

单词 蠹国害民

See also:

蠹害 n

harm n


public enemy


Republic of China (1912-1949)
used instead of reign name by the nationalist government, then by Taiwan
used in PRC as reign name of a former dynasty

External sources (not reviewed)

气候变化的影响最著名的例子之一是由于气温上升,加拿大树木灾难性地遭 遇山地松树甲虫(红脂大蠹)的侵害 , 这一 虫 害 毁 坏了大片的森林。
One of the most publicized examples of the effects of climate change is the catastrophic infestation, owing to increased temperatures, of trees in Canada by the mountain pine beetle (
步骤 2:
[...] 当你确保你是越狱,你必须推出苹 蠹, 点击 “管理”选项卡, 点击来源“一节,最后点击”编辑“按钮,在右上角的屏幕.
Step 2: After you ensure you are Jailbroken you
[...] must launched Cydia, tap the Manage [...]
Tab, tap the Sources section and finally
tap the Edit button in the top right hand corner of the screen.
著名的汉代医学家华佗教导人们:“流水不腐,户枢 蠹 ” ,应当通过锻炼来享有长久的生命。
Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the Han Dynasty, taught: “As running water is never stale and a door hinge never gets worm-eaten,” humans should exercise to enjoy a long life.
甲 基 t h uja te是 使 西部红柏产生特有气味的萃,对一些 地 毯 甲 虫 和 致蠹 虫 有 毒 性 ( B a r to n 19 6 2 ) 。
Methyl thujate is one of the extractives responsible for the characteristic odour of western red cedar and has some toxicity to the carpet beetle and case-making clothes moth (Barton 1962).
该项目的目的是致力于把民教育国 家 计划纳入消除贫困的国家战略,同时确保与正 在进行的和平文化和人的安全教育和培训项目之间的协同关系;加强人的安全,确保最易受害的民众, 尤其是农村地区的民众享受基本的社会服务,以多学科方法支持当地的试办项 目。
The aim of the project is to contribute to the integration of national Education for All plans into national poverty eradication strategies by ensuring synergy with ongoing projects on education and training regarding the culture of peace and human security; to strengthen human security by ensuring access by the most vulnerable sections of the community, in particular in rural areas, to basic social services, by providing multidisciplinary support to pilot projects at the local level.
根据这种哲学,我们 将继续为保护和支持易受害国家和 人 民 的 国 际努 力作出贡献。
Relying on this philosophy, we will continue to contribute to international efforts to
[...] protect and empower vulnerable States and people.
[...] 些议题,包括如下:回顾了所取得的进展,交流了经验;拟定了国家和区域行动 计划;提供了有关《国际油污防备、反应和合作公约》和修正 1969 年国际油害民事责任公约》的 1992 年《议定书》(《1992 年民事责任公约》)、1971 年《关于设立油污损害赔国际基 金的国际公约》和修正该公约的 1992 年《议 定书》(1992 年基金公约)的培训;审视了《保护和发展中西非区域海洋和沿海环 [...]
The workshop and conference, in which the secretariat of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds also participated, covered a number of topics, including the following: review of progress achieved and an exchange of experiences; developing national and regional action plans; delivering training on the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation and the 1992 Protocol
to amend the 1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (1992 Civil Liability Convention); the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (1971) and the 1992 Protocol to amend that Convention (1992 Fund Convention); and reviewing the Protocol (to the Convention for Cooperation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region) Concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution in Cases of Emergency.
国际民用航空组织(国际民航组织)报告,已有 185
[...] 个国家加入了《关于在航 空器内的犯罪和犯有某些其他行为的公约》;185 个国家加入了《关于制止非法劫 持航空器的公约》;188 个国家加入了《关于制止害民用航 空安全的非法行为的 公约》;172 个国家加入了《补充关于制止害民 用 航 空安全的非法行为公约的制 止在国际民用航空服务的机场上的非法暴力行为议定书》;以及 147 个国家加 入了《关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公约》。
(ICAO) reported that there were 185 States parties to the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft; 185 States parties to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft; 188 States parties to the Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful
[...] Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation; 172 States parties to the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, Supplementary [...]
to the Convention for
the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation; and 147 States parties to the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection.
重申关注腐败行径对社会稳定和安全所造成的问题和带来的威胁的严重性, 这种情况害民主的 体制和价值观、道德价值和司法,妨害可持续发展和法治,国家和国际反应不够充分而导致有罪不罚时尤其如此
Reiterating its concern about the seriousness of problems and threats posed by corruption to the stability and security of societies,
[...] [...] undermining the institutions and the values of democracy, ethical values and justice and jeopardizing sustainable development and the rule [...]
of law, in particular when an inadequate national and international response leads to impunity
国已采取了所有的必要步骤来保 护民和军人避免受到地雷害,尤 其是在以下方面:向武装部队成员提供有关 议定书各项规定的资料并向平民大众提供地雷所造成危险的资料,标示雷场、监 测雷场及在和平时期对雷场进行防护,对居住在雷场附近的平民进行教育,并向 [...] [...]
All the necessary steps had been taken to protect civilians and military personnel from mines, including informing [...]
of the armed forces about the Protocol and the risks posed by mines to civilians; marking, monitoring and fencing minefields in peacetime; raising awareness among civilians living near minefields; and providing mine victims, Afghan refugees, with assistance and, as appropriate, with compensation and prosthetics.
他的小品文很有名,主要收在《笠泽丛书》中,针对现实性强,议论也颇精切,如《野庙碑》、《记稻鼠》和 蠹 化 》 等。
One of his most well-known articles was "Du Hua" (meaning the caterpillar turned into a butterfly), in which Lu Gui Meng satirized those hypocrites who assumed solemn airs in public but coveted after fame and gains in private.
唯独重建有效国家和地方保护 结构才能得以使害民众安 全和有尊严的返回,并且能够创造一个稳定的社会。
It is the reestablishment of effective
national and local
[...] protection structures that allows affected populations to return in safety and dignity and [...]
to create a stable society.
自 2008 年 4 月 1 日以来,根据关于切尔诺贝利灾难 害 公 民 社 会 保护的 1992 年 1 月 30 日第 909-XII 号法律确定的养恤金按政府决定增长了 17%,因为 年度居民消费价格指数增长了 12.3%和年度平均国家工资增长了 21.7%,而根据 关于为某些类别民提供国家社 会津贴的 1999 年 7 月 14 日第 499-XIV 号法律 确定的国家社会津贴调整指数,除了护理津贴和死亡津贴之外,为 12.3%,依据 的是上一年居民消费价格指数年平均增长情况。
Starting with 1 April 2008, by means of Government Decision No. 316
from 17.03.2008 on the
[...] update of the social insurance allowances and of certain state social allowances, the pensions, set by Law No. 909-XII from 30 January 1992 on social protection of the persons that suffered from the Chernobyl catastrophe have been increase with 17%, following the annual increase of the consumer prices indicator with 12.3% and the annual increase of the average country [...]
salary with 21.7%,
whilst the update indicator of the state social allowances, set by Law No. 499-XIV from 14 July 1999 on state social allowances for certain categories of citizens, with the exception of the nursing allowance and the death allowance, was 12.3%, following the average annual increase of the consumer prices indicator for the preceding year.
1917年,战时通胀瓦解了沙俄国的稳 定, 民害 怕 货 币贬值,于是囤积惜售,令城市陷入饥馑。
Wartime inflation destroyed stability in the
[...] Russian empire in 1917, as farmers, worried about the declining [...]
value of their money, hoarded
their output and let the cities starve.
关于以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内 巴勒斯坦被占领土害巴勒斯坦民 人 权 的行为的 决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.15,她审查了序言部分援引的 可适国际文 书,并着重谈及了序言部分第十八段和 第二十段,这部分详细述及以色列继续实施系统侵 犯,并且其最近在加沙地带实施的军事行动致使当地 的状况日趋恶化,她还特别提及了第 [...]
2 段、第 8 段、 第 9 段和第 10 段。
In draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.15 on Israeli
practices affecting
[...] the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, she reviewed the applicable international [...]
instruments cited in
the preamble, highlighting the eighteenth and twentieth preambular paragraphs detailing Israel’s ongoing systematic violations and the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of its recent military operation there and made particular reference to paragraphs 2, 8, 9 and 10.
所有缔约国都应当履行它们在议定书下的义务,特别是关 于一般预防措施的义务并且积极地促 国 际 援助和合作,以便防止和消除战争遗 留爆炸物对民造成的损害。
All States parties should fulfil their obligations under the Protocol, including those concerning generic preventive measures, and promote international assistance
and cooperation
[...] actively for the purpose of preventing and eliminating the harm caused to civilians by explosive remnants of war.
在另一些情况下,因维和行动的部署拖拖拉拉而导致 冲突升级和生命丧失,影响到联国 在 受 害民 众 眼中 的公信力。
In other instances, inordinate delays in the deployment of peacekeeping operations have resulted in the
escalation of conflict and loss of lives, affecting the credibility of the United
[...] Nations in the eyes of the affected population.
面对国家和政府机构的这些开放举措,那些企图 破坏叙利亚的势力企图利用有利的环境 害国 家的 安全与稳定,他们阻断公路,威胁 民 , 强 迫学校和 政府机构关闭,继续破坏民的利益、安全,妨碍他 们在全国各地正常生活。
Faced with these initiatives of openness by the State and its institutions, those who are attempting to undermine Syria have tried to exploit the positive environment in order to erode the country’s security and
stability by blocking
[...] roads, threatening citizens, forcing schools and Government institutions to close and continuing to carry out acts that run counter to the interests of citizens, their security and [...]
their ability to live
normal lives throughout the country.
会议认为国家自主性对害者援 助相关活动的长期可持续性 至关重要。
It was also
[...] recognised that national ownership is essential to the long-term sustainability of victim assistance-related [...]
此外,密克罗尼西亚联邦是下列七项国际反恐怖主义公约 和议定书的缔国:1971 年《关于制止害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》; 1973 年《关于防止和惩处侵害应国际保 护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》; 1979 年《反对劫持人质国际公约》;1988 年《制止在国际民用航空服务的机场 上的非法暴力行为的议定书》;1988 年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》; 1997 年《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》;1999 年《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的 国际公约》。
Moreover, the FSM is a state party to seven international conventions and protocols on counter-terrorism: the 1971 Convention for the Suppression
of Unlawful Acts
[...] against the Safety of Civil Aviation; the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents; the 1979 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages; the 1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International [...]
Civil Aviation; the
1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; and the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.
他们敦促苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动-北方接受非洲联盟、 联国和阿拉伯国家联 盟提出的三方提议,以便使这两个地区的 害民 众 立 即得 到人道主义援助。
They urged the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North to accept the tripartite
proposal by the African Union, the United
[...] Nations and the League of Arab States, for immediate humanitarian access to the affected population in the two areas.
如發 生害市民的食物事故,當局可能會考慮作出檢控。
In case of food
[...] incident causing harms to the public, prosecution [...]
might be considered.
[...] 在所谓的国内法律借口下,正试图强加这些措施,旨在把巴勒斯坦被占领土内的 本土巴勒斯坦人口赶走,同时继续严重违背其根据国际人道主义法承担的义务, 把被占领土民化,把以色列民迁 入 那些定居点,以致严重 害国 际 社 会正大 力推动的两国解决方案。
It should be of direct and serious concern to the international community that Israel, under a so-called domestic legal pretext, is attempting to impose such measures aimed at ridding the Occupied Palestinian Territory of its indigenous Palestinian population, while at the same time it continues to gravely breach its obligations under
international humanitarian law by colonizing the Occupied Territory and
[...] transferring Israeli citizens into those settlements, which is in turn gravely jeopardizing the two-State [...]
solution that the international community is vigorously trying to promote.
深感关切的是,腐败现象和非法资金的转移严重影响到人们享有人权,不论 是经济、社会、文化权利,还是公民权利和政治权利,尤其是发展权,并会危及 社会稳定与安全,害民主和 道德观,破坏社会、经济和政治发展,特别是在不 当国家和国际反 应导致有罪不罚的情况下
Deeply concerned that the enjoyment of human rights, be they economic, social and cultural, or civil and political, in particular the right to development, is seriously undermined by the phenomenon of corruption and the transfer of funds of illicit origin, which may endanger the stability and security
of societies, undermine
[...] the values of democracy and morality and jeopardize social, economic and political development, especially when an inadequate national and [...]
international response leads to impunity
这些措施包括《关于在航空器内的犯罪和犯有某些其他行为的公约》;非法劫持航空器, 害民 用 航 空安全的行为;关于防止和惩处侵害外交代表和其他应 国 际 保护人员的罪行,对核材料的实物保护;制止危害航海安全的非法行为;和关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测。
These include conventions on offences committed on board
aircraft; unlawful
[...] seizure of aircraft; acts against the safety of civil aviation; crimes against internationally protected persons, including [...]
diplomatic agents;
the physical protection of nuclear material; acts against the safety of maritime navigation; and the marking of plastic explosives for the purpose of detection.
与此同时,需要加强努力, 确保对法治问题采取统一办法并应对一些主要威胁 和挑战;这些威胁和挑战依然影响 国 际 法 律秩序的 基本要素,害民族团结、领土完整 国 家 稳 定,并 造成对人权的无视和蔑视。
At the same time, greater efforts are needed to ensure a unified approach to the rule of law and to address the major threats and challenges that
continue to
[...] affect basic elements of the international legal order, to undermine the national unity, territorial integrity [...]
and stability of States, and to generate disregard and contempt for human rights.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,国正在 筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物害者进 行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的 害 者 信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported
[...] that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), [...]
which would comply
with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.




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