

单词 3-year-license





licensing schemen


licensing requirementspl


licensing departmentn
是次谘询旨在收集公众对於规管「樓上酒吧」及 进一步简化签发酒牌程序的意見。
The purpose of the consultation was to gauge the public’s views on the regulation of “upstairs bars” and further streamlining of licensing procedures.
目前,部分持续进行的工 作包括:检讨小贩发牌政策;检讨公众街巿设施的供应;监察鱼类统 营处在屯门兴建新的鱼类批发巿场的工作;推展增加政府坟场、灵灰 安置所及火葬场的计划;寻求和推广处理骨灰的其他方法( 例如辟设新 的纪念花园) ;统筹各部门的控蚊工作,以防止登革热和日本脑炎的爆 发;将所有乡村旱厕改为冲水式厕所;以及修订《除害剂条例》以加 强对除害剂进出口和使用的管制。
Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to provide more government cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying and promoting the use of alternative options for human ash disposal (e.g. provision of new Gardens of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides.
因此牢固的知识产权制度尽管会阻碍投资,但可以促进特许条件下的技术转让,我们将在 下一部分重述此观点。
Thus strong rights may deter investment flows but facilitate technology transfer under licensing, which we return to in the next section.
任职者将与维和特派团及总部合作确定、设计该系统新的职能和/或增强 措施并列出其优先次序,以支持不断变化的需求;决定增强措施或功能是否将需 要通过联合国工作队或供应商的渠道推行;管理与供应商之间的合同,以确保按 照联合国需要而确定的该系统新功能得到适当许可证和及时纳入;监督与项目有 关的业务分析员、开发人员和技术支持人员;建立服务标准和程序。
The incumbent would work with the peacekeeping missions and Headquarters to identify, design and prioritize new functions and/or enhancements to the system to support evolving needs; to determine whether such enhancements or functions will need to be channelled through the United Nations team or the vendor; to manage the contract with the vendor to ensure proper licensing and timely incorporation of new functions into the system, as determined by United Nations needs; to supervise the business analysts, developers and technical support staff associated with the project; and to establish standards of service and procedures.
他在答复代表们提出的问题时澄清了以下问题: 关于海关官员培训和许可证制度的 最后评价报告将讨论提供给海关官员的消耗臭氧层物质鉴定设备是否是所需要的型号,而 且在数量是否满足需要;案头研究是实地考察的必要先头工作,使他能够向执行委员会证 实,他确实是在研究各位成员认为最重要的问题;正如执行委员会所希望的那样,评价课 题是由他独立决定,然后在秘书处内部以协作方式进行讨论。
In response to questions from representatives, he clarified that the final report on the evaluation of customs officers training and licensing system projects would cover the question of whether the equipment supplied to customs officers for identification of ODS was of the required type and number; that a desk study was a necessary precursor to a field study, enabling him to verify with the Executive Committee that he was indeed studying the issues that the members considered most relevant; and that the determination of subjects for evaluation was made independently by him, as desired by the Executive Committee, and then discussed collaboratively within the Secretariat.
必要的有利环境包括:自由、独立和多元的媒体系统(该系统内的各个媒体向受众负 责,通过该系统可以进行公开对话与辩论);公开、透明和问责式的管理(它鼓励公众发表 看法,鼓励广大公众利用多种多样的传播媒体和渠道),倡导在为地方广播发放许可证方面 无歧视并促进普及利用低成本的互联网和电话服务的规章制度;以及开放的社会(在这样的 社会中,所有群体都能充分参与发展决定、辩论和决策过程)。
UNESCO’s position is that C4D works most effectively when the requisite enabling environment is in place, that includes: a free, independent and pluralistic media system, where media are accountable to their audiences and through which open dialogue and debate can occur; open, transparent and accountable governance that encourages public discourse, broad public access to a variety of communication media and channels, as well as a regulatory environment that promotes non-discriminatory licensing for local radio and low-cost universal access to the Internet and telephone services; and an open society in which all groups are able to participate fully in development decisions, debates and decision-making processes.
(b) 其次,《热核实验堆协定》规定,所赋予的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作人员遵守《热核实验堆协定》第 14 条所载条例 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生和安全、核安全、辐射防护、许 可、核物质、环境保护及防止恶意行为等领域适用的国内法律和条例。
(b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of the ITER Organization, the Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations set out in article 14 of the ITER Agreement, namely, applicable national laws and regulations of the host State in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence.
这种许可不影响发达国家的商业交易,它们在确保最不 发达国家进入的同时还能实现可观利润。
Such licensing does not affect business transactions in developed countries where significant profits can still be achieved while ensuring access for least developed countries.
因此,WIPO 积极与联合国系统内外的各个国际合作伙伴开展合作,以便通过下列方式帮助 共同解决重大挑战:释放创新和知识产权潜力,营建一个更为公平的世界;分析创新、知识产权和 技术转让之间的关系(将酌情包括各种形式的知识共享、研发与产能的转让,其中包括合作、能力 建设、许可使用和技术改造与传播);以及开发实用工具。
WIPO therefore cooperates actively with diverse international partners, both within and outside the UN system, in order to contribute to shared solutions to major challenges by: unlocking the potential of innovation and IP for a more equitable world; analyzing the relationship between innovation, IP and technology transfer (to include, as appropriate, various forms of knowledge sharing, the transfer of R&D and productive capacity, including collaborations, capacity building, licensing and technology adaptation and diffusion); and, developing practical tools.
还注意到,地理信息工作组在 2011 年组建了几个专门的有时限的工作队,以处 理一些具体问题,如借助地理信息学增强工作人员安全和保障,统一许可发放 标准和数据交换标准,确立联合国专门人员在地理信息学领域的职业道路,管 理加入各国际标准组织事宜以及协调为筹备国际高级会议所作的努力,其中包 括联合国可持续发展会议。
It was also noted that in 2011, UNGIWG had formed specialized, time-bound task groups to address specific issues such as enhancing staff safety and security though geo-informatics, harmonizing licensing and data exchange standards, establishing career paths in geo-informatics for United Nations professionals, administering membership to international standards organizations and coordination of efforts in preparing for high-profile international conferences, including the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
2007年,福克斯体育和二十世纪福克斯特许经营和纪念品销售业务部推出了一个围绕福克斯体育机器人的许可项目,最初的活动包括当时正播出的 “为机器人起名”推广活动以及获艾美奖提名的福克斯Super Bowl XLII 转播3D-CG片头。
In 2007, FOX Sports and Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising launched a licensing program around the FOX Sports Robot, the first initiatives of which were an on-air "Name the Robot" promotion and an Emmy-nominated 3D-CG show opener for the FOX's Super Bowl XLII broadcast.
这些国家还努力鼓励木材 和非木材产品的认证及出口和运输的许可证制度。
They are also working to encourage certification and licensing for the exportation and shipping of wood and wood products.
此外,规定在特许权协 议中向国内组织转让技术的政策可以产生积极效果,条件是有系统地评估这些政 策,并且在有国内能力建设证据的情况下对相关组织实行奖励。
In addition, policies that stipulate technology transfer to domestic organizations in licensing agreements could have a positive impact, in particular if these are systematically evaluated, and organizations are rewarded when there is evidence of domestic capacity-building.
该决定草案执行段落的内 容包括祝贺南苏丹最近批准了《蒙特利尔议定书》的所有修正,并要求其建立 进出口许可证制度;要求塔吉克斯坦和冈比亚采取有关许可证制度的措施;并 鼓励博茨瓦纳批准《蒙特利尔修正》。
The operative paragraphs of the draft decision congratulated South Sudan for having recently ratified all amendments to the Montreal Protocol and requested it to establish an import and export licensing system; asked Tajikistan and Gambia to undertake measures regarding their licensing systems; and encouraged Botswana to ratify the Montreal Amendment.
a) 根据食物环境衞生署(食环署)违例记分制遭暂时吊销或取消牌照; b) 因违反食环署的发牌条件/规定而遭暂时吊销或取消牌照; c) 遭食环署署长下令封闭食物业处所;或 d) 食物业处所在中心记錄中曾发生食物中毒个案。
a) Suspension or cancellation of licence under the Demerit Points System of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD); b) Suspension or cancellation of licence due to breach of FEHD’s licensing conditions/requirements; c) Closure of food premises ordered by the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; or d) Food poisoning cases occurring in the food premises as recorded by the CFS.
两用货物和技术的管制还需要许可证发放部门与边境管理部门之间的密切 合作,以对拟议的出口、过境、转运和转口作出一致和及时的风险评估,或是对 商业交易进行监测。
Controls on dual-use goods and technologies also require close cooperation between licensing and border management authorities for a consistent and timely risk assessment of proposed exports, transit, trans-shipment and re-exports, or for monitoring commercial transactions.
例如,文化服务包括授权工作以及与版权相关的其它服务、音像产 品发行活动、宣传表演艺术和文化活动,还包括文化信息服务和(图书馆、文献中心、博物馆的) 书籍、唱片和人工制品的保存。
For example, cultural services include licensing activities and other copyright-related services, audio-visual distribution activities, promotion of performing arts and cultural events, as well as cultural information services and the preservation of books, recordings and artefacts (in libraries, documentation centres, museums).
第五份决定草案涉及根据《议定书》第 4B 条建立许可证制度的状况,该 草案赞赏地注意到,《议定书》的《蒙特利尔修正》的 192 个缔约方中已有 191 个缔约方根据修正的要求建立了臭氧消耗物质进出口许可证制度,且其中 有 190 个缔约方提供了关于其许可证制度的分类资料,详细介绍了《蒙特利尔 议定书》的哪些附件及哪几类物质须遵守这些制度。
The fifth draft decision, dealing with the status of the establishment of licensing systems under Article 4B of the Protocol, noted with appreciation that 191 of the 192 parties to the Montreal Amendment to the Protocol had established import and export licensing systems for ozone-depleting substances, as required by the amendment, and that 190 of those parties had provided disaggregated information on their licensing systems detailing which annexes and groups of substances under the Montreal Protocol were subject to those systems.
本人授权警务处处长,或其代表,向警务处牌照课发放任何及全部有关本人的刑事定罪记 錄的资料;以及向任何第三者索取及/或查询任何和全部有关本人的资料(包括本人的医療报告 等),作为调查及/或执行任何与本人的申请/牌照/豁免有关的事宜之用。
I hereby authorize the Commissioner of Police, or his representative, to release full particulars of any and all criminal convictions recorded against me to Police Licensing Office, and to obtain information and/or to inquire into any and all my personal data (including my medical reports, etc) from any third party for the purpose of investigation into and/or enforcing any matters relating to my application/licence/exemption.
直接的政策将包括资源管理和把资源分配给具体团组的政策、许可证和管理 特征、关键机构的能力建设、与燃料和能源价格、资本成本和可能的补贴有关的 政策、涉及市场管理和贸易问题的政策(包括市场准入以及针对不可持续的捕鱼 采用市场制裁)。
Direct policies would include those on resource management and their allocation to specific groups, licensing and regulatory features, capacity development in key agencies, those associated with fuel and energy pricing, capital costs and possible subsidization, and those addressing market management and trade issues (including market access and the use of market sanctions against unsustainable fishing).




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