

单词 血史

See also:

surname Shi
title of an official historian in ancient China


history n

External sources (not reviewed)

我的 家族有血压史,我 现在不用服用这些药丸了,感觉真是太好了。
High blood pressure runs in my family, [...]
and it felt so good to get rid of those pills.
脑淀粉样血管病(CAA)相关性自发性脑出血(ICH)严重危害人类健康,在对我国手术治疗的CAA相关ICH患者的研究发现,高龄、重度病理学改变、非脑叶性出血、合并脑室出血(IVH)和/或蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)严重影响预后;此外,既往有脑 血史 的 患者往往预后不良。
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) related spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) usually leads to poor outcome. We studied the outcome of 367 surgically treated ICH patients with proven CAA in China mainland with the conclusion that advanced age, CAA pathology severity, non lobar hematoma, presence of intraventricular hemorrhage and/or subarachnoid hemorrhage are the risk factors to poor postoperative outcome.
在美国政府干预尼加拉瓜百年血泪 史 中 ,最痛苦磨人的要数1974到1979年间,美国中央情报局支持高压的苏莫萨政权和军队,肆意杀害和恐吓那些和平抗议的人。
In the almost one hundred years of intervention of the US
government in Nicaragua, nothing is as
[...] tormenting as the history of the CIA support [...]
to the repressive Somoza regime and its
military, la Guardia, which terrorized many families and assassinated many people who protested peacefully between 1974 and 1979.
廿載守望終不悔,思親迴夢覓歸途 創造天地的上主,我們向祢禱告 在祢眼中千年如剛逝的昨日 在人眼中哀痛處仍度日如年 二十年來六四,往事並不如煙
國家在開放改革中躍起 在強大經濟力量中挺立 我們沒有忘記20年前在天安門倒下的 青春生命,民主幼苗 上主啊,我們雖然卑微 未敢忘記為國家的罪咎禱告
[...] 在幾千年的傳統文化底蘊中 學習懺情與悔罪 用人性光輝與法治精神 誠實地重寫這一頁蒙塵血淚史。
And following the glory of humanity and the rule of law, Honestly rewrite this dusty
[...] chapter of blood and tears in history.
众所周知,亚 美尼亚国际恐怖主义血腥的历史, 曾 在不同的国家 犯有恐怖主义行为,杀害了数以千计的无辜民众。
It is well known that international
[...] Armenian terrorism has bloody, historic antecedents in the [...]
perpetration of numerous terroristic
acts in various countries and the killing of thousands of innocent people.
[...] 讓生活在其㆗的㆟民,忘記所屬的祖國,忘記所連繫血緣、歷史和文化的紐帶, 因而忘記反抗。
One of the most important objectives for colonial education is to make its people dismiss from their
thoughts their motherland, forget their bonds
[...] of consanguinity, history and culture so that [...]
they would not see the need to put up resistance.
众所周知,亚美尼亚的国际恐怖主义具 血 腥 的 历 史 前 科,它在各国实施了 许多恐怖主义行为,使很多外国公民和外交官被害。
As is well known, international
[...] Armenian terrorism has bloody historic antecedents connected [...]
with the perpetration of numerous
terrorist acts in various countries and killings of many foreign citizens and diplomats.
以色列的发言改变不了这样一个事实,即以色列 有着最长、最黑暗的恐怖主义记录,将需要一本百科 全书、一座博物馆和一个档案馆来记录和揭露以色列 在其整血腥历史上对巴勒斯坦人、叙利亚人、黎巴 嫩人、埃及人、约旦人和其他人民犯下的灭绝种族罪、 战争罪和族裔清洗罪。
Israel’s statements do not alter the fact that Israel possesses the largest, blackest record of terrorism, which would need an encyclopaedia, a museum and an archive to document and shed light on the crimes of genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing carried out against the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Jordanians and others by Israel throughout its bloody history.
它不用于普通人群的筛查,但是当病人有心脏疾病和/或高 血 症 的家 族 史 时 需要进行此实验。
It is not used as a general population screen but may be ordered when a
[...] patient has a family history of heart disease and/or hyperlipidemia.
我不甘 於他們的生命 和血被 歷 史 遺 忘 , 我也不甘 於他們犧牲的事蹟 被 劊 子 手 醜 化 , 因此, 我 要在香港的立 法會  ─   一個中國人的議會裏 , 記錄下 他們當中一小 部分人的名 字 和 事 蹟 , 作為對 他們的 尊 敬 和 悼 念 。
Therefore, in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong — a legislature belonging to the Chinese people, I must record in writing the names and deeds of some of these victims, as a sign of respect and as a mourning for them.
由“整 風 " 、 “ 反 右 "
[...] 以至“ 文 革 " , 翻 開 一 頁 一 頁 的,都血淚斑斑的史 。
If we page through history from the
periods of "rectification", "anti-rightist" to "Cultural Revolution", we will find
[...] that it was stained with blood and tears.
我相信,惟有中央政府願意承認六四屠城事件,願意面對 這段赤裸裸血淋淋的歷史,願意向全國人民說一聲對不起,中國才會 有機會邁向民主,才會有新的明天。
I believe it is only when the Central Government admits on the massacre
on 4 June, that it is willing
[...] to face up to this bloody chapter in history and offer an apology [...]
to the people of China, that
China will have any chance to march towards democracy, that China will have a bright new future.
但是,事件的歷史背景、運動的目的,以及學生的堅持血 腥的鎮壓,史書便沒有任何提及。
However, the historical background of the incident, the aims of
the movement, as well as the perseverance of the
[...] students and the bloody suppression, were not mentioned in history books.
另 一 方面,由 於 事 隔 12 年,現時年青一代 未必會 瞭解六四真正的 意 義 , 我們有需要持 續地向 他 們 介紹六四燭 光 集 會的歷 史 意 義 , 使港人 不 會 忘 記 六 四 , 不 會 忘懷這血 染 的 歷 史 , 從而令 中 國 海 內 外 的 中 國人,均 瞭解到 中 國 必須走 向 民 主的積極意義 , 使中國 終 有 實 現 民 主的一天。
By doing so, Chinese people at home and abroad will understand that it is positively significant for China to move onto the road of democratization, with the hope that democracy will ultimately be realized in China one day.
在20年後的今天,有人不想我們的下一代知道這 血 染 的歷 史,因此,在史書上迴避這個事實。
Today, 20 years from then, someone do not want our
[...] future generations to know about this blood-tainted part of history.
我提出這項議案,並 沒 有 希 冀 可 獲通過的 幻 想 , 提出的目的只 是 , 提
[...] 醒 尚 有 良 知 的人,不要忘 記 這 一血 染 的 歷 史 , 不要忘 記 中 國人民 的 民 主 訴 求 , [...]
不要忘 記 當 年 自 己 的 沸 騰 熱 血 。
The objective of moving this motion is to remind those who
still have a conscience not to
[...] forget this piece of blood-stained history, not to forget the [...]
democratic aspirations of Chinese
people, and not to forget those years when they were burning with righteous indignation.
最 近即 2 月 1 日启动了永久纪念碑的网址,为此拉丁美 洲和加勒比集团要赞扬永久纪念碑委员会和联合国 伙伴关系办公室持续努力,纪念 3 000 万血泪历史 的遗留影响。
With the recent launch on 1 February of the permanent memorial website, the Latin American and Caribbean Group commends the Permanent Memorial Committee and the United Nations Office for Partnerships for their ongoing efforts to honour the legacy of 30 million untold stories.
当您有心脏疾病和/或高血症个人史 或 家 族 史 时 , 当您的医生正试图评估您患心血管疾病的危险性时;有时用于监测高脂血症治疗或帮助诊断少见的载脂蛋白B缺乏。
When you have a
[...] personal or family history of heart disease and/or hyperlipidemia [...]
and your doctor is trying to determine
your risk of developing cardiovascular disease; sometimes measured to help monitor treatment for hyperlipidemia or to help diagnose a rare Apo B deficiency
[...] 实的基础上进行这种和解,是正确的前进之路,并会 确保从人类史这一血腥篇 章中吸取必要的教训。
Such reconciliation, based on an open and fair evaluation of the facts, is, in our
view, the right way forward and a guarantee that necessary lessons have been
[...] drawn from this bloody page in human history.
我最記得的是,數年前......中國的煤礦很多時候一旦發生爆炸, 便會造成多人死傷,我們中國的煤礦 史 真 是 用 血 寫 成 的。
I remember vividly that a few years ago …… explosions often occur in
coal mines in China, causing serious
[...] casualties ― the history of coal mining in our country is indeed written in blood.
这些套餐专为如下人群设计:有家族心脏病、 血 压 或 糖尿 史 , 以及出现心脏杂音 血 压 异 常、胆固醇及血糖方面 的问题。
These packages have been designed for individuals with
[...] a previous family history of heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes, and if you are suffering from a heart murmur, abnormal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar.
無法忘記的,是我國在日本的魔爪 下,烽火血淚和歷史的傷 痕;無法忘記的,是日本政府厚顏無耻,未有對 過往的暴行表現過悔意,一直拒絕道歉賠償;無法忘記的,是軍國主義幽靈 的再現,促使右翼政府不斷藉篡改教科書,以及參拜靖國神社來美化戰爭罪 行;更是無法忘記中國人用血用肉,來抵抗日本人的大刀大槍,來保衞自己 的家園。
We can never forget the shamelessness of the Japanese Government, its refusal to show any remorse for its past atrocities and to extend any apology and pay any compensation. We can never forget how the revival of the spectre of Japanese militarism has led the right-wing Japanese Government to doctor history through continuous textbook revisions, and to glorify war criminals by paying tribute to them at the Yasukuni Shrine.
维蒂希先生(德国)(以英语发言):65 年前,欧洲
[...] 各地战场上的枪炮声平息,标志着人类 史 上 最 血腥 和 最致命的冲突、第二次世界大战的结束。
(Germany): Sixty-five years ago, the guns fell silent on battlefields all
over Europe, marking the end of the Second
[...] World War, the bloodiest and deadliest conflict [...]
that humankind has ever known.
陳茂波議員:主席,我曾多次指出,中國近百多年的 史 是 以 血 和眼淚寫成的,其中由推翻封建制度至發展民主,過程迂迴,現時還處於 掙扎階段。
MR PAUL CHAN (in Cantonese): President, I have
pointed out many times
[...] that the Chinese history of the last century was written in blood and tears, especially [...]
the part on the winding
road from the overthrow of feudalism to the development of democracy.
今 天 我們在會 上 舊 事 重 提,並不是想在千 禧 年 開 始 之時, 挑 起 中日兩 國的民 族 仇恨, 而是要大家 緊記血 染 成史教 訓 , 以 及 為戰爭 的 受 害 人 取 回 公 道。
We bring up this old issue again in this Council today not because we want to provoke racial hatred between China and Japan when the millennium has just started.
我翻 看過所有香港出版的、合共13本中史教科書,9本是現有課程,4本是新 高中課程,它們全部將六血腥鎮 壓的 史 淡 化 和簡化,而在最關鍵的 六四一夜,只說解放軍清場,不說坦克車、機關槍血腥鎮壓;更有新高 中的課本將解放軍清場的責任,歸咎於學生在天安門聚集不散,而不說 學生靜坐絕食是為了和平對話。
There are even textbooks written according to the new secondary education that attribute the PLA's clearance of the Square to the students' refusal to disperse and their persistent gathering at the Tiananmen Square, without mentioning the students' hunger strike and sitting out there were for fighting for a peaceful dialogue.
50 年期间所犯罪行曝光,并予以惩 处。在那一时期,这一在东欧国家 史 上 最 为 血 腥 的 政权对所有的政治异见者采 取镇压的内部政策,并且使国家与世界完全隔绝。
During that period, the bloodiest regime ever of all [...]
Eastern European countries adopted a repressive internal policy against
all political opponents, and imposed a total isolation of the country from the rest of the world.
[...] 第二次世界大战结束六十五周年之际,人们对人类史上这场最血腥冲 突的根源和直接原因的兴趣再次 兴起。
(Turkmenistan) ( spoke in Russian): On the sixty-fifth anniversary of the end of the Second World War, there has been a renewed upsurge of general interest
in the root causes of and direct reasons for the conduct and
[...] consequences of the bloodiest of conflicts in human [...]
随产品附上的完整供体资料包括但不仅限于以下信息:血清学检查结果、恢复培养结果、为组织库 使用并由组织库实施或其指定部门实施的 史 及 社 会 史 评 估 和 血 清 稀 释法测定,以上资料经组织库 医学主管的审核并批准用于移植术。
A completed donor chart for the enclosed product including but not limited to:
serology results, recovery culture
[...] results, medical and social history evaluation and serodilution [...]
calculation that was conducted
by or contract tested by and for the tissue bank, has been reviewed and approved for transplantation by the tissue bank’s medical director.




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