单词 | 血凝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 血凝 —coagulate凝血 noun —clot ncoagulation nless common: blood clotting n 凝血 —blood clotExamples:防血凝—anti-coagulant 血凝素—hemaglutinin (the H of virus such as bird flu H5N1) 抗凝血剂—anticoagulant 凝血酶 n—thrombin n 凝血素—hemaglutinin (protein causing blood clotting) 凝血脢原—prothrombin 凝血脢—thrombin 血液凝结—blood clotting See also:血 n—blood n 凝—congeal • stare • concentrate attention
從該雞場檢出 的病毒分離物中的血凝素基 因,與這些病毒品種的相似度約為 97%。 legco.gov.hk | The hemagglutinin( HA) gene of the [...] farm isolates shared approximately 97 percent similarity with these virus strains. legco.gov.hk |
其蜂巢状结构可以保证快速的骨再生,并且与人骨结构极其相似,有利于血液进入,并且利用其框架结构形 成 血凝 块。 sic-invent.com | The porous honeycomb-like structure garantuees a rapid bone regeneration and bears high analogy to human bone. sic-invent.com |
如果你到就近医院的急诊就诊,医生会立即给你溶栓药物以溶解动脉血管 中的血凝块。 world-heart-federation.org | If you go to the emergency department of your nearest [...] hospital, the doctor there may give you a thrombolytic medicine right away, to [...] dissolve any blood clots in your arteries. world-heart-federation.org |
此外,它亦可作為調節血壓、血凝結 、心跳率、 血管擴張、免疫反應以及脂肪分解的親體至合成物parent substance to compounds 。 nestbeauty.com | It also serves as the parent substance to compounds that [...] regulate blood pressure, blood clotting, heart rate, blood vessel dilation, [...]the immune response, and the breakdown of fats. nestbeauty.com |
急诊科送检的样本HI大于60的情况远远多于临床病房送检的样本,从而证实了临床化学、免疫化学 和 血凝 试 验所观察到的趋势。 china.labmedica.com | In particular, the frequency of HI greater than 60 was remarkably higher for samples referred from the emergency department than in those from the [...] clinical wards, thereby confirming the trend already observed for clinical chemistry, [...] immunochemistry, and coagulation testing. labmedica.com |
6.11 研究小組同時認定,近期來自中國不同省份的 5 個人類 H5N1 病毒樣本的血凝素基 因35 屬於福建型品種,因而確定新病毒已感染人 類。 legco.gov.hk | 6.11 At the same time, the research team determined that the hemagglutinin genes35 of five recent human H5N1 viruses from different Chinese provinces belonged to the Fujian strain, thus confirming that the new virus did infect humans. legco.gov.hk |
患原发性血小板增多症的患者通常没有任何症状,但有些可能发展成不恰当 的 血凝 块 ( 血 栓 )或出血(失血),因为这些数量增加的血小板不具有正常的功能。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Those with ET usually have no symptoms, but some may develop inappropriate blood clots (thrombosis) or bleeding (hemorrhage) because there are increased numbers of platelets produced that do not function properly. labtestsonline.org.br |
BIOTRONIK的AlCath(R) [...] Gold消融导管由99.9%的纯金制成,具有4倍于铂消融导管的热导率,能使用较低的尖端温度,有助于快速且高效的消融,并且由于在手术中减少了导管更换次数,因此可减 少 血凝。 tipschina.gov.cn | BIOTRONIK's AlCath(R) Gold ablation catheter, made using 99.9% pure gold, provides four times greater thermal conductivity compared with platinum; maintains a cooler tip temperature; [...] facilitates fast, efficient lesion [...] formation; and reduces coagulation -- resulting in [...]reduced catheter exchange rates during the procedure. tipschina.gov.cn |
血友病患 者体内缺少凝血因子,因而很难止血。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | When you have hemophilia, your body is missing clotting factors. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
从一条内置管抽取血样时,取样品前必须倒向冲洗与清除静脉输液 管道以便去除会干扰测试的抗凝血剂 或 药品。 protimetest.com | When drawing a sample from an indwelling line, back-flush and [...] clear the line of IV fluids prior to [...] sampling to remove anticoagulants or medications [...]which might interfere with the test. protimetest.com |
倘因蛋白質經尿液流失而導致水腫,以及因血脂水平上升而增加栓塞及心血管致死之風險,醫生會處方適當藥物,以舒緩蛋白流失 及 凝血 問 題。 hksh.com | In case of edema due to protein loss in urine and the resulting high blood lipid level (enhancing risk of [...] thrombosis and cardiovascular death), proper medications are prescribed to address the [...] protein loss and the clotting problems. hksh.com |
当切 割或凝血提示音鸣响时,远程开关自动启动预设吸力。 valleylab.com | When the tone for cut or coag sounds, the remote switch automatically initiates the pre-set suction. valleylab.com |
应综合考虑皮肤癌患者的健康情况,如 有 凝血 障 碍 或接受 抗 凝血 治 疗时,必须采用不出血的方法治疗,氩氦刀冷冻治疗、粒子放射治疗、体细胞免疫疗法均可应用。 asiancancer.com | If the patient is [...] suffering from coagulation disorders or under anticoagulation therapy (ACT), the treatment with no bleeding must be adopted, [...]such as Ar-He knife, [...]particle implantation, and immunotherapy. asiancancer.com |
從前文所說,我們知道O型血與其他任何血型都會產 生 凝血 效 應 ,但是子女所遺傳的血型亦可與父母不同,加上相同的血型的人數極多,由此可見,所謂滴血認親甚不可靠。 www5.ha.org.hk | Yet this proves [...] little, since blood group O will have an agglutination reaction when [...]mixed with any blood type other than itself and, as [...]shown in the chart, it is perfectly feasible that offspring can inherit different blood types than their parents. www5.ha.org.hk |
虽然该协议使用人肺微血管内皮细胞 用 凝血 酶 , 它可以是广义在哺乳动物和非哺乳动物的细胞和组织中具有不同刺激物或抑制剂,或在细胞或组织之间的健康状态来比较转录处理的档案中转录和疾病状态。 jove.com | Although this protocol uses human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells treated with thrombin, it can be generalized to profile transcriptomes in both mammalian and non-mammalian cells and in tissues treated with different stimuli or inhibitors, or to compare transcriptomes in cells or tissues between a healthy state and a disease state. jove.com |
我们建议各年龄层人群,尤其是患有慢性肝病、使用 过 凝血 因 子 浓缩物、到甲肝病毒流行地区旅行,或因职业需要而接触此病毒的人群接种甲肝疫苗。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | We recommend it for all people, [...] especially those who have chronic liver [...] disease, receive clotting factor concentrates, [...]travel to countries where hepatitis [...]A is common, or have occupations that might expose them to the virus. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
以一种高亲和力适配体作为亲和荧光探针,以自建的毛细管电泳-激光诱导荧光(CE-LIF)检测装置为基础,建立了一种高灵敏、快速测定 人 凝血 酶 的 方法。 chrom-china.com | The method for the determination of human thrombin by an aptamer was developed based on capillary electrophoresis (CE) with laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. chrom-china.com |
大多数蛛状静脉患者都可以接受治疗,孕妇、哺乳期妇女以及有禁忌症的人士除外,此处所指的禁忌症包括:深静脉血栓、皮肤感染、未受控制的糖尿病,以及患者正在服用 抗 凝血 剂 等 情况。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Most anyone suffering from spider veins can receive treatment, with the exception of pregnant or nursing women, individuals with [...] contraindications such as a history [...] of deep vein thrombosis, skin infections, uncontrolled diabetes, or patients taking anticoagulants. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
结果表明,超大孔介质结构不但可以有效地保护蛋白质大分子结构,而且能够大幅度地提高制备色谱的传质速率,从而得到具有 高 凝血 活 性 的FVIII产品。 chrom-china.com | The results showed that the superporous medium could not only protect structure of macro-protein but also enhance its mass transfer, finally giving FVIII product with high activity. chrom-china.com |
在将所获取的凝血功能 障碍的疾病以来是从,例如,在临床缺乏维生素K(重要 的 凝血 因 子的成熟中),乳糜泻,吸收不良综合征, 食品 ,新生儿出血疾病新生儿败血症(血液中毒)。 institutododelta.com.br | In turn the acquired [...] coagulopathies are from a disease inception, for example, in clinical deficiency of vitamin K (important in the maturation of coagulation factors), celiac [...]disease, malabsorption syndrome, foods , haemorrhagic disease of newborn newborn and sepsis (blood poisoning). institutododelta.com.br |
抗磷脂抗体会干扰凝血过程 ,但机制尚不明确,该抗体会使患者发生动脉/静脉血栓的风险增高,进而或会发生中风或心脏病。 labtestsonline.org.cn | When antiphospholipid antibodies are produced, they [...] interfere with the clotting process in a [...]way that is not fully understood. They increase [...]an affected patient’s risk of developing recurrent inappropriate blood clots (thrombi) in arteries and veins, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks. labtestsonline.org.br |
在远程开关启动器完成凝血模式 下的设置之前,请不要再次以切割模式启动电 刀。 valleylab.com | Do not activate the generator in cut mode again until the Remote Switch Activator has been programmed in coag mode. valleylab.com |
这种网络应用程序为患者自测凝血酶 原 时间/国际归一化比值(PT/I NR 或 凝血 时 间)并上报测量结果提供了一种简单方便的方法,也为医生提供了一个安全地获取数据的网站,使他们更有效地监护和管理接受华法林治疗的患者。 china.labmedica.com | The web-based application gives [...] patients who self-test [...] their prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR or clotting time) a simple, [...]convenient way to [...]report their test results and gives doctors a single, secure site to access data to more effectively monitor and manage their patients on warfarin therapy. labmedica.com |
α-银环蛇毒素在神经科学研究以及在临床和制药上有重要作用,为获得大量的α-银环蛇毒素,我们用已构建的pGEX-BgTX(P22-A31)质粒在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中表达,并用谷胱甘肽Sepharose [...] FF纯化GST-α-银环蛇毒素融合蛋白,再 用 凝血 酶 切 掉融合标签谷胱苷肽转移酶(Glutathione [...]S-transferase,GST),得到了较纯的重组α-银环蛇毒素同工毒素,得率约为1.225 mg/L。 actazool.org | In order to acquire quantitites of α-bungarotoxin, we expressed GST-α-bungarotoxin fusion protein using constructed plasmid pGEX-BgTX (P22-A31) in E.coli BL21 (DE3)cell, purified GST-α-bungarotoxin using [...] glutathione-Sepharose FF, cleavaged Glutathione [...] S-transferase(GST) tag by thrombin in the column, [...]and finally, we obtained recombinant α-bungarotoxin [...]with yields of about 1.225 mg/L. In order to compare the immunogenicity of recombinant protein and crude α-bungarotoxin, we prepared multi-antibody using recombinant α-bungarotoxin. actazool.org |
服用CoQ10可以对凝血时间 进行有规律调节,尤其是服用头两个星期内效果更明显。 aging-management.com | Clotting time should therefore be [...] monitored regularly, particularly within the first two weeks of taking CoQ10. aging-management.com |
还应当指出,这个协议是特定的RNA-seq 的 凝血 酶 处理HMVEC-LBL细胞在一个时间点,但它可以很容易地适合于多时间点研究或在其他细胞的研究,组织用不同的刺激或抑制,或转录在细胞或组织的健康状态和疾病状态之间的比较。 jove.com | It should also be pointed out that [...] this protocol is specific to RNA-seq at one [...] time point of thrombin-treated HMVEC-LBl [...]cells, but it could easily be adapted [...]to a multi-time point study or studies in other cells, tissues treated with different stimuli or inhibitors, or comparisons of transcriptomes in cells or tissues between a healthy state and a disease state. jove.com |
他指出, [...] Wilate®所提供的独有因子组合包含了具有高 度 凝血 活 性 的优质蛋白质和纯化的本体VWF/FVIII复合物产品、无白蛋白稳定剂、完整的VWF三联体结构和符合生理状况的多聚体形态特点,同时在制造过程中采取了病毒安全性保障措施。 businesswirechina.com | The unique combination of factors provided by Wilate®, he [...] pointed out, includes high quality protein [...] reflected by high coagulation activity and pure [...]native VWF/FVIII complex product, no [...]albumin stabiliser, an intact VWF triplet structure and physiological multimeric pattern profile, completed with assured viral safety measures during manufacture. businesswirechina.com |
助產後婦女補充流失的鈣質,且助催 出 凝血 ; 要使用陶瓷或玻璃煲煮豬腳醋,千萬不要使用鋁質或鐵窩,因為鋁或鐵接觸酸鹼性後會變黑及腐蝕,對身體有害。 sfgourmet.com | Remember to cook this dish in a ceramic or glassed pot and avoid using any cooker made from aluminum or iron because the vinegar (acid) will damage its surface and cause corrosion which is harmful to health. sfgourmet.com |
肝素是一种硫酸化的天然黏多糖类物质,具有很强的负电荷,广泛存在于人和哺乳动物组织中,具有 抗 凝血 作 用,肝素由紧靠血管的肥大细胞产生,常以蛋白聚糖单位的形式存在,其化学结构由右旋葡萄糖醛酸和右旋葡萄糖胺交替连接而成,分子量分布5000~30000,平均分子量20000。 heparin.cn | Heparin is a sulfated nature glycosaminoglycan of mixed [...] composition, released by [...] mast cells and by blood basophiles in many tissues of human body and mammal body, and having potent anticoagulant properties, existing [...]in the form of [...]proteoglycan unit, and its chemical structure formed by connection of D-glucopyranuronic acid and D-glucosamine by turns, molecular weight distribution 5000~30000, average molecular weight 20000. heparin.cn |