

单词 血统

血统 ()

blood relationship



class division inproletariat and bourgeoisie class enemy, in use esp. during the cultural revolution

See also:


blood n

External sources (not reviewed)

国家必须确保贫困高风险群体,包括通常因种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗 教、政治或其他见解、民血统或社 会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等原因而处 境不利和受歧视的群体,不仅在所有事关他们的决策过程中有充分的代表,而且 权能得到增强并得到支持以表达自己的意见。
States must ensure that groups at higher risk of falling into poverty, including those who commonly experience disadvantage and discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, are not only adequately represented in all decision-making processes that affect them but also empowered and supported to express their views.
(a) 使青年作好准备,以便在不存在基于性别、社会出身、族 血统 或宗 教的歧视的环境中生活
(a) To prepare young people for a life in which discrimination on the basis of gender, social origin, ethnic origin or religion has no place
摩尔多瓦共和国的最高法律(《宪法》)确保所有公民在法庭和公共当局面 前的平等权利,不分种族、国籍、民 血统 、 语言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背 景、社会出身或财富(第 16(2)条)。
The supreme law of the Republic of Moldova (the Constitution) ensures all its citizens equal rights before a court of law and public authorities, without discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, social origin or wealth (Art. 16 (2)).
在冈比亚,每一个人,无论其种 族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民 血统 或 社 会根底、财产情 况、出身或其他身份如何,在尊重他人的权利和自由和公共利益的前提下,都有 权享有本章所载的基本人权和个人自由。
Every person in The Gambia, whatever his or her race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, shall be entitled to the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the individual contained in this Chapter, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest.
第 4 条规定,国家建立在罗马尼亚民族的统一和全体公民的团结之上,罗马尼亚 是所有公民共同的、不可分割的祖国,而不论其种族、民族、民 血统 、 语 言、 宗教、性别、政治观点或派别、财富或社会出身如何。
Article 4 indicates that the State foundation is laid on the unity of the Romanian people and the solidarity of its citizens, while Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any discrimination, including on account of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property or social origin.
这些法案禁止基于种族、国籍、民血 统、语 言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背景、财产或社会出身,或基于任何其他标 准的歧视,这类歧视旨在限制或取消政治、经济、社会和文化领域或任何其他公 共生活领域依法确认的基本权利和自由平等或权利平等,并限制或取消据此开展 的活动。
The national legal framework contains provisions inserted in different legislative acts that forbid discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, wealth or social origin, or any other criteria which has as aim restriction or elimination of recognition, exercise under equality of the fundamental rights and freedoms or of rights recognised by law in the political, economic, social and cultural sphere or any other part of public life.
用有着保加利血统的法国大哲学家朱丽娅·克里斯蒂娃的话说,“如果全球化的世 界不愿变成一个一致的、绝对的世界,那么就必须培养文化的多样性,各文化必须相互呼 应,彼此尊众。
In the words of Julia Kristeva, the great French intellectual of Bulgarian extraction, “if the globalized world does not want to be reduced to a uniform and absolute universal, it must cultivate cultural diversities that must respond to and respect each other”.
按照经修订的编写定期报告的准则( CERD/C/2007/1)第10至12 段,委员
[...] 会建议缔约国向委员会提供资料,说明其人口结构,资料应按民 血统 和族 裔分裂,并提供不同群体经济情况的统计数字,据以评估他们的经济、社会 [...]
In accordance with paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the composition of its
population, disaggregated by national
[...] and ethnic origin, as well as statistical data on the [...]
socio-economic situation of the various
groups, to enable the Committee to evaluate their situation in economic, social and cultural terms and the level of protection of their rights.
摩尔多瓦共和国在答复中表示,摩尔多瓦共和国自独立以来采取了各种立法 和实际措施,使社会上族裔间关系更加和谐,消除基于种族、肤色、民 血统或 少数民族属性的各种形式的歧视行为,并努力保护少数民族的权利,以便他们能 够维护自身的民族、文化、语言和宗教特性。
In its reply, the Republic of Moldova indicated that since independence the Republic of Moldova had taken legislative and practical measures
to make the
[...] inter-ethnic relations in society more harmonious and eradicate various forms of discrimination on the basis of race, colour, ethnic origin or affiliation [...]
to a national minority,
as well as protect the rights of national minorities so that they may preserve their ethnical, cultural, linguistic and religious identities.
国家应当确保向所有人提供法律援助而不论其年龄、种族、肤色、性别、 语言、宗教或信仰、政治或其他见解、民 血统 或 社会出身或财产、公民身份 或居所、出身、教育或社会地位或其他地位。
States should ensure the provision of legal aid to all persons regardless of age, race, colour, gender, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin or property, citizenship or domicile, birth, education or social status or other status.
塞浦路斯成立了两个独立的机构:即负责执行《无论种族和族 血统 如 何 一 视同仁法》各项规定的塞浦路斯反歧视机构和负责贯彻《职业和职业培训男女一 视同仁法》(第 205(I)/2002 号)和《职业和就业一视同仁法》(第 58(I)/2004 号) 各项规定的平等事务管理局。
Two separate institutions were created: the Cyprus Anti-discrimination Body which acts on the provisions of the Law on Equal Treatment regardless of Race and Ethnic Origin, and the Equality Authority, which acts in accordance with the provisions of the Equal Treatment of Women and Men in Occupation and Vocational Training Law (205(I)/2002) and the Equal Treatment in Occupation and Employment Law (58(I)/2004).
1933年起纳粹分子当 权,没加入纳粹党的爱德华·费森尤
[...] 斯失去了许多重要的业务伙伴,他们 因为犹血统必须离开德国或放弃工 作。
The National Socialists – the Nazis – came to power in 1933 and Eduard Fresenius, who did not join the party, lost his
contacts with many important business partners who had to leave Germany or give up their
[...] work because of their Jewish descent.
在全世界范围内,路博润致力于采取包容所有员 工的做法,并促进合格个人享有平等的就业机会,无论其种族、肤色、宗教、
[...] 性别、国籍、年龄、婚姻状况、兵役状况、残疾、性取向、遗传信息 血统、 公民身份、社会或经济地位如何。
Throughout the world Lubrizol is committed to practices that result in the inclusion of all employees and that advance equal employment opportunity for qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status,
military service, disability, sexual orientation, genetic
[...] information, ancestry, citizenship [...]
or social or economic status.
5.3 他担心订于2011年11月28 日举行的刚果民主共和国总统选举会使约瑟 夫·卡比拉再次连任,他有卢旺 血统 , 因 而有可能再次点燃种族紧张局势,给 他们带来酷刑风险,并使包括申诉人及其子女在内的人们的生命受到攻击。
5.3 He fears that the presidential election scheduled for 28 November 2011 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which could result in the re-election of Joseph Kabila, who is of Rwandan origin, might once again stir up ethnic tensions, bringing with them the risk of torture and attacks on people’s lives, including his and his children’s.
(d) 将无家可归的妇女和儿童以及无人陪伴的外 血统 儿 童 列为减贫战略 中的优先受益者,包括采取紧急和持久措施为他们提供适当住处和其他服务。
(d) Include homeless women and children and unaccompanied children of foreign origin as priority beneficiaries of its poverty strategy, including taking urgent and sustainable measures to provide them with appropriate housing and other services.
克莱门特的当代,俄,大概也是在亚历山大出生约185人,可能已经在他母亲的犹 血统 的 一 面,如果一个人可以判断的,虽然他的父亲是Leonides提到,他母亲的名字是通过在事实上沉默。
Clement's contemporary, Origen, probably also born in Alexandria about
185, may possibly have been on his mother's
[...] side of Jewish descent, if one may judge [...]
from the fact that while his father is
mentioned as Leonides, the name of his mother is passed over in silence.
(c) 如果有充分的理由相信,提出引渡请求是因某人的性别、种族、宗 教、国籍、民血统、政 治观点或其他相关的偏见而起诉或惩罚此人,则拒绝 引渡请求。
(c) Denying a request for extradition where there are substantial grounds to believe that the request was made to prosecute or punish a person because of their sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or political opinions or other related prejudice.
委员会建议缔约国修订现行立法,修改必须举证证明煽动种族主义罪行行为意向 的现行规定;通过赋予司法体制其它机构的调查和起诉权的方式,形成更具综合 性的保护机制;并且扩大种族主义的定义,纳入出于族 血统 、 国家原籍和宗教 主皈依原因,凡存在着上述“多元交叉”因素的煽动行为,从而给予目前未得到 法律充分保护的埃塞俄比亚族、俄族、塞法尔迪族及任何其他族群平等的保护。
The Committee recommends that the State party amend its current legislation to modify current requirements relating to the proof of intent for the criminal offence of incitement to racism; that it provide a more comprehensive mechanism of protection by extending the power to investigate and indict to other bodies of the judiciary; and that it expand the definition of racism to include incitement on account of ethnic origin, country of origin, and religious affiliation, when there is intersectionality of these elements, so as to equally protect Ethiopians, Russians, Sephardim, and any other groups that are currently not sufficiently protected by the Law.
我们决意尊重和确保每个儿童的权利,不加任何歧视,无论儿童本人或其 父母或法定监护人的种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他观点、民族或 族血统或社会渊源、财产、残疾、出生或其他地位。
We commit ourselves to respecting and ensuring the rights of each child without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status of the child or his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
拥有韩血统出生于德国,在牛津完成学业,现居住在纽约,Siki Im成功的从建筑师转型为时尚设计师。
Born in Germany to Korean parents, studied at Oxford, and now living in New York, Siki Im made the switch from architect to fashion designer.
税款往往由非官方的代理人或由执政的人民民 主和正义阵线(人阵)的活动分子收取,对居住在国外的厄立特里亚国民和具有厄 立特里血统的外 籍国民不做任何区分。
Taxes are often collected by unofficial agents or activists from the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ), and no distinction is made between Eritrean nationals living abroad and foreign nationals of Eritrean descent.
尽管注意到缔约国努力在冬天为无家可归儿童提供住所,但委员会表示 关切的是,有报告说,无家可归妇女和儿童、包括无人陪伴的外 血统 儿 童人数 有所增加,并且没有处理该情况的综合应对办法。
While noting the efforts of the State party to house homeless children during the winter, the Committee expresses concern at reports of increasing number of homeless women and children, including unaccompanied children of foreign origin, and at the absence of an integral response to address their situation.
( 实施正面区别对待) ,即由 国籍血统、种 族、性别、语言、宗教、政治或所持意识形态、其教育程度、经 [...]
It means that categories, factors or situations such as
[...] nationality, descent, race, sex, language, [...]
religion, political or ideological
beliefs, educational level, economic status or social condition are illegitimate categories for differentiation.
[...] 条明确保证平等及不受歧视:“澳门居民在法律面前一律 平等,不因国籍血统、种 族、性别、语言、宗教、政治或思想信仰、文化程 [...]
Equality and non-discrimination are explicitly guaranteed under article 25 of the BL, which stipulates that “all MSAR residents shall be equal before the law, and shall be
free from discrimination irrespective of their
[...] nationality, descent, race, sex, language, [...]
religion, political persuasion or
ideological belief, educational level, economic status or social conditions”.
不 过,该干事作出了独立的评估,得出的结论是,申诉人没有证明他或他的父亲是
[...] 民主与社会进步联盟的活跃成员,或他将因其种 血统 而 受 到虐待,特别是如果 他住在金沙萨的话。
The officer nevertheless made an independent assessment, concluding that the complainant had not demonstrated that he or his father was
an active UDPS member or that he would be ill-treated because
[...] of his ethnic origin, especially if [...]
he lived in Kinshasa.
著名的美国硅谷,中国和印度及其他外 血统 的 工 程师几乎占 60%,但他们之中很少有 中国大学直接培养的毕业生,大多是经过了美国大学的本科和研究生教育的毕业生参加 工作。
For example, in world-famous Silicon Valley in America, engineers of Chinese, Indian and other foreign descent almost account for 60% of all engineers working there, whereas most of them have received graduate or undergraduate education in American universities rather than just have been educated by Chinese universities.
Photius,作为他的政策,自称为皇帝非常钦佩的一部分,并送他一个虚构 血统 , 显 示他的后裔形式圣格雷戈里照明灯和一本伪造的的预言,预言他的伟大之处(曼西,十六,284)。
Photius, as part of his policy, professed great admiration for the emperor and sent him a fictitious pedigree showing his descent form St. Gregory the Illuminator and a forged prophecy foretelling his greatness (Mansi, XVI, 284).
在吉布提法律范围内,1992 年《宪法》确认了平等,该法在第 1 条中明确 规定,吉布提不分语言血统、种 族、性别或宗教,确保法律面前人人平等。
In the legal system, equality is enshrined in the 1992 Constitution, which states in article 1 that Djibouti shall ensure the equality of all before the law without distinction as to language, origin, race, sex or religion.
又确认种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为因种族、肤色血统、民 族或族裔本源而发生,受害者可能因性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见 解、社会出身、财产、出生或其他身份等其他有关原因而受到多重歧视或加重歧 视;29.
Also recognizes that racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance occur on the grounds of race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin and that victims can suffer multiple or aggravated forms of discrimination based on other related grounds, such as sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, social origin, property, birth or other status




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