单词 | 行市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 行市 —quotation on market priceExamples:城市管理行政执法局—City Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau (PRC) 随行就市—(of a price) fluctuate according the market 对股市行情看跌的人 n—bear n 临时澳门市政执行委员会—Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória • Provisional Municipal Council of Macau
長遠來說,我們要小心考慮,因為進 行市 區重 建已是非常困難,如果因為這個理由而進行收購和市區重建,我相信任何政 [...] 府也要非常小心考慮。 legco.gov.hk | In the long term, we must consider this [...] carefully because urban renewal is already [...]a very difficult task and if this would become a reason for carrying [...]out acquisition and urban renewal, I think any government would have to consider it very carefully. legco.gov.hk |
該物業之租金乃於參考同一樓宇類似租約之 現 行市 場租金後達成。 wingtaiproperties.com | The rental of the Premises has been arrived at by reference [...] to the prevailing market rate of similar leases [...]in the same building. wingtaiproperties.com |
文章主要透過闡述「七一遊行」當日的現場調查結果,剖釋參與 遊 行市 民 的 各種訴求,並就其人口特徵作出分析。 hkupop.hku.hk | The article discussed the on-site survey findings of the "July 1 Demonstration", pointed out the various demands of the people who marched, and analyzed their socio-demographic characteristics. hkupop.hku.hk |
王先生有權收取董事袍金每年港幣250,000元,乃由董事會經參考其職責及 現 行市 場 水 平 後釐定,以及根據其表現釐定的酌情花紅。 cre8ir.com | Mr. Wang is entitled to receive a Director’s fee of HKD250,000 per annum which was determined by the [...] Board with reference to his job [...] responsibility, prevailing market rate together with [...]discretionary bonus based on his performance. cre8ir.com |
利率風險 利率風險來自現行市場利 率水平波動對計息資產及未來現金流量公平值的影響。 htisec.com | Interest rate risk arises from the effects of fluctuations in the [...] prevailing levels of markets interest rates on [...]the fair value of interest-bearing assets and future cash flow. htisec.com |
加工訂單之單價預期由委託人考慮產品設 計及規格之複雜性、訂單數量、包裝標準、產品付運所需時間及 現 行市 況 後釐 定。 equitynet.com.hk | The unit price under a Subcontracting Order is expected to be set by the Principal after taking into account the complexity of the product design and specifications, the [...] quantities of the order, the packaging standards and the product delivery schedule [...] required and the prevailing market conditions. equitynet.com.hk |
估值技巧包括:使 用近期按公平原則進行的市場交易;參考大致相同的另一項工具的 現 行市 價 ;折現現金流量分析,以及 使用盡可能多可供使用及支援性的市場數據的期權定價模型。 htisec.com | Valuation techniques include: using [...] recent arm's length market transactions; reference to the current market value of another instrument [...]that is substantially [...]the same; discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models making as much use of available and supportable market data as possible. htisec.com |
此外,根據協議所述,中信衛星代表本集團於中國 進 行市 場 推廣活動,而本集團將會退還 所產生的支出附加一筆市場推廣費用,統稱為市場推廣開支。 asiasat.com | In return, the Group will reimburse the expenditure it incurred plus a marketing fee, which is collectively known as the marketing expense. asiasat.com |
該無抵押銀行貸款以港幣結算,其賬面值以浮息利率計息及 現 行市 場 利 率釐 定。 publicbank.com.hk | Carrying amounts of the unsecured bank loans bore interest at floating interest [...] rates and at prevailing market rates. publicbank.com.hk |
尽可能创造最有利的营商环境;进一步制定立法,将私有权置于优先地 [...] 位并为其提供保证;给予更大的创业自由;减少国家管制和许可程序; 消除行政阻力和官僚障碍;实行市场 手 段和制度;为小企业主广开门路, 使其能够获得信贷和原材料资源以及政府对其产品的订购 daccess-ods.un.org | Creating the most favourable business environment possible; further developing legislation to prioritize and provide reliable guarantees for private ownership; giving greater freedom of entrepreneurship; reducing Government regulation and licensing; [...] eliminating bureaucratic barriers and [...] obstacles; introducing market instruments and [...]systems providing small business owners [...]with wide access to credit and raw material resources and to Government orders for their products daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,現行市場利 率將持續作為交易定價及條款的要素之一。 glencore.com | Accordingly, prevailing market interest rates are [...] continuously factored into transactional pricing and terms. glencore.com |
該等方法包括採用近 [...] 期公平市場交易,參考其他大致類同金融工具的 現 行市 價 ,現金流貼現分析和期權定價模型。 wqfz.com | Such techniques include using recent [...] arm’s length market transactions; reference [...] to the current market value of another [...]instrument which is substantially the same; [...]a discounted cash flow analysis; and option pricing models. wqfz.com |
此情況看來並不合理,因為權證價格應至少相等於其內在價值(即掛鈎股份的 現 行市 價 超 逾認 購權證行使價的差額)。 markets.rbs.com.hk | This seemed unreasonable as the warrant price should at least be equal [...] to its intrinsic value, i.e. the excess [...] of the prevailing market price of the underlying [...]stock over the exercise price of the call warrant. markets.rbs.com.hk |
当前的 经济和金融危机是新自由主义资本主义模式不可避 [...] 免的矛盾的必然结果,该模式多年来试图强制 推行 市场是 唯一权威的观点,这种观点受到某些国家及 [...] 其国内名誉扫地的金融机构的青睐,这些国家和机 构现在被迫承认它们迫切需要进行彻底改革。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current economic and financial crisis was a logical consequence of the inevitable contradictions of the neoliberal capitalist model, [...] which had for years attempted to impose [...] the idea of the market as sole authority, [...]an idea defended by certain countries [...]and their discredited financial institutions, which were now forced to admit their urgent need of radical reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
(ii) 非上市投資包括可供出售財務資產及按公允價值透過損益列賬的財務資產的公允價值乃參照相關投資的市價或 類似投資的現行市場價 值或相關淨資產的預計未來現金流入按折現率折現釐定,該折現率反映現時市場評估的 時間值及資產之特有風險。 cre8ir.com | (ii) The fair value of unlisted investments including available-for-sale financial assets and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss [...] is determined by [...] reference to the market prices of the underlying investments, the current market value of similar [...]investments or the [...]estimated future cash flows generated from the underlying net assets discounted at a rate that reflects current market assessment of the time value of money and the risks specific to the assets. cre8ir.com |
其他金融資產及金融負債(衍生工具除外)之公平值乃根據公認定價模式按折讓現金 流量分析及利用相近工具之可知現 行市 場 交 易價格及交易商報價釐定。 equitynet.com.hk | the fair value of other financial assets and financial liabilities (excluding derivate instruments) is determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models based on [...] discounted cash flow analysis using prices from [...] observable current market transactions and [...]dealer quotes for similar instrument. equitynet.com.hk |
新常州光電租 賃協議項下的租金乃經參考常州光電就鄰近地區類似物業租金的租金估值所 進 行 的 市 場 研究 獲取的現行市場租金而釐定。 aactechnologies.com | The rental rate under the New Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement has been [...] determined with reference [...] to prevailing market rental rates obtained by market research on rental [...]valuation of similar properties [...]in the vicinity carried out by Microtech Changzhou. aactechnologies.com |
大多数发达国家都通过废物特征研究(分析废物流)进行废物监测,通常进行 五年期客户调查,并对特定物资进 行市 场 分 析,评估可回收物资的当前和未来市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | In most developed countries, waste monitoring is conducted through waste characterization studies (to analyse waste streams), customers’ surveys usually [...] carried out over a [...] five-year period, and market analyses of targeted materials conducted to assess current and future markets [...]for recyclable materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
有与会者要求对提到 资助对 CTC 和 CFC 代用品进行市场调查时所说的“全球”一词作出澄清。 multilateralfund.org | Clarification was sought on the use of the word “global” when referring [...] to the funding of market research on alternatives [...]to CTC and CFCs. multilateralfund.org |
最后,各国政府,尤其是武器出口国政府,必须 [...] 加强和采用监测机制,以便防止合法销售转入 平 行市 场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, national Governments, especially those of arms-exporting States, [...] must strengthen and use monitoring mechanisms in order to prevent legal sales from being [...] diverted into the parallel market. daccess-ods.un.org |
交易性質: BETIT 將為 BTTE 制定市場發展計劃,以及為 BTTE 進行市場調查並收集相關市場資料,就此,BETIT 將 接獲 BTTE 支付之服務費用。 bdhk.com.hk | Nature of the transaction: BETIT will [...] formulate the market development plan for BTTE and conduct market research and supply market information [...]to BTTE, and in return, [...]BETIT will receive a service fee from BTTE. bdhk.com.hk |
於首次確認資產退廢義務後,負債的賬面值隨時間流逝而增加,並就 現 行市場 基 準的折現率、清償該義務的所需相關現金流量的金額或時機的變動作出調整。 westchinacement.com | Following initial recognition of the asset retirement obligation, the carrying amount of the liability is increased for the [...] passage of time and adjusted for [...] changes to the current market-based discount rate, [...]amount or timing of the underlying [...]cash flows needed to settle the obligation. westchinacement.com |
在政治与治理方面,共识包括:建立一个包括所 [...] 有参加包容性政治对话的实体在内的基础广泛的政 府,以便执行对话的成果和筹备 2009 年和 2010 年市 [...] 级选举、议会选举和总统选举;致力于在 2009 年和 2010 年举行市级选 举、议会选举和总统选举;修改《选 [...] 举法》和设立独立选举委员会;对创收的国家机构进 行独立审计;以及建立促进国家政治和社会行为体之 间经常对话的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the political and governance area, they included: the establishment of a broad-based Government, including all the entities that participated in the inclusive political dialogue, to implement the outcomes of the dialogue and prepare for the 2009 and 2010 municipal, [...] legislative and presidential elections; the [...] commitment to hold municipal, legislative and [...]presidential elections in 2009 and 2010; [...]the revision of the electoral code and the establishment of an independent electoral commission; the conducting of independent audits of revenue-generating State institutions; and the establishment of mechanisms to promote permanent dialogue among the country’s political and social actors. daccess-ods.un.org |
協議項下的產品價格按下述原則確定;凡有政府定價的,執行政府定價; 凡 沒 有 政 府 定 價,但 有 政 府 指 導 價 的,執 行 政 府 指 導 [...] 價;沒 有 政 府 定 價和政府指導價的,執行市場價;前三者都沒有或無法在實際交易中 [...]適用以上交易原則的,執行協議價,即提供該等產品所發生的合理成 本加上合理利潤 clypg.com.cn | pricing of products under the agreement will be based on the following policies: the price prescribed by the state, if applicable; where there is no state-prescribed price but there is a state-guidance price, then the state-guidance price; where there is neither [...] a state-prescribed price nor a [...] state-guidance price, the market price; where none [...]of the above is applicable or where it [...]is not practical to apply the above pricing policies in the transaction, implement the price agreed, it shall be the reasonable costs incurred in providing the products plus reasonable profits clypg.com.cn |
这一构成部分在 2011/12 年度预算期间的主要优先事项是:(a) 确保一个稳 定安全的环境;(b) [...] 向国家警察提供业务和行政支助;(c) 建立国家警察机构能 [...] 力,以便在流离失所者营地和易发生暴力的地区提供安保服务,并确保 2011 年 举行市政、 地方和参议院选举期间的安全;(d) [...] 加强国家警察的行政能力;(e) 建 立司法和惩教机构的能力,以促进获得法律援助,并减少审前拘留的情况;(f) [...] 加 快或重新启动法治机构改革,其中有些改革在 2010 年 1 月发生地震后停顿了; (g) 协调国际对海地法治机构改革的援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main priorities of this component for the 2011/12 budget period are: (a) ensuring a stable and secure environment; (b) providing operational and administrative support to the national police; (c) building the institutional capacity of the national police to provide security in camps of displaced persons and in [...] violence-prone areas, and to guarantee security [...] during the 2011 municipal, local and senatorial [...]elections; (d) strengthening the [...]administrative capacities of the national police; (e) building the capacity of judicial and correctional institutions to improve access to legal assistance and reduce pretrial detention; (f) accelerating or relaunching reform of rule-of-law institutions, some of which were halted after the January 2010 earthquake; and (g) coordinating international assistance to reform of Haiti’s rule-of-law institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,根據閣下與本公司的協議,本公司可以將閣下的個人身份識別資料披露及轉移,並可將有關個人身份識別資料存入本公司或順豐速運為上文所述目的而持有的一個或多個資料庫(可能載有本公司或順豐速運收集的其他資料),以 進 行市 場 研 究、信用評估、推廣本公司及/或順豐速運的商品及/或服務並用以比較閣下就上述目的而向本公司及/或順豐速運提供的其他資料。 sfgourmet.com | In addition, in accordance with your agreement with us, we may disclose and transfer your Personal Data (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) to any company within S.F. Express and to include that Personal Data in one or more databases held by us or S.F. Express (which may contain other information [...] collected by us or S.F. Express) for [...] the carrying out of market research, credit assessments, [...]the marketing of goods and/or [...]services by us and/or S.F. Express and for the performance of procedures for comparing Personal Data with other information supplied by you to us and/or S.F. Express for the above purposes. sfgourmet.com |
評 估使用 [...] 價值時 , 估 計 未 來 現 金 流 量 乃 採 用 反 映 金 錢 時 間 值 及 資 產 特 定 風 險 之 現 行 市 場 評 估 之 稅 前 貼 現率貼 現 至 其 現 值 。 cigyangtzeports.com | In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a [...] pre-tax discount rate that [...] reflects current market assessment of time value of money and the risk specific to the asset. cigyangtzeports.com |
另外的有益举措还包括:在目标地 区组织一系列焦点小组座谈会来评估社区 [...] 对问题的认知程度并探讨解决问题的方 案;与在这些社区进行市场调 查的商业营 销专家进行探讨,从而掌握最佳宣传手 段。 crisisgroup.org | A series of focus group discussions in the target areas to assess awareness of the problem and how to address it would also be useful, as [...] would talking to commercial marketing experts [...] who have done market research in these [...]communities to know what kinds of appeals work best. crisisgroup.org |