单词 | 蟠尾丝虫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 蟠尾丝虫 —Onchocerca volvulus, the filarial parasite worm causing |
需要说明的是,如果至少 65%的比例维持至少 15 年,那把盘尾丝虫病从 喀麦隆公共卫生问题中消除就将成为可能。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a rate of at least 65 per cent is maintained during at least 15 years, onchocerciasis may be eliminated as a public health issue in Cameroon. daccess-ods.un.org |
就是在此框架下,对防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病、 盘尾丝虫病方 案以及扩大免疫方案进行了调整,并使其更有效地防治上述疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that framework, the programmes against HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and onchocerciasis and the EPI were restructured and made more dynamic. daccess-ods.un.org |
大量人口感染了盘尾丝虫病,对该疾病的防治所取得的成果是非常显著 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The results of the fight against onchocerciasis, to which a significant proportion of the population is exposed, are quite promising. daccess-ods.un.org |
降低未经注册药物的价格(艾滋病、疟疾、 盘 尾丝虫 病 等),甚至免费治 疗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reduction of the price, or free distribution, of generic medicines (for, inter alia, [...] HIV/AIDS, malaria and onchocerciasis). daccess-ods.un.org |
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 [...] 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的象皮病;造成失明的沙眼 和 蟠尾 线 虫 病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加斯病;造成皮肤脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲锥虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive [...] development in children; lymphatic [...] filariasis, which causes severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis, which cause [...]blindness; Chagas disease, [...]which affects the digestive system and heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), and dengue fever, a viral infection. daccess-ods.un.org |
蟠龙-S ur-Mer的是考虑到有一些在世界上最昂贵的房地产。 leapfrog-properties.com | Beaulieu-Sur-Mer is considered to have some of the most expensive real estate in the world. leapfrog-properties.com |
来蟠龙的 另一个原因是许多出色的餐厅。 leapfrog-properties.com | Another reason to come to Beaulieu is for its many excellent restaurants. particularly well known for the quality of the fish that they serve. leapfrog-properties.com |
低成本 单剂量药物对医治象皮病、通过土壤传播的 蠕 虫 病 和 蟠尾 线 虫 病 很 有效,因而有 可能通过在发病社区或学校大规模发放药物来控制这些疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | Single doses of low-cost drugs are effective in treating lymphatic filariasis, soil-transmitted helminthes and onchocerciasis, making possible their control via mass drug administration to affected communities or in schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
以蟠螭為 主題的器物一般是給宮廷作的,乾隆時期以降 , 蟠 螭 可 能是最普遍的紋飾。 e-yaji.com | The use of a chi dragon raises an interesting possibility because the vast majority of wares with chi dragons as principal [...] decoration were [...]made at or for the court, where the subject was perhaps the single most popular one from the Qianlong period. e-yaji.com |
我想問,局長可否在此承諾,如果 [...] 將來真的在那裏興建車廠,將完全不會增加現時的噪音,即不會令現時的噪 音問題惡化,不會對附近的龍蟠苑或星河明居的居民帶來額外噪音? legco.gov.hk | May I ask the Secretary whether she will make an undertaking here that if a depot will be built there in the future, it will not increase the existing noise level, in other words, the noise pollution problem will not be [...] aggravated, and that the depot will not create additional noise affecting the [...] residents of Lung Poon Court and Galaxia? legco.gov.hk |
Cap Ferrat的东侧,蟠龙从 尼斯机场仅六公里,随着自由城SUR MER和圣让卡普费拉形成一个在世界上最豪华的住宅飞地。 leapfrog-properties.com | On the eastern side of Cap Ferrat, Beaulieu is only six miles from Nice Airport and along with Villefranche sur Mer and St Jean Cap Ferrat forms one of the most exclusive residential enclaves in the World. leapfrog-properties.com |
在盘尾丝虫与罗 阿丝虫(一种喀麦隆、中非共和国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、尼日利亚和南苏丹常见的寄生丝虫)共存的地方,建议根据Mectizan专家委员会/非洲 盘 尾丝虫 病 控 制规划的建议管理可能发生的严重不良事件。 who.int | Where O. volvulus co-exists with Loa loa, another parasitic filarial worm that is endemic in Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and South Sudan, it is recommended to follow the Mectizan Expert Committee (MEC)/APOC recommendations for the management of severe adverse events that may occur. who.int |
我们支持研发药效更好且毒副作用更小的新一代药物,用于治疗疟疾、结核病、内脏利什曼病(黑热病)、非洲人类锥虫病(昏睡病)、 盘 尾丝虫 病 ( 河盲症)和淋巴丝虫病(象皮病)并控制严重腹泻。 gatesfoundation.org | We support efforts to create a new generation of more effective and less toxic drugs to treat malaria, TB, visceral leishmaniasis (black fever), human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), onchocerciasis (river blindness), and lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis), and to control severe diarrhea. gatesfoundation.org |
(二 ) 星河明居(新九龍內地段第 6160 號)位於九龍鑽石山龍蟠街 3 號。 legco.gov.hk | (b) Galaxia (New Kowloon Inland Lot no. 6160) is [...] located at 3 Lung Poon Street, Diamond [...]Hill, Kowloon. legco.gov.hk |
满地宝可谓是大温瑰宝,而在这块宝地中, Heritage Wood算是好中之最; 它西邻Heritage Mountain, 东接高贵林的蟠龙山庄,Westwood Plateau, 在Daivd街以北。 homewithtyra.com | It has a sandy beach, picnic shelter with BBQs and adventure playground in a quiet park setting. homewithtyra.com |
蟠龙有 两个小渔港,以及一个大型游艇码头挤满了私人游艇。 leapfrog-properties.com | Beaulieu has two small fishing ports as well as a large marina packed with private yachts. leapfrog-properties.com |
這是柱形蟠龍瓷 胎煙壺 (參閱 第一場拍賣會, 拍賣品號 134 以及 Treasury 6, 編號1269–1271) 的變形,地紋為「萬」字符號錦花地紋,是清朝地毯常見的模樣,可是,這類柱形鼻煙壺有帶子上潮內容卻是比較特殊的。 e-yaji.com | The entire ground on this rare variation on a pillar bottle (see under Sale 1, lot 134 and Treasury 6, nos. 1269–1271) is made up of a pattern of interlocking fylfots, or swastikas (the wan symbols whose name is homophonous with the word for ten-thousand). e-yaji.com |
所推荐的大规模药物治疗(MDA)采用两药联用单剂治疗方案:在 盘 尾丝虫 病 ( 河盲症)流行地区,阿苯哒唑(400毫克)与伊维菌素(150-200微克/公斤体重)联用;在 盘 尾丝虫 病 ( 河盲症)非流行地区,阿苯哒唑(400毫克)与枸橼酸乙胺嗪(DEC)(6毫克/公斤体重)联用。 who.int | The recommended regimen for treatment through mass drug administration (MDA) is a single dose of two [...] medicines given together - [...] albendazole (400 mg) plus either ivermectin (150-200 mcg/kg) in areas where onchocerciasis (river blindness) is also endemic or diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) (6 mg/kg) [...]in areas where onchocerciasis is not endemic. who.int |
例如,在撒哈拉以南非洲,控 制盘尾丝虫病(河 盲症)的费用每人不到 1 美元,却可释放估计为 37 亿美元的生 产力;而根除小儿麻痹症可以为政府节省 15 亿美元的疫苗、治疗和康复费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, across sub-Saharan Africa, controlling onchocerciasis, river blindness, which costs less than $1 per person, can deliver an estimated $3.7 billion in productivity; and polio eradication could save Governments $1.5 billion in vaccines, treatment and rehabilitation costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
防治丝虫和麻 风病正在取得进步,接近世界卫生组织的区 [...] 域扫除目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Filarial and leprosy are progressing [...] towards the WHO regional elimination target. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然马尔代夫在控制结核病、麻风病 和 丝虫 等 疾 病上取得了重大成就,但是 这些疾病继续存在,并构成巨大挑战,特别是考虑到在马尔代夫的大量外籍劳动 [...] 力来自这些疾病患病率高的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although, the Maldives has achieved significant success in [...] the control of diseases such as tuberculosis, [...] leprosy and filarial, these diseases [...]continue to persist and pose great challenges, [...]especially considering the large expatriate workforce in the Maldives who come from countries where there is a high prevalence of these diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国家已消灭了疟疾,诸如麻 风病和丝虫等疾病现处于零传染阶段。 daccess-ods.un.org | Malaria has been eliminated from the country and other diseases such as [...] leprosy and filarial are now at the [...]stage of zero transmission. daccess-ods.un.org |
所针对的疾病有:布鲁里溃疡,恰加斯病(美洲锥虫病),囊虫病,登革热/登革出血热,麦地那龙线虫病(几内亚线虫病),包虫病,地区流行性密螺旋体病(雅司病),食源性吸虫感染(华支睾吸虫病、后睾吸虫病、肝片吸虫病和肺吸虫病),非洲人类锥虫病(非洲昏睡病),利什曼病,麻风病,淋巴 丝 虫 病 , 疟疾, 盘 尾丝虫 病 , 狂犬病,血吸虫病,土壤传播的蠕虫病,沙眼,结核病,非丝虫性象皮病,蛇咬伤。 wipo.int | That list is comprised of: buruli ulcer, Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), cysticercosis, dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever, dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease), echinococcosis, endemic treponematoses (yaws), foodborne [...] trematode infections [...] (clonorchiasis, opistorchiasis, fascioliasis, and paragonimiasis), [...]human African trypanosomiasis (African [...]sleeping sickness), leishmaniasis, leprosy, lymphatic filariasis, malaria, onchocerciasis, rabies, schistosomiasis, soil transmitted helminths, trachoma, tuberculosis, podoconiosis, and snakebite. wipo.int |
此外,一些非工业来源,例如汽车、 铁路和飞机尾气,住宅中 杀虫剂的 应用或使用其他住户或院子里的产品,或烤或家庭供暖的灰烬还可能导致检测到化学药 剂的潜在问题。 lightupthelyric.com | In addition, a number of non-industrial sources, such as car, railroad and airplane exhaust, residential application of pesticides or use of other household or yard products, or ashes from grilling or home heating could also have contributed to the detected chemicals of potential concern. lightupthelyric.com |
卡梅隆•迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz)身着古驰2013春夏款灰色丝绸 皮带 鸡 尾 酒 裙 ,沟纹袖细节,脚穿黑色漆皮高跟晚礼鞋,手持烟灰色Perspex方形抓包,戴黄色树脂水晶金属项链,18k玫瑰金黑色钻石Horsebit鸡尾酒戒指,18k黄金钻石Horsebit鸡尾酒戒指。 gucci.com | Cameron Diaz wore Gucci Spring Summer 2013 look [...] 31 lime washed silk belted cocktail dress with [...]fluted sleeve detail, black patent leather [...]high heeled evening shoes, smoky grey Perspex box clutch, yellow resin, crystal and metal necklace, 18kt rose gold and black diamond Horsebit cocktail ring and 18kt yellow gold and diamond Horsebit cocktail ring. gucci.com |