单词 | 血流漂杵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血流漂杵—enough blood flowing float pestles (idiom); rivers of bloodblood bathSee also:血流—blood flow 血流n—bloodstreamn 流血n—bloodshedn bloodbathn 漂流—rafting drift along or about float on the current
教科文组织海委会 2009 年 底前对 Argo 浮标和漂流浮标阵列的充分部署发挥了协调作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO-IOC coordinated the full deployment [...] of theArgo and driftingbuoy arrays by [...]the end of 2009. unesdoc.unesco.org |
四金刚杵挂件是一件宗教工艺品,可以挂在家里、车上等作为装饰,具有祛妖避邪、护佑平安的功效,适合当作馈赠给亲朋好友等的礼品. ksoon.com.cn | Four Dorje pendant is a religious crafts, can hang in the home, the car as a decoration, has cured to ward off evil, bless peace effect, suitable as a gift to friends and other relatives. ksoon.com |
当他在河边钓鱼时,他看见一个满头白发的老婆婆,正在磨一根棍子般粗的铁杵。 chinesestoryonline.com | One day, he cut class again; when he was fishing by a river, he saw a white-haired old woman grinding an [...] iron rod on a big stone. chinesestoryonline.com |
2009 年 5 月 5 日,在海上漂流了6天到了 Berbera 东部后, 被索马里兰海岸警卫队发现,在短暂的交火中两名海盗受伤,之后他们都被拘 押。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 5 May 2009, after [...] six daysat sea and driftingto the eastof Berbera, [...]they were spotted by the Somaliland coastguard [...]and, after a brief exchange of fire in which two pirates were injured, they were taken into custody. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了保护水质,转向的海堤形成弧形以 提供顺滑的海岸线,目的是避免急弯,改善所形成的小内 湾的潮水流向,以免污染物及漂浮垃圾积聚,否则会导致 水质恶劣、发出异味和有碍观瞻。 devb.gov.hk | The return seawall is curved to provide a smooth shoreline, also for water quality reasons; this is in order to [...] avoid sharp corners [...] and to enhance tidal flows throughthesmall embayed area that is created, so that pollutants and flotsam arenot trapped, [...]which would otherwise [...]give rise to adverse water quality, odour and unsightliness. devb.gov.hk |
在它们的帮助下,“Forte”号即使在风浪中也能保持方向,而且可以最大程度地减小漂流。 voith.com | With their help, the "Forte" can keep her position even in [...] wind andwaves anddrifting is minimized. voith.com |
皮划艇,溪降,漂流,徒步旅行,山地自行车,骑马摆脱,沙滩车之旅,并在湖泊中游泳。 instantworldbooking.com | Kayaking,Canyoning,Rafting,Hiking,Mountain [...] Bikes,Horse ridding,Quad bike trips and swimming in the lakes. instantworldbooking.com |
漂流浮标和自由漂流的探测浮筒已达到其最初的设计目标,但维持这些系 统仍然是一个挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Components for drifting buoys and free-drifting profilingfloats have [...] met their initial design goals, though sustaining [...]those systems remains a challenge. daccess-ods.un.org |
自从危机爆发以来,阿拉伯国家联盟发挥了建设 性和有效的作用,目的在于制止流血冲突,以明智的 方式解决叙利亚局势问题,避免诉诸暴力。阿拉伯国 [...] 家联盟最近在巴格达举行首脑会议,表示坚决支持科 菲·安南先生开展斡旋,争取全面、迅速停止叙利亚 境内的一切暴力,同时强调,必须立即全面执行联合 [...]特使提出、并且已经为所有各方接受的六点建议,以 便找到解决叙利亚危机的政治办法,满足兄弟的叙利 亚人民的正当愿望。 daccess-ods.un.org | The League of Arab States, which, since the beginning of the crisis, has played out [...] an effective and constructive role in [...] order to end the bloodshedandresolve the [...]situation in Syria in a wise manner and [...]without resort to violence, expressed at its most recent summit, held in Baghdad, its strong support for the mission of Mr. Kofi Annan as it sought to achieve a rapid and comprehensive end to all acts of violence in Syria, while emphasizing the complete and immediate implementation of the six-point proposal presented by the Joint Special Envoy and accepted by all parties, so that a political solution for the crisis in Syria could be found and a response provided for the legitimate aspirations of the brotherly people of Syria. daccess-ods.un.org |
叙利亚政府重申其落实安南先生的计划和倡议的决心,并申明对日内瓦会议 [...] 的结果表示欢迎:正如其所宣布,叙利亚政府认为,要解决叙利亚危机,就必须 [...] 让叙利亚人民的代表在国家会议桌前坐到一起,找到一条停止流血冲突的出路, 确保对叙利亚人民的尊严,并按照叙利亚人民所确定并由叙利亚领导人实现的方 [...]式,为国家打造一个稳定的未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Syrian Government reiterates its determination to implement Mr. Annan's plan and initiative and affirms its welcome for the outcome of the Geneva meeting: as it has declared, it believes that there can be no resolution of the Syrian crisis unless the representatives of the Syrian people sit together at the national [...] conference table in order to find a way out [...] that willstop the bloodshed, ensurethe dignity [...]of the Syrian people and build a stable [...]future for the country that is decided by the Syrian people and achieved through Syrian leadership. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们重申,只有结束 [...] 这一野蛮的军事占领,才能一劳永逸地了结紧张局势升级、绝望情绪加重和流血愈演愈烈的状态。 daccess-ods.un.org | We reiterate that only an end to this [...] brutal military occupation can stop, once and for all, this persistent state of [...] rising tensions, despairand bloodshed. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,脑中风CVA绝大部份是因为本身脑血管产生病变而引起狭窄,导致血流阻塞而引起脑梗塞,因为堵塞持续时间长,导致大脑中的细胞死亡。 cn.iherb.com | However, when there [...] is a cerebral vascular accident (CVA), [...]the blockage lasts long enough to cause cell death in a significant section of the brain. iherb.com |
可是,铁杵这么粗,什么时候能磨成细细的绣花针呢? chinesestoryonline.com | Li Bai was surprised, "you want to grind such a thick rod into a tiny needle? chinesestoryonline.com |
木头极其硬和紧密,关闭颖果,细使具有某种结构,并且用于制造研杵和运货马车轴。 flora.ac.cn | The wood is extremely hard and dense, close grained, very fine textured, and is [...] usedfor making pestles and wagonaxles. flora.ac.cn |
全球漂流浮标阵列、阿尔戈探测浮筒以及许多海平面站已经升级,现能实时 数据传输,以支持海啸警戒系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | The globaldrifting buoyarray, Argo profiling[...] floats and a substantial number of sea level stations have been upgraded [...]to real time data delivery in support of tsunami warning systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于该政权一再拒绝改弦更张,其中包括它未能 为其拟议的改革创造有利环境,而且流血冲突不断加 剧,国际社会有责任采取行动,支持叙利亚人民正当 [...] 的变革要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the regime’s repeated refusals to change its ways, including its failure to create an enabling [...] environment for its proposed reforms, as well as [...] the escalating bloodshed, it isincumbent [...]upon the international community to act [...]to support the Syrian people’s legitimate calls for change. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这种情况下,可以用随海流一起运动的海面或 水下漂流仪器观测海流,用船用雷达、无线电、声学定位系统或卫星定位系统对它们定 位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Additional systems, perhaps developed under the auspices of JCOMM, are needed to manage realtime global data sets and the distribution of global coastal data products. unesdoc.unesco.org |
马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国)(以英 [...] 语发言):联合王国对俄罗斯和中国决定否决旨在 制止叙利亚境内流血冲突并为真正政治进程创造条 件的这项决议草案(S/2012/538)感到震惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom): The United Kingdom is appalled by the decision of Russia and China to veto the draft [...] resolution (S/2012/538) aimed at bringing [...] an endto the bloodshed in Syria and [...]at creating the conditions for a meaningful political process. daccess-ods.un.org |
3.4.1 推广逆流漂洗、喷淋洗涤、汽水冲洗、气雾喷洗、高压水洗、振荡水洗、高效转 [...] 盘等节水技术和设备。 wrdmap.org | 3.4.1 Popularize water conservation techniques and [...] equipment of up-streamrinsing, sprinkler [...]washing, vapor washing, aerial fog sprinkler [...]washing, high pressure water washing, oscillation water washing, and highly efficient revolving panels. wrdmap.org |
医疗报告表明她死于头部右侧伤口流血过多,根据这一报告,穆沙拉夫政府通过 Cheema 准将阐述了其结论:布托女士的 [...] 头碰到了越野车安全顶窗的推杆上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on the medical report indicating that [...] she died ofheavybleeding from ahead wound [...]on the right side of her head, the Musharraf [...]Government set out its conclusion, through Brigadier Cheema, that she must have hit her head on the lever of the vehicle’s escape hatch. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,暴力将带来双方的更多 暴力、更多流血和更多仇恨。 daccess-ods.un.org | Instead, it will create more [...] violence,shedmore bloodand increasehatred [...]on both sides. daccess-ods.un.org |
他的兄弟,Anwar 和 Akram [...] 也受伤,以色列士兵甚至阻止巴勒斯坦医护人员接触 救治这 3 名伤员,使他们数小时流血不止。 daccess-ods.un.org | His brothers, Anwar and Akram, were also [...] wounded, and the soldiers even prevented access by Palestinian medics to aid the three [...] wounded men, whobled forhours. daccess-ods.un.org |
款式:采用优质避邪木为主要原材料纯手工制作而成,挂件上面上一个可以伸缩的木珠手链,手链下面有一个黑色木雕四金刚杵作为吊坠,吊坠下面有摆穗 ksoon.com.cn | Style:Using high quality spirits wood as the main raw material and pure handmade, hanging above the last retractable wooden bead bracelet, bracelet from below with a black wooden four Dorje pendant pendant as, below the pendulum spike ksoon.com |
美国纽约大学医学院心律中心介入心脏病学部心脏电生理学总监、医学博士Larry A. Chinitz表示:“患者采用的抗心律失常药物疗法可能有减缓室性心动过速的作用,这会影响患者的血流动力学,并直接影响设备分辨心律失常和成功恢复正常心律的能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | Patients on anti-arrhythmic medication may have slower ventricular tachycardias, which can influence a patient's hemodynamics and directly affect a device's ability to discriminate arrhythmias and successfully restore a normal rhythm," said Larry A. Chinitz, M.D, Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Invasive Cardiology at the NYU Heart Rhythm Center, NYU School of Medicine. tipschina.gov.cn |