单词 | 血细胞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:镰刀细胞贫血—sickle cell anemia 镰状细胞血症—sickle cell anemia 造血干细胞—blood generating stem cells (in bone marrow) See also:细胞n—cytoplasmn 血n—bloodn 胞—placenta born of the same parents womb
从血细胞到星星,从海底到宇宙深渊,科学与我们的生活息息相关。 sfusd.edu | From a blood cellto a star, from [...] the bottom of the sea to the depths of the universe, science is included in every area of our lives. sfusd.edu |
此外,他们亦兼顾骨髓活组织检查及临床顾问的工作,向部门的技术人员教授血细胞形态学。 hksh.com | Clinical consultation, performance of bone marrow biopsy and training of [...] technicalstaff on bloodcell morphology are [...]also provided. hksh.com |
高剂量化学治疗配合骨髓移植或血干细胞移植并不比传统的化学治疗凑效。 hsbc.com.hk | High-dose chemotherapy followed by bone marrow [...] transplantation orperipheral blood stemcelltransplantation [...]does not work better than standard chemotherapy. hsbc.com.hk |
血癌细胞对放射治疗亦非常敏感,故放射治疗可以作为化疗的辅助治疗,有效局部控制血癌。 hksh.com | Blood cancer cells are very sensitive [...] to radiotherapy, making it an effective treatment for local control of blood cancers [...]and an adjunct to chemotherapy. hksh.com |
本部门的临床病理学家为血液学专家,除指导部门同事进行血涂片显微镜检查外,亦就各种测试结果撰写报告,包括血细胞及骨髓细胞形态检查、环钻活组织检查、细胞化学测试、血红蛋白(血色素)图谱及体液形态检查等。 hksh.com | Our Clinical Pathologist is a specialist in haematology who supervises the microscopyof blood smears and provides interpretative reports on blood film, bone marrow aspirate, trephine biopsy, cytochemistry, haemoglobin pattern study and morphological examination of body fluids. hksh.com |
美国莫菲特癌症中心(Moffitt Cancer Center)血液和骨髓移植计划部门主任Claudio [...] Anasetti医生博士及其同僚,利用意向治疗分析方法,对分别接受非亲缘供者周边血干细胞和骨髓移植的1:1比例随机分组患者,比较当中的2年存活率。 hongkongstemcell.com | Claudio Anasetti, MD, department chair of the blood and bone marrow transplantation program at Moffitt Cancer Center, and colleagues used an intention-to-treat analysis to compare 2-year survival outcomes among patients [...] who had been randomly assigned in a 1:1 [...] ratio to peripheralblood stem cell orbone [...]marrow transplantation from unrelated donors. hongkongstemcell.com |
注:血清分離管 (SST) 的惰性材料会在離心时使血清与细胞分離。 hcdiagnostics.com | NOTE: Serum separator tubes (SST) contain an inert material which [...] separates the serum from thecells when centrifuged. hcdiagnostics.com |
可用於预防接受固体器官移植病患中,具有发生巨细胞病毒疾病之高危险性族群(捐 赠者血清巨细胞病毒阳性/受赠者血清巨细胞病毒阴性 [(D+/R-) ])。 roche.com.tw | Valcyte is indicated for the prevention of CMV disease in solid organ transplant patients who are at risk. roche.com.pk |
由患者身上抽取的血液样本会被送往昆士兰医学研究院,研究团队会培育血液中的白血球(淋巴细胞),刺激它们去辨识受EB病毒感染的癌细胞。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Blood was taken from NPC patients in Hong Kong then transported [...] to QIMR in Australia [...] where the white bloodcells (lymphocytes) were grown and [...]trained to specifically recognise EBV infected cancercells. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
胆固醇存在於血液和所有细胞中,是人体必需的物质。 hksh.com | Cholesterol is [...] found in the bloodstream and in all thebody's cells. hksh.com |
疲乐振能跟单元抗氧化物维生素C、E发挥协同作用:把维生素C再造,成为活跃的水溶性维生素C(活跃的维生素C是水溶性的,处於跟水分兼容的地带,例如血液和细胞的内部);把维生素E循环再造(维生素E是脂溶性的,处於带有脂肪的地方,例如脑部、细胞膜和脂蛋白)。 nulife.com | Pycnophy works synergistically with vitamin C and E: Pycnogenol® can regenerate vitamin C into active vitamin C (which is [...] water-soluble and dwell in [...] water-compatible areas such as bloodstreams &cell interiors); [...]it can also recycle vitamin E [...]into active vitamin E (which is fat-soluble and dwell in fat-friendly areas, such as the brain, cell membranes & lipoproteins). nulife.com |
白血球维持高水平(主要是成熟的淋巴细胞),血红素及血小板则偏低。 hksh.com | The white cell count is high, which [...] are mature lymphocytes, and thehaemoglobin and plateletcount may be low. hksh.com |
尿液中有较微量的血清白蛋白,不能由传统的尿液测纸得知,是糖尿病肾病变的早期现像,同时亦显示血管内壁细胞功能有问题,病者患上心脏及血管病的机会增大。 hksh.com | The presence of serum albumin in urine but the concentration is not able to be detected by usual strip test. hksh.com |
游离基是於新陈代谢过程中产生的份子,能氧化 及破坏细胞,是癌症及血管硬化栓塞形成的其中一个过程。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | They can [...] oxidise and destroycells,which is one of the steps in the development of cancer, loss of elasticity and blockageof bloodvascular. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
由於红血球是循环系统中带氧的细胞,当贫血患者的红血球数量不足,不能有效地将肺部的氧气输送至体内的其他组织,就会导致缺氧。 hsbc.com.hk | Because these red blood cellsare the oxygen-carrying cells in thecirculatory [...] system, people withanaemia are not able to efficiently transfer [...]oxygen from their lungs to the tissues in the rest of their bodies. hsbc.com.hk |
远红外线水嫩SPA手套 远红外线加倍功效 - 能促进新陈代谢、血液循环、增进细胞活性化,并令肌肤迅速吸收护手霜达到手部美容修护、肌肤保湿、水分不流失的多重功效。 aster.com.hk | Its ingredients affect the inner skin, keep the skin plump and elastic. aster.com.hk |
中心的参考研究化验室於二零零七年四月首先通过ISO15189认可审核,脐血库及干细胞服务亦跟随於二零零八年三月取得ISO15189证书,令实验室更为有效地开展工作,改进对献血者的检测服务。 www5.ha.org.hk | In April 2007 the BTS’s Reference Laboratory was firstly awarded of [...] ISO15189 accreditation certificate by HOKLAS ; in [...] March 2008 the Cord Blood Bank wasalso accredited [...]to ISO15189:2007 Standard. www5.ha.org.hk |
马里兰州,博萨斯达 2012年1月24日电:全美癌症研究基金会今日宣布:将第七届圣• 乔奇癌症研究创新成就奖授予王振义博士和陈竺博士,以表彰他们在急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)的研究上所取得的原创性成果及在该研究基础上发展的治疗APL的全新疗法。 afcr.org.hk | (BETHESDA, Maryland, January 24, 2012) - NFCR announced today that Dr. Zhen-Yi Wang and Dr. Zhu Chen have been awarded the 7th Annual Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress inCancer Research for their innovative research that led to the successful development of a new therapeutic approach to acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). afcr.org.hk |
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和子宫颈癌检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理性细胞检查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切割外科手术治疗;乡村产科护理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level [...] obstetrical care, such as [...] training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-CellAnaemia CarrierTreatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care [...]Service. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国临床肿瘤协会(R)和国家综合癌症网(R)建议对所有确诊为急性髓细胞白血病的患者进行FLT3突变测试,诊断FLT3突变情况成为急性髓细胞白血病确诊病人的标准治疗步骤。 tipschina.gov.cn | The American Society of Clinical Oncology(R) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network(R) recommend testing for the FLT3 mutation in all patients diagnosed with AML -- determination of FLT3 mutation status has become a standard of care for patients diagnosed with AML. tipschina.gov.cn |