单词 | 螺旋形 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 螺旋形adjective—spiraladjSee also:螺旋adj—spiraladj helicaladj 螺旋n—screwn 螺旋—helix 旋—a loop whirl a circle revolve
螺旋形的报时装置所奏出的乐声堪称最悦耳动听, 调校最精密的铃声。 dualtow.ch | The snail-shapedgong isone of [...] the most sophisticated and delicate to develop and produce. dualtow.ch |
建筑物的外部呈白色,壮观的螺旋形斜坡 直插入水底,穿过斜坡进入建筑物内部,眼前一片翡翠般的绿色,让人感觉仿佛潜入深深的海底。 nikken.jp | With a yacht white exterior, entering [...] through the dramatic spiral slope cutting into [...]the water the emerald green interior [...]color helps to create the feeling of descending deep into tropical water. nikken.jp |
对于空气管道的螺旋形传感器则以空气流速为4米/秒时测 得。 cloriuscontrols.com | for air duct spiral sensors in air at [...] a velocity of 4 m/sec. cloriuscontrols.com |
研究人员在研究钠硅结晶新的制作方法和使硅高纯度化方法的过程中,发现了有螺旋形状的硅微管。 tohoku.ac.jp | The newly synthesized silicon is several [...] dozen micrometers wide, several [...] millimeterslong, andspiral shapedmade ofdextrorsely [...]or sinistrorsely twisted tubes whose ends are closed. tohoku.ac.jp |
Weingartner是一家领先的金属切削技术公司,提供多种现代化机械加工设备。这些设备利用标准设计概念,可生产复杂螺旋形零件以及重型轴。 dptechnology.com | Weingartner, a leader in metal cutting technology, offers a wide range [...] of modern machine tools using the modular design concept for [...] producing complex screw shaped components andheavyshafts. dptechnology.com |
ESPRIT的三维粗加工过程可以在最为复杂的自由形式实体和表面上执行Z字形、偏移和螺旋形的等方式的粗加工。 dptechnology.com | ESPRIT's 3D [...] roughing cycle performszigzag,offset andspiral-style rough machining [...]on even the most complex free-form solids and surfaces. dptechnology.com |
自动产生图案、杂讯、色彩、焦散以及同心图形和螺旋形的产 生器。 mammals.org | Generators that automatically generate patterns, noise, colors, [...] caustics, and concentric shapes and spirals. mammals.org |
AP挡圈没有切口或螺旋形状(典型的聚四氟挡圈),因为它们在 高压条件下尤其容易损坏O型圈。 astonseals.com | The AP ring [...] hasn’t a cut orspiral shape (typical of [...]PTFE backup rings) that could help damage the O-Ring especially in [...]the presence of high pressure. astonseals.com |
完全创新的腕表调控机制:摒弃了传统游丝的螺旋形摆动 ,取而代之的是一个全新的微调系统,由连接梁和激发梁系统与一个线性振荡器构成。 tagheuer.com | A completely new system regulates the watch: [...] instead of the spiral shape ina classical [...]hairspring, it works with a coupling [...]beam/girder and excitatory beam/girder system and a linear oscillator. tagheuer.com |
MIKROGIRDER的精确度达到史无前例的万分之五或二千分之一秒,从而成为一种全新的调速系统——耦合杆/支架与应激杆/支架组成的系统与一个线性振荡器(与螺旋形经典游丝相对应)共同工作,后者能以极小的角度进行同步振动(与之相反,传统手表最大以320度的角度进行振动)。 hautehorlogerie.org | Accurate to an unprecedented 5/10,000 or 1/2,000th of a second, the MIKROGIRDER is a completely new regulator system — a coupling [...] beam/girder and excitatory beam/girder system working with a linear [...] oscillator(versus aspiral shape inaclassical [...]hairspring) that [...]vibrates isochronously at a very small angle, as opposed to a traditional watch, which vibrates at an angle of up to 320 degrees. hautehorlogerie.org |
完全创新的腕表调控机制:摒弃了传统游丝的螺旋形摆动 ,取而代之的是一个全新的微调系统,由连接梁和激发梁系统与一个线性振荡器构成。 tagheuer.com | A completely new system regulates the watch: [...] insteadof the spiralshape in a classical [...]hairspring, it works with a coupling [...]beam/girder and excitatory beam/girder system and a linear oscillator. tagheuer.com |
螺旋形环绕 的镀银铜遮罩编织扁线可应用於所有的电缆规格,以期达到出色的遮罩效果。 ipress.com.hk | Ahelically-wrapped silver-plated [...] copper flat-wire shield and braid are applied to all cable sizes to achieve superior shielding effectiveness. ipress.com.hk |
平坦的螺旋形轮廓- Opti S-类型螺旋拉链比传统的缝入式拉链更平坦30%和窄10%,使它更紧凑,和更好看的拉链。 coatsindustrial.com | Flatter Spiral Profile - The Opti S-type Spiral zipis 30% flatter [...] and 10% narrower than the conventional sewn on zip, making [...]it a more compact and better looking zip. coatsindustrial.com |
杆式传感器或螺旋形传感器的时 系数为水流速率为1米/秒时测 得。 cloriuscontrols.com | The time [...] coefficients forrod and spiral sensors are measured [...]in water flowing at a velocity of 1 m/sec. cloriuscontrols.com |
警报显示 安装的主风机是与基本挤出单 元独立的,配备有消音器的空 气过滤器和一套螺旋形装置来 冷却粒子。 macchi.it | Through a spiral device, it provides for the final cooling of the pellets, ensuring a cold, dry and freeflowing product. macchi.it |
叶螺旋形,在小枝尖密集为假轮生;叶柄3-9厘米,无毛但幼时铁锈色被绒毛,特别是在基部,具2腺体在中部以上;叶片有光泽,倒卵形, [...] 18-26 * 6-12 厘米,两面无毛除幼时具铁锈色被绒毛外,基部钝圆形或渐狭,先端钝或短尖的;用5-8 对的侧脉。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves spiraled, crowdedintopseudowhorls [...] at apices of branchlets; petiole 3-9 cm, glabrous but ferruginous tomentose when [...]young, especially at base, with 2 glands above middle; leaf blade glossy, obovate, 18-26 × 6-12 cm, both surfaces glabrous except ferruginous tomentose when young, base obtuse-rounded or attenuate, apex obtuse or mucronate; lateral veins in 5-8 pairs. flora.ac.cn |
为检查辐射㈬平随高度的变化,直升机在不同季节 及多个㆞点作螺旋形爬升,由海拔约㆒百㈤㈩米升㉃㆒千米, [...] 随着不同高度作出测量。 weather.gov.hk | To measure the variation of radiation [...] levels withheight,spiral climbs from about [...]150 m up to around 1000 m above sea level [...]were carried out at various locations and in different seasons of the year. weather.gov.hk |
近无柄,总状花序状的花序,在3.5厘米,10-20花; 小聚伞花序2花,在有规律螺旋形里;花序梗到2厘米,通常短于花梗。 flora.ac.cn | Inflorescences subsessile, racemelike, to 3.5 cm, 10-20-flowered; cymules [...] 2-flowered, in regular spiral; peduncleto 2 [...]cm, often shorter than pedicels. flora.ac.cn |
东北大学多元物质科学研究所(所长:河村纯一教授)的森户春彦助力研究员,山根久典教授等人所组成的研究小组,成功制造了迄今为止没有的“螺旋形状的硅微管”。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Professor Hisanori Yamane and Assistant Professor Haruhiko Morito at Institute of [...] Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University has [...] newly developed double-helicalsiliconmicrotubes. tohoku.ac.jp |
许多研究和数据都表明,疾病会对人的认知能 力、⼯作表现造成影响。保健和可持续发展教育之间可能 会产生螺旋形的因果关联,最终导致社会更加脆弱。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The discussion raised a number of important issues, which were later analysed in order to establish a shared set of priorities and objectives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,现场机械服务还包括现场开槽(Venta、人字形、 螺旋式和径向沟槽)和研磨(烘缸、校正辊、卷筒和引纸环)。 voith.com | In addition, the mechanical on-site service also includes [...] grooves (Venta,Chevron, spiral and radial grooving) [...]and grinding (drying cylinders, guide [...]rolls, reel drums and threading rings). voith.com |
近年在民意研究中非常流行的「沉默 螺旋」理论,就是强调他人意见及舆论气氛在形成主流民意过程中的作用。 hkupop.hku.hk | The very popular "spiral of silence" theory in opinion researches laid much emphasis on the effect of other opinions and the perception of the public moodin theformation of mainstream [...] opinion. hkupop.hku.hk |
将星形,螺旋或任何其他自定义的2D图案投影到模型上。 evget.com | Projection finishing by the [...] projection of radial, spiralorany other custom [...]2D pattern on to the model evget.com |
但如果伴随着更高的燃料效率,例如 通过改进船体、螺旋桨和齿轮设计,这类投资会很快被补偿。 fao.org | However, if accompanied by greater fuel efficiency, e.g. through [...] improved hull, propeller andgear design, [...]this investment could quickly be recouped. fao.org |
圆形螺旋镜头罩边缘设有四个空隙,避免阻碍取景器的视野。 think-silly.com | Its round,screw mount lenshood is [...] constructed with four slits to prevent obstruction of view through the finder. think-silly.com |
在“恒星Scafusia葡萄牙”,每个细节都有它的重要性和显着的金属元素是竖琴形微调整,以平衡在一手臂上,但 螺旋线或十字型终端一如既往( 螺旋向左 侧),以提高螺旋同心发展打开,因此比色法罚款。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In the "Sidereal Scafusia Portuguese", each detail has its importance [...] and remarkable [...] metallic elements are lyre-shaped micro adjustments to balance on one arm, but the spiral curveor Phillips type terminal Bossard(spiral tothe [...]left), to improve the concentric development of thespiral turns and therefore chronometry fine. en.horloger-paris.com |