common to all the Industrial Ethernet protocols.




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