单词 | 血脂异常 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血脂异常 noun —dyslipidemia nSee also:异常 pl—abnormalities pl • exceptions pl 异常 n—abnormality n 异常 adj—exceptional adj 异常 adv—exceptionally adv • anomaly n
血脂异常——血液循 环中脂肪和胆固醇含量不正常 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Have dyslipidemia – an abnormal amount of fat and cholesterol circulating in the blood shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
当一个人同时具有中心性肥胖(过多的脂肪积聚在腰部 ) 、 血脂异常 ( 如 : 甘 油三酯增高或高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平降低,见第11节)、高血压以及高血 糖,被称为代谢综合征。 world-heart-federation.org | When a person has central obesity (too much weight [...] around the waist), abnormal blood fat levels (e.g. high triglyceride level or low HDL cholesterol; See section 11), high blood pressure [...]and high blood sugar at [...]the same time, this is known as metabolic syndrome. world-heart-federation.org |
据发表在12月26日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在那些于2001-2011年间死于战斗或意外伤害并进行了尸体解剖的派驻美国军人中,冠状动脉粥样硬化的患病率为8.5%,与该疾病较高的患病率有关的因子包括:较大的年龄、较低的教育水平及先前确诊过 的 血脂异常 、 高血压及肥胖症。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Among deployed U.S. service members who died of combat or unintentional injuries between 2001-2011 and underwent autopsies, the prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis was 8.5 percent, with factors associated with a higher prevalence of the disease including older age, [...] lower educational level and prior [...] diagnoses of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and obesity, [...]according to a study in the December 26 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
cobas b 101系统承载着罗氏公司的宏大目标:支持药师、全科医师和其他临床医师的日常医疗实务,更好地诊断和治疗高血糖 和 血脂异常 的 患者,因为高血糖 和 血脂异常 是 得 2型糖尿病和心血管病的两大风险因子。 china.labmedica.com | With the cobas b 101 system Roche aims to support pharmacists, general practitioners, and other clinicians in daily medical practice to better diagnose and manage patients with hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia, the two main risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. labmedica.com |
为防止设备的接液零配件发生交 叉污染,切勿调换 A 组份 (异氰酸酯)和 B 组份 (树脂)的零配件。 graco.com | To prevent cross-contamination of the equipment’s wetted parts, never [...] interchange component A (isocyanate) and component B (resin) parts. graco.com |
紅斑痤瘡令血管在 皮膚之下擴張,並且同時使其他皮膚 異 常 ( 嚴 重 暗瘡 皮 脂 溢 )或眼睛疾患(眼瞼炎,角膜炎)。 lavedo.com | Rosacea involves [...] enlargement of the blood vessels just under the skin and may be associated with other skin disorders (Acne Vulgaris, Seborrhea) [...]or eye disorders (Blepharitis, Keratitis). lavedo.com |
所报道的低血压事 [...] 件主要发生在血压增高或血压水平正常偏高的患者、低血容量时、以及存在 心 血 管 系 统 异常的 患者。 wmt.com | Hypotensive episodes reported appear to occur primarily in patients with [...] elevated or high normal blood pressure, in hypovolemia, and in individuals [...] with pre-existing cardiovascular abnormalities. wmt.com |
本文介绍了这些技术的目前和可能的临床应用价值及 其优点和缺点,选择性地回顾了已发表的相关文献,及已发 现的正常和在不同心血管疾病时的 异常 表 现 ,总结了目前尚 未解决的问题和未来研究的重点,并推荐了一些临床适应症。 asecho.org | This document describes the current and potential clinical applications of these techniques and their strengths and weaknesses, briefly surveys a selection of the relevant [...] published literature while [...] highlighting normal and abnormal findings in the context of different cardiovascular pathologies, [...]and summarizes the unresolved [...]issues, future research priorities, and recommended indications for clinical use. asecho.org |
由于鼻咽癌患者血清中EB病毒抗体水平与其他恶性肿瘤患者和健康人之间存在 非 常 明 显的 差 异 , 因 而 血 清 学 诊断可作为鼻咽癌的辅助诊断方法。 asiancancer.com | As the EB virus antibody level of [...] nasopharyngeal [...] cancer patients is obviously different from that of other malignant [...]cancer patients and healthy people, serodiagnosis can be used as an assistant method to diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer. asiancancer.com |
湿式黄斑部退化症中,在黄斑组织后部会 有 异常血 管 形 成,渗出血液和组织液,从而损伤视力。 tipschina.gov.cn | In wet AMD, abnormal blood vessels develop behind the macula and leak blood and fluid [...] that lead to visual impairment. tipschina.gov.cn |
波多黎各乌马考的急诊科医生判定为多种严重症状:下消化道出血、红细胞严重减少、失去知觉、心跳过快 、 异常 低 血 压 和低氧饱和度水平。 tipschina.gov.cn | Emergency department medical staff in Humacao, Puerto Rico assessed a multitude of serious symptoms: lower GI [...] hemorrhage, critically [...] depleted red blood cells, loss of consciousness, rapid heart rate, abnormally low blood pressure, and [...]low oxygen saturation levels. tipschina.gov.cn |
理特曼和德克萨斯州大学工作的布朗和高德斯丁发现,如果老鼠体内脂肪丢失(所 谓 脂 代 谢 异常 ) , 体内瘦素水平会急剧降低,导致糖尿病,这种症状可以用瘦素进行治疗。 shawprize.org | Furthermore, Marc Reitman at NIH and Brown and [...] Goldstein at the University of Texas [...] showed that loss of body fat – so called lipodystrophy [...]– in mice results in drastically [...]low leptin levels and onset of diabetes, which could be treated with leptin. shawprize.org |
調 節血脂 或 膽 固 醇 ,包括預防高血 脂 、 幫 助 維 持 正 常血脂 、 降 血 脂 、 減低或 調 節 膽 固 醇 、 平衡血內膽 固 醇 、使血管中的膽 固 醇 排 出體外、 適合高血脂 或高膽 固 醇 人 士 服用。 legco.gov.hk | Regulation of blood lipids or cholesterol, including preventing high blood lipids, helping to maintain normal blood lipids, lowering blood lipids, reducing [...] or regulating cholesterol, [...]balancing blood cholesterol, excreting cholesterol in the blood vessel outside the body, being suitable for people with high blood lipids or high cholesterol. legco.gov.hk |
如果使用氰基丙烯酸酯粘 合剂,应事先采用异丙醇除油脂。 quadrantplastics.com | If bonding with cyanoacrylate [...] adhesives, prior degreasing should be done with isopropyl alcohol. quadrantplastics.com |
通过利用Quadro的诸多特性,例如大容量显存、CUDA并行计算与OpenGL图形的相得益彰以及3D立体显示器,NVIDIA®(英伟达™)、斯坦福以及Cyberheart公司的多方携手让医师能够在不开刀的情况下互动地查 看 异常血 液 流动形式,从而可加快诊断速度。 nvidia.cn | Harnessing Quadro features such as large graphics memory, the combination of CUDA parallel computing with OpenGL graphics, and 3D stereoscopic display, this collaborative effort between NVIDIA, Stanford [...] and Cyberheart offers non-invasive and [...] interactive insights to abnormal blood flow patterns, enabling [...]faster diagnosis. nvidia.com |
由於多溴聯苯醚通常積聚在脂肪內 ,故市民應進食低脂食品, 切去肉類和肉類製品的脂肪,減少使用動物脂肪配製食物,以及採用低脂的烹調方法。 cfs.gov.hk | As PBDEs tended to [...] accumulate in fat, the public should consume low fat food, discard [...]fat from meat and meat product, reduce [...]the use of food made from animal fat and adopt low fat cooking methods. cfs.gov.hk |
調 節血脂 或 膽 固 [...] 醇 ,包括預 防 高血脂 、 幫 助 維 持 正 常血 脂 、 降 血 脂 、 減低或 調 節 膽 固 醇 、 平衡血內膽 [...]固 醇 、使 血管中的膽 固 醇 排 出體外、 (a) 在 (b)段 的規限下,容許作出 以下的聲稱 [...]– 適合高血脂 或高膽 固 醇 人 士 服用。 legco.gov.hk | including preventing [...] high blood lipids, helping to maintain normal blood lipids, lowering [...]blood lipids, reducing or regulating [...]cholesterol, balancing blood cholesterol, excreting cholesterol in the blood vessel outside the body, being suitable for people with high blood lipids or high cholesterol. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 當局將限制為口服產品作出與調節體內糖 分或葡萄糖及/或改變胰臟機能、調節血 壓及調節血脂或膽 固醇有關的聲稱發布廣 告。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The advertising of claims for an orally consumed product relating to the regulation of body sugar or glucose and/or alteration of the [...] function of the pancreas, [...] regulation of blood pressure and regulation of blood lipid or cholesterol will [...]be restricted. legco.gov.hk |
基于这些发现,脂代谢异常的病 人可以从体外补充瘦素,以防止或改善他们的糖尿病症状。 shawprize.org | Based on these observations, individuals with lipodystrophy and diabetes can now be treated with exogenous leptin to prevent or ameliorate their diabetes. shawprize.org |
工作环境应尽可能的干燥,因为大气中的水分容易 与异氰酸酯树脂反应 ,从而扰乱固化程序。 quadrantplastics.com | The working environment should be as dry as [...] possible since atmospheric moisture reacts [...] readily with the isocyanate resin, in this way disturbing [...]the curing process. quadrantplastics.com |
红斑痤疮病因学引用最多的致病理论集中于皮 肤 血 管 稳 态 异常。 tipschina.gov.cn | Many of the most cited pathogenic theories on the etiology of [...] rosacea focus on abnormalities in cutaneous vascular homeostasis. tipschina.gov.cn |
所以,无论是为了 诊断心血管异常,确 定其治疗方案,还是评价其 日益增加的介入和手术后的效果,有关人员都需 [...] 要接受专门的训练。 asecho.org | Specialized training is required in the [...] assessment of cardiovascular malformations to determine [...]treatment options and to assess [...]outcomes after an ever-increasing number of interventional and surgical procedures. asecho.org |
既往部分研究提示,椎基底动脉的发育 异 常 及 迂 曲可能导致后循环 的 血 流 动力 学 异常 , 加速动脉粥样硬化,从而促发后循环梗死的形成。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Numerous studies have demonstrated that [...] vertebrobasilar artery [...] developmental anomalies and dolichoectasia may cause hemodynamic abnormalities in the posterior [...]circulation, accelerate [...]atherosclerosis, and contribute to the occurrence of posterior circulation infarction. chinese.eurekalert.org |
此外,甲撑二苯基二异氰酸脂消费量和 HCFC-141b 消费量之间不存在统 计关系,因为甲撑二苯基二异氰酸脂 用 于 多种类型的聚氨酯泡沫塑料,与发泡剂无关。 multilateralfund.org | Further, there is no statistical relationship between MDI consumption and HCFC-141b consumption, since MDI is used in many types of polyurethane foam regardless of blowing agent. multilateralfund.org |
现代医学研究发现枸杞子具有增强机体免疫力(免疫调节功能),抑制肿瘤细胞增长,抗氧化、抗突变、延缓衰老,抗脂肪肝,降低血糖 、 血脂 , 降 低胆固醇,增加细胞造血功能,维护细胞 正 常 发 育 ,提高DNA修复能力和促进衰老细胞向年轻化方向逆转,增强运动耐力、明目等功效。 qyqsw.com | Modern medical study found that the fruit of Chinese wolfberry has immunity (immune regulating function), inhibiting tumor cell growth,, antioxidation, mutation, postpone [...] aging, resist fatty [...] liver, reduce blood sugar, blood fat, lower cholesterol, increase cell hematopoietic function, maintain the normal development of cells, [...]improve the DNA [...]repair ability and promote the senescent cells to the young direction reversal, enhance the exercise endurance, bright eye, such as effectiveness. qyqsw.com |