单词 | 行政院 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 行政院—Executive Yuan, the executive branch of government under the |
关于附件 II 中所采用的苏格兰的法定名称,联合王国政府通过《苏格兰法 案 1998》,设立苏格兰行政院,其成员组成苏格兰当局。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With reference to the legal title for Scotland used in Annex [...] II, the Scotland Act [...] 1998 of theUK Government established the Scottish Executive, the members of which are known asthe Scottish [...]Ministers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所得基本税额条例」自九十五年一月一日开始 施行,其计算基础系依所得税法规定计算之课税 所得额,再加计所得税法及其他法律所享有之租 税减免,按行政院订定之税率(百分之十)计算 基本税额,该基本税额与按所得税法规定计算之 税额相较,择其高者,缴纳当年度之所得税。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Between the basic tax under the Income Basic Tax Act and the regular income tax calculated based on the Income Tax Act, the Corporation should pay whichever is the higher amount for the current income tax. english.taiwanmobile.com |
(c) 2008 年 7 月 14 日至 18 日在坎帕拉为非洲公共行政和管理发展学院和学 会协会(行政院校协会)负责人举行的研讨会,由“方案”与国际行政学院和学会 协会、非洲发展管理训练研究中心(发管训研中心)和非洲管理发展学会网合作组 织,以讨论经社部/行政院校协会公共行政教育和培训优秀标准问题国际工作队 拟订的关于公共行政教育和培训的优秀标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Seminar for Directors of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration andManagement Development in Africa, convened to discuss standards of [...] excellence in public administration education andtraining, organized by the Programme, in cooperation with the International Association of Schools and Institutesof Administration (IASIA), the Centre africain de formation et derecherche administrativespour le développement [...](CAFRAD) and the Africa [...]Management Development Institutes Network (AMDIN), designed by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs/IASIA International Taskforce on Standards of Excellence in Public Administration Education and Training, and held in Kampala from 14 to 18 July 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 经费事宜:政府同意在今后的五年中,采取在邓迪大学建立拟建立的 IHP-HELP 中心所需的一切必要措施,包括捐助 900,000 英镑(苏格兰行政院、企业和终身 学习部第一副部长和部长 2005 年 3 月 2 日的信函,可查阅)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (c) Financial matters: The Government agrees to take, in the course of the next five years, all appropriate measures that may be required for the setting up of the proposed IHPHELP Centre at the University, including the contribution of upto GBP 900,000 (letter fromthe Scottish Executive, Deputy First Minister and Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning, 2 March 2005, available upon request). unesdoc.unesco.org |
依前行 政 院金融监 督 管 理 委 员 会 ( 以 下 简 称 金 管 会 ) 规 定 , 股 票 於 证 券 交 易 所 上 市 或 於 证 券 商 营 [...] 业 处 所 买 卖 之 公 开 发 行 股 票 公 司 , 应 自 民 [...]国 102 年 会 计 年 度 开 始 日 起 , 依 金 管 会 认 可 之 国 际 财 务 报 导 准 则 、 国 际 会 计 准 则 、 解 释 及 解 释 公 告 (IFRSs) 及 预 计 於 民 国 102 年 适 用 之 「 证 券 发 行 人 财 务 报 告 编 制 准 则 」 编 制 财 务 报 告 。 teco.com.tw | Pursuant to the regulations of the Financial Supervisory Commission, ExecutiveYuan, [...] R.O.C., effective January 1, 2013, [...]a public company whose stock is listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation or traded in the GreTai Securities Market should prepare financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”), International Accounting Standards (“IASs”), and relevant interpretations and interpretative bulletins that are ratified by the Financial Supervisory Commission. teco.com.tw |
为利侨胞了解台湾医疗服务,增益国际友人来台就医契机,提升台湾医疗国际知名度,侨委会将薛盛华副委员长率领「2011年推动台湾国际医疗」纽澳地区巡回讲座团,於今年8月31日抵达奥克兰,9月1日在协会会馆举办讲座,介绍台湾推动国际医疗相关情形,讲座团成员包括行政院卫生署国际医疗管理工作小组吴明彦执行长、台北医学大学附设医院朱子彬副院长、亚东纪念医院徐永芳课长、阮综合医院方秀珍主任及随行医护人员。 hwahsia.org.nz | Cities such as Sydney, Auckland, Melbourne and Brisbane were introduced to Taiwan to promote international medical-related cases, seminar members including the Chief Executive of the Department of Health, International Medical Management Working Group吴明彦执行长, and Taipei Medical University Hospital Vice-President Mr. 朱子彬副院长, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Section Chief Mr. 徐永芳课长, 阮综合医院方秀珍主任及 and other accompanying medical staff. hwahsia.org.nz |
中华民国侨务委员会为配合行政院推动「健康照护升值白金方案」,自2009年起积极推广台湾医疗服务国际化,向全球侨界推广行销,宣传台湾数十年来所累积的医学成就、高品质医疗水准、专业医疗团队贴心服务、高科技医疗设备、合理收费价格,以及融合中医养生疗法多样性医疗服务等优势,提供海外华人及友人来台体验优质医疗服务的多样选择。 hwahsia.org.nz | The goal of the tour was to actively promote the internationalization of Taiwan’s medical services since 2009 to the global promotional marketing, promotional medical achievements accumulated for decades in Taiwan, high-tech medical equipment, the reasonably price they are charged at and the integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy divisions of medical services and other advantages. hwahsia.org.nz |
就建立伙伴关系而言,国际行政院校协会和公发司在地方一级设立了有效公 共行政绩优标准国际工作队,以实现千年发展目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Withregard to partnership-building the International Association of Schools andInstitutes of Administrationand the Division [...] established an International [...]Task Force on Standards of Excellence for Effective Public Administration at the local level for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
2)拒访率40%,「由於行政院公开在选前表态对出口民调的疑虑,另根据部分访员在现场的判断反映,很有可能支持陈水扁总统的选民拒访的比例相对较高。 hkupop.hku.hk | (2) The refusal rate wasas high as 40%, "Sincethe Executive Yuanopenly [...] expressed their worries over the exit poll before [...]the election, as well as according to the on-the-spot observation of the interviewers, it was very likely that there was a relatively higher refusal rate among those voters supporting for President Chan Shui-bian. hkupop.hku.hk |
毕业後投入研发工作,研发能力备受肯定,研发成果曾获颁获中山学术基金会之中山技术发明奖(1991)、行政院第一届国家发明奖(1992)、中国工程师学会优秀青年工程师(1992)、工业技术研究院连续二年研究成就奖(1992~1993),以及潘文渊文教基金会之ERSO Award(2008)等殊荣。 himax.com.tw | With well-recognized outstanding research and development capabilities, Dr. Wu received numerous awards including Sun Yat-Sen Technological Invention Award fromthe Sun Yat-Sen Cultural Foundation in 1991, National Invention Award of Taiwan from Taiwan ExecutiveYuan in 1992, Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer Award from Chinese Institute of Engineers in 1992, Research Achievement Awards from Industrial Technology Research Institute for consecutive 2 years of 1992 and 1993, ERSO Award from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation in 2008, etc. himax.com.tw |
行政院飞航安全委员会发布:长荣航空公司(以下简称长荣)一架空中巴士A330-203型客机,於巡航时两套供气系统压力调节感测器先後受积水结冰影响,产生错误供气压力讯号,造成供气监控电脑误认供气压力过高而关闭压力调节阀导致本事故。 asc.gov.tw | Aviation Safety Council (ASC) released the investigation report of an EVA Airways (EVA Air) Airbus A330-203 dual pressure regulator sensors failed occurrence. asc.gov.tw |
除了专注业务发展、维护股东利益外,台湾大 [...] 哥大坚持贯彻公司治理、实践企业公民使命, 获得海内外高度肯定:连续三年荣获Corporate Governance Asia杂志「亚洲地区最佳公司治理 奖」;连续三年获得《天下杂志》颁发「企业 公民奖」;连续四年蝉联证券暨期货市场发展 [...] 基金会「资讯揭露评监」最高等级A+的殊荣, 且名列上市公司前10名;荣获行政院环保署颁 发「中华民国企业环保奖」,首开服务业得奖 [...]先例。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Aside from focusing on its core business and protecting shareholders’ interests, the Company has won wide recognition domestically and internationally for its commitment to corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. In 2009, TWM was awarded the “Corporate Governance Asia Recognition Award” by Corporate Governance Asia for the third year in a row; received an A+, the highest ranking, and ranked among the top 10 listed companies in “Transparency and Information Disclosure” by the Securities and Futures Institute for [...] the fourth consecutive year; and wasgranted the “Environmental Protection Award” from the [...] Environmental Protection Administration oftheExecutive [...]Yuan, the first awardee in the service industry. english.taiwanmobile.com |
司法体制建立在最高法院、普通法院、行政法院和军事法院基础上。 paiz.gov.pl | The system of justice is based on the Supreme Court, the common [...] courts,andtheadministrative and military courts. paiz.gov.pl |
依照行 政 院金融监 督 管 理 委 员 会 银 行 局 「 银 行 资 产 评 估 损 失 准 备 提 列 及 逾 期 放 款 催 收 款 呆 帐 处 理 办 法 」 规 定 , 放 款 或 其 他 授 信 款 项 已 届 清 偿 期 而 未 获 清 偿 且 报 经 董 事 会 核 准 者 , 连 同 已 估 列 之 应 收 利 息 转 列 催 收 款 项 并 列 於 贴 现 及 放 款 项 下 。 cdibank.com | Under the “Regulations of the Procedures for Banking Institutions to Evaluate Assets and Deal with Nonperforming/Nonaccrual Loans” issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission under the Executive Yuan, loans and other credits extended by the Bank and the related accrued interest approved by the board of directors are classified as nonperforming under discount and loans when the loan is overdue. cdibank.com |
7.又请秘书处与相关伙伴尤其是世界各地公共行政院校和研究所进行合 作,在联合国公共行政网内进一步编制和维持一个全球性的关于上述各领域行 [...] 政战略、公共政策、专家网络、最佳做法和经验教训的国家和国家以下各级知 识库,首要目标是促进公共部门的效率、效力、透明度、问责和参与,并支持 [...]实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标 daccess-ods.un.org | Also requests the Secretariat to work with relevant partners, [...] especially public administration schools and research [...]institutes worldwide, and to further [...]develop and maintain a global knowledge base at the national and subnational levels, within the United Nations Public Administration Network, of administrative strategies, public policies, expert networks, best practices and lessons learned in the areas mentioned above, with the overarching objective of promoting efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability and participation in the public sector and supporting the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals daccess-ods.un.org |
根据第 56/AN/09/6ème L 号法律第 2 条,最高法院行政分院有权受理申诉并 从法律和事实上对案件进行审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with article 2 of Act No. [...] 56/AN/09/6ème L, the administrativedivision of the Supreme[...]Court isresponsible for hearing appeals on matters of fact and law. daccess-ods.un.org |
飞航事故调查法」於 2004 年 6 月公布後,公务航空器飞航事故之调查正 式纳入行政院飞航安全委员会权责范围。 asc.gov.tw | After the promulgation of Aviation Occurrence Investigation Act on June, 2004, investigations of public aviation aircrafts were then officially the responsibility of Aviation Safety Council, Executive Yuan. asc.gov.tw |
我们服务的客户来自台湾各地,其中包含政府机关、学术机构,以及产业群体,如行政院文化建设委员会、中央研究院、内政部、内政部建筑研究所、NIKE台湾必尔斯蓝基、新北市新庄区体育场、伊恩·国际、立法院、司法部调查局、故宫博物院、国立科学工艺博物馆、国立台北科技大学、国立台湾美术馆、国立台湾大学、国立台湾博物馆、台北市政府、新北市政府、邓丽君文教基金会、云林县政府、安益集团、华硕电脑、永庆房屋…等等。 xxtralab.com | We have served clients from all over Taiwan, [...] including governmental organizations, academic institutions, as well as industrial groups, such asCouncil for Cultural Affairs, [...]Academia Sinica, [...]Architecture & Building Research Institute, Ministry of The Interior, BRS NIKE Taiwan, Hsinchuang Stadium Taipei County, Ian International, Legislative Yuan, Ministry of Justice's Investigation Bureau, National Palace Museum, National Science & Technology Museum, National Taipei University of Technology, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Museum, Taipei City Government, New Taipei City Government, Teresa Teng Foundation, Uniplan, Yunlin County Government, ASUStek, Yungching Housing, and so on. xxtralab.com |
本 合 并 财 务 报 表 系 依 照 证 券 发 行 人 财 务 报 告 编 制 准 则及行 政 院金融监 督 管 理 委 员 会 九 十 六 年 十 一 月 十 五 日 金 管 证 六 字 第 0960064020 号 令 暨 一 般 公 认 会 计 原 则 编 制 。 chroma.com.tw | The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been presented in conformity with the Guidelines Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers, Interpretation No. 0960064020 by the Securities and Futures Bureau (SFB) under the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, and accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of China. chroma.com.tw |
如合并财务报表附注二所述,研华股份有限公司及其子公司依行政 院金融监督管理委员会规定,自民国九十四年起公告申报半年度合并财 务报表,於首次公开半年度财务报表时,得以单期方式表达。 advantech.com.tw | The standards, procedures and practices to review such financial statements are those generally accepted and applied in the Republic of China. advantech.com.tw |
为达成政府推动『数位新 矽岛』目标,行政院经济部及惠普科技与天下杂志合作,共同邀请世界级 [...] IT领导人卡莉•菲奥莉娜 (Carly Fiorina ) 女士来台就『创新卓越•纵横全球』主题为产业精英介绍并分享数位科技及网路经济对未来的影响及发展趋势。 eraogilvy.com | To align with government’s goal portraying [...] Taiwan as “New Digital Silicon Island”, Executive Yuan, Common Wealth worked [...]with HP to invite IT leader HP CEO Carly Fiorina in presence for industry elites on the trends and impact of digital technology and Internet economy entitle “Innovative Excellence, Compassing Worldwide. eraogilvy.com |
行政院政务委员张善政表示,过去十年BBA一直是提供一个生技业与投资界交流重要平台,生技专家每年均於BBA分享最新产业观点以及成功经验,加速彼此建立投资及合作的关系。 tipschina.gov.cn | Each year, he said, biotech experts share their latest viewpoints of the industry and introduce successful stories, thereby helping to rapidly forge investment and cooperative relationships. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,该文件被传送给雅温得行政中心初审法院政府检察官 进行操作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The file was transmitted to the public [...] prosecutorof theadministrative district courtYaoundé, Centre, [...]for appropriate action. daccess-ods.un.org |
3 缔约国补充,行政法院和行政上诉法院服务处组织了提交人参加的行政法院和行政上诉法院补充招聘法官的竞争 性考试,这是行政法院行政活动的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | It notes that the author did [...] not provide any evidence in support of her allegation with regard to the impartiality of the members of the Council of State.3 It adds that the serviceof theadministrative courts and theadministrative courts of appeal (STACAA), which organizes the competitive examination that the author sat for the additional recruitment of judges tothe administrativecourt and the administrative courtof appeal, forms part oftheadministrative activity of [...]the Council of State. daccess-ods.un.org |
担任宪法、刑事和民事法律领域的法官数年( 调查法官、宪法委员会的助理 法官、最高上诉法院行政助理、达喀尔上诉法院的刑庭法官顾问 daccess-ods.un.org | Experience as a member of the judiciary in the fields of constitutional, criminal and civil law (as an investigating judge, an assistant judge [...] attached to the [...] ConstitutionalCouncil, an administrative assistant atthe Court[...]of Cassation, juge-conseiller (legal counsellor) in the criminal division of the Courtof Appeal of Dakar, family court [...]judge in the Dakar departmental court). daccess-ods.un.org |
(5) 医 管 局 行 政 总 裁 於 2008 年 5 月 7 日 向 医 管 局 所 有 职 员 发 出 电 邮 , 要 求 他 们 将 所 有 载 有 病 人 个 人 资 料 的 仪 器 储 存 在 安 全 地 方 、 将 [...] 所 有 载 有 病 人 个 人 资 料 的 档 案 加 密 并 以 密 [...] 码 保 护 , 以 及 除 非 获医院 行 政总监的 书 面 批 准 , 否 则 [...]员 工 不 可 将 载 有 病 人 个 人 资 料 的 USB 带 离 医 管 局 范 围 。 pcpd.org.hk | (5) On 7 May 2008, HA’s Chief Executive issued an email to all staff of HA, requesting them to safeguard all the devices containing patients’ personal data, encrypt and password protect all the files containing patients’ personal [...] data, and ordering that without written [...] approval of theHospital Chief Executive,staff [...]were not allowed to bring USB containing [...]patients’ personal data away the precincts of HA. pcpd.org.hk |
本 人 得 悉 联 合 医 院 在 本 案 发 生 後 已 禁 止 职 员 [...] 继 续 使 用 USB 处 理 及 储 存 病 人 的 个 人 资 料 ( 除 [...] 非 有 关 做 法 事 前 获医院 行 政总监的 批 准 );即 使 [...]职 员 可 继 续 使 用 USB 处 理 及 储 存 病 人 的 个 人 资 料,医 [...]管 局 已 向 联 合 医 院 职 员 提 供 有 关 的 内 部 指 引 及 使 用 程 序 。 pcpd.org.hk | I learnt that after the incident, UCH had forbidden its staff from using [...] USB to handle and store patients’ personal data (unless prior approval [...] from the HospitalChief Executive was obtained). pcpd.org.hk |
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 [...] 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients [...] are regularly visited in [...] the 11 levelIII hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government duringimportant [...]functions and to the [...]United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day. daccess-ods.un.org |