

单词 行将



run short [idiom.]


approach one's coffin (idiom); with one foot in the grave


about conclude
approaching the end

External sources (not reviewed)

在会行将结束 之际,他呼吁要加大努 力、投资并加强国际合作,来应对亟待解决的严峻挑战,以消除本区域饥饿问题。
In closing the Conference, he called for increased efforts, investment and international cooperation to address the serious challenges that need to be addressed to eliminate hunger in the region.
本协定的管理和行将 由氟 氯烃淘汰管理计划项目管理股负责。
The management and implementation of this Agreement will be undertaken by the HPMP Project Management Unit (PMU).
这些议程项目的行将对肯尼亚保 护和落实人权产生长远影响。
Implementation of these agenda items will have a lasting impact on human rights protection and realization in Kenya.
关于这些问题的辩论正在行,将以 民 主方式作出 决定。
The debate on these is on-going and will be decided democratically.
若干代表团还忆及,尽管信托基金取得了非常积极的结果,但几年后该基 行将结 束,需要获得替代性解决方案。
Some delegations also recalled that,
although the Trust Fund had given very
[...] positive results, it would come to an end [...]
in a few years and there was a need for alternative solutions.
教科文组织在其非洲(泛非地 质信息系统网)和东南亚(东南亚地质信息系统网)的数据处理网络的范围内,资助对地质 科学家行将地质科学数据转化为供决策者使用的信息方面的培训。
In the framework of its data handling networks in Africa PANGIS (Pan-African Network for Geological Information System) and in South-East Asia SANGIS (South-East Asian Network for Geological Information System), UNESCO sponsored the training of geoscientists in the transformation of geoscientific data into information for decisionmakers.
随着污染形势得到控制,需要的 行将 越 来 越少, 直至完全不需要飞行。
As the pollution situation is brought under control the need for flights will reduce and come to an end.
孟加拉国正在计划设立移民福利行 , 将 向 出 国务工者提供优惠利率贷款 和向返回人员提供生产性投资方面的资金援助。
Bangladesh was planning to establish the Migrant
[...] Welfare Bank, which would offer loans at [...]
favourable rates of interest to workers going
abroad and provide financial assistance to returnees for productive investment.
关于将注重性别特点纳入家 庭教育问题,试点国家(柬埔寨、中国和吉尔吉斯斯坦)确定了实施项目的可能地点以及用 来行将性别 特点纳入家庭教育培训的信息和传播技术模式,并制定了根据本国情况开展和 实施培训的行动计划。
Concerning the inclusion of gender perspectives in family education, the pilot countries (Cambodia, China and Kyrgyzstan) have identified potential project sites and ICT modes which will be used for the training on inclusion of gender perspectives in family education, and have developed action plans for country adaptation and delivery of the training.
为推动实现《蒙特雷共识》的各项目标,必须 行将 经 济 问题和社会问题挂 钩的政策,减少国家内和国家间的不平等现象,保证穷人和弱势群体受益于经济 增长和发展。
To advance towards the goals of the Monterrey Consensus, policies that link economic [...]
and social considerations are required
to reduce inequalities within and among countries and guarantee that the poor and vulnerable groups benefit from economic growth and development.
委员会吁请缔约国切实行将一夫 多妻定为刑事罪的法律,并采取全面有效的措 施,消除这种现象,应对这种状况中的妇女可能遭受的消极后果。
The Committee calls upon the State party to effectively enforce its laws penalizing polygamy and to take comprehensive and effective measures aimed at eliminating this phenomenon as well as to address the negative consequences women involved in such situations may suffer.
关于墨西哥消耗臭氧层物质处置试验项目的拟订和 行 , 将 由 世 界银行和工发组织 共同进行,但须说明,为世界银行核准的任何资金都将用于就如何为消耗臭氧层物质处置 共同筹资进行研究,研究费用将从今后为该项目核准的资金中扣除,但须视执行委员会对 [...]
With regard to the development and
[...] implementation of the pilot ODS disposal project for Mexico, the World Bank and UNIDO would work together, [...]
on the understanding
that any funds approved for the World Bank would cover a study on how to leverage co-funding for ODS disposal and that the cost of the study could be deducted from future funds to be approved for the project depending on the maximum amount that might be agreed to by the Executive Committee as a limit for the funding of that ODS disposal project.
标准制订工作正在行,将恰当 反映基地组织和塔利班制裁委员会各项决定的严 肃性和特定背景,同时承认这些制裁对列名个人和实体的重大影响。
Work is ongoing to develop a standard [...]
that properly reflects the serious nature and particular context of decisions of the
Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee and at the same time recognizes the significant effect of the sanctions on listed individuals and entities.
告诫 如果由于涂料堆积而导致锁环 (R)被卡住,不要试图 转动整个前端行将其取下。
If lock ring (R) is stuck due to material buildup, do not force it by turning entire front end.
行将为您开设一个账户,并寄给您一张可以存取款的 [...]
ATM 卡。
The bank will then open an [...]
account for you and send you an ATM card allowing you to access your money.
缔约国应该向所有正在办理递解出境手续的人员提供《公约》规定的保障,废止 没有明确规定期限地拘行将递解 出境人员的做法,并向在押人员提供有效的补 救。
The State party should provide all persons subject to a deportation process with the guarantees established by the Covenant, abolish the detention for an unspecified time period of persons who are going to be deported and provide detained persons with effective remedies.
为了减轻经济衰退的潜在影响,国际卫生伙伴关系、 全球基金和世界行将在下 一个两年期间,集中努力加强卫生系统,扩大高效率、 [...]
高成效防治艾滋病规模,从而影响目标 4、5 和 6 的实现。
To mitigate the potential effects of the downturn, the International
Health Partnership (IHP+), the Global Fund, and
[...] the World Bank will, in the next biennium, [...]
focus their efforts on health systems
strengthening, to scale up efficient and effective AIDS responses that affect achievement of Goals 4, 5 and 6.
[...] 聚的决定以及要求提交人离开缔约国的命令如得到 行 , 将 会 由 于未能向提交人 提供作为未成年人应得的保护措施而构成对家庭的干预,违反了《公约》第二十 [...]
7.5 In these very specific circumstances, the Committee considers that the decisions not to allow the reunification of the author and his father in the State party’s
territory and the order to leave the State party,
[...] if implemented, would constitute interference [...]
with the family contrary to article
23 and a violation of article 24, paragraph 1 of the Covenant, due to a failure to provide the author with the necessary measures of protection as a minor.
不断攻击耶路撒冷的伊斯兰教和基督教圣地;继 续修建隔离墙并在圣寺及其周围进行挖掘;撤销巴勒 斯坦人在该市的居住权;行将巴勒 斯坦家庭逐出该 城市;实施严格的通行限制——这些只是以色列政权 在西岸实施的非法行为的一部分。
Persistent assaults against the Islamic and Christian holy places in Jerusalem; the continued construction of the separation wall and excavation work in and around the Holy Mosque; the revocation of Palestinian residency rights in the city; the forced eviction of Palestinian families from the city; and the imposition of severe restrictions on movement are but some of the illegal acts carried out by the Israeli regime in the West Bank.
对于因无法合住在公屋必须迁居而且不提供其他住所的人,法院可 行将 其迁 出,而不是与有意换房的当事人换房。
Persons that must be evacuated without another offer of living space, because living in common is not possible, may be obliged by the court of law that instead of evacuation to exchange the occupied space with another living space, indicated by the party which is interested to make the exchange.
正如上文第 52 段所述,在选行将举行之前 、期间和之后,通过与联利特 派团之间的特派团合作,可能需要临时增援联科行动,增援形式可以是安全理事 会第 1609(2005)号决议框架内的军事和空中支援能力。
As described in paragraph 52 above, temporary reinforcement of UNOCI, through inter-mission cooperation with UNMIL, may be necessary during the period immediately before, during and after the elections, in the form of military and air capability support within the framework of Security Council resolution 1609 (2005).
儿童基金会、人口基金、世卫组织和世界 行将 继 续实施联合计划,以加速 在降低产妇和新生儿死亡率和发病率方面取得进展,最高度地强调切实向产妇死 [...]
[...] the World Bank will continue the joint [...]
programme to accelerate progress on reducing maternal and
neonatal mortality and morbidity, giving greatest emphasis to operationalizing support to the six countries with the highest burden of maternal deaths.
委员会注意到,日本政府将考虑到其他成员国提出的意见,对这 两项提案进行修订,然后行将之作为决议草案提交决议草案非正式 工作组。
The Committee noted that the Government of Japan would revise both proposals, taking into account the comments of other member States, prior to their submission as draft resolutions to the informal working group.
每个最不发达国将把《行动纲 领》中的政策和措施转化为切实措施,为此将《行动纲领》纳入国家和部门发展战略和计划。
Each least
[...] developed country will translate policies and measures in the Programme of Action into concrete measures by integrating this Programme [...]
of Action into the
national and sectoral development strategies and plans.
(h) 警察和法院有权在发生对妇女的暴力行为时下达并强制执行保护和禁 止令,包将行为人 从住所中带走,禁止在住所内外与被害人和其他受影响当 [...]
事人进一步接触,并有权下达和强制执行子女支助和监护令,以及对违反这些 命令的行为处以刑罚。
(h) Police and courts have the authority to issue and enforce protection and restraining or barring orders
in cases of violence against women,
[...] including removal of the perpetrator from the domicile [...]
and prohibition of further contact
with the victim and other affected parties, inside and outside the domicile, to issue and enforce child support and custody orders and to impose penalties for breaches of those orders.
大会在关于国际人口与发展会议 2014 年以后的后续行动的第 65/234 号决议 中,决将《行动纲领》和为进一步执行该纲领采取的重大行动延至 2014 年之 后并确保采取后续行动,以便充分实现其目标和宗旨;并在大会第六十九届会议 期间召开一个特别会议,以评估《行动纲领》的实施情况,重申对全面实现其目 标和宗旨所需行动的政治支持。
The General Assembly, by its resolution 65/234 on follow-up to the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014, decided to extend the Programme of Action and the key Actions for its further implementation beyond 2014 and ensure its follow-up in order to fully meet its goals and objectives, and to convene a special session during the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly in order to assess the status of implementation of the Programme of Action and to renew political support for actions required for the full achievement of its goals and objectives.
虽然条款草案实现了 很好地平衡并涵盖了该专题最重要的方面,但仍需 对部分条款草案进行进一步审议,尤其是关 将行 为归 于一国际组织和关于解除行为不法性的情况的 条款草案。
Although the draft articles were well balanced and covered the most important aspects of the topic, some draft articles required further consideration, particularly those concerning attribution of conduct to an international organization and circumstances precluding wrongfulness.
津巴布韦再度承诺将排雷行动中 心迁移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
咨询委员会获悉,任职将负责与包 括以下各方的各办公室和实体行协 调和联络:信息和通信技术厅,以解决与系 统托管有关的问题;供应商,涉及技术事项和设备升级;安全和安保部,涉及周 [...]
边安全进出管制;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢失或被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 航空组织。
The Advisory
[...] Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising [...]
with various offices and
entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications Technology to address issues related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization.




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