单词 | 血球 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血球 noun —blood cell n血球 —blood corpuscle • hemocyte Examples:白血球—white blood cell • leucocyte 镰形血球贫血症—sickle-cell disease • sickle-cell anaemia 红血球—erythrocyte • red blood cell 红血球生成素—erythropoietin (EPO) See also:血 n—blood n
红血球受影 响较小,因为它们含有一个核心,可以承受高达 1 000 雷姆辐射 量,在此辐射量之前都不会感到红 血球 减 少。 daccess-ods.un.org | Red corpuscles are less affected because they contain a nucleus that can withstand up to 1,000 rem before their numbers are perceptibly reduced. daccess-ods.un.org |
Whitchurch希望利用这个尖端设备与其他科学家携手合作,解答困扰我们许久的医学难题,如疟疾如何影响 红 血球 以 及 HIV对免疫细胞的作用等。 australiachina.com.au | Whitchurch hopes to use this cutting-edge equipment to collaborate with other scientists and [...] answer lasting medical questions, such as how [...] malaria affects red blood cells and the effect [...]that HIV has on immune cells. australiachina.com.au |
如果 要很深入、透徹地檢查身體,收費數百元的身體檢查是不足夠的,普通 檢驗血色素、紅血球或白血球,並 不足以證明一個人能否駕駛。 legco.gov.hk | If a thorough check-up is to be conducted, a common medical check-up costing a few hundred dollars would not serve the purpose. legco.gov.hk |
由於紅血球是循環系統中帶氧的細胞,當貧血患者的 紅 血球 數 量 不足,不能有效地將肺部的氧氣輸送至體內的其他組織,就會導致缺氧。 hsbc.com.hk | Because these red blood cells are the oxygen-carrying cells in the circulatory system, people with anaemia are [...] not able to efficiently transfer [...]oxygen from their lungs to the tissues in the rest of their bodies. hsbc.com.hk |
患有慢性疾病的人士:多種癌症及慢性腎病會引致 紅 血球 不 足,而胃潰瘍或腸癌引致的慢性失血,可能令鐵質的貯量減少,引致缺鐵性貧血。 hsbc.com.hk | Various cancer and chronic kidney problems can lead to [...] a shortage of red blood cells while chronic [...]blood loss from a stomach ulcer or cancer of [...]bowel can deplete your body's store of iron, leading to iron deficiency anaemia hsbc.com.hk |
可能發生短期的血球變化(淋巴球,白 血球 減 少 ), 但不致產生機能之影響。 gnetrading.com | Possible short term blood cells changes (reduction in lymph cells and white blood cells), but [...] no significant effect on biological system. gnetrading.com |
y 全民健康,尤其是努力防治肆虐非洲大陆的重大流行性疾病和祸患,例 [...] 如艾滋病毒/艾滋病、麻风病、肺结核、线虫病和孤儿病,如镰刀型 红血 球疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Health for all and particularly efforts to combat major pandemics and scourges afflicting the African [...] continent such as HIV/AIDS, leprosy, tuberculosis, Guinea worm disease and orphan [...] diseases such as sickle-cell disease. daccess-ods.un.org |
傳統用法 維他命 B12 [...] 幫助將食物轉換成能量,包裹在神經周圍作保護的神經髓鞘、 紅 血球 、 負 責維持健康的免疫系統也需要維他命 B12。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Another member of the B vitamin group, Cyanocoblamin, or [...] vitamin B12, helps convert food into energy. It is needed to produce the myelin sheaths that coat nerve [...] cells; to form red blood cells; and for a healthy [...]immune system. vitagreen.com |
急性髓细胞白血病由正常造血干细胞的遗传变异所导致,其定义为超过20%的的造血干细胞在骨髓内破裂,将抑制正常造血细胞的增长并导致全血细胞减少症( 红 血球 细 胞、 白 血球 细 胞和血小板缺乏)。 tipschina.gov.cn | AML results from genetic alterations in normal hematopoietic stem cells and is defined as more than 20% blasts in the bone marrow, which suppresses the growth of normal hematopoietic cells leading to pancytopenia (low levels of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). tipschina.gov.cn |
备 注:服用Clozapine的患者需要经常进行常规验血,因为该药物会影响 白 血球 的 生 成数量。 hongfook.ca | (It is important for people who take clozapine to [...] have regular blood tests because it can lower white blood cell counts, [...]which might weaken the immune system if not detected. hongfook.ca |
免疫系统发育的代价主要是为B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞发育抗原识别多样性时的低效率过程提供能量,为开始形成 白 血球 提 供 基质(如氨基酸和脂肪),并为胚胎和雏鸟提供白细胞。 actazool.org | The costs of development of the immune system come primarily from the expenditure of energy to fuel the inefficient process of developing antigen recognition diversity in B and T lymphocytes and to provide substrates (e.g., amino acids and lipids) for the initial burst of leukopoiesis needed to supply the late embryo and hatchling with leukocytes. actazool.org |
特別製造過程保留完整纖維素, 含豐富葉綠素, 代替紅血球帶氧, 避免貧血 organicmama.com.hk | Cellulose are completely retained during the production, contains rich chlorophyll to [...] substitute for red blood cells to carry oxygen and prevent anemia organicmama.com.hk |
傳統用法 PABA可幫助蛋白質的代謝,能製造紅 血球 和 於 腸道製造葉酸,並有助提升葉酸的效用和有助滋養健康頭髮,是健康頭髮的必需品。 vitagreen.com | It also helps in red blood cell formation as well [...] as assisting the manufacture of folic acid in the intestines. It supports [...]all the functions of folic acid and is known specifically for helping to nourish healthy hair, and may even restore greying hair its original colour. vitagreen.com |
这样的饮食搭配保证了宝宝成长所需的所有营养素质:母乳或奶粉里 [...] 的钙物质保障了骨骼的发育,肉类和蔬菜里的蛋白质保障了肌肉的发育,肉类和蔬菜所含的 铁提供了血液里红血球形成 的主要成分,而维他命和矿物质则由水果和蔬菜提供。 immigrazioneoggi.it | This way, all the nutrients needed by the child to grow correctly, are provided: the calcium contained in the milk is useful for the bones, the proteins of the meat for the muscular system, the iron contained in the meat and [...] in the vegetables for the synthesis [...] of haemoglobin which constitutes the blood, fruits and vegetables [...]guarantee the support [...]of vitamins and mineral salts. immigrazioneoggi.it |
除鐵酮的療效 與除鐵胺相若,並且有保護病人心臟的功能,但除鐵酮在少 數個別情況下或會引致白血球缺乏症。 legco.gov.hk | But Deferiprone may cause cytopenia under few individual circumstances. legco.gov.hk |
当选“On Bypass”时,与分流有关的因子(由QA使用人员确立)将被用来决定 红血球容积百分比的分析结果。 itcmed.com | When “On Bypass” is selected, the bypass correlation factors established by the QA User will be used to determine the hematocrit results. itcmed.com |
呼吸刺激、咳嗽、血壓過低、發燒、 白 血球 增 多 、噁心、上腹部疼痛和延遲性的肺水腫。 cpdc.com.tw | 1. Respiratory [...] irritation, cough, low blood pressure, fever, [...]leukocytosis, nausea, abdominal pain and delayed pulmonary edema. cpdc.com.tw |
诊断检查医学科的检查范围包括:诊断血液检查领域(分 析 血球 细 胞 及凝固检查)、临床化学检查领域(分析血液和体液的化学成分)、诊断免疫检查领域(免疫疾病、移植检查)、临床微生物检查领域(分离、培养感染菌并检查其活动情况)、输血医学检查领域(检查血型及运营血液银行)、诊断遗传检查领域(通过检查DNA、RNA及染色体和遗传咨询提供遗传信息)及现场检查领域,同时也在致力于提高检查系统的质量管理。 schmc.ac.kr | Tests that are conducted by the Department of [...] Laboratory Medicine are largely categorized as [...] diagnostic blood tests (blood cell analysis [...]and coagulation test), clinical chemistry [...]tests (chemical analysis on blood and body fluids), immunology tests (immune disorders, tests related to transplants), clinical microbiology tests (separation, culture and identification of infectious pathogens), blood transfusion tests (blood typing and blood bank), diagnostic genetic tests (DNA, RNA, chromosome tests, genetic information through consultation) and field tests. schmc.ac.kr |
血液样本取自患者微循环受损治疗前25分钟,往往显示聚集 红 血球。 danpacplus.hk | Blood samples taken from patients with impaired [...] microcirculation before the 25-minute low level narrow band theraphy treatment often [...] indicate aggregation of red blood cells. danpacplus.hk |
有疲倦、噁心、嘔吐現象、血液中淋 巴 球 及 白 血球 減 少 後恢復緩慢。 gnetrading.com | Lethargy, nausea, vomiting, slow recovery from [...] decreased number of lymph and white blood cells. gnetrading.com |
这是因为,如婴 儿的血型随父亲是RH阳性,RH阴性的母亲有可能开始产生针对婴儿的红 血球免疫血球素, 这将会破坏婴儿的血细胞,可能出现严重贫血,之后红 血球衰变引起胆红素升高。 cicpraha.org | If her child is Rh [...] positive after the father, Rh negative mother could create antibodies against the child’s red blood cells which can break them down. cicpraha.org |
骨髓移植有兩種:自體骨髓移植會使用病人自己的骨髓細胞,而異基因骨髓移植則會使用 白 血球 組 織 型吻合的捐贈者骨髓(可為兄弟姊妹或無任何親屬關係者)。 hksh.com | There are two main types of bone marrow transplantation, i.e. autologous transplant using the patient's own marrow cells, and allogeneic transplant using marrow from HLA compatible donors, who can be a sibling or an unrelated donor. hksh.com |
嗜酒人士:酒精影響正常的吞咽反射以及 白 血球 對 抗 感染的能力。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | Heavy drinkers: Alcohol interferes with your normal gag reflex as well as with the [...] action of the white blood cells that fight infection hongkongbankfoundation.org |
B 和 T 白血球被认为易受辐射影响,因为当遭到只有几百雷姆的辐射量时, [...] 其数量就会相当地减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | B and T white corpuscles are considered [...] vulnerable to radiation because their numbers are considerably depleted when exposed to only a few hundred rem. daccess-ods.un.org |
紅血球生成 素 (Epoetin alpha 或 Epogen®):注射劑,末期腎臟病患者(永久性腎衰 竭,需要洗腎或腎臟移植)需要此藥治療貧血。 easychoicehealthplan.com | Erythropoietin (Epoetin Alfa or Epogen®): By injection if you have end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring either dialysis or transplantation) and need this drug to treat anemia. easychoicehealthplan.com |
本期的公共卫生治理(原全球基金观察)电子期刊,刊出 2011 年 3 [...] [...] 月由贾平主笔起草 的《关于建立中国经血液感染艾滋病病毒者社会补偿机制的方案》核心方案,而最终形成 的方案完全版由于篇幅较长,读者可参阅所列 http://www.bjrrforum.org/或 我国经血液感染艾滋病案例分为三种类型,一是上世纪 90 年代在以河南为中心的多省 市农村地区因农民卖血后回输红血球 而 导 致的交叉感染艾滋病病毒;二是通过非法商业卖 血采集的血液送到各地血站和医院后,因手术输血等原因(很多案例是强制输血)而导致 的感染;三是血友病患者因注射第八因子感染(多数感染案例源于上海生物制品研究所生 产的该种血制品)。 cgfwatch.org | This issue of Health Governance E-Newsletter (previously China Global Fund Watch E-Newsletter) publishes the Establishment of Compensation Mechanism of People Infected with HIV/AIDS Contaminated Blood which is the core plan of the compensation plan mentioned above. cgfwatch.org |
一般来说,从心肺搭桥分流收集的红 血球 容 积百分数样品产生的 结果低于35%。 protimetest.com | Hematocrit samples collected from cardiopulmonary bypass typically yield results below 35%. protimetest.com |
医院医疗设备齐全,拥有美国进口Sytec全身CT、数字化X线成像系统(DR)、800mA和500mA大型光机、全自动生化分析仪 、 血球 计 数仪、B超、彩超、24小时动态心电图分析仪、心电遥控监护仪、呼吸机、血液透析机、血液滤过机、电子胃肠镜、力浦刀、胃肠治疗仪、纤维喉镜、电测听仪、牙齿脱色与整畸系列设备、前列腺汽化电切仪、电视腹腔镜、钬激光治疗系统、各种理疗仪器等先进医疗设备。 english.nudt.edu.cn | The hospital is well-equipped with advanced medical devices such as Sytec full-body CT, digital radiography, large 800mA and 500mA X-ray device, full automatic biochemical analyser, haemocytometer, B-mode ultrasonic instrument, colour flow imaging instrument, 24-hour dynamic electrocardiographic analyser, electrocardiographic remote monitor, respiratory machine, haemodialysis machine, haemodiafiltration machine, electronic gastrointestinal endoscopy, LEEP (Loop Electro-surgical Excisional Procedure), gastrointestinal treating instrument, fibre laryngoscope, electric audiometry, orthodontic equipment, prostate gland electrocision instrument, TV peritoneoscope, Holmium laser treating system, and various physical therapy equipment. english.nudt.edu.cn |
当分流相关性建立起来以后,使用人员可以选“On Bypass”(在分 流)(用分流相关因子来计算红血球 容 积 百分比测试结果)或“Off Bypass”(不在分流)(在红血球容积 百分比测量中不用分流相关性 因子)。 protimetest.com | When established, the user has the option of selecting either “On Bypass” (bypass correlation factors are used to calculate the hematocrit result) or “Off Bypass” (bypass correlation factors are not used in the hematocrit measurement) with each patient test. protimetest.com |
例如,一项机制研究可能 主要针对产生血球溶解(哺乳 动物体内负责输送氧气和二氧 化碳的红细胞受到破坏)的最 低浓度。 acfa.org.sg | As a result, these states would be forced to blend ethanol into their gasoline for much of the year – notably, through the summer driving season, when RFG performance standards are toughest to meet, and ethanol blending is the most expensive. acfa.org.sg |