单词 | 血族 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血族—kinless common: blood relations one's own flesh and blood See also:血n—bloodn 族—race nationality ethnicity clan
也 可能是出于利益原因,或是关于家族血缘世仇的家庭暴力、武装冲突、选举暴力 或种族间暴力。 daccess-ods.un.org | They might also be for profit, or be linked to domestic [...] violencefamilial bloodfeuds, armed conflict, [...]election violence or inter-communal violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照经修订的编写定期报告的准则( CERD/C/2007/1)第10至12 段,委员 [...] 会建议缔约国向委员会提供资料,说明其人口结构,资料应按民族血统和族裔分裂,并提供不同群体经济情况的统计数字,据以评估他们的经济、社会 [...]和文化状况以及其权利得到保护的程度。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the [...] composition of its population, [...] disaggregated by national and ethnic origin,as wellas [...]statistical data on the socio-economic situation [...]of the various groups, to enable the Committee to evaluate their situation in economic, social and cultural terms and the level of protection of their rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
摩尔多瓦共和国在答复中表示,摩尔多瓦共和国自独立以来采取了各种立法 和实际措施,使社会上族裔间关系更加和谐,消除基于种族、肤色、民族血统或少数民族属性的各种形式的歧视行为,并努力保护少数民族的权利,以便他们能 够维护自身的民族、文化、语言和宗教特性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its reply, the Republic of Moldova indicated that since independence the Republic of Moldova had taken legislative and practical measures to make the inter-ethnic relations in society more harmonious and eradicate various forms of discrimination on the basis of race, colour, ethnic originor affiliation to a national minority, as well as protect the rights of national minorities so that they may preserve their ethnical, cultural, linguistic and religious identities. daccess-ods.un.org |
刑法典》第 431-1 条将歧视定为犯罪,并将其定义为“任何以民族血统、社会出身、肤色、种族、家庭地位、健康状况、残疾、政治见解或工会 会员为由,或因个人实际或指称加入或未加入特定种族、国籍、种族群体或宗教 而在自然人之间所作的区分”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 431-1 of the Code criminalizes discrimination and defines it as “any distinction between natural persons on grounds of national origin, social origin, colour,race,family status, state of health, disability, political opinion or trade union membership, or on account of the person’s actual or alleged membership or non-membership of a particular race, nation, ethnic group or religion”. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,基于民族血统对提交人的歧视问题,是一个毫 无道理的区别待遇问题,值得严加审视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the discrimination against the author on the basis of his national origin is an illegitimate distinction and warrants stricter scrutiny. daccess-ods.un.org |
E条规定,“应保证本宪章规定各项权利的享有,不得以种族、肤色、 性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会出身、健康、与少数民族 有关联、出生或其他身份为由进行歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to article E, “the enjoyment of the rights set forth in this Charter shall be secured without discriminationon any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national extraction or social origin, health, association with a national minority, birth or other status”. daccess-ods.un.org |
摩尔多瓦共和国的最高法律(《宪法》)确保所有公民在法庭和公共当局面 [...] 前的平等权利,不分种族、国籍、民族血统、语言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背 [...]景、社会出身或财富(第 16(2)条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The supreme law of the Republic of Moldova (the Constitution) ensures all its citizens equal rights before a court of law and public [...] authorities, without discrimination based on race, [...] nationality, ethnic origin,language, [...]religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, [...]social origin or wealth (Art. 16 (2)). daccess-ods.un.org |
这一规定得到了专门保护个人信息的第一部分第 4 章内容的 支持,第 3 [...] 条第(II)款中对个人信息进行了定义:个人信息属于某一自然人,有关他或她的“民 族或种族血缘的信息,涉及身体,精神或情绪的特征的信息,感情的和家庭生活的信息,住 [...]所信息,电话号码,遗产信息,意识形态和政治观点,宗教或哲学信仰与信念,他的身体或 [...]精神健康状况,他的性取向,或任何类似的信息都可能会影响到他的隐私权。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is bolstered by Chapter IV of Section I, which is devoted to the protection of personal information, defined in Article 3(II) as information from which a physical [...] person may be identified and concerning [...] his or her“ethnic or racial origin, or referring [...]to his physical, moral or emotional [...]characteristics, his sentimental and family life, domicile, telephone number, patrimony, ideology and political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or convictions, his physical or mental state of health, his sexual preferences, or any similar information that might affect his privacy”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在冈比亚,每一个人,无论其种 族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会根底、财产情 况、出身或其他身份如何,在尊重他人的权利和自由和公共利益的前提下,都有 权享有本章所载的基本人权和个人自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Every person in The Gambia, whatever his or her race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, shall be entitled to the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the individual contained in this Chapter, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 4 条规定,国家建立在罗马尼亚民族的统一和全体公民的团结之上,罗马尼亚 是所有公民共同的、不可分割的祖国,而不论其种族、民族、民族血统、语言、 宗教、性别、政治观点或派别、财富或社会出身如何。 daccess-ods.un.org | Article 4 indicates that the State foundation is laid on the unity of the Romanian people and the solidarity of its citizens, while Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any discrimination, including on account of race, nationality,ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property or social origin. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些法案禁止基于种族、国籍、民族血统、语言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背景、财产或社会出身,或基于任何其他标 [...] 准的歧视,这类歧视旨在限制或取消政治、经济、社会和文化领域或任何其他公 共生活领域依法确认的基本权利和自由平等或权利平等,并限制或取消据此开展 的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The national legal framework contains provisions inserted in different legislative [...] acts that forbid discrimination based on [...] race, nationality, ethnic origin,language, [...]religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, [...]wealth or social origin, or any other criteria which has as aim restriction or elimination of recognition, exercise under equality of the fundamental rights and freedoms or of rights recognised by law in the political, economic, social and cultural sphere or any other part of public life. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家应当确保向所有人提供法律援助而不论其年龄、种族、肤色、性别、 语言、宗教或信仰、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会出身或财产、公民身份 或居所、出身、教育或社会地位或其他地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | States should ensure the provision of legal aid to all persons regardless of age, race, colour, gender, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin or property, citizenship or domicile, birth, education or social status or other status. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 在身份证上显示宗教和民族血统。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The mention [...] of religion and ethnicorigin on the identity card. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 如果有充分的理由相信,提出引渡请求是因某人的性别、种族、宗 教、国籍、民族血统、政治观点或其他相关的偏见而起诉或惩罚此人,则拒绝 [...] 引渡请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Denying a request for extradition where there are substantial grounds to believe that the request was made to prosecute or punish a [...] person because of their sex, race, [...] religion, nationality, ethnic originor political [...]opinions or other related prejudice. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会表示深为关切,原先2000 年《种族关系法》第19D 节条款规定,一 [...] 旦经部长批准,公务员即可基于国籍、族裔和民族血统原因,实行歧视性待遇, 目前已被2010 [...]年《平等法》取而代之。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee expresses deep concern that the provisions of section 19D of the earlier Race Relations Act of 2000, which permit [...] public officials to discriminate on grounds of [...] nationality,ethnic and national [...]origin, provided that it is authorized by a [...]Minister, have been replicated in the Equality Act 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
不 过,该干事作出了独立的评估,得出的结论是,申诉人没有证明他或他的父亲是 [...] 民主与社会进步联盟的活跃成员,或他将因其种族血统而受到虐待,特别是如果 他住在金沙萨的话。 daccess-ods.un.org | The officer nevertheless made an independent assessment, concluding that the complainant had not demonstrated that he or his father was [...] an active UDPS member or that he would be [...] ill-treated because of his ethnicorigin, especially [...]if he lived in Kinshasa. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照葡萄牙法律规定,62 因社会出身、年龄、性别、性取向、公民身份、 [...] 家庭状况、遗传遗产、工作能力减小、残疾、慢性疾病、国籍、民族血统、宗 教、政治信念或意识形态或工会会员身份而使一人与同等情况下的另一人相比受 [...]到较差待遇的情况被视为直接歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under Portuguese Law,62 direct discrimination is deemed to exist whenever, by reason of social origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, civil status, family situation, genetic heritage, reduced [...] capacity for work, disability, chronic [...] disease, nationality,ethnic origin, religion, [...]political or ideological convictions or [...]trade union membership, a person is subject to less favourable treatment than that given to another person who was or is in a comparable situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
全新Evo Blue 2.0电源供应器共有850瓦、750瓦及 650瓦三款瓦数可供选择,延续其优良家族血统,Evo Blue 2.0不仅荣膺80 PLUS®金牌认证殊荣,更具备 87-92% 超高效率,可大幅降低电力成本,以最小耗能达到极致效果。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Thermaltake Evo Blue 2.0 is a modular series feature 850, 750 and 650 watts with 80 Plus Gold certified guarantee to deliver up to 92% efficiency. taiwanexcellence.in |
在我们公司,工作机会既不受培训/教育水平的限制,也不受种族、信仰、社会出身/民族血统或性别的限制。 igel.com | The career opportunities at our company are limited neither by levels of training/education nor byrace,creed, social/national origin or gender. igel.com |
谷内郡公立学校(GCPS)政策规定,工作中无论何时何地,都不因他人的种族,肤色,性别,宗教,民族血统,年龄,或残疾而产生歧视。 lilburnms.com | It is the policy of Gwinnett County Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability in any employment practice, educational program, or any other program, activity, or service. lilburnms.com |
(d) 删除身份证上一切有关民族血统的字样。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Remove [...] any indication of ethnicorigin onidentity cards. daccess-ods.un.org |
和谐发展涉及尊重每个人的所有人权、承认多样性、消除贫穷以及确保所有 [...] 人被充分纳入并且能够积极参与发展进程和活动,而不分年龄、性别、残疾、健 康状况、民族血统或任何其他特征。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inclusive development is about respecting the full human rights of every person, acknowledging diversity, eradicating poverty and ensuring that all people are fully included and can actively participate in development [...] processes and activities regardless of age, gender, disability, [...] state ofhealth,ethnic originor anyother [...]characteristic. daccess-ods.un.org |
Emerson 提供平等就业机会的政策,确保没有基于种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、年龄、残疾、民族血统、兵役状况或任何其它适用法律、法规认定为非法因素而导致的对员工的歧视或骚扰。 emerson.com | Emerson's equal employment opportunity policy assures that there will be no discrimination or harassment against an employee or applicant on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, veteran status or any other factor considered unlawful by applicable laws and regulation. emerson.com |
巴拿马代表团忆及它是第五个批准该公约的国家,是拉丁美洲第一个批准该公约的国 家,由于其拥有许多不同的民族血统,故拉丁美洲拥有丰富的文化多样性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Delegation of Panama recalled that it was the fifth State to ratify the Convention and the first one to do so in [...] Latin America, a region which is rich in cultural diversity thanks to [...] the many different ethnic origins of itspeoples. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们强调所有国家均有责任按照《宪章》尊重所有人的人权和基本自由, 不作任何区别,不论种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他观点、民族血统或社会渊源、财产、出生或其他地位。 pseataskforce.org | 122. We emphasize the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the Charter, to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind as torace,colour, sex, language or religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. pseataskforce.org |
Emerson 提供平等的就业机会,不会因种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、年龄、残疾、民族血统、兵役状况或任何其它适用法律、法规认定为非法的因素歧视任何求职者或员工。 emerson.com | Emerson is an equal opportunity employer. It will not discriminate against any applicant or employee on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, veteran status, or any other factor made unlawful by applicable laws and regulations. emerson.com |
ColorMatrix致力吸纳、挽留、发展和提携表现卓越的员工,而不会区分对待不同的种族、性别、肤色、宗教信仰、性取向、民族血统、年龄、有否身体或精神残障、公民身份、年资,以及法律禁止的任何其他因素。 colormatrix.com | ColorMatrix is committed to attracting, retaining, developing and promoting the most qualified employees without regard to their race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age physical or mental disability, citizenship status, veteran status, or any other characteristic prohibited by law. colormatrix.com |
不分宗 教或民族血统严格遵守关于全体塞浦路斯人个人自 由的准则,必须成为所有被视为公正、全面、实际和 可行的解决办法的组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Full compliance with the laws governing the individual freedoms of allCypriots,regardless of religion or ethnic origin, must be an integral part of any solution that aimed to be fair, comprehensive, practical and viable. daccess-ods.un.org |