

单词 行使

行使 ()

exercise (a right etc)


可行使 adj

exercisable adj

行使价 n

exercise price n
strike price n

行使期 n

exercise period n

External sources (not reviewed)

宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能行使其宗 教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 [...]
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive
measures, which would make it possible for
[...] the faithful to exercise their religious [...]
freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage
annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
委任代表在大會上表決之文據應:(i)被視為授權受委代表要求或聯合要求按股數 投票表決及按其認為適合之方式就在其獲委任代表出席之會議上提呈之任何決議案 (或其修訂本)表決,惟若向股東發出任何表格供其用作委任代表出席將於會上處
[...] 照其意向,指示該代表投票贊成或反對(如沒有指示,則由該代 行使 其 酌 情權) 每項涉及任何有關事務之決議案;及  [...]
(ii)  除非在該文據內註明相反規定,否則該文 據對其所涉及會議之任何續會同屬有效。
The instrument appointing a proxy to vote at a general meeting shall : (i) be deemed to confer authority upon the proxy to demand or join in demanding a poll and to vote on any resolution (or amendment thereto) put to the meeting for which it is given as the proxy thinks fit provided that any form issued to a member for use by him for appointing a proxy to attend and vote at an extraordinary general meeting or at an annual general meeting at which any business is to be transacted shall be such as to enable the member, according to his intention, to instruct the proxy to vote in
favour of or against (or, in default of
[...] instructions, to exercise his discretion [...]
in respect of) each resolution dealing with
any such business; and (ii) unless the contrary is stated therein, be valid as well for any adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates.
行动纲领》提出了 提高妇女地位的广泛议程,强调加强各级政治进程中妇女平等参与和公平代表权
的重要性;加强妇女在各种职业中赚取收入的能力,使她们在经济上自立,同时 确保她们能够平等进入劳动力市场和享有社会保障,确保妇女享有平等权利,能
[...] 够以自己的名义购买、持有和出售财产和土地,获得信贷和谈判合同, 行使继 承权(第 4.4 和 4.6 段)。
The Programme of Action sets a broad agenda for the improvement of the status of women, stressing the importance of increasing their equal participation and equitable representation at all levels of the political process; improving women’s ability to earn an income in varied occupations so that they can become economically self-reliant, ensuring their equal access to the labour market and social security, and ensuring their equal rights to buy, hold and sell property and land, to
obtain credit and negotiate contracts in
[...] their own name, and to exercise their right to inheritance [...]
(paras. 4.4 and 4.6).
(C) 即使本公司細則(A)段載有任何規定,於認購權 行使 時 ,不得 配發任何零碎股份,因此是否產生任何零碎股份(及如有,屬何種零碎股份)須根據 [...]
(C) Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (A) of
this Bye-law no fraction of any share shall
[...] be allotted on exercise of the subscription [...]
rights and so that whether any (and
if so what) fraction of a share arises should be determined according to the terms and conditions of the warrants.
(G) 每當根據本文規定者調整換股價時,本公司須向可換股優
[...] 的事項、有關調整前生效的換股價、經調整換股價及其生 效日期),此後,只要任何換股權仍 行使 , 本 公司須於 兌換日期前在當時主要營業地點及股份過戶登記處存置上 述經簽署的核數師或(視情況而定)相關認可商人銀行的 [...]
有關調整前生效的換股價、經調整換股價及其生效日期等 簡明資料證書,以供可換股優先股股東查閱。
(G) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein provided, the Company shall give notice to the CP Shareholders that the Conversion Price has been adjusted (setting forth the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date thereof) and
shall at all times
[...] thereafter so long as any of the Conversion Rights remains exercisable make available [...]
for inspection at
the principal place of business for the time being of the Company and the Registrar's Office prior to the Conversion Date a signed copy of the said certificate of the auditors or (as the case may be) of the relevant approved merchant bank and a certificate signed by a Director of the Company setting out the brief particulars of the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price end this effective date thereof.
(o) 如私穩專員本可就第㆒太平銀行違反或被指稱違反《個㆟資料(私 隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則㆒事而在緊接指定日期之前 根據該條例就第㆒太平行行使任何權力,則自指定日期起,他可就 東亞行行使該權 力;但根據本條例將第㆒太平銀行的業務移轉及轉 歸東亞銀行,以及因預期或由於進行㆖述移轉及轉歸而向東亞銀行所 作出的任何信息披露,並不屬違反第㆒太平銀行在緊接該指定日期前 所負有的保密責任,而東亞銀行或第㆒太平銀行亦不屬違反《個㆟資 [...]
料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則。
(l) The Privacy Commissioner may, on and from the appointed day, exercise in respect of Bank of East Asia any power under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) which he could have
immediately before the
[...] appointed day exercised in respect of First Pacific Bank in respect of a breach or alleged breach by First Pacific Bank of that Ordinance or the data protection principles; but the transfer to, and vesting [...]
in, Bank of East
Asia by this Ordinance of the undertaking of First Pacific Bank and any disclosure to Bank of East Asia of any information in contemplation or as a result thereof shall not amount to a breach of any duty of confidentiality to which First Pacific Bank is subject immediately before the appointed day or to a contravention by Bank of East Asia or First Pacific Bank of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles.
(iv) 就股份选项被适行使的股份( 行使 选 项 股份」)而言,有 关股息(或获授予选项权利的该部份股息)不得以现金支付, 而须基于如上所述决定的配发基准 行使 选 项 股份的持有人以 入账列为缴足方式配发有关类别的股份,而就此而言,董事会 应把其决定的任何部份本公司未分利润(包括转入任何储备或 其他特别账项、股份溢价账、资本赎回储备作为进账的利润, 但认购权储备除外)拨充资本及予以运用,该笔款项按此基准 可能须用于缴足该等行使选项 股份的持有人配发及分派的有 关类别股份的适当股数。
(iv) the dividend (or that part of the
dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.
該期權行使後, 除於該期間發生的期權回購開支(包括期權溢價以及利潤分成)外,還對114百萬美元的額外折舊開支加以確認,以 [...]
Following the exercise of the option, [...]
in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit
entitlement) incurred during the period, $ 114 million of additional depreciation expense was recognised to reflect the depreciation that would have been charged if the related assets had not previously been classified as held for sale during the option period.
24 除上述所披露者外,本公司或其任何附屬公司於截至二零零二年六月三十日止六個月期間內概無 訂立任何安排,使本公司董事或行政總裁可藉購入本公司或任何其他公司之股份或債務證券(包
[...] 括債券)而獲益、而期內各董事、行政總裁、其配偶或十八歲以下之子女概無擁有任何認購本公 司證券之權利,亦未行使任何 此等權利。
Save as disclosed above, at no time during the six months ended 30 June 2002 was the Company or any of its subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the directors or the chief executive of the Company to acquire benefits by means of acquisition of shares in, or debt securities (including debentures) of, the Company or any other body corporate and none of the directors, the chief executive, their spouses or children under the
age of 18, had any rights to subscribe for securities of the
[...] Company, or had exercised any such rights [...]
during the period.
(C) 如其委任人要求,替任董事有權在與作出委任的董事相同的範圍內,代替該
[...] 委任的董事未有親身出席的任何會議及在會議上表決,以及在一般情況下在 上述會議行使及履行其委 任人作為董事的所有職能、權力及職責,而就上 [...]
(C) An alternate Director shall, if his appointor so requests, be entitled to receive notices of meetings of the Board or committees of the Board to the same extent as, but in lieu of, the Director appointing him and shall be entitled to such extent to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is
not personally present and generally
[...] at such meeting to exercise and discharge all [...]
the functions, powers and duties of his
appointor as a Director and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Bye-Laws shall apply as if he were a Director.
实,但巴勒斯坦领导层依然充分致力于和平和积极参 与以商定框架为基础的可信和平进程,目的是最终结
[...] 束以色列的占领,以便使巴勒斯坦人民能够在他们以 东耶路撒冷为其首都、以 1967 年以前边界为基础、 和平、安全地与以色列毗邻共处的独立国 行使 自己的自决权,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的困苦。
I reaffirm today that, despite the harsh reality that prevails on all fronts, the Palestinian leadership remains fully committed to peace and to engaging in a credible peace process based on the agreed terms of reference, with the aim of definitively bringing an end to the Israeli occupation in order to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their right to selfdetermination in their independent State, with East Jerusalem as
its capital, living
[...] side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, and achieving a just resolution [...]
of the plight of
the Palestine refugees in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.
125,000,000股認購股份佔(i)本公司於本公告日期之現有已發行股本約7.45%;(ii)本公 司經配發及發行認購股份擴大後之已發行股本約6.93%(假設除發行認購股份外,本公
司已發行股本自本公告日期至認購事項完成時並無變動);及(iii)本公司經配發及發行 認購股份、購股權股份及認股權證股份擴大後之已發行股本約6.41%(假設概無配發及
[...] 發行其他股份,且於發行認購股份前並無根據購股權計劃授出 行使 購 股 權,亦無創 設或授出任何額外認股權證)。
The 125,000,000 Subscription Shares represent (i) approximately 7.45% of the existing issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; (ii) approximately 6.93% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company from the date of this announcement to the completion of the Subscription save for the issue of the Subscription Shares); and (iii) approximately 6.41% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares, the Option Shares and the Warrants (assuming there are no other allotments and issue of
Shares and no options under the Share Option Scheme
[...] are granted or exercised and no further [...]
warrants created and granted).
倘董事全權認為(aa)(1)購股權承授人(不包括合資格僱員)或其 聯繫人違反本身與本集團或任何所投資公司訂立的任何合約;或(2)承 授人經已破產、無力償債或面臨結業、清盤或同類法律程序,或與全體
[...] 關係或其他任何理由而不再對本集團的增長及發展作出貢獻;及(bb)承 授人根據購股權計劃獲授的購股權失效,則該承授人的購股權將自動 失效,及將在任何情況下於董事所釐訂之日期或之後不得 行使。
If the Directors shall at their absolute discretion determine that (aa) (1) the grantee of any option (other than an Eligible Employee) or his associate has committed any breach of any contract entered into between the grantee or his associate on the one part and the Group or any Invested Entity on the other part; or (2) that the grantee has committed any act of bankruptcy or has become insolvent or is subject to any winding-up, liquidation or analogous proceedings or has made any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally; or (3) the grantee could no longer make any contribution to the growth and development of the Group by reason of the cessation of its relations with the Group or by other reason whatsoever; and (bb) the option granted to the grantee under the Share Option scheme shall lapse, his option will
lapse automatically and will not
[...] in any event be exercisable on or after the date on which the Directors have so determined.
总务委员会还不妨提请大会注意,解释投票应以 10 分钟为限;如果某一主 要委员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释投票一次,即
[...] 有所不同时,不在此限;如果一天排定两次会议,这两次会议又都审议同一项目, 则各代表团应在该日会议结束行使 答 辩 权(第 34/401 号决定,第 6 至 8 段 (A/520/Rev.17,附件五))。
The General Committee may also wish to draw to the attention of the General Assembly that explanations of vote should be limited to 10 minutes; that, when the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its vote only once, i.e., either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless that delegation’s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee; and that delegations should exercise their right of reply at the end of the day whenever two meetings have been scheduled for
that day and whenever such meetings
[...] are devoted to the consideration of the same item (decision [...]
34/401, paras. 6-8 (A/520/Rev.17, annex V)).
部分委員並建議,在第31條列出因公共政策理由(即異常特 殊而且強而有力的公共政策理由)而豁免的準則,亦應適用於第
[...] 5(1)(b)條,並應納入該條中,作為行政長官會同行政會 行使 其權力豁免某非法定團體受條例草案規管的一項準則。
Some members have also suggested that the criterion set out in clause 31 for granting exemption on public policy grounds (i.e. exceptional and compelling reasons of public policy) should also apply and be incorporated into clause 5(1)(b) as
a criterion for the Chief Executive (CE)
[...] in Council in exercising the power to exempt [...]
a non-statutory body from the Bill.
[...] 实现人人都有参加文化生活的权利,以及未能执行相关法律或提供行政、司法或 其他适当补救措施,使人民能充 行使 参 加文化生活的权利。
Violations through omission include the failure to take appropriate steps to achieve the full realization of the right of everyone to take part in cultural life, and the failure to enforce relevant laws or to provide
administrative, judicial or other appropriate
[...] remedies to enable people to exercise in full the [...]
right to take part in cultural life.
(D) 核數師作出的證書或報告(所載內容包括是否需要設立及維持認購權 儲備、(如需設立及維持)設立及維持儲備的所需金額、已動用認購 權儲備的用途、為將本公司的損失減至最低而動用儲備的程度、須行使認股 權證持有人配發額外面值的入賬列為繳足股份,以及任何其 他有關認購權儲備的事項),如無明顯錯誤,均具有最終效力,並對 本公司及所有認股權證持有人及股東均具約束力。
(D) A certificate or report by the Auditors as to whether or not the Subscription Right Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Right Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Right Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
本公司董事局 可於授出認股權行使絕對 酌情權決定認購價,惟認購價將不能少於以下較高者:(一)於授出日載於 香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」)每日股價表的股份收市價;(二)於授出日前五個工作天載於聯交 所每日股價表的平均收市價;或(三)股份的面值。
The subscription price shall be such a price as the Board of Directors of the Company may in its absolute discretion determine at the time of grant but the subscription price shall not be less than whichever is the higher of (i) the closing price of the shares as stated in The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited’s (the “Stock Exchange”) daily quotation sheet on the date of grant; (ii) the average closing price of the shares as stated in the Stock Exchange’s daily quotation sheets for the five business days immediately preceding the date of the grant; or (iii) the nominal value of a share.
164 董事會可不時並於任何時間,藉授權書委任任何經其直接或間接提名的公 司、商號、個人或人數不等之團體,作為本公司的一名或多於一名受權人, 而委任的目的,所授予的權力、權限及酌情決定權(以不超過根據本章程細則 歸於董事或可由董行使者為 限),以及委任的期限和規限的條件,均須按董 事會認為合適者而定;任何此等授權書,均可載有董事認為適合用以保障及 方便與任何此等受權人進行交易的人,以及可授權任何此等受權人將歸於他 的所有或任何權力、權限及酌情決定權轉授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
各方当事人同意采取一切可能的措施,对本协议项下的任何争议以及任何和所有关于仲裁程序和裁决的资料严守机密,除非由于下列需 要或要求另作别论:(a)为保证一方当事人能适当 行使 或 执 行 其 在本协议或仲裁庭所做出的裁决项下的各项权利;或(b)适用法律或 任何证券交易所、监管机构的规定,或任何法院、任何其它主管机关或裁判庭的命令要求予以披露。
Confidentiality – The parties agree to use all possible measures to keep the existence of any dispute hereunder and any and all information concerning any arbitration proceedings and any award strictly confidential except
(a) to the extent
[...] necessary to enable a party to properly exercise or enforce its rights under this agreement or under any award rendered [...]
by the Arbitration
Tribunal or (b) to the extent required by applicable law or by regulations of any stock exchange or regulatory authority or pursuant to any order of court or any other competent authority or tribunal.
[...] 代表提供了一个机会,从全球角度探讨言论自由问题,如电子空 行使 言 论 自由的新的机 遇、挑战和障碍,包括直接的(新闻审查)或间接的(无法获得信息与传播技术或信息)障碍; [...]
It provided experts, professionals, representatives of non-governmental organizations, governmental and regulatory agencies from all regions with an opportunity to identify freedom of expression issues on a global basis
such as new possibilities, challenges and
[...] obstacles of the exercise of freedom of expression [...]
in cyberspace, whether direct
(censorship) or indirect (lack of access to ICTs or information); and the regulation of its contents.
在落实有利行使社会 经济、文化和政治权利的政策框架下,各部委根据 预先制定的战略采取各种措施和行动,并呼吁相应机制完成既定目标。
In implementing their policies to promote the enjoyment of socio-economic, cultural and political rights, the different ministerial departments adopt various measures and actions according to predefined strategies and use appropriate mechanisms to achieve the goals set.
这些权利包 括:个人的生命权、人身自由与安全权和享有财产权,以及除了通过正当法律程
[...] 尊重私人生活和家庭生活的权利;在公共权力机 行使 职 能 时获得平等待遇的权 利;参加政治党派、发表政治观点的权利;父母或监护人访问为子女或受监护人 [...]
These are the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; the right of equality before the law and the protection of the law; the right of respect for private and family life; the right of
equality of treatment from any public
[...] authority in the exercise of any functions; [...]
the right to join political parties and
to express political views; the right of a parent or guardian to access a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward; freedom of movement; freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance; freedom of thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly; and freedom of the press.
董 事 會 須 根 據 該 計 劃 規 則 及 上市 規則,有 權 釐 定(其 中包 括)購股 權行 使價、歸 屬 前 持有 獎 勵之最 低 限期、於 獎 勵歸 屬 前須 達 成的 業績、 營 運 及 財 務 目 標 及 其 他 條 件,以 及 獎 勵 之 其 他 條 款 及 細 則,然 而,就 購 股 權 獎 勵 而 言,購 股 權行 使 價 須 由 董 事 會 全 權 酌 情 釐 定,且 不 得 低 於 以 下 三 項 之 最 高 者﹕ (i)要 約 日 期 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 列 股 份 之 收 市 價﹔ (ii)緊 接要約 日期前 五個 營 業 日 聯 交所 每 日 報價 表 所列 股份之 平均收 市 價﹔及(iii)要 約日期 之 股份 面 值。
The Board shall, subject to the rules of
the Scheme and the
[...] Listing Rules, have the right to determine, among others, the exercise price of an Option, the minimum period for which the Award must be held before its vesting, performance, operating and financial targets and other criteria to be satisfied before the vesting of an Award and other terms and conditions of an Award, provided that, in respect of an Award of Option, the exercise price of an Option shall be a price determined by the Board at [...]
its absolute discretion
but shall not be less than the highest of (i) the closing price of the Shares as stated in the daily quotations sheets issued by the Stock Exchange on the date of offer; (ii) the average closing price of the Shares as stated in the daily quotations sheets issued by the Stock Exchange for the five business days immediately preceding the date of the offer; or (iii) the nominal value of the Shares on the date of Offer.
拟设首席业务干事员额(P-3)的任职者将每天向警务专员报告整个任务区内 发生的所有事件,以便作出迅速和有效率的反应;制定业务计划,通过培训、监
测、技术援助、执行警务改革方案以及特派团为东部稳定战略提供的警务支助的 业务协调,确保协调、合理和有效率地执行工作,特别是在国家警察体制发展和
[...] 能力建设领域;监督、协调和控制所有联合国警务部门和分部门的活动;协助警 务专行使对建 制警察部队的业务指挥权。
The incumbent of the proposed post of Chief Operations Officer (P-3) would report to the Police Commissioner, on a daily basis, all incidents that occur across the Mission area for rapid and efficient responses; develop operational plans to ensure a coordinated, rational and efficient implementation of work, especially in the areas of institutional development and capacity-building of PNC through training, monitoring, technical assistance, implementation of the police reform programme and operational coordination of the Mission’s police support to the stabilization strategy in the east; supervise, coordinate and control the activities of the entire United Nations police
sectors and sub-sectors; and assist the Police
[...] Commissioner in exercising the operational [...]
command of the formed police units.
[...] 包括建议解职;制定法官招聘机制和任命程序规则;为法官制定道德标准;为委 员行使、履行及完 成任务和职责所必须或合适事项作出规定;以及就任何有关 [...]
Furthermore, the Commission is empowered to investigate complaints about the judiciary and to take disciplinary action against them, including recommendations for dismissal; to make rules regarding schemes for recruitment and procedures for the appointment of judges; to establish
ethical standards for judges; to provide for such matters as are necessary or
[...] expedient for the exercise, performance and [...]
discharge of the duties
and responsibilities of the Commission; and to advise the President and the People’s Majlis in any matter regarding the administration of the courts.
(iv) 就股份選擇權已被正行使的股 份(「 行使 選 擇 權股份」)而言, 有關股息(或就已獲授選擇權部分的股息)不得以現金支付,為取 代有關現金股息,將基於上文所釐訂的分配基準向 行使 選 擇 權 股份的持有人,以入賬列為繳足方式分配相關類別的股份,而就 此而言,董事會應按其決定把本公司未分派溢利的任何部份(包括 已轉入任何儲備或特別賬項、股份溢價賬及資本贖回儲備(但不包 括認購權儲備(定義見下文))的溢利)撥充資本及加以運用,該 等金額將悉數用作繳足將按有關基準分配及分發予 行使 選 擇權 股份持有人恰當數目的相關類別股份。
(iv) the dividend (or that part of the
dividend in respect of
[...] which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve (as defined below)) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares [...]
on such basis.
[...] 开发每个人的创造潜能,使其充行使他或 她的个性和公民权;(b) 制定基于主动积极的参与和行动的新的政治 [...]
文化,以增强人民的权力;(c) 依据地史学的方法培养个人,使他们具备国籍和 主权的意识;(d) 促进尊重人的尊严和了解以下内容的培训:容忍、正义、团结、
和平、尊重人权和不歧视的道德价值观;(e) 鼓励提高生态意识,以保护生物多 样性和社会多样性;(f) 从整体的角度,借助和通过解放性的社会工作并在这一 工作中教育学生。
The Organic Law on Education defines the
aims of education as follows: (a) to develop each human being’s creative
[...] potential for the full exercise of his or her [...]
personality and citizenship;
(b) to develop a new political culture grounded in proactive participation and action to strengthen the power of the people; (c) to develop individuals on the basis of a geohistorical approach aimed at instilling awareness of their nationality and sovereignty; (d) to promote respect for human dignity and training informed by the ethical values of tolerance, justice, solidarity, peace, respect for human rights and non-discrimination; (e) to encourage the growth of ecological awareness with a view to preserving biodiversity and social diversity; and (f) to educate pupils in, by and through liberating social work from an integral standpoint.
大会第六十六届会议请巴勒斯坦人 行使 不 可 剥夺权利委员会继续尽全力 促进实现巴勒斯坦人民的不可剥夺权利,包括自决权利,支持中东和平进程,以 达成基于 1967 年以前边界的两国解决方案并公正解决所有最终地位问题,动员 [...]
议提出报告(第 66/14 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General
Assembly requested the
[...] Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to continue to [...]
exert all efforts to
promote the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to self-determination, to support the Middle East peace process for the achievement of the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders and the just resolution of all final status issues and to mobilize international support for and assistance to the Palestinian people, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session and thereafter (resolution 66/14).




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