

单词 行政区画

See also:




go on the rampage
run amuck

External sources (not reviewed)

(香港.2013年3月5日) 由香港数码娱乐协会主办、香港特行政区政意香港「创意智优计划」赞助、香港生产力促进局(生产力局)全力策动的「第一届初创支援计划」,今日假香港艺术中心agnès b. 电影院举行首映礼,展示二十间入选的新晋动画公司的原创作品。
(Hong Kong.5 March 2013) The creative works of 20 localanimation start-ups were shown in a special premiere at agnès b. Cinema of the Hong Kong Arts Centre today as part of the “1st Animation Start-ups Support Program”, organized by the Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association (HKDEA), co-organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC).
Cities that find themselves in economic stagnation (or decline) are now enacting policies toencourage the creativity of their inhabitants (and to attract the ‘creative class’), all with the prospect of stimulating economic recovery and urban renewal.
科技建设计画」,包括推动「加勒比海通信 技术合作计画」,协助整合圣文森、圣克里斯多福及 尼维斯、圣露西亚等国发展及整合资讯系统与「电子援助甘比亚电视台GRTS (Gambia Radio and Television Services)设立卫星接收器计画,并於圣 多美普林西比、史瓦济兰、布吉纳法索短数 位落差计画」,以及协助尼加拉瓜及瓜地马拉执行「运 用地理资讯系统(GIS)加强环境永续发展计画」等。
i. Technological development: Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) Technical
[...] Cooperation Project in the Caribbean; assistance to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Lucia on the development and integration of information systems, andthe e-Government Project; assistance to Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) to set up a satellite receiver; Digital Gap Bridging Project in São Tomé and Príncipe, Swaziland, and Burkina Faso; [...]
and assistance to
Nicaragua and Guatemala to implement the Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Project.
本行透过员工志合作夥伴紧密合作,执行可正向促进营运所在市场的社会和 经济成果的计画。
Through employee volunteering and communityprogrammes,we work with partners to deliver initiatives that promote positive social and economic outcomes for people in our markets.
In response, the Government launched Building New Ground (BNG), designed to bring the poor closer to urban centres in more attractive high-density settings, creating a space where new community life could develop and flourish.
14.1 本条款与细则须受香港特行政区监管,合约方兹同意接受香港特行政区的专属司法管辖,同时在任何时候须受顾客所在国家法律载有 相关本地法律适用和/或本地法院享有司法管辖权的任何强制性规条的约束。
14.1 These terms and conditions are
governed by the laws of the
[...] Hong KongSpecialAdministrative Region and theparties hereby submitto the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong KongSpecialAdministrative Region,subject always [...]
to any mandatory provisions
of local law in the country where a Customer is located that stipulate that the relevant local law should apply and/or that the local courts should have jurisdiction.
客户或须向 CPP 及其服务供应者(无论於香港特行政区或以外地方)提供个人资料或其他资料,以享用有关服务。
Customers have to provide personal data or other information to CPP and its service providers (whether within or outside HKSAR) for the purpose of provision of the services to customers.
Because we have gradually developed over time many rating surveys which covered the ratings of CE and Principal Officials under the accountability system, the top 10 Legislative Councillors,
people's most familiar
[...] non-official members of the Executive Council, the top 10 members ofthe HKSARG Preparatory [...]
Committee, and so on,
in order to avoid duplications and to spare more resources and manpower for other survey topics, in October 2005, we decided to concentrate only on recording and analyzing the "naming" results.
有关税务 详情,请参阅香港特行政区政务局最新的公布。
For further details on tax issues,
[...] please refer tothe latest announcements of the Inland Revenue Department of theGovernment ofthe Hong Kong SAR.
如业务区政程序所述,我们必须遵守 所有适用管机关的规范。
We must comply with
[...] all applicable government programme and regulatory agency requirements as outlined in business area policies and procedures.
香港特行政区(其官员及雇 员)对於本刊物所载资料的准确性、完整性或效用,概不作出明确或暗示的保证、 声明或陈述;在法律许可的范围内,对於提供或使用这资料而可能直接或间接引 [...]
致任何损失、损坏或伤害(包括死亡),亦不负任何法律承担或责任(包括疏忽责 任)。
The Governmentof the HongKong Special Administrative Region(including its [...]
officers and employees) makes no warranty,
statement or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained herein, and in so far as permitted by law, shall not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information.
( f ) 与 香 港 特行 政 区 政关 系 受 到 《 基 本 法 》 附 件 三 所 列 出 并 由 《 1 9 9 7 年 全 国 性 法 律 公 布 ( 第 [...]
2 号 ) 》 所 公 布 的 全 国 性 法 律 规 管 的 人 员 , 即 全 薪
受 雇 於 香 港 驻 军 的 海 军 、 陆 军 或 空 军 部 队 人 员 及 其 配 偶 。
(f) Those officers whose
[...] relationship withthe Government of the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Regionare governed [...]
by the national laws
listed in Annex III of the Basic Law and promulgated in the Promulgation of National Laws (no 2) 1997, namely, officers employed on full pay in the naval, military or air services as members of the Hong Kong Garrison; and their spouses.
(2) 就任何文件 (包括股票) 而可能送达或交付予任何本公司股东 的任何通知,可透过亲自送交或透过预付邮资的邮件或包裹, 寄往该股东於股东名册上所示之登记地址,或将邮件或包裹放 置在该地址并注明由股东收取,或以有关股东以书面授权的其 他方式或 以在香港特行政区流通的至少一份英文报章 及一份中文报章上刊登广告的方式,送达或寄发予本公司任何 股东。
(2) Any notice in respect of any document (including a share certificate) may be served on or delivered to any shareholder of the Company either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to such shareholder at his registered address as appearing in the register or by leaving it at that address addressed to the shareholder or by any other means authorised in writing by the shareholder concerned or by publishing it by way of advertisement in at least one English language newspaper and one Chinese language newspaper circulating generally in the Hong Kong SAR.
图片三: (图右至左)NTT Com Asia Limited总裁兼行政总裁前田隆伸先生、香港特行政区政府资讯科技总监麦鸿崧先生、香港特行政区政务及经济发展局常任秘书长(通讯及科技)谢曼怡女士、NTT Communications Corporation总裁兼行政总裁有马彰先生、香港日本国总领事馆日本驻香港总领事隈丸优次先生,及NTT Worldwide Telecommunications Corporation总裁兼行政总裁田中和则先生,为全新NTT Communications Hong Kong Financial Data Centre奠基。
Caption 3: (From right to left) Mr. Takanobu Maeda, President & CEO, NTT Com Asia Limited; Mr. Stephen Mak, Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR Government; Miss Elizabeth Tse, Permanent Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development (Communications & Technology), Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, HKSAR Government; Mr. Akira Arima, President & CEO, NTT Communications Corporation; Mr. Yuji Kumamaru, Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong; and Mr. Kazunori Tanaka, President & CEO, NTT Worldwide Telecommunications Corporation; officially lay the foundation stone for the new NTT Communications Hong Kong Financial Data Centre.




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