

单词 行政长官

See also:

行政 adj

executive adj
administrative adj
judicial adj


bank president


senior officer
senior official
sir (term of address for senior officer)
commanding officer

External sources (not reviewed)

与另一些类别相比,城市法院的判例法和一 行政长官 对 法院提供的意见具 有坚实的基础,但这些类别不一定受到采取传统模式的国家实践的支持。
In other areas there may be a firm basis in the case law of municipal courts and in some executive advice given to courts.
又在第 9 次会议上,经特别委员会同意,托克劳乌卢和托克 行政长官发 了言(见 A/AC.109/2011/SR.9)。
Also at the 9th
[...] meeting, with the consent of the Special Committee, the Ulu-o-Tokelau and the Administrator of Tokelau made statements (see A/AC.109/2011/SR.9).
全民公决举行的前提是, 至少有
[...] 25%在行政管辖单位选举清单上登记、享有投票权的公民就此向“地行 政长官”提出请求。
The referendum shall be organised as a result of a request addressed to this end to the “prefect” by at least
25% of the number of citizens with voting rights registered on the electoral
[...] lists of the territorial-administrative unit.
在作出任命新行政长官 的决 定之前,新西兰外交和贸易秘书约翰·艾伦目前担任此职。
Pending a decision on the appointment of a new Administrator, the
[...] New Zealand Secretary of Foreign Affairs and [...]
Trade, John Allen, currently acts in the position.
公众咨询范围包行政长官及立 法会普选模 式、路线图和时间表。
The consultation covered models, roadmap and timetable for implementing universal suffrage.
他还注意到, 作为本组行政长官,总 干事完全有权对部门的机构进行改革。
He also observes that, in his
[...] capacity of chief administrative officer of the [...]
Organization, any structural changes to the
sectors are fully within the prerogative of the Director-General.
托克劳公共 服务局的一名成员行政长官办公 室工作。
A member of the Tokelau Public Service works in the Office of the Administrator.
该署由廉政专员 领导并为独立公共机关,廉政专员直接 行政长官 负 责
Headed by a Commissioner, which is accountable solely to the Chief Executive, the CAC is an independent public body.
[...] 巴布韦、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、斯威士兰和莱索托的财政、卫生和教育部长们与联合国系统 的九行政长官共聚 一堂,会议的目的是找到这些国家在加强抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病行动方 [...]
The high-level meeting convened on HIV/AIDS in southern Africa where Ministers of Finance, Health and Education from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana,
Namibia, Swaziland and Lesotho
[...] met together with nine United Nations system Executive Heads, had [...]
the objectives of identifying
key challenges facing these countries in scaling up their national responses to HIV/AIDS and defining the role of the United Nations system in supporting national efforts.
财政司司长今天发表了一份关顾社会、务实审慎的财政预算案,此乃 行政长官 梁 振 英先生领导的新一届政府之首份预算案。
The Financial Secretary today delivered a compassionate, pragmatic and cautious budget, the first under the new government led by Chief Executive Leung Chun-Ying.
法律援助服务局( 法援局)是
[...] 香港特区的法定机构,负责监督由法援署提供的法律援助服务,并就法律援助政 策行政长官提供意见。
The Legal Aid Services Council is a statutory body that
supervises the provision of legal aid services in HKSAR provided by LAD
[...] and to advise the Chief Executive on legal [...]
aid policy.
如有必要,全体会议可根据咨询会议的建议增 行政长官 和 书记处书记数量。
The Plenary may increase the number of quaestors and secretaries upon a proposal of the Board of Spokespersons, if necessary.
此处是艾尔莎·科罗 纳和巴德洪堡医院院长Rossenbeck 博士以及地行政长官J ürgens博 士一起,在医院的第一台A 2008 C 型透析器前。1985/86年靠近法兰 克福的Hochtaunuskreis医院第一 次使用费森尤斯公司的仪器做血透 析。
Pictured here is Else
[...] Kröner together with the medical director of the Bad Homburg, Germany, hospital, Dr. Rossenbeck, and the district administrator, [...]
Dr. Jürgens, in
front of the clinic’s first A 2008 C. The hospitals in the Hochtaunuskreis district near Frankfurt first used Fresenius devices for hemodialysis in 1985/86.
法官行政长官不得 拒绝采取人身保护措施,并且有不可推卸的义务立即 阻止侵犯自由权或人身安全的行为。
Judges and magistrates may not dismiss [...]
a habeas corpus action and are under an absolute obligation to take immediate steps
to halt the violation of personal liberty or safety.
当选地方行政官员:当选地 行政长官 的 议 员,根据《地方行政管理机构和街道乡镇及村民会议选举法》第十七条规定,可在15天内自主进行选择。
The deputy elected to the organs of a local administration shall lose [...]
his or her membership if he or she does not decide
whether to continue serving as a deputy or a member of local government within 15 days as regulated in a special law on local authorities.
一经任 命,他们可以任命或开除当地行政 官 员, 包括乡长、市/镇长(市长,大的行政区域行政长官)以及前面提到的省长。
They have the authority to appoint or dismiss local
[...] administrative officers including mayors of rural communes (wójt), mayors of towns and cities (burmistrz or for large municipalities prezydent), [...]
heads of the poviats (starosta) and, as mentioned before, the marshal.
举行公开会议需要事先通知这项法律义务,将 被地行政长官和警 察视为要求准许政党召集会 议。
A legal obligation to give advance notice of public
meetings would be seen by local administrators and the police as a
[...] requirement to permit political parties to call [...]
9 时,Basil Abdu al-Sheikh 向 Muhradah 行政长官报称 ,4 时,4 名蒙面人 携带军用手枪、手榴弹、剑和木锯进入他在 [...]
Muhradah 的家,偷走了 30 万叙利亚 镑、一枚金戒指和两部手机。
At 0900 hours, Basil Abdu
[...] al-Sheikh alleged to the administrator of Muhradah that, at 0400 hours, [...]
four masked persons armed
with a military pistol, a hand grenade, a sword and a wood saw entered his home in Muhradah and stole 300,000 Syrian pounds, a gold ring and two mobile telephones.
关于为该国 145 名行政长官每人配备一台车辆的请求,我建议联合国国 家工作队和其他国际伙伴考虑,在“摆脱武装冲突地区稳定和重建计划”、“安全 和稳定支助战略”以及巩固西部各省和平方案的框架内,满足这个需要。
With regard to the request to provide a vehicle for each of the country’s 145 territorial administrators, I [...]
would recommend that the United
Nations country team and other international partners consider meeting this need in the context of the Stabilization and Reconstruction Plan, the International Security and Stabilization Support Strategy and the peace consolidation programme for the western provinces.
安栋梁谓,太平洋亚洲旅游协会主席Peter de Jong先生,也将在此期间到澳门参观访问,并 行政长官 及 社 会文化司崔世安司长会面。
Peter de Jong, CEO of Pacific Asia Travel Association
will pay a visit to Macau and meet
[...] with the Chief Executive and Secretary for Social Affairs [...]
and Culture Dr Chui Sai On.
主席在 保障人权方面的主要任务是履行土库曼斯坦法律、土库曼斯坦总统令、土库曼斯
[...] 坦议会命令、土库曼斯坦部长内阁命令、相应州、区、市级人民委员会的命令、 Gengesh 的决定、州、区、行政长官在其管辖范围内的指示;组织打击犯罪、 [...]
The main tasks of local council chairmen in protecting and defending human rights are: arranging implementation of national legislation, acts of the President, parliament and Cabinet of Ministers and of the respective provincial, district or municipal people’s council, decisions of the local council, and orders issued within the scope of his
authority by the provincial, district or
[...] municipal chief executive officer; overseeing [...]
the fight against crime and narcotic
drugs, the preservation of public order and the safeguarding of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.
在 2007 年至 2010 年向香行政长官提交的年度呈件中就加强减贫工作 进行了阐述。
Performed advocacy work on enhancing poverty alleviation in its annual
[...] submissions to the Chief Executive of Hong [...]
Kong from 2007 to 2010.
书记处书记行政长官职位 的分配由全体会议根据咨询会议的意见决定。
The Plenary decides on the allocation of the positions of the secretaries and quaestors after consulting the Board of Spokespersons.
拟议预算根据大会第 61/275 号决议编列,该决议普遍核准行预咨委会关于加强监
[...] 督厅报告(A/61/880)所载的结论和建议,其中包括秘 书长作为本组织的首行政长官,应当继续负责监督 厅的预算经费。
It had been prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 61/275, which broadly endorsed the conclusions and recommendations contained in the Advisory Committee’s report on the strengthening of OIOS
(A/61/880), including the view that the SecretaryGeneral, as the
[...] Organization’s chief administrative officer, should continue [...]
to have responsibility
for presenting the budgetary requirements of OIOS.
[...] Rafini先生在尼日尔水利环境部长Issoufou Issaka先生、肯达基河谷整治委员会主席Almoustapha Garba先生以及蒂拉贝里大区最 行政长官 的 陪 同下,视察了我公司肯达基1700公顷农田项目工地。
In the morning of June 3, 2012, H.E. Brigi Rafini, Prime Minister of Niger, accompanied by H.E. Issoufou Issaka, Minister of Water Conservancy and Environment, Mr. Almoustapha Garba, Chairman of KANDADJI
River Valley Renovation
[...] Committee, and Chief Executive of Taibérie Great Region, inspected the work site of 1700 hectares irrigation [...]
project which is undertaken by our company.
其中有一名是非洲小组行政长官, 一 名是亚洲小组的长官。区域网络协调员 的第一考绩人是区域主任,第二考绩人均是设在巴黎的高级环境事务干事(网络和政策管 [...]
The RNC’s 1st Reporting Officers are the Regional [...]
Directors and 2nd Reporting Officer for all is the Senior Environmental
Affairs Officer (Network and Policy Manager, NPM) in Paris.
为了释除公眾的疑虑,以及配 行政长官 履 行 以「开诚布公」的作风行事的承诺,政府可否告知本会,会否修改现行申报利益的规定,订明在任 行政长官 须 公 布是否拥有海外註册公司及其业务详情(包括是否仍在运作),而在经修改的规定下,须主动公布该公司、该公司持有的戴德梁行的外国分公司或其他尚未申报之详情;若会,详情如何;若不会,原因为何,以及如何令公眾相信在任 行政长官 拥 有正在运作的海外註册公司,不会抵触《基本法》第四十七条下 行政长官 必 须廉洁奉公,尽忠职守」的规定?
To allay public concerns and dovetail
[...] with the fulfillment of CE's pledge of working in an open and transparent manner, will the Government inform this Council whether it will revise the existing requirements on declaration of interests to stipulate that the incumbent CE has to make public if he owns any overseas registered company and the details of the business of such companies (including whether the companies are still in operation) and, under the revised requirements, has to take the initiative to make public the details of the company, the foreign branch of DTZ held by the company or other interests which have not been declared; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that, as well as how the public can be convinced that the incumbent CE's ownership of an overseas registered company which is in operation is not in breach of the requirement in Article 47 of the Basic Law that "[t]he Chief Executive …… must be a person of integrity, dedicated to his or her [...]
请说明有 报告称独立警务投诉委员会无法独立调查投诉,也无法有效落实其建议,有些成
[...] 员常常缺席;因为该委员会只具有咨询和监督职能,所有成员均由最 行政长官 指定,委员会只能向其提出建议。
Please comment on reports with respect to the IPCC’s lack of independence in investigating complaints, and effectiveness in implementing its recommendations, as well as absenteeism by some members, given that the IPCC only has advisory and
oversight functions and all IPCC members are
[...] appointed by the Chief Executive to whom [...]
the IPCC can make recommendations.




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