

单词 行人路

行人路 noun, plural ()

pavements pl

See also:

行人 n

pedestrian n
pedestrians pl


traveler on foot
official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor

人路 n

pavement n



External sources (not reviewed)

在興建自動扶梯連接系統的 同時,我們亦會擴闊及改善正街兩旁的現 行人路 , 以改善步行環境。
In conjunction with the construction of
the escalator link, we will widen and
[...] improve the existing footway on both sides [...]
of the street to enhance the walking environment.
便是回收的廢紙或其他廢物堆積 行人路 上 , 不單造成阻礙,更構成 不安全的情況。
The most frequent subject of complaints is that
the piling up of waste paper or other
[...] kinds of waste on pavements will not only cause [...]
obstruction but also pose various dangers.
(四 ) 現時是否以時間或以周圍環境的光暗度決定開啟或關行 人路燈及街燈;如何避行人路燈及 街燈在光線充足的情況 下仍然亮着
(d) whether time or ambient lighting level is used to
decide the switching on
[...] or off of footpath lighting and street lamps at present; how it can avoid having footpath lighting and [...]
street lamps switched
on even when the lighting level is sufficient
若要進一步擴行 人路,必 須縮窄行車道及減低路面容車量。總的來說, 肇事地點附近一帶專營巴士/公共小巴往來頻繁,令穿 插入線的交通及相關的交通安排更為繁複。
In general, the intensity of franchised bus / PLB activities in the vicinity of the accident location has added to weaving traffic movements and complicated the traffic arrangement.
(c) 在第三街與般咸道之間的一段正街的現 行人路進 行擴闊及改善工程;以及
(c) widening and improvement to existing footway on Central
[...] Street between Third Street and Bonham Road; and
所有現有車輛出 入 口行人路 線 和行人過 路 設施 均會維 持不變 , 而 我們亦 會 根據當前的工地限 制 [...]
擬 訂臨時 交通安排, 使 之 達 到 所定的標準。
We will maintain existing vehicular entry
[...] and exit points, pedestrian routes and pedestrian crossing facilities, [...]
and design temporary
traffic arrangements according to prevailing site constraints and up to the required standards.
在改善現有行人路網絡、提供更舒適的步行環境、減 低能源消耗及所佔用的土地等方面而言,我們認爲擬議的行人連接系 統是最合適的方案。
The proposed pedestrian link system is considered the most appropriate option in terms of improvement to the existing footpath network, providing a more comfortable walking environment, minimising energy consumption and land occupation, etc.
有居民亦表示,小販認可區兩旁 行人路 上 經 常堆放大量雜 物,攤檔的棚架更雜亂無章。
Some residents also complain that large
quantities of different objects are
[...] often piled up on the pavements on both sides of [...]
the HPA, and the frames of the stalls are untidy.
(c) 建造與上文(a)和 (b)項工程相關行人路和單車徑,並進行相 關的排水渠、污水渠、消防喉管和環境美化工程
(c) construction of footpaths, cycle track, [...]
drainage works, sewerage works, fire mains and landscaping works associated
with the works mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) above
至於其餘項目,除了永 久改善工程(例如擴行人路和改裝單車架等)外,大部分措施只屬臨時性質,而 受影響範圍會在馬術項目結束後回復原狀。
For the remaining items, with the exception of the permanent improvement works such as footpath widening, modification [...]
of bicycle racks
etc., most of the measures are temporary in nature and the affected areas will be reinstated to their original conditions after the events.
(g) 政府當局應加強前瞻規劃的工作,改善工業區的環 境,並推行相關的改善工程,例如擴 行人路 和車 輛通道,以及設置更多停車場。
(g) The Administration should enhance its forward planning to improve the industrial areas and undertake relevant improvement works such as widening pedestrian ways and vehicular accesses and providing more car parks.
在道路標 誌方面,路政署和運輸署會一同確 行人路 的 暢 達性,亦會繼 續進行試驗計劃,將道路標誌合併,務求減少道路上標誌柱的 數目。
With regard to road signs, Highways Department and Transport Department made joint efforts to ensure accessibility of footways, and pilot schemes would continue to be carried out to merge road signs to reduce the number of sign poles on roads.
(c) 就署方所知使用廢物循環再造的物料鋪 行人路 , 所 需的鋪砌成本及使用年 期分別為何?
(c) what are the cost and service life of recycled materials
[...] used as paving materials in footpaths?
(一 ) 鑒於中聯辦外的大型花槽行人路的 闊 度由9米減至3米, 低於按照《運輸策劃及設計手冊》中建議土地用途屬於“政 [...]
府、機構或社區設施”的行人地帶的闊度最少要有4.5米闊 的標準,警方更佔用大量空間設置行動區和放置大量鐵 馬,令中聯辦外可供示威和採訪的空間變得極小,據悉警
方更以環境狹窄為由,拒絕讓示威和採訪活動在中聯辦外 進行,行政機關在中聯辦外的公共空間設置花槽,是否因 應中聯辦的要求;當局會否重新考慮拆除花槽,擴闊採訪 和示威空間;若否,原因為何
(a) given that the existence of a large
planter outside the LOCPG has reduced the
[...] width of the footpath from 9 m to 3 m, which [...]
is below the minimum width standard of
4.5 m for through zones of the land uses of "government, institution or community facilities" as recommended in the Transport Planning and Design Manual, and the police occupy much space for setting up action area and putting up a large number of mills barriers, leaving the space outside the LOCPG available for demonstrations and news coverage extremely limited, and it has been learnt that the police do not give permission for demonstrations and news coverage to take place outside the LOCPG on grounds of the cramped environment, whether the executive authorities constructed the planter in the public area outside the LOCPG at the request of the LOCPG; whether the authorities will re-consider removing the planter to expand the space for covering news and demonstrations; if not, of the reasons for that
(b) 署方有否計劃使用由廢物循環再造的物料鋪 行人路?
(b) has the department planned to use recycled
[...] materials to pave footpaths?
(a) (i) 用於鋪行人路的物 料通常包括混凝土及鋪路磚。
Reply : (a) (i) Materials for footpath paving usually consist of concrete and paving blocks.
(a) 行人路应有 足够阔度方便使用残疾辅助器材( 包括轮椅); (b)
(a) The width of all footways should be wide [...]
enough to take care of pedestrians with walking aid (including wheelchair)
我們可將行人 系 統 廣義界 定 為包 括行人 天 橋 、行人 隧 道 , 以 及 優行 人 路 ,政府全力 支持在適當地 點 發 展 四 通 八達行 人 道 系 統的構 思,以便提 高 觀景價 值、改 善行人環境,以 及 令 購 物 中心與 運輸交匯 處 等設施 相 輔 相 成 。
The Government is in full support of the idea of developing well-connected pedestrian systems at suitable locations, so as to enhance the sight-seeing value, improve the pedestrian environment, and to enable shopping centres and such facilities as transport interchanges to complement one another.
[...] 建連接將軍澳華人永遠墳場與將軍澳 行人路 及 靈 灰安置所)的 開支外,管委會亦贊助社區組織進行青少年計劃及公民教育活 動。
Apart from meeting the expenditure arising from the operation and
maintenance of cemeteries, such as the
[...] construction of footpath linking the Junk [...]
Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery with Tseung
Kwan O and columbaria, it also sponsored community organizations in carrying out youth programmes and civic education activities.
10 年 優質鋪路磚 (b) 路政署積極使用循環再造物料鋪 行人路。
0815 (b) Highways Department is keen to use recycled materials to pave footpaths.
關於上文第 7 段
[...] (c)項,530 萬元的預算是用以安裝機柱 及電箱; 在 20 個新安裝地點的行車道安裝偵測器,並 行人路 下面 裝設電線管 道和相關的混凝土箱 ; 為擴展的攝影機系統進 行 測試和 試 行運作,以 及 [...]
訓練警務人員操 作系統。
On paragraph 7(c) above, the estimate of $5.30 million is for the installation of poles and power cubicles; laying
of detector devices on
[...] carriageways and cable ducting and associated concrete boxes underneath the footpaths at 20 sites; [...]
testing and commissioning
of the expanded camera system after installation; and training of Police staff for the operation of the system.
9/83/M 号法律关于消除建筑障碍的规则,订定了一系列技术规则和要求,适 用于所有将由公共实体兴建或供公共实体使用的楼宇,包括由公共企业或公共服 务专营公司所兴建的楼宇、对大众开放的设备及楼宇,如博物馆、公共图书馆、 剧院、电影院、会议设施、教堂、医院、学校、法庭、电讯及邮政局、银行、酒 店、餐厅和类似场所、商店、游泳池、公共洗手间、停车场 行人路 等 等
In order to improve the participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life, in particular in what concerns mobility, Law 9/83/M, of 3 October, on the suppression of architectural barriers, establishes a series of technical rules and requirements applicable to all buildings to be constructed by or for public entities, including public enterprises and concessionaries of public services, buildings and facilities that are public or open to the public, such as museums, libraries, theatres, cinemas, congress facilities, churches, hospitals, schools, courts, telecommunications and post offices, banks, hotels, restaurants and similar establishments, shops, swimming pools, public toilets, parking lots and sidewalks and so on.
例如:維修大廈的設備和設施、改善大廈指示標誌、在長者租戶聚集的地方裝設扶手、在休憩地方設置座椅、改善大廈黑暗角落的照明設施,以及改 行人路 設 施 等。
For example: repairing building facilities and utilities, improving building signages, installing handrails at meeting places of elderly tenants,
providing seats in open areas, improving illumination at dark corners within housing
[...] blocks, improving pedestrian passages.
民研計劃是採用多年來慣用的方法,把上述軒尼詩道地段的行車路面橫切成為兩 行人路 線 ,每4分鐘抽取2分鐘點算經過有 行人路 線 的 人數,然後合計經過該路段的總人數,再根據過往調查紀錄調整中途插隊或離隊的人數,得出估計數字。
The total number of demonstrators passing through the check point was then calculated, and the figure adjusted by a coefficient previously calculated to cater for the ratio of demonstrators who either left before reaching the check point, or joined the march beyond the check point.
我們曾在長沙灣道一行人路進 行試驗 ,以建築和拆卸廢料再造的碎石製成混凝土鋪路磚鋪砌該 行人路, 效果令人滿意。
A trial on laying of
[...] concrete block pavers made with aggregates recycled from construction and demolition waste materials has been carried out on a section of footpath at Cheung Sha Wan Road and the results [...]
were satisfactory.
人如在任何巴士或西北路車 輛或 鐵 路 處 所 任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交 人 員 ; 除 人 員 外 ,任 人 不 得 將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北 路 車 輛或 鐵 路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實行範 圍 內盡快將該財物交 人 員 則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles [...]
or objects so
found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.




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