

单词 行好



love learning is akin to knowledge, to study diligently is akin to benevolence, to know shame is akin to courage (Confucius)

External sources (not reviewed)

妇女署还需依 赖各会员国的支持,帮助其加强在当地的工作能力, 真正行好自己的职责,并随着工作的全面展开而提 出不同的需求。
UN-Women greatly counted on support from Member States to enable it to strengthen its capacities in the field and truly fulfil its mission.
但要想行好一個 網店,跟一個實體店舖一樣,您需要所有進銷存的管理,需要品牌,需要質量,需要服務。
To run a shop with a physical stores, you need all the inventory management needs brand need quality, in need of services.
CNNIC 将继续通过不断 提升自身工作,行好国家互联网络信息中心职责, 行好 社 会 责任。
CNNIC will continue to fulfill its responsibility as the national Internet information center and its social responsibility by constantly improving itself.
人力资源短缺使得像政策分析和监 测与评估等这些对制好和执行好计 划 /项目,传播好的做法等至关重要的工作难 以开展。
Scarce human resources make it impossible to set up functions such as policy analysis and monitoring and evaluation activities that are essential for sound programme/project design and implementation, and dissemination of good practices.
2012年,CNNIC将在新的时期,忠实履行国家互联网络信息中心的职责,坚持国家公益、坚决 行好 国家 职责,服务网民权益、继续推进好应用发展,以“十二五”战略规划为目标,把握机遇、应对挑战,助 力我国信息化发展。
In 2012, CNNIC will commit itself to the fulfillment of its responsibilities, insist on the national public interest and thoroughly fulfill its duties to the country and serve the interests and rights of netizens and further accelerate the development of application; with the “12th Five-Year” strategic plan as the goal, seize the opportunity and address the challenges to boost the informatization of China.
不锈钢材质的中间冷却器和后冷却器系列产品可在恶劣的外界条件下可以无损坏 行好 几 年.
The new compressor blocks are fitted as standard with intermediate coolers and an after-cooler made of stainless steel, lasting for years even under the most violent and unfavourable environmental conditions.
当政府官员和立法者谈论印尼需要“宗教和谐”,他们总是给人以错觉宗教和谐可以通过法律确立,甚至是可以强迫 行 , 好 像 政府并不需要持续努力以了解紧张状态的根源或是制定相应措施以缓解紧张局面。
While officials and legislators talk of the need for “religious harmony”, there is a sense that this can be legislated or even imposed, rather than requiring sustained time and effort to understand how tensions have grown and developing programs designed to reduce them.
建議9  政府應考慮在相關的公務員事務局通告中,按 《公務員好行為指 南》所述明確載列公務員在 離職後從事工作方面應有的好行為 操 守。
Recommendation 9 − The Government should consider specifying
in the relevant CSB
[...] circulars the good conduct expected of civil servants in respect of their taking up of postservice work, as stated in the "Civil Servants' Guide to Good Practices".
[...] 采购市场上,对应部门的最终利益或许与私人客户相比更加遥远,采取合谋做法 可以被视为对同行实体或可能的竞争者的“ 好 ” 行 事 方 式。
In the case of public procurement markets, where the ultimate interest of the counterpart is perhaps more distant than in the case of private customers, engaging
in collusive practices can be
[...] considered as a “nice” way of behaving towards colleague entities [...]
or eventual competitors.
张总要求前卫克罗姆公司按照2011年的奋斗目标,把 好行 业 发展趋势,重点做好产品结构和内部组织构架调整,全体职工代表要立足岗位,凝心聚力,带头成为促进前卫克罗姆转型和持续发展的骨干力量,为全年目标的圆满实现再立新功。
Zhang avant-garde Krom Company
[...] in accordance with the general requirements of the goal in 2011, a good grasp of industry [...]
trends, the focus on internal
organizational structure and product structure adjustment should be based on positions on behalf of all employees, the human resources to take the lead as to promote avant-garde Crowe Farm restructuring and further development of the backbone of the successful realization of goals for the year and make new contributions.
各领土正转为采用积极鼓励好行为 的 方法。
Territories are instead moving towards positive
[...] reinforcements of good behaviour.
( c ) 保 持好 行 為 或 遵 守 法 紀 的 擔 保 , [...]
還 押 看 守 以 聽 候 審 訊 或 判 刑 , 以 及 保 釋 外 出 以 聽 候 審 訊 或 判 刑 。
(c) a recognizance to be of good behaviour or to [...]
keep the peace, a remand in custody pending trial or sentence and a release
on bail pending trial or sentence.
许多报纸附属于各政党,因此必须敦促这些政党履行其义务, 充分尊重他们在 2008 年 4 月 24
[...] 日我在阿比让出席的仪式上签署的 好行 为 守 则, 并按照《公民及政治权利国际公约》关于煽动行为的规定行事。
Many newspapers are affiliated to political parties and it is therefore important to impress upon
the parties their obligation to fully
[...] respect the code of good conduct which [...]
they signed during a ceremony I attended on
24 April 2008 in Abidjan and to act in accordance with the provisions on incitement of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
[...] 完成制冷服务技师剩余的培训;提高国家机构在技师之间推广 好行 业 准则的能力;更新 国家的教育和职业课程,推动制冷技师技术证书方案的发展;为技师提供小型回收机、汽 [...]
The Government of Bahrain commits to implementing the following activities under the second work programme of the TPMP including: additional training for refrigeration service technicians; enhancing the
capacities of national institutions to
[...] disseminate a code of good practice among [...]
technicians; updating the national educational
and vocational curricula and promoting the development of a technical certification scheme for refrigeration technicians; and providing small recovery machines, MAC recovery and recycling units, and basic tools to technicians.
金华市质量技术监督局依据国标委农轻 [2004]93号文件要求,2009年8月25日组织专家组对公司建立并运行的企业标准体系及与《企业标准体系》国家系列标准的符合性,是否达到AA级标准化 好行 为 企 业要求进行了评价确认。
Jinhua Municipal Quality and Technical Supervision Commission pursuant to the national standard of agricultural Light [2004] No. 93 document request, August 25, 2009 organizing groups of experts to build and run the company's corporate standard system and with the "enterprise standard system of" national series
of standards compliance , whether the AA-level
[...] standard of good conduct an evaluation to confirm business [...]
此种表示不应被视为不好行为,或对一国内部事务 的干涉。
This offer should not be
[...] regarded as an unfriendly act or an interference [...]
in a State’s internal affairs.
大会第六十六届会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于好地执行《小 岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛 屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
越南就其自身而言, 将制行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围 好 地 确 保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement
effectively the universal
[...] periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
出门前计好行程,并告诉家人朋友自己打算什么时候回家,前往不 熟悉的地方或在天黑后出门尤需如此。
Plan your trips carefully and tell [...]
someone when you expect to return home, especially if you are travelling to unfamiliar places or after dark.
2007年被广东省科技厅授予“广东省高新技术企业”和“广东省民营科技企业”;2008年成为“广东省工程技术研究开发中心”;同年我司建立的标准体系达到AAA级,获广东省质量技术监督局颁发“标准化 好行 为 证书”、“ISO9000质量管理体系认证”、“ISO14000环境管理体系认证”、“OHSAH19001职业健康安全管理体系认证”;同年被认定委员会认定为广东省著名商标;2010年被授予“广东省名牌”;2011年“永利坚”商标荣获国家工商行政总局的“中国驰名商标”认定。
In 2007, the company was entitled "Guangdong High and New Tech Enterprise" by Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province and "Guangdong Private-owned Science and Technology Enterprise"; in 2008, it became " Guangdong Engineering Technology Research and Development Center"; in the same year, the standard system established by the company reached AAA level and granted "Standardized Good Practice Certificate", "ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certification", ISO 14000 Environment Management Certification", and "OHSAH 19001 Occupation Health Safety Management System Certification"; in the same year, the brand was attested by the Brand Attestation Council to be " Guangdong Famous Trademark"; in 2010, it was awarded “Guangdong Famous Brand”; in 2011, "Yonglijian" trademark was awarded the attestation of "China Renowned Trademark" by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.
我们 已经向我所会见的刚果(金)武装力量各级军官,从将
[...] 军到中校明确表示,作为一支国家军队,刚果(金)武 装力量必须保持更高的纪律、好行 为 操 守及尊重人 权的标准。
We have indicated clearly to the FARDC at all levels, from its generals to its lieutenantcolonels — whom I met — that as a national army it will be essential for
the FARDC to maintain a much higher standard
[...] of discipline, good behaviour and [...]
conduct, and observance of human rights.
教 师要通过⼀些发展与伦理的跨学科课程, 宣传和展⽰⽔资源所具有的社会、经济和环境价值, 培养学生和社区的积极态度和好行 为。
Teachers should promote and demonstrate the social, economic and environmental value of water, through crosscurricular classes in development and ethics, to foster positive attitudes and behaviour of children and communities.
此外,由于冲突局势特别是因军备竞赛而引发的 冲突局势持续不断,大会以协商一致方式通过了关于 《和平解决国际争端的马尼拉宣言》的第 37/10
[...] 号决 议,其中指出,不应该把提请国际法院审理某一案件 视为国家间的不好行为。
Moreover, given the ongoing situations of conflict, in particular those arising from the arms race, the General Assembly adopted resolution 37/10 by consensus on the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, in which it stated
that the referral of a case to the International Court of Justice should
[...] not be deemed an unfriendly act between States.
这意味着,为工商界的好行为着 想,股东和 高管应在正式破产前即考虑债权人的利益——委员 [...]
会对此进行考虑可谓裨益多多,包括通过确定企业 破产的时点和规定董事行为的范围。
That meant that prior to formal insolvency [...]
directors and officers should take account of the interests of creditors, and
that it was a matter that the Commission could usefully consider, including by defining the point at which a business became insolvent and by setting limits on the actions of directors, in the interest of better behaviour within the business community.
为研究大仓鼠利用表型匹配识别亲属和近交发生的可能性,我们将大仓鼠单只隔离饲养,8个月后,经在Y型迷宫中测试,发现它们在同胞和非同胞之间不表现出偏好和 好行 为 , 攻击行为和交配行为也没有表现出差异。
After rat-like hamsters were individually caged for 8
months from weaning, they did not
[...] display significant preferences between siblings [...]
and non-siblings and there were no significant
differences between amicable behavior, agonistic behavior and mating in a Y maze.




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