单词 | 血管造影 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血管adj—cardiovascular vascularadj 血管n—blood vesseln vasculaturen 血管—artery vein 造血adj—hematopoieticAEadj
简单来讲,介入医学就是在影像学设备(数字减影心血管造影术、B超等)的监视下,利用穿刺针、导管、导丝等介入性器械进行微创治疗。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | A Cath Lab is made up of interventional medical imaging equipment (Digital Subtraction Angiography, ultrasound, etc.), needle, catheter, guide wire, and other interventional devices. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
北京和睦家医院介入治疗中心导管室血管造影系统是GE公司 Innova3100IQ。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The Cath Lab uses the Innova 3100 IQ angiograph made by the General Electric Company for imaging. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
血管造影术 cn.diagnosispro.com | Angiography en.diagnosispro.com |
Horizon XL 适用于全身 CT、MRI 和血管造影以及静脉回 流成像计划的真实尺寸硬拷贝。 codonics.com | Horizon XL is applicable to true-size hardcopy of whole body [...] CT, MRI,and Angiographic and Venous flow [...]imaging procedures. codonics.com |
此系统亦可进行数码旋转血管造影,并符合医疗数码造影及通讯标准(DICOM),可全面接通网络与通讯系统。 hksh.com | The system is capable of performing digital rotationalangiography,and is fully DICOM compatible for convenient network integration. hksh.com |
这是一部全功能数码化的心脏血管造影系统,可用作放射诊断造影及介入治疗造影。 hksh.com | A full digital cardio-vascularimaging system dedicated to diagnostic and interventional angiography. hksh.com |
此外,仪器更配备多个崭新的躯体阵列线圈,其中以1.5T HD 小腿阵列线圈应用於末梢血管造影,能产生极高质素的影像。 hksh.com | A notable one is [...] the 1.5T HD Lower Leg Array coil, which gives unprecedented high image quality in peripheral vascular applications. hksh.com |
10秒内可快速多次连续摄影8张X-光片,主要用於脑血管造影。 hksh.com | It takes 8 films in 10 seconds, added principally for purposes of cerebral angiography. hksh.com |
在过去及几年内 HSC 医疗中心曾做了超过 11,000 张的 MSCT 冠状动脉血管造影(全世界数量最多)。 hsc.com.my | HSC medical center has performed more than 11,000 CT coronary angiograms within the last few years (one of the largest series in the world). hsc.com.my |
Magnetom Trio 已成为功能性神经系统造影的最佳诊断方法,包括磁力共振频谱技术、 磁力共振脑部灌注扫描、磁力共振脑功能及扩散张量造影(神经纤维网造影)等,并为磁力共振血管造影、颅底和鼻咽造影、肌肉骨骼造影、脊椎造影、腹部和骨盆腔造影设立崭新的标准。 hksh.com | Magnetom Trio provides the gold standard for functional neuroimaging i.e. MR spectroscopy, MR brain perfusion, MR brain function, diffusion tensor imaging (fiber tract imaging). A new standard is set for MR angiography, base of skull and nasopharynx imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, spine imaging, abdominal and pelvic imaging. hksh.com |
Artis Zee Multi-purpose系统为透视和血管造影提供先进成像链,可就近完成所有操作,即曝光、透视、采集、图像处理及测量分析,充分享受智能操作系统的方便。 hksh.com | The Artis zee multi-purpose system contributes to the realm of [...] fluoroscopyand angiographywithits highly [...]advanced imaging chain, full tableside [...]control, integrated high-end applications and full network capabilities. hksh.com |
其他应用包括全身血管造影、电脑扫描仿真结肠造影、低剂量电脑扫描胸腔造影、电脑扫描泌尿系统造影、肝脏、胰脏及肾脏的三相电脑扫描,及传统的脑部、颈部、胸腔、腹部及骨盆腔电脑扫描。 hksh.com | Other applications include whole-body angiogram, CT virtual colonography, low dose CT thorax, CT urogram, triphasic CT scans of liver, pancreas and kidneys as well as conventional CT scans of brain, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis. hksh.com |
这是全球最快的电脑扫描器,亦是在全亚洲首部使用,其崭新的电脑扫描系统,采用革命性64层探测技术,只需数秒,便能为全身器官扫描,进行冠状动脉血管造影更只需5 - 8秒便可完成。 hksh.com | Using breakthrough 64-slice detector technology, this [...] revolutionary scanner enables body imaging to be done in seconds [...] and CT coronary angiography completed in 5 [...]¡V 8 seconds hksh.com |
主要终点是12个月无截肢存活率(AFS);次要终点包括保肢、靶病变血运重建(TLR)、6个月血管造影的明显性以及6个月和12个月创伤愈合与镇痛的结果。 china.hospimedica.com | The primary endpoint was 12-month amputation-free survival (AFS); secondary endpoints included limb salvage, target lesion revascularization (TLR), 6- monthangiographic patency, and 6- and 12-month outcomes of wound healing and pain relief. hospimedica.com |
长期摄入无机砷对人体健康造成的不良影响主要包括癌症、皮肤病患、心血管系统疾病、神经系统中毒和糖尿病。 cfs.gov.hk | The main adverse effects in human after long-term ingestion of inorganic arsenic are cancer, skin lesions, cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity [...] and diabetes. cfs.gov.hk |
7.7 还须进行反兴奋剂组织治疗用药豁免委员会要求的任何其他有关的检查、检测和造影分析,并由申请人或其所属国家体育运动管理机构承担费用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 7.7 Any additional relevant investigations, examinations or imaging studies requested by the TUEC of [...] the Anti-Doping Organization [...] will be undertaken at the expense of the applicant or his/her national sportgoverning body. unesdoc.unesco.org |
佳能和京都大学将利用新的先进医疗设备开发和临床研究中心的使用进行以加快这些项目的主要对照华侨城主题(光学相干断层扫描),可以实现先进的眼底诊断临床实际应用目的的研究和评价,光学超声鉴别乳腺乳腺癌新血管形成,造影剂和医疗设备的性能,以提高分子探针的能力,及诊断成像支持软件,以帮助医生作出诊断。 technologeeko.com | Canon and Kyoto University will make use of the new Advanced Medical Device Development and Clinical Research Center to conduct clinical research and evaluations with the aim of accelerating the practical application of such chiefly CK Project themes as OCT (optical coherence tomography) enabling advanced [...] fundus diagnosis, optical [...] ultrasound mammographycapable of identifying newly formed breast cancer bloodvessels, contrastagents [...]and molecular probes [...]for improved medical device performance, and diagnostic imaging support software to aid doctors in making diagnoses. technologeeko.com |
本报告发现在教育吸烟者和非吸烟者关于吸烟和二手烟对心血管健康影响方面烟盒并没有 得到充分的利用。 world-heart-federation.org | This review found that the pack is [...] underutilized as a tool to educate smokers and non-smokers about the risks of tobacco and [...] secondhand smoke tocardiovascular health. world-heart-federation.org |
陈蓉蓉女士续說,当塑胶物料与食物接触,重金属杂质亦可能会迁移到食物,影响食物安全,例如摄入过量的铅可能会损害肾脏、心血管系统、免疫系统、造血器官、中 枢神经系统和生殖系统。 cfs.gov.hk | The migrationaffected foodsafety such as the excessive intake of lead might harm the kidney, cardiovascular system, immune system,blood producing organs, [...] central nervous system and reproductive system. cfs.gov.hk |
尽管行为仅为可影响血压之众多因素之一,但其可有助於理解研究内容中之 BP 读数。 suntechmed.com | While activity is only one of the many [...] factors that canaffect bloodpressure, itcan [...]be helpful in understanding a BP reading [...]within the context of the study. cn.suntechmed.com |
Thomas Piemonte医学博士、美国心脏病学院院士、美国心脏造影与介入学会委员——自1998年以来在马萨诸塞州波士顿哈佛医学院担任医学临床讲师,自2000年以来在马萨诸塞州伯灵顿莱黑临床医学中心担任心导管实验室与心血管介入治疗主任。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr. Thomas Piemonte M.D. FACC, FSCAI - has held the position of Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, since 1998; Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory & InterventionalCardiovascular Medicine Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, MA since 2000. tipschina.gov.cn |
然而,世界上许多地区肥胖和 糖尿病的增加,预示着继续减少心血管病造成的死亡越来越困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the rising levels of obesity and [...] diabetes in much of the world portend increasing difficulties in continuing to [...] reduce the toll ofcardiovascular diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
还关注的是,非传染性疾病发病率的上升对社会构成一项沉重负担,造成了严重的社会和经济后果;并意识到需要防治心血管疾病、癌症、糖尿病及慢性呼 吸道疾病,因为这些疾病对人的健康和发展构成主要威胁 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned also that the increasing incidence of non-communicable [...] diseases constitutes a [...] heavy burden on society, with serious social and economic consequences, and aware that there is a need to respond to cardiovascular diseases, [...]cancers, diabetes and [...]chronic respiratory diseases, which represent a leading threat to human health and development daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴於心血管疾病是本港第二位最常见的致命疾病,而医学研究亦指 出,食用含反式脂肪成分的食物会增加患冠心病的风险,有些国家例如丹 麦,早於 2003 年已经立法规定食物内反式脂肪含量的上限,亦有多个地区 例如纽约、芝加哥、麻省等,将陆续禁止食肆使用人造反式脂肪制造食物, 以保障市民健康,本会促请政府效法该等地区,从速制定法例,禁止本地食 肆使用人造反式脂肪制造食物,并为所有进口食品及本地制造食品所含反式 脂肪的含量设定上限,以及规定食品在包装上必须列明反式脂肪的含量,以 供消费者识别。 legco.gov.hk | That, as cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of deaths in Hong Kong, and medical research also reveals that consumption of food containing trans fats will increase the risk of contracting coronary heart disease, and given that some countries such as Denmark have legislated as early as 2003 to prescribe the permissible maximum level of trans fats in food, the use of artificial trans fats in food production in restaurants will also be gradually banned in places such as New York, Chicago and Massachusetts to safeguard [...] public health, this [...]Council urges the Government to follow the practice of these places to expeditiously legislate against the use of artificial trans fats in food production in local restaurants, to prescribe the permissible maximum level of trans fats for all imported and locally produced food, and to require the trans fats contents in food to be listed on the package labels for identification by consumers. legco.gov.hk |
委 员认为,政府当局应进行规管影响评估,并加强与受影响行业的沟通, 制订真正能有效减少挥发性有机化合物排放的措施,这样既可惠及公 众,又对商界造成最少影响。 legco.gov.hk | The members considered that the Administration shouldconducta regulatoryimpact assessment, and that it should step up communication with the affected trades to formulate genuinely effective VOC-reducing [...] measures that could benefit the public and causeleast disruption to the business sector. legco.gov.hk |
主题 1 还纳入了 第 8/COP.4 号决定所定义的五个战略性领域,即:(a) 可持续土地利用管理,包括受影响地区中的水、土壤和植被;(b) 牧场的可持续使用和管理;(c) 可持续农业和牧业 生产系统的开发;(d) 新能源和可再生能源的开发;(e) 启动造林/重新造林方案/强化 土壤保持方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Theme 1 also integrates five of the strategic areas defined by decision [...] 8/COP.4, namely: (a) [...] sustainable land usemanagement,including water, soil and vegetation in affected areas; (b) sustainable useand management ofrangelands; (c) development of sustainable agricultural and ranching production systems; (d) development of new and renewable energy sources; and (e) launching ofreforestation/afforestation [...]programmes/ intensification [...]of soil conservation programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
卡普特先生(刚果民主共和国)(以法语发言):刚 果民主共和国对非传染性疾病(非传染病)负担日益 加重感到关切,这些疾病造成了严重的公共卫生问 题,原因是心血管病、糖尿病、癌症、慢性呼吸道疾 病、精神病和镰状细胞贫血等疾病影响到很多人。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Democratic Republic of the Congo) ( spoke in French ): The Democratic Republic of the Congo is concerned about the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which [...] pose a major [...] public health problem given the large number of persons affected by illnesses thatinclude cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, mental illness and sickle-cell [...]anaemia. daccess-ods.un.org |
该国政府还指出,尽管造成查谟和克什米尔上百名无辜平民遇害和致残的 跨界恐怖主义仍在进行,尽管挑衅事件不断发生,但是安全部队仍然保持最大限 度的克制,原因是该国政府重视保护人权,安全部队的侵犯人权行为可对国家反 恐工作造成不利影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government further indicated that despite continuingcross-border terrorism in which hundreds of innocent people in Jammu and Kashmir have been killed and maimed, and despite continuing provocations, the security forces continue to exercise their utmost restraint because of the Government’s emphasis on human rights protection [...] and the adverse impact that human rights violations by security forces can have on the work beingdone by them in countering terrorism in the State. daccess-ods.un.org |