单词 | 血脉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血脉 —blood vesselsSee also:血 n—blood n 脉 n—vein n 脉—arteries and veins • vein (on a leaf, insect wing etc)
创新精神扎根在公司的血脉之中 ,除了开发和优化他们的成功的咖啡产品线之外,这个意大利品牌的创意日历也颇负盛名。 labbrand.com | Beyond developing and refining their successful line of coffee products, the Italian brand is in fact also known for its creative calendars. labbrand.com |
但是,即使在妇女依法享有土地时,她们往往会将土地让给自己的男性亲属,因 为土地传统上是通过父系血脉转让的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even when women are legally entitled to land, however, they often cede it to their male relatives as land is traditionally transferred through patrilineal lines. daccess-ods.un.org |
虎牌啤酒街头球王争霸赛所采用的模式令人耳目一新,以独特的椭圆形铁笼作为比赛场地,没有边线,为球员们提供展示独特风格、才华和速度的理想平台,同时也让观众们享受到了令 人 血脉 贲 张 的现场体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | With a refreshing format consisting of a unique oval, caged pitch and no side-lines, Tiger Street Football is an electrifying, high-speed platform for players to showcase their distinctive style and talent while providing power-packed on and off pitch entertainment for spectators. tipschina.gov.cn |
100多年来,西门子老先生的创新血脉 一 直 在他所创立的这家公司流淌,这些发明记录了历史的发展、社会的变迁,也始终是公司前行的基石……每一个西门子公司的发明,都在悄然改变着人类社会生活,也都在讲述着那些创新背后的故事。 w1.siemens.com.cn | Over more than 100 years, Mr. Siemens' spirit of innovation has always been preserved in the company. These inventions are not only the reflection of historic development and social changes, but also the solid basis for the company's progress...every invention of Siemens is quietly changing peoples' lives and telling us stories behind. w1.siemens.com.cn |
长时间坐着不动或躺着不动时,腿部的 静 脉 出 现 血 栓 ( 深部 静 脉血 栓 ) ,血 栓移 动到肺部堵塞血管(肺栓塞)则可能会导致死亡的病症。 tokyo-icc.jp | If the clot moves to the lung and blocks the blood vessel (pulmonary thrombosis → pulmonary embolism), death can result. tokyo-icc.jp |
呈现溶血、脂血或黄疸特征的血样也许不适合进行 动 脉血 气 分 析(ABG),因为这些指标会影响结果。 china.labmedica.com | Blood samples that show hemolysis, lipemia, or icterus may be [...] unsuitable for arterial blood gas analysis [...](ABG) as these indices affect the results. labmedica.com |
肺静脉和腔静脉血流的脉冲多普勒探 查要求取样容积准确放置于距开口>5 mm 处的血管腔 内。 asecho.org | Pulsed-wave Doppler interrogation of pulmonary and systemic venous flow requires [...] precise placement of the sample volume [...]in the lumen of the vessel >5 mm from its ostium. asecho.org |
脉动血氧计用于测量动脉血中氧 合和脱氧血红蛋白浓度。 zh.medwow.com | Pulse oximeters that measure oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in arterial blood. medwow.com |
这种导管专为快速、准确地进行血栓抽吸而设计,是对BIOTRONIK业已广泛采用的 冠 脉血 管 介入(CVI)产品组合的补充。 tipschina.gov.cn | The catheter is specifically designed to facilitate quick and accurate thrombus aspiration, complementing BIOTRONIK's already broad Coronary Vascular Intervention (CVI) portfolio. tipschina.gov.cn |
做一些像经常把脚举起和放下之类的基础锻炼也能预防DVT(深 静 脉血 栓 ) 的形成,深 静 脉血 栓 是人们在很长时间里久坐不动时容易出现的一种常见的健康风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Basic exercise, like frequently moving [...] feet up and down, can prevent [...] the chances of DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which is a common risk [...]when sitting still for extended stretches of time. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
最早的由Van den Berghe等人进行的严格血糖控制研究采用了精准的 动 脉血 气 检测仪器和合规的 动 脉血 液 样 本进行试验。 radiometer.cn | The original TGC study by Van den Berghe [...] et al. used a precise [...] arterial blood gas instrument for glucose measurement and obtained arterial blood samples for [...]testing. radiometer.com |
春、夏和秋季高原鼢鼠动脉血和静 脉血 p H 值 分别为7.44±0.09、7.44±0.05、7.51±0.07和7.17±0.05、7.29±0.07、7.35±0.08, 动 脉血 p H 在 不 同季节没有显著性差异, 静 脉血 p H 春 季 显著低于夏季和秋季。 actazool.org | The pH of arterial blood and venous blood of plateau zokors in spring, summer and autumn seasons was 7.44±0.09, 7.44±0.05, 7.51±0.07 and 7.17±0.05, 7.29±0.07, 7.35±0.08 respectively. actazool.org |
这种血液流动的变化在头高姿势时更明显, 因为可以诱导下肢静脉滞留同时增加深部 静 脉血 栓 形 成的风险. websurg.com | These hemodynamic changes are more pronounced if the patient is in [...] the head-up position, [...] which induces venous stasis in the lower extremities and increases the risk in deep vein thrombosis. websurg.com |
(4)该方法检测手指血GAD-Ab与经典RLA法检测 静 脉血 结 果 判定一致率96.7%,Kappa值0.905,检测结果呈显著正相关(r=0.946,P<0.001)。 zhhyx.com.cn | (4)The consistency of GAD-Ab measurement with RBA using finger tip blood and RLA [...] measurement using venous blood was 96.7% (r=0.946,P<0.001, [...]Kappa value: 0.905). zhhyx.com.cn |
随息居饮食谱》载:“海参,滋阴、补血、健阳、润燥、调经、养胎、利产,凡产后, 生 脉血 , 治 下利疾及溃疡,病后衰老弱孱 。 gnetrading.com | In Chinese medicine, Sea Cucumber is [...] believed to nourish blood, moisturize dryness-syndrome, [...]regulate menstruation, nourishing [...]fetus, help in recovery after delivery, as well as a tonic for the kidney. gnetrading.com |
向脚提供温暖血液的动脉血管分 叉为许多的 小动脉血管, 同时,在脚部变冷的血液又通过与这许多 动 脉 小 血 管 紧 挨在一起的数目相同的 静脉 小血管流回。 huber-online.com | The warmer blood flowing in, gives up its heat to the cooler blood flowing back. huber-online.com |
热稀释法肺动脉导管提供右心信息以决定血液动力学压力、容积、心输出量和混合 静 脉血 氧 饱 和度(SvO2)。 edwards.com | Thermodilution PA catheters provide right heart information to [...] determine hemodynamic pressures, volumes, CO and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2). edwards.com |
机上锻炼有助于促进血液流动,平静内心,减少患上罕见的深 静 脉血 栓 ( DVT)的可能性。 qatarairways.com | In-flight [...] exercises encourage blood flow, calm the mind, and reduce the rare possibility of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). qatarairways.com |
抗磷脂抗体会干扰凝血过程,但机制尚不明确,该抗体会使患者发生 动 脉 / 静 脉血 栓 的 风险增高,进而或会发生中风或心脏病。 labtestsonline.org.cn | When antiphospholipid antibodies are produced, they interfere with the clotting process in a way that is not fully understood. They increase an affected patient’s risk [...] of developing recurrent [...] inappropriate blood clots (thrombi) in arteries and veins, which can lead [...]to strokes and heart attacks. labtestsonline.org.br |
心脏病及心血管外科手术研究所打算在今年做 400 例左右的外科手术。其中 70%是冠状动脉血运重建手术,为此,每名患者需要使用 24 到 30 个乳房夹。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery plans to perform some 400 operations this year; 70 per cent of these will be coronary bypasses, which require 24 to 30 mammary artery clips per patient. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于重症或重伤患者,应该采用侵入式 动脉 血压测量法来测量血压。 suntechmed.com | For critically ill or [...] injured patients, blood pressure should be measured through the invasive arterial pressure method. suntechmed.com |
此外还有一个较小的风险就是深静 脉血 栓 ( DVT),因此具有血栓问题的女性不能使用激素避孕。 thebillingsovulationmethod.org | There is also a small risk of the serious [...] condition Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), so women with blood clot problems [...]should not use hormonal contraception. thebillingsovulationmethod.org |
预防:静脉血栓形 成和血栓栓塞(特别与骨科手术);卧床休息病人的 静 脉血 栓 形成和血栓栓塞(III或IV类慢性心脏衰竭,急性呼吸衰竭,急性感染或急性风湿性疾病结合 静 脉血 栓 形 成的风险的因素之一:年龄超过75岁,癌症,血栓形成和血栓栓塞,肥胖,激素治疗,慢性心脏衰竭,慢性呼吸衰竭)。 pharmassets.ru | Prevention: venous thrombosis and thromboembolism (especially at orthopedic surgery); venous thrombosis and thromboembolism with patients who are on bed care (III or IV class chronic heart failure, acute respiratory failure, acute infections or acute rheumatic diseases in conjunction with a risk factor of venous thromboembolism: [...] age over 75 years, cancer, thrombosis and thromboembolism, obesity, [...]hormone therapy, chronic heart failure, chronic respiratory failure). pharmassets.ru |
如果你到就近医院的急诊就诊,医生会立即给你溶栓药物以溶解 动 脉血管 中的血凝块。 world-heart-federation.org | If you go to the emergency department of your nearest [...] hospital, the doctor there may give you a thrombolytic medicine right away, to [...] dissolve any blood clots in your arteries. world-heart-federation.org |
这次,桥本副教授等通过在手腕表面测定的血压波形推断出体内深部的大 动 脉血 压 ( 中心血压),发现如果中心血压的拍动增大尿中的白蛋白也会增加。 tohoku.ac.jp | In this study, the research group has estimated aortic [...] pressure deep in the [...] body (central blood pressure) by recording the waveform of pressure from the surface of the wrist, and has discovered that increased central pulse pressure caused [...]the increase of albumin in the urine. tohoku.ac.jp |
深度静脉血栓症 (DVT) 的症状是在腿部形成血栓块。 united.com | Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition involving the formation of blood clots in the legs. united.com |
窦 性心动过速及Ⅰ度 AV [...] 传导阻滞常导致心房提前收缩,此 时舒张期二尖瓣及肺静脉血流速 度尚未回到基线。 asecho.org | Sinus tachycardia and first-degree AV block often result in the start of [...] atrial contraction occurring before diastolic mitral [...] and pulmonary venous flow velocity [...]has declined to the zero baseline. asecho.org |
在苏格兰,全国无烟法律实施10个月之后,九大医院的 急性冠状动脉血栓综合症的住院人数减少了17%。 global.tobaccofreekids.org | In Scotland, admissions for acute coronary syndrome in nine major hospitals dropped by 17% within the 10 months after implementation of its national smokefree law. global.tobaccofreekids.org |
大多数蛛状静脉患者都可以接受治疗,孕妇、哺乳期妇女以及有禁忌症的人士除外,此处所指的禁忌症包括:深 静 脉血 栓 、 皮肤感染、未受控制的糖尿病,以及患者正在服用抗凝血剂等情况。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Most anyone suffering from spider veins can receive treatment, with the exception of pregnant or nursing women, [...] individuals with contraindications such as a [...] history of deep vein thrombosis, skin infections, [...]uncontrolled diabetes, or patients taking anticoagulants. beijing.ufh.com.cn |